
Top > Laboratories > Industry-Academia Collaborative Chair > Department of Rare/ Intractable Cancer Analysis Research

Industry-Academia Collaborative ChairDepartment of Rare/ Intractable Cancer Analysis Research


In January 2020, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine established a new department for analysis of rare and intractable cancers. This department aims to develop new diagnostic technologies for rare and intractable cancers that have previously been difficult to test using urinary tumor markers.

The Department of Pediatric Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, in collaboration with Hitachi Ltd., has been studying cancer testing with urinary tumor markers. As a result, cancer testing models based on comprehensive analysis techniques of urinary metabolites and extraction techniques of urinary tumor markers have shown that cancer patients can be distinguished from healthy individuals in a variety of carcinomas. In addition, we have newly developed a unique method called metabolite panel testing with multiple urinary tumor markers and found that benign tumors can potentially be extracted.
Through this new effort, this department aims to create a new society that enables early diagnosis of cancer and QoL of patients to be balanced, in collaboration with core hospitals nationwide.

Research Projects

Press Release

Identification of novel neuroblastoma biomarkers using urine samples Original Paper


  • KKAKENHI 21K07805 2021-2023「腎芽腫患児の代謝物網羅解析によるバイオマーカーの探索と創薬への挑戦」
  • KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 21K07805 2021-2023

    "Development of fluorescent probes for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric surgical diseases"

International Conference

  • AACR ANNUAL MEETING 2021(April9-14,2021)American Association for Cancer Research
    Development of a novel diagnostic system for bile duct cancer using urinary metabolites
    Hizuru Amano, Akinari Hinoki, Takashi Ishigaki, Mayumi Abe, Hiroo Uchida, Hirohisa Oda, Minoru Sakairi, Yasushi Terui
  • 2021 ASPHO Conference (April4-8,2021) The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
    Hizuru Amano, Akinari Hinoki, Takashi Ishigaki, Mayumi Abe, Hiroo Uchida , Hirohisa Oda , Minoru Sakairi, Yasushi Terui
  • 2021 ASCO ANNUAL MEETING (June20-23,2021) American Society of Clinical Oncology
    Urinary Biomarkers for Monitoring Treatment Response in Neuroblastoma Patients
    Hizuru Amano, Akinari Hinoki, Takashi Ishigaki, Mayumi Abe, Hiroo Uchida , Hirohisa Oda , Minoru Sakairi, Yasushi Terui
  • EACR2021 Virtual Congress (June09-12,2021) European Association for Cancer Research
    Identification of urinary biomarker candidates of nephroblastoma
    Hizuru Amano, Akinari Hinoki, Takashi Ishigaki, Mayumi Abe, Hiroo Uchida , Hirohisa Oda , Minoru Sakairi, Yasushi Terui

Faculty Members

HINOKI Akinari Designated Professor Rare/Intractable Cancer Analysis Research, Pediatric Surgery
ODA Hirohisa Assistant Professor Rare/Intractable Cancer Analysis Research
ISHIGAKI Takashi Researcher Rare/Intractable Cancer Analysis Research
ABE Mayumi Researcher Rare/Intractable Cancer Analysis Research
TERUI Yasushi Visiting Professor Rare/Intractable Cancer Analysis Research


  • 2021
    1. Yokota K, Hinoki A, Hiramatsu K, Amano H, Kawamura M, Kuwatsuka Y, Tainaka T, Shirota C, Sumida W, Makita S, Okamoto M, Takimoto A, Yasui A, Nakagawa Y, Uchida H, Kawakita M. Urinary N1,N12-diacetylspermine as a biomarker for pediatric cancer: a case-control study. Pediatr Surg Int. 2021
    2. Yokoyama S, Ishizu Y, Ishigami M, Honda T, Kuzuya T, Ito T, Hinoki A, Sumida W, Shirota C, Tainaka T, Makita S, Yokota K, Uchida H, Fujishiro M: Factors associated with bleeding after endoscopic variceal ligation for children. Pediatr Int, 2021
    3. Yokota K, Uchida H, Sakairi M, Abe M, Tanaka Y, Tainaka T, Shirota C, Sumida W, Oshima K, Makita S, Amano H, Hinoki A: Identification of novel neuroblastoma biomarkers in urine samples. Sci Rep 11:4055, 2021
    4. Yamaguchi S, Hinoki A, Tsubouchi K, Amano H, Tajima A, Uchida H: Usefulness of web search queries for early detection of diseases in infants. Nagoya J Med Sci 83:107-111, 2021
    5. Tanaka Y, Tainaka T, Hinoki A, Shirota C, Sumida W, Yokota K, Oshima K, Makita S, Amano H, Takimoto A, Kano Y, Uchida H: Risk factors and outcomes of bile leak after laparoscopic surgery for congenital biliary dilatation. Pediatr Surg Int 37:235-240, 2021
    6. Takimoto A, Sumida W, Amano H, Shirota C, Tainaka T, Yokota K, Makita S, Yasui A, Kanou Y, Hinoki A, Uchida H: Postoperative intestinal obstruction in patients with biliary atresia impedes biliary excretion and results in subsequent liver transplantation. Pediatr Surg Int 37:229-234, 2021
    7. Shirota C, Tainaka T, Sumida W, Yokota K, Makita S, Takimoto A, Amano H, Hinoki A, Ono Y, Uchida H: Thoracoscopic surgery for congenital lung cysts: an attempt to limit pulmonary resection in cases of lesions involving multiple lobes. Pediatr Surg Int 37:213-221, 2021
    8. Shirota C, Kawashima H, Tainaka T, Sumida W, Yokota K, Makita S, Amano H, Takimoto A, Hinoki A, Uchida H: Double-balloon endoscopic retrograde cholangiography can make a reliable diagnosis and good prognosis for postoperative complications of congenital biliary dilatation. Sci Rep 11:11052, 2021
    9. Amano H, Shirota C, Tainaka T, Sumida W, Yokota K, Makita S, Takimoto A, Tanaka Y, Hinoki A, Kawashima H, Uchida H: Late postoperative complications of congenital biliary dilatation in pediatric patients: a single-center experience of managing complications for over 20 years. Surg Today, 2021
  • 2020
    1. Tanaka T, Amano H, Tanaka Y, Takahashi Y, Tajiri T, Tainaka T, Shirota C, Sumida W, Yokota K, Makita S, Tani Y, Hinoki A, Uchida H: Safe diagnostic management of malignant mediastinal tumors in the presence of respiratory distress: a 10-year experience. BMC Pediatr 20:292, 2020
    2. Shirota C, Murase N, Tanaka Y, Ogura Y, Nakatochi M, Kamei H, Kurata N, Hinoki A, Tainaka T, Sumida W, Yokota K, Makita S, Oshima K, Uchida H: Laparoscopic Kasai portoenterostomy is advantageous over open Kasai portoenterostomy in subsequent liver transplantation. Surg Endosc 34:3375-3381, 2020
    3. Amano H, Miyake K, Hinoki A, Yokota K, Kinoshita F, Nakazawa A, Tanaka Y, Seto Y, Uchida H: Novel zinc alloys for biodegradable surgical staples. World J Clin Cases 8:504-516, 2020

Research Keywords

Urine metabolites,childhood cancer,rare / refractory cancer,pediatric surgery