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Profile of Nagoya University Hospital 2012

Part2 Information on Departments, Facilities, etc.

Director KOJIMA, Seiji (Professor)   5E
Promotion of multidisciplinary treatments for rare diseases in children
We provide medical care, mainly intensive medical service, utilizing the expertise in each doctor's specialized field of pediatrics.

Medical Care System

We have two types of outpatient clinics: reservation-based specialized outpatient clinics (Hematology/Oncology, Neurology, Immunology, Neonatology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Genomics) and the general outpatient clinic. In inpatient, we provide medical care mainly to patients with hematologic and neoplastic disease, neonates, patients with neurological disorder, and so forth.

Target Disease

Blood disease such as leukemia, lymphoma, and aplastic anemia, neoplastic disease such as neuroblastoma, newborn disease such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia, pediatric neurologic disorder such as intractable epilepsy, and other diseases including congenital immunodeficiency, chronic EBV infection, and so forth.

Strong Fields

Our department is one of the pediatric institutions that have performed the largest number of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations in Japan. For neonates, we focus on neonatal surgical disease such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia; for patients with intractable epilepsy, we make diagnoses using simultaneous video and EEG recording and PET.

Clinical Results

In 2011, we provided medical care for 60 new patients with hematologic and neoplastic disease and performed hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in 31 patients. The annual total number of outpatients with neurological disorder such as epilepsy is about 3,000; the annual number of neonatal inpatients in NICU is 270; the number of patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia is nine.

Specialized Outpatient Clinic

We provide medical care in the following outpatient clinics: pediatric blood and tumor outpatient clinic, pediatric neurologic outpatient clinic, congenital immunodeficiency outpatient clinic, neonatal outpatient clinic, virus outpatient clinic, pediatric circulatory organ outpatient clinic, pediatric endocrine outpatient clinic, genetic disease outpatient clinic.

Advanced Medicine and Research

We are involved in the following: clinical research to overcome complications associated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using cell therapies such as virus-specific CTL and mesencymal stem cell electroencephalographic monitoring in neonatal epilepsy, brain hypothermia therapy for neonatal encephalopathy, and clinical research on the identification of epileptic focus by PET and high magnetic field MRI.

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