
Top > Laboratories

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Basic Medicine Area

Biological Chemistry

  • Molecular Biology Midori Shimada
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology OKAJIMA, Tetsuya TAKEUCHI, Hideyuki

Microbiology and Immunology

Advanced Medical Science(Cooperating field)

Laboratory Animal Science(Cooperating field)

Cell Science

Neuroscience(Cooperating field)

Oncology(Cooperating field)

Higher Nervous Control(Cooperating field)

Regulation of Organ Function(Cooperating field)

Molecular and Cellular Adaptation(Cooperating field)

Anatomy and Cell Biology


Development(Cooperating field)

Social Life Science

Health Promotion Medicine(Cooperating field)

Aging Research(Partnership field)

HIV and AIDS (Partnership field)

Neurochemistry(Partnership field)

Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention(Partnership field)

  • Descriptive Cancer Epidemiology
  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Cancer Genetics

Cancer Pathobiology and Informatics(Partnership field)

  • Cancer Physiology
  • Molecular and Cellular Oncology
  • Cancer Informatics

Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics(Partnership field)

  • Target and Drug Discovery
  • Cellular Oncology
  • Cancer Immunogenomics
  • Advanced Cancer Diagnostics
  • Advanced Cancer Therapeutics
  • Translational Molecular Pathology

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Clinical Medicine Area

Internal Medicine

High-Technology Application of Medicine

Clinical Neurosciences

Head and Neck and Sensory Organ Medicine


Musculoskeletal and Cutaneous Surgery

Biomedical Regulation

Clinical Management Medicine(Cooperating field)

  • Operation Medicine
  • Cell Therapy Medicine Tadashi MATSUSHITA
  • Anatomical Pathology
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
  • Clinical Radiology
  • Diagnostic Medical Image Processing

Medicine in Growth and Aging

Maternal and Perinatal Care(Cooperating field)

Psychiatry for Parents and Children(Cooperating field)

Comprehensive Management Medicine

Comprehensive Pediatric Medicine (Partnership Field)

  • Comprehensive Pediatric Medicine Komei ITOH Hiroshi KITOH

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Clinical Pharmacology Area

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Center for Neurological Diseases and Cancer

Department of Oncology

Department of Neuroscience

Department of Advanced Medical Sciences

Department of Integrative Cellular Informatics

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Endowed Chairs

  • Department of Surgery, Division of Perioperative Medicine YOKOYAMA, Yukihiro
  • Department of Advanced Cardiovascular Therapeutics SHIBATA, Rei
  • Department of Fundamental Development for Advanced Low Invasive Diagnostic Imaging TAKEHARA, YASUO
  • Department of Upper and Lower Limb Traumatology TATEBE, Masahiro
  • Department of Cardiovascular Research of Innovation TSUJI, Yukiomi
  • Research Unit for Neurosurgical Disease OKUMURA,Eriko

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie

Industry-Academia Collaborative Chair

Nagoya University Hospital

ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDesignated Associate ProfessorVisiting Professor
Professor in charge of Endowed ChairAssociate Professor in charge of Endowed ChairLecturerWebsiteMovie


Center for Research of Laboratory Animals and Medical Research Engineering

Proprietary Units for Graduate School of Medicine

  • Brain & Mind Research Center
  • Technical Center
  • Administrarion Office