
Top > Laboratories > Endowed Chairs > Department of Clinical Psychiatry

Endowed ChairsDepartment of Clinical Psychiatry


The Department of Mental Health has been established and sponsored by the Aichi prefectural office, in order to revitalize and modernize local psychiatric practice. Psychiatric education needs to be a source of new scientific discoverers, and innovation to sustain its legacy as a learned profession. Psychiatrists must be heath care professionals who can critically evaluate science and therapeutic procedures for the good of their patients. Adoption of the rapidly advancing medical breakthroughs and the realization of the promise of scientific discoveries will require huge changes in mindset, education, and leadership. The mission of our department is to ensure education of the young psychiatrists is at the forefront as the trusted source of knowledge for the good of their patients.

Our educational philosophy is based on:

1) Psychiatric practice under the Bio-Psycho-Social model of psychiatric disorders, using medical evidences and considering the needs of patients and their families,

2) Making new medical discoveries through daily clinical practice, and

3) Contribution to the local medical practice in Aichi prefecture for the good of local communities.

Faculty Members

Shuji Iritani M.D., Ph.D. Professor
Kazuyoshi Ogasawara M.D., Ph.D Assistanto professor
Seiko Miyata Ph.D Assistanto professor