
Top > 研究室紹介 > 社会生命科学 > 環境労働衛生学(衛生学)




環境が病気を誘発する機構を解析する幅広い意味の「分子毒性学研究」を実践しています。分子生物学を中心に据えながら、一部疫学を含めたフィールドワーク研究も行っています。ですから、ご自身の適性に応じた研究を実行できます。下記項目に該当する研究者及び研究者希望の方は気軽に、加藤昌志(e-mail:oeh-office[a]med.nagoya-u.ac.jp ※[a]を@にしてご連絡くださいまでご連絡下さい。ワクワク出来る研究の世界を提供できるかもしれません。

環境労働衛生学教室では、分子生物学研究から疫学研究を含むフィールドワーク研究といった幅広い分野を学習することができます。名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科の修士または博士課程に進学を希望する方は、遠慮なく、加藤昌志 (e-mail:oeh-office[a]med.nagoya-u.ac.jp ※[a]を@にしてご連絡ください)に連絡を取っていただけると幸いです。

産業医は社会に求められる重要な職業です。遺伝子改変マウスやiPS細胞に加えてLA-ICP-MS等を用いた高度な化学分析にて環境(重金属・低周波音・紫外線等)が健康に及ぼすリスクを解析することに興味のある医師の方は気軽に、加藤昌志(e-mail:oeh-office[a]med.nagoya-u.ac.jp ※[a]を@にしてご連絡くださいまでご連絡下さい。新しい道が開けるかもしれません。



  1. 分子生物学を中心とする実験医学研究と一部疫学を含めたフィールドワーク研究に関する知識・技術を幅広く学習できること。
  2. 実験医学研究からフィールドワーク研究までの極めて幅広い分野に対応しながらも、各分野において最先端の研究知識・技術を学習できること。
  3. 大学院生や若手研究者が、研究室で進行している種々のプロジェクトに積極的に参加し、貢献することにより、短期間に多くの業績をあげることができること。
  4. 研究室内に医学・薬学・農学・理学(生物学/分析化学)・環境科学等、異なる分野の専門家がいるので、教室にいながら学際研究を実行することができる。
  5. 医学系研究科としては珍しく、一般企業への就職活動を支援した経験のあるスタッフが複数いるので、大学院生の就職に関する実践的なサポートが可能であること。
  6. 環境労働衛生学は、産業医の教育に関わる教室です。ですから、医師の方は、産業医の資格を取得すれば、非常勤産業医の兼業を行っていただくことも可能です。






i) 分子腫瘍学(メラノーマ・扁平上皮癌)
ii) 皮膚・毛髪科学(皮膚色素異常症)
iii) 神経生理学(内耳性疾患・脳性疾患)
iv) 環境科学(有害元素汚染)
v) 疫学(重金属・騒音・紫外線)

i) 分子腫瘍学(メラノーマ・扁平上皮癌)
オゾン層の破壊による紫外線の増加により、皮膚メラノーマの増加率は、全ての癌腫の中で第1位となっています(世界統計)。このように、メラノーマは紫外線という環境刺激により地球規模で誘発される重大疾患であると言えます。環境労働衛生学教室では、オリジナルの多段階発癌様式(Fig. 1)でメラノーマを自然発症するモデルマウス(RET-mice)を用いてメラノーマ制御分子を探索し、機能を解明しています。さらに、分子機能解析を基に、新規分子標的予防・治療法の開発だけでなく、早期発見・診断に有効なバイオマーカーを開発しております。

Fig. 1: メラノーマを自然発症するモデルマウス
Histopathological appearances of hyperpigmented skin, benign melanocytic tumor and melanoma spontaneously developed RET-mice stepwise.

Related publications
01. J Clin Invest 2009
02. Cancer Res 2010
03. J Exp Med 2010
04. J Clin Invest 2010
05. PLoS Biol 2011
06. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011
07. Cancer Res 2011a;2011b
08. Cancer Res 2012
09. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013
10. Nature Immunology 2014
11. Oncotarget 2015a;2015b;2015c
12. OncoImmunology 2015
13. Oncotarget 2016
14. OncoImmunology 2016
15. OncoImmunology 2017
16. OncoImmunology 2018

ii) 皮膚・毛髪科学(皮膚色素異常症)
【肝斑(シミ)と白斑】加齢および紫外線等の酸化ストレスは、皮膚メラノサイト機能を修飾し、皮膚のメラニン産生に影響を与えることは良く知られています。環境労働衛生学教室では、紫外線照射部分に短期間で強い色素沈着を誘発するモデルマウスを新規に作製しました(Fig. 2:特許申請中)。ヒトにおいて、紫外線等により誘発される肝斑等の色素沈着は、美容上の大きな問題になりますので、本モデルマウスを用いた肝斑の発症機構の解明と予防・治療剤の開発により、皮膚科学にも貢献できると考えております。また、肝斑をはじめとする皮膚メラニン・メラノサイトの制御機構を解析し、試験管内において肝斑等 に有効な予防・治療剤をスクリーニングする技術を開発できる見通しがあります。細胞を用いたスクリーニング技術は、美白剤の開発にも直接的に結びつく可能性があり、化粧品学への貢献も期待できます。一方、本研究室では、白斑モデルマウスの開発にも成功しています。本モデルマウスを用いて、白斑の発症機構を調べ、予防・治療剤の開発に結びつけるべく、研究を推進しています。

【脱毛・白髪】加齢や酸化ストレスは、メラノサイト機能の修飾を介して、脱毛症・白髪といった毛髪機能にも深く関与しています。本研究室では、対照マウスに比較して、剃毛後に短期間で毛が生えそろう複数のモデルマウスを作製しています。さらに、複数のオリジナルの白髪モデルマウス(Fig. 3)を樹立し、脱毛や白髪に関する分子機構を解析しています。近年では、白髪発症機構に基づいて、試験管内で脱毛や白髪の予防等のアンチエイジング効果を持つ薬物のスクリーニングを進める技術を開発(特許申請中)しております。

Fig. 2: 肝斑(シミ)のモデルマウス                 Fig. 3: 白髪モデルマウス
Fig2normalskin.jpg Fig2liverspot.jpg                  Fig4hairgraying.jpg
Normal Skin Liver spot suspective area                  young middle senior

Related publications
01. Mol Biol Cell 2000
02. Oncogene 2001
03. Cancer Res 2004
04. J Invest Dermatol 2006
05. J Invest Dermatol 2007
06. Arch Toxicol 2014a
07. Exp Dermatol 2016
08. Arch Toxicol 2016a;2016b
09. Chemosphere 2018
10. Chemosphere 2019


iii) 神経生理学(内耳性疾患・脳性疾患)
EU(欧州連合)の健康リスク科学委員会は、MP3プレーヤーの普及によりEU域内だけでも最大1,000万人の若者が聴覚を 失う危険性を指摘しています。国内では、近年、低周波騒音による健康障害が社会問題として、大きく報道されています。一方、メラノサイト(中間細胞)は、 内耳血管条に存在し、騒音刺激に対してメラニンを産生することにより、難聴の発症を防御している可能性が推測されています。環境労働衛生学教室では、メラニン産生を制御する分子に着目し、遺伝子改変マウスを用いた研究により、騒音刺激が聴覚に与える影響を聴性脳幹反応(ABR)等で、平衡機能に与える影響をローターロッド(Fig. 4)等で調べています。さらに、騒音が神経機能障害を誘発する分子機構を解析し、予防療法の開発に結びつける研究を推進しています。騒音管理は、衛生学分野の重要課題ですので、個体(分子標的予防療法等)だけでなく、環境(騒音遮蔽等)にもアプローチして、騒音に由来する神経障害を予防する研究も開始しております。

Fig. 4: マウスを用いた神経機能解析
image3.jpg image4.jpg
聴力を解析するABR    平衡機能等を解析するローターロッド

Related publications
01. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010
02. J Biol Chem 2011
03. Neurobiol Aging 2012
04. PLoS ONE 2012
05. Neurotoxicol 2012
06. Arch Toxicol 2014b
07. Sci Rep 2017
08. Front Behav Neurosci 2017
09. Toxicol Res 2017
10. Hearing Res 2018
11. Toxicol Sci 2018
12. Arch Toxicol 2019

iv) 環境科学(有害元素汚染)
WHOのガイドライン値を越えるヒ素を含んだ井戸水を飲用せざるを得ない状況にあるヒトだけで、世界で 2億人にのぼると推測する報告もあります。慢性ヒ素中毒患者には、皮膚黒色症や皮膚角化症だけでなく皮膚癌のような命に関わる疾患の発症に関与します (Fig. 5)。本研究室では、バングラデシュ・ベトナム・マレーシア・インドネシア・アフガニスタン等のアジアの諸国でフィールドワークを推進しています。誘導結合プラズマ質量分析装置(ICP-MS)を用いて重金属濃度の環境モニタリングに加え、重金属が酸化ストレス等を介して健康に与える影響を最先端の分子生物学技術を用いて解析し、健康リスク評価と予防療法の開発に結びつけています。さらに、複数の重金属を吸着できる有害元素を吸着できる安価な浄化剤の開発に成功しており、アジア諸国への普及に挑戦しています。

Fig. 5: 慢性ヒ素中毒患者
Hyperpigmented skin Hyperkeratosis Skin cancer
(Photographs were provided by Dr. Shekhar in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Related publications
01. Toxcol In Vitro 2011
02. Neurotoxicol 2012
03. Arch Toxicol 2012
04. Arch Toxicol 2013
05. PLoS ONE 2013
06. Arch Toxicol 2014
07. Environ Toxicol 2015
08. Environ Pollut 2015
09. J Invest Dermatol 2015
10. J Water Health 2016
11. Chemosphere 2016
12. Arch Toxicol 2017
13. Chemosphere 2018
14. Chemosphere 2019

v) 疫学 (重金属・騒音・紫外線)

Related publications
01. Toxicol Ind Health 2011
02. Cancer Epidemiol Biomaker Prevent 2011
03. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2013
04. PLoS ONE 2015
05. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2016
06. Toxicol Sci 2016
07. Chemosphere 2018
08. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2018
09. Biomarkers 2018
10. Sci Rep 2018
11. Sci Rep 2019


加藤 昌志 教授 環境労働衛生学
田﨑 啓 講師 環境労働衛生学
岩﨑 成仁 講師 環境労働衛生学
春里 暁人 特任講師 環境労働衛生学
Mohamed Abdelmoneim 特任助教 環境労働衛生学


  • 2024年
    1. Kurniasari F, Htike Maw Than, Tazaki A, Kagawa T, Al Hossain M.M.A, Akhand AA, Ahsan N, Ohnuma S, Iwasaki N, Kato M. Beneficial and adverse effects of dam construction in canal tannery wastewater effluent with a high content of chromium in Hazaribagh, Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 350:141047, 2024.
    2. Bekkat F, Seradj M, Lengagne R, Fiore F, Kato M, Lucas B, Castellano F, Molinier-Frenkel V, Richard Y, Prévost-Blondel A. Upregulation of IL4-induced gene 1 enzyme by B2 cells during melanoma progression impairs their antitumor properties. Eur J Immunol, 54:2350615, 2024.
    3. Misawa T, Kagawa T, Ohgami N, Tazaki A, Ohnuma S, Naito H, Chen D, Gu Y, Tamura T, Wakai K, Nishiwaki K, Kato M. Elevated level of urinary tellurium is a potential risk for increase of blood pressure in humans and mice. Environ Int, 188:108735, 2024.
  • 2023年
    1. Katsuta H, Okuda S, Nagayama K, Machiyama H, Kidoaki S, Kato M, Sokabe M, Miyata T, Hirata H. Actin crosslinking by α-actinin averts viscous dissipation of myosin force transmission in stress fibers. iScience. 26(3): 106090, 2023.
    2. Onuma T, Mizutani T, Fujita Y, Ohgami N, Ohnuma S, Kato M, Yoshida Y. Zinc deficiency is associated with the development of ovarian endometrial cysts. Am J Cancer Res.13(3): 1049–1066, 2023.
    3. Yuan T, Xu J, Wang Z, Lei Z, Kato M, Shimizu K, Zhang Z. Efficient removal of molybdate from groundwater with visible color changes using wasted aerobic granular sludge. Sep Purif Technol 317:123849-123855, 2023 (IF=9.136 in 2022)
    4. Tsuchiyama T, Chen D, Al Hossain MMA, Tazaki A, Kagawa T, Gu Y, Gao Y, Kurniasari F, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Unexpected associations of long-term and excessive exposure to trivalent chromium with hypertension and glycosuria in male tannery workers. Chemosphere, 337:139190, 2023.
    5. Kagawa T, Ohgami N, He T, Tazaki A, Ohnuma S, Naito H, Yajima I, Chen D, Deng Y, Tamura T, Kondo T, Wakai K, Kato M. Elevated arsenic level in fasting serum via ingestion of fish meat increased the risk of hypertension in humans and mice. Eur Heart J Open 3:1-12, 2023.
    6. Yamada K, Tazaki A, Ushio-Watanabe N, Usui Y, Takeda A, Matsunaga M, Suzumura A, Shimizu H, Zheng H, Ariefta NR, Yamamoto M, Hara H, Goto H, Sonoda KH, Nishiguchi KM, Kato M, Nishikawa Y, Toyokuni S, Kaneko H. Retinal ferroptosis as a critical mechanism for the induction of retinochoroiditis during ocular toxoplasmosis. Redox Biol 67:102890-102901, 2023.
  • 2022年
    1. Kurniasari F, Tazaki A, Hashimoto K, Yuan T, Al Hossain MMA, Akhand AA, Ahsan N, Ohnuma S, Kato M. Redistribution of potentially toxic elements in the hydrosphere after the relocation of a group of tanneries. Chemosphere 303(Pt 2):135098, 2022 May
    2. Gu Y, Ohgami N, Al Hossain MMA, Tazaki A, Tsuchiyama T, He T, Aoki M, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Decreased hearing levels at frequencies for understanding speech in tannery workers exposed to a high level of trivalent chromium in Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 306:135571,2022 Jul
    3. Yuan T, Hashimoto K, Tazaki A, Hasegawa M, Kurniasari F, Ohta C, Aoki M, Ohgami N, Kato M. Potential application of a hydrotalcite-like compound for reduction of toxicity to aquatic organisms via rapid and efficient removal of hydrogen sulfide. J Environ Manage 321:115861-8, 2022
    4. Deng Y, Ohgami N, Kagawa T, Kurniasari F, Chen D, Kato M, Tazaki A, Aoki M, Katsuta H, Tong K, Gu Y, Kato M. Vascular endothelium as a target tissue for short-term exposure to low-frequency noise that increases cutaneous blood flow. Sci Total Environ, 10;851(1):158828,2022
    5. Yajima I, Tazaki A, Ohgami N, Kato M. Calcitriol inhibits arsenic-promoted tumorigenesis through regulation of arsenic-uptake in a human keratinocyte cell line. Am J Cancer Res, 12(11): 5019-5028, 2022
  • 2021年
    1. Ohgami N, Iizuka A, Hirai H, Yajima I, Iida M, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Takahashi M, Kato M. Loss-of-function mutation of c-Ret causes cerebellar hypoplasia in mice with Hirschsprung disease. J Biol Chem 296:100389, 2021
    2. Xu H, Ohgami N, Sakashita M, Ogi K, Hashimoto K, Tazaki A, Tong K, Aoki M, Fujieda S, Kato M. Intranasal levels of lead as an exacerbation factor for allergic rhinitis in humans and mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol 148(1):139-147.e10, 2021
    3. Yuan T, Tazaki A, Hashimoto K, Al Hossain MMA, Kurniasaria F, Ohgamia N, Aoki M, Ahsand N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Development of an efficient remediation system with a low cost after identification of water pollutants including phenolic compounds in a tannery built-up area in Bangladesh. Chemosphere 280:130959, 2021
    4. Takumi Kagawa, Akira Tazaki, Huadong Xu, Nobutaka Ohgami, Masashi Kato. Reply. J Allergy Clin Immunol 148(2):655-656, 2021
  • 2020年
    1. Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Nagasaki Y, Okuno Y, Goto Y, Iida M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Kato M. Peptides containing the MXXCW motif inhibit oncogenic RET kinase activity with a novel mechanism of action. Am J Cancer Res 10(1):336-349, 2020
    2. Ninomiya H, Intoh A, Ishimine H, Onuma Y, Ito Y, Michiue T, Tazaki A, Kato M. Application of a human mesoderm tissue elongation system in vitro derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells to risk assessment for teratogenic chemicals. Chemosphere 250:126124, 2020
    3. 田崎啓、飯田真智子、加藤昌志. 発酵美容成分の開発 第1章(総論)皮膚色素異常のモデル動物とリスク評価 シーエムシー出版2020年
    4. Ohgami N, He T, Negishi-Oshino R, Gu Y, Xiang L, Kato M. A new method with an explant culture of the utricle for assessing the influence of exposure to low frequency noise on the vestibule. J Toxicol Environ Health A 83(5):215-218, 2020.
    5. Kato M, Ohgami N, Ohnuma S, Hashimoto K, Tazaki A, Xu H, Kondo-Ida L, Yuan T, Tsuchiyama T, He T, Kurniasari F, Gu Y, Chen W, Deng Y, Komuro K, Tong K, Yajima I. Multidisciplinary approach to assess the toxicities of arsenic and barium in drinking water. Environ Health Prev Med 25:16, 2020. (Review for award of Japanese Hygiene Society)
    6. Tsuchiyama T, Tazaki A, Al Hossain MM A, Yajima I, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Hashimoto K, Ohgami N, Kato M. Increased levels of renal damage biomarkers caused by excess exposure to trivalent chromium in workers in tanneries. Environ Res 188:109770. 2020.
    7. Xu H, Hashimoto K, Maeda M, Azimi Mohammad Daud, Fayaz Said Hafizullah, Chen Wei, Hamajima N, Kato M. Boron promotes anchorage-independent growth of nontumorigenic cells. Environ Pollut 266(Pt 3):115094, 2020
    8. Sudo M, Hashimoto K, Yoshinaga M, Azimi MD, Fayaz SH, Hamajima N, Kondo-Ida L, Yanagisawa K, Kato M. Lithium promotes malignant transformation of nontumorigenic cells in vitro. Sci Total Environ 744:14080, 2020
    9. Iida M, Tazaki A, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Taguchi N, Goto Y, Kumasaka YM, Prevost-Blondel A, Kono M, Akiyama M, Takahashi M, Kato M. Hair graying with aging in mice carrying oncogenic RET. Aging Cell 19(11):e13273 ,2020
  • 2019年
    1. Kawamoto Y, Kondo H, Hasegawa M, Kurimoto C, Ishii Y, Kato C, Botei T, Shinya M, Murate T, Ueno Y, Kawabe M, Goto Y, Yamamoto R, Iida M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Kato M, Takeda K. Inhibition of mast cell degranulation by melanin. Biochem Pharmacol 163:178-193, 2019. Mar
    2. Nomura K, Karita K, Araki A, Nishioka E, Muto G, Iwai-Shimada M, Nishikitani M, Inoue M, Tsurugano S, Kitano N, Tsuji M, Iijima S, Ueda K, Kamijima M, Yamagata Z, Sakata K, Iki M, Yanagisawa H, Kato M, Inadera H, Kokubo Y, Yokoyama K, Koizumi A, Otsuki T. For making a declaration of countermeasures against the falling birth rate from the Japanese Society for Hygiene: summary of discussion in the working group on academic research strategy against an aging society with low birth rate. Environ Health Prev Med 24(1):14, 2019. Mar
    3. Al Hossain A MM, Yajima I, Tazaki A, Xu H, Saheduzzaman M, Ohgami N, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Chromium-mediated hyperpigmentation of skin in male tannery workers in Bangladesh. Chemosphere 229:611-617, 2019. (Top 10% journal of Environmental Science), 2019.
    4. Chen W, Hashimoto K, Omata Y, Ohgami N, Tazaki A, Deng Y, Kondo-Ida L, Intoh A, Kato M. Adsorption of molybdenum by melanin. Environ Health Prev Med 24(1):36, 2019.
    5. Negishi-Oshino R, OhgamiN, He T, Ohgami K, Li X, Kato M. cVEMP correlated with imbalance in a mouse model of vestibular disorder. Environ Health Prev Med 24(1):36, 2019.
    6. He T, Ohgami N, Li X, Yajima I, Oshino R, Kato Y, Ohgami K, Xu Huadong, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Epidemiological analysis of hearing loss in humans drinking tube well water with high levels of iron. Sci Rep 9(1):9028, 2019.
    7. Iida M, Tazaki A, Deng Y, Chen Y, Yajima I, Kondo-Ida L, Hashimoto K, Ohgami N, Kato M. A unique system that can sensitively assess the risk of chemical leukoderma by using murine tail skin. Chemosphere 235:713-718, 2019.
    8. Deng Y, Ohgami N, Iida M, Tazaki A, Intoh A, Kondo-Ida L, Lu R, Tuzuki T, Yokoyama S, Kato M. Histological analysis of skin in Abca1-deleted mouse. Eur J Dermatol 29(5): 549-551, 2019.
    9. Negishi-Oshino R, Ohgami N, He T, Li X, Kato M, Kobayashi M, Gu Y, Komuro K, Angelidis CE, Kato M. Heat shock protein 70 is a key molecule to rescue imbalance caused by low-frequency noise. Arch Toxicol 93(11):3219-3228, 2019
  • 2018年
    1. Das A, Sumit AF, Ahsan N, Kato M, Ohgami N, Akhand AA. Impairment of extra-high frequency auditory thresholds in subjects with elevated levels of fasting blood glucose. J Otol 3(1):29-35, 2018.
    2. Yajima I, Ahsan Nazmul, Akhand AA, Al Hossain A MM, Yoshinaga M, Ohgami N, Iida M, Oshino R, Naito M, Wakai K, Kato M. Arsenic levels in cutaneous appendicular organs are correlated with digitally evaluated hyperpigmented skin of the forehead but not the sole in Bangladesh residents. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 28(1)64-8, 2018.
    3. Zhang X, Zong C, Zhang L, Garner E, Sugie S, Huang C, Wu W, Chang J, Sakurai T, Kato M, Ichihara S, Kumagai S, Ichihara G. Exposure of mice to 1, 2-dichloropropane induces CYP450-dependent proliferation and apoptosis of cholangiocytes. Toxicol Sci 162(2):559-569, 2018.
    4. Yoshinaga M, Ninomiya H, Al Hossain MMA, Sudo M, Akhand AA, Ahsan N, Alim MA, Khalequzzaman M, Iida M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Kato M. A comprehensive study including monitoring, assessment of health effects and development of a remediation method for chromium pollution. Chemosphere 201:667-675, 2018.
    5. Ninomiya H, Ohgami N, Oshino R, Kato M, Ohgami K, Li X, Shen D, Iida M, Yajima I, Angelidis C.E., Adachi H, Katsuno M, Sobue G, Kato M. Increased expression level of Hsp70 in the inner ears of mice by exposure to low frequency noise. Hearing Res 363:49-54, 2018.
    6. Ohgami N, Li X, Yajima I, Oshino R, Ohgami K, Kato Y, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Manganese in toenails is associated with hearing loss at high frequencies in humans. Biomarkers 10:1-7, 2018.
    7. Li X, Ohgami N, Yajima I, Xu H, Iiida M, Ohino R, Ninomiya H, Shen D, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Arsenic level in toenails is associated with hearing loss in humans. PLoS ONE 13(7):e0198743, 2018.
    8. Douguet L, Bod L, Labarthe L, Lengagne R, Kato M, Couillin I, Pre?vost-Blondel A. Inflammation drives nitric oxide synthase 2 expression by γδ T cells and affects the balance between melanoma and vitiligo associated melanoma. OncoImmunology 7(9):e1484979, 2018.
    9. Omata Y, Yoshinaga M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Hashimoto K, Higashimura K, Tazaki A,Kato M. A disadvantageous effect of adsorption of barium by melanin on transforming activity. Chemosphere 210:384-391, 2018.
    10. Kobayashi T, Nakata K, Yajima I, Kato M, Tsurui H. Label-free imaging of melanoma with confocal photothermal microscopy: Differentiation between malignant and benign tissue. Bioengineering 5(3), 2018.
    11. Xu H, Ohgami N, He T, Hashimoto K, Tazaki Akira, Ohgami K, Takeda K, Kato M. Improvement of balance in young adults by a sound component at 100 Hz in music. Sci Rep 8(1):16894, 2018.
  • 2017年
    1. Bod L, Lengagne R, Wrobel L, Ramspott JP, Kato M, Avril M-F, Castellano F, Molinier-Frenkel V, Prevost-Blondel A. IL4-induced gene 1 promotes tumor growth by shaping the immune microenvironment in melanoma. OncoImmunology 6(3):e1278331, Jan, 2017.
    2. Zong C, Zhang X, Huang C, Chang J, Garner E, Sakurai T, Kato M, Ichihara S, Ichihara G. Role of cytochrome P450s in male reproductive toxicity of 1-bromopropane. Toxicol Res 4;5(6):1522-1529, 2017.
    3. Yajima I, Ahsan Nazmul, Akhand AA, Al Hossain A MM, Yoshinaga M, Ohgami N, Iida M, Oshino R, Naito M, Wakai K, Kato M. Arsenic levels in cutaneous appendicular organs are correlated with digitally evaluated hyperpigmented skin of the forehead but not the sole in Bangladesh residents. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 28(1):64-68, 2017.
    4. Hattori Y, Naito M, Satoh M, Nakatochi M, Naito H, Kato M, Takagi S, Matsunaga T, Seiki T, Sasakabe T, Suma S, Kawai S, Okada R, Hishida A, Hamajima N, Wakai K. Response to the letter to the editor: Metallothionein MT2A A-5G polymorphism and the risk for chronic kidney disease and diabetes. Toxicol Sci 154(2):198-199, 2017.[comment]
    5. Ohgami N, Oshino R, Ninomiya H, Li X, Kato M, Yajima I, Kato M. Risk assessment of neonatal exposure to low frequency noise based on balance in mice. Front Behav Neurosci 11:30, 2017.
    6. Konishi H, Ohgami N, Matsushita A, Kondo Y, Aoyama Y, Kobayashi M, Nagai T, Ugawa S, Yamada K, Kato M, Kiyama H. Exposure to diphtheria toxin during the juvenile period impairs both inner and outer hair cells in C57BL/6 mice. Neuroscience 351:15-23, 2017.
    7. Barai M, Ahsan N, Paul N, Hossain K, Rashid M. Abdur, Kato M, Ohgami N, Akhad AA. Amelioration of arsenic-induced toxic effects in mice by dietary supplementation of Syzygium cumini leaf extract. Nagoya J Med Sci 79(2):167-177, 2017.
    8. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Iida M, Osino R, Tanihata H, Al Hossain A MM, Ohgami N, Kato M. Arsenic-mediated hyperpigmented skin via NF-kappa B/Endothelin1 signaling in an originally developed hairless mouse model. Arch Toxicol 91(11):3507-3516, 2017.
    9. Li X, Ohgami N, Omata Y, Yajim I, Iida M, Oshino R, Ohnuma S, Ahsan N, Akhand AA, Kato M. Oral exposure to arsenic causes hearing loss in young people aged 12-29 years and in young mice. Sci Rep 28;7(1):6844, 2017.
    10. Kumasaka MY, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Ninomiya H, Iida M, Li X, Oshino R, Tanihata H, Yoshinaga M, Kato M. Manganese-mediated decrease in levels of c-RET and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in vitro. Neurotox Res 32(4):661-670, 2017
  • 2016年
    1. Naito H, Jia X, Yetti H, Yanagiba Y, Tamada H, Kitamori K, Hayashi Y, Wang D, Kato M, Ishii A, Nakajima T. Importance of detoxifying enzymes in differentiating fibrotic development between SHRSP5/Dmcr and SHRSP rats. Environ Health Prev Med, 2016; 21(5):368-381.
    2. Ohgami N, Mitsumatsu Y, Ahsan Nazmul, Akhand AA, Li X, Iida M, Yajima I, Naito M, Wakai K, Ohnuma S and Kato M. Epidemiological analysis of the association between hearing and barium in humans. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol, 2016; 26(5):488-93.
    3. Tamada H, Naito H, Kitamori K, Hayashi Y, Yamagishi N Kato M, Nakajima T. Efficacy of Dietary Lipid Control in Healing High-fat and High-cholesterol Diet-induced Fibrotic Steatohepatitis in Rats. PLoS ONE, 2016; 11(1)e0145939.
    4. Hattori Y, Naito M, Satoh M, Nakatochi M, Naito H, Kato M, Takagi S, Matsunaga T, Seiki T, Sasakabe T, Suma S, Kawai S, Okada R, Hishida A, Hamajima N, Wakai K. Metallothionein MT2A A-5G polymorphism as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease and diabetes: Cross-sectional and cohort studies. Toxicol Sci,2016; 152(1):181-93.
    5. Douguet L, Bod L, Cherfils-Vicini J, Lengagne R, Labarthe L, Gilson E, Kato M, Avril M-F, Prévost-Blondel A. Nitric oxide synthase 2 is involved in the pro-tumorigenic potential of γδ17T cells in melanoma. OncoImmunology, 2016; 5(8):e1208878.
    6. He J, Nan Wang N, Tsurui H, Kato M, Iida M, Kobayashi T. Noninvasive, label-free, three-dimensional imaging of melanoma with confocal photothermal microscopy: Differentiate malignant melanoma from benign tumor tissue. Sci Rep, 2016; 6:30209.
    7. Zong C, Garner E, Huang C, Zhang X, Zhang L, Chang J, Toyokuni S, Hidenori I, Kato M, Sakurai T, Ichihara S, Ichihara G. Preliminary characterization of a murine model for 1-bromopropane neurotoxicity: Role of cytochrome P450. Toxicol Lett,2016; 258:249-58.
    8. Ilmiawati C, Thang ND, Iida M, Maeda M, Ohnuma S, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Oshino R, Al Hossain A MM, Hiromasa N, Kato M. Limited effectiveness of household sand filters for removal of arsenic from well water in North Vietnam. J Water Health, 2016; 14(6):1032-1040.
    9. Kato M, Azimi MD, Fayaz SH, Shah MD, Hoque MZ, Hamajima N, Ohnuma S, Ohtsuka T, Maeda M, Yoshinaga M. Uranium in well drinking water of Kabul, Afghanistan and its effective, low-cost depuration using Mg-Fe based hydrotalcite-like compounds. Chemosphere, 2016; 165:27-32.
    10. Wrobel LJ, Bod L, Lengagne R, Kato M, Prévost- Blondel A, Gal1 FL. Propranolol induces a favourable shift of anti-tumor immunity in a murine spontaneous model of melanoma. Oncotarget , 2016; 7(47):77825-77837.
    11. Ohgami N, Yajima I, Iida M, Li X, Oshino R, Kumasaka YM, Kato M. Manganese-mediated acceleration of age-related hearing loss in mice. Sci Rep, 2016; 8;6:36306.
    12. Omata Y, Iida M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Maeda M, Ninomiya H, et al. Modulated expression levels of tyrosine kinases in spontaneously developed melanoma by single irradiation of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2016; 9: 1061-1067.
    13. Kawamoto Y, Ueno Y, Nakahashi E, Obayashi M, Sugihara K, Qiao S, et al. Prevention of allergic rhinitis by ginger and the molecular basis of immunosuppression by 6-gingerol through T cell inactivation. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 2016; 27: 112-122.
    14. Kato M, Ninomiya H, Maeda M, Tanaka N, Ilmiawati C, Yoshinaga M. Commentary to Gorelenkova Miller and Mieyal (2015): sulfhydryl-mediated redox signaling in inflammation: role in neurodegenerative diseases. Archives of Toxicology, 2016; 90: 1017-1018.
    15. Kato M, Ninomiya H, Maeda M, Ilmiawati C, Al Hossain MMA, Yoshinaga M, et al. Reply to the commentary "To Gorelenkova Miller and Mieyal (2015): Sulfhydryl-mediated redox signaling in inflammation: role in neurodegenerative diseases" by Mieyal JJ. Archives of Toxicology, 2016; 90: 1523-1524.
    16. Iida M, Nakano C, Tamaki M, Hasegawa M, Tsuzuki T, Kato M. Different biological effects of a constant dose for single UVB irradiation with different intensities and exposure times. Experimental Dermatology, 2016; 25: 386-388.
    17. Goto Y, Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Ohgami N, Tanaka A, Tsuzuki T, et al. Transcription factor LSF (TFCP2) inhibits melanoma growth. Oncotarget, 2016; 7: 2379-2390.
    18. Dabbeche-Bouricha E, Araujo LM, Kato M, Prevost-Blondel A, Garchon H-J. Rapid dissemination of RET-transgene-driven melanoma in the presence of non-obese diabetic alleles: Critical roles of Dectin-1 and Nitric-oxide synthase type 2. Oncoimmunology, 2016; 5.
  • 2015年
    1. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Ohnuma S, Ohgami N, Naito H, Shekhar HU, et al. Arsenite-Mediated Promotion of Anchorage-Independent Growth of HaCaT Cells through Placental Growth Factor. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2015; 135: 1147-1156.
    2. Wu W, Ichihara G, Hashimoto N, Hasegawa Y, Hayashi Y, Tada-Oikawa S, et al. Synergistic Effect of Bolus Exposure to Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Bleomycin-Induced Secretion of Pro-Fibrotic Cytokines without Lasting Fibrotic Changes in Murine Lungs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015; 16: 660-676.
    3. Thang ND, Yajima I, Ohnuma S, Ohgami N, Kumasaka MY, Ichihara G, et al. Enhanced Constitutive Invasion Activity in Human Nontumorigenic Keratinocytes Exposed to a Low Level of Barium for a Long Time. Environmental Toxicology, 2015; 30: 161-167.
    4. Thang ND, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Iida M, Suzuki T, Kato M. Deltex-3-like (DTX3L) stimulates metastasis of melanoma through FAK/PI3K/AKT but not MEK/ERK pathway. Oncotarget, 2015; 6: 14290-14299.
    5. Thang ND, Nghia PT, Kumasaka MY, Yajima I, Kato M. Treatment of vemurafenib-resistant SKMEL-28 melanoma cells with paclitaxel. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2015; 16: 699-705.
    6. Tham M, Khoo K, Yeo KP, Kato M, Prevost-Blondel A, Angeli V, et al. Macrophage depletion reduces postsurgical tumor recurrence and metastatic growth in a spontaneous murine model of melanoma. Oncotarget, 2015; 6: 22857-22868.
    7. Tan KW, Evrard M, Tham M, Hong M, Huang C, Kato M, et al. Tumor stroma and chemokines control T-cell migration into melanoma following Temozolomide treatment. Oncoimmunology, 2015; 4.
    8. Sumit AF, Das A, Sharmin Z, Ahsan N, Ohgami N, Kato M, et al. Cigarette Smoking Causes Hearing Impairment among Bangladeshi Population. Plos One, 2015; 10.
    9. Sayed S, Ahsan N, Kato M, Ohgami N, Rashid A, Akhand AA. PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF PHYLLANTHUS EMBLICA LEAF EXTRACT ON SODIUM ARSENITE-MEDIATED ADVERSE EFFECTS IN MICE. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science, 2015; 77: 145-153.
    10. Ohgami N, Yamanoshita O, Thang ND, Yajima I, Nakano C, Wenting W, et al. Carcinogenic risk of chromium, copper and arsenic in CCA-treated wood. Environmental Pollution, 2015; 206: 456-460.
    11. Ohgami N, Iida M, Omata Y, Nakano C, Wenting W, Li X, et al. [Analysis of Environmental-Stress-Related Impairments of Inner Ear]. Nihon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygiene, 2015; 70: 100-104.
    12. Kumasaka MY, Yajima I, Iida M, Takahashi H, Inoue Y, Fukushima S, et al. Correlated expression levels of endothelin receptor B and Plexin C1 in melanoma. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2015; 5: 1117-1123.
    13. Kato M, Omata Y, Iida M, Y Kumasaka M, Ohgami N, Li X, et al. Development of Preventive Therapy by Clarification of Mechanisms of Environmental-Factor-Mediated Diseases. Nihon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygiene, 2015; 70: 176-180.
    14. Jia X, Harada Y, Tagawa M, Naito H, Hayashi Y, Yetti H, et al. Prenatal maternal blood triglyceride and fatty acid levels in relation to exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2015; 20: 168-178.
    15. Iida M, Omata Y, Nakano C, Yajima I, Tsuzuki T, Ishikawa K, et al. Decreased expression levels of cell cycle regulators and matrix metalloproteinases in melanoma from RET-transgenic mice by single irradiation of non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2015; 8: 9326-9331.
  • 2014年
    1. Yanagishita T, Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Kawamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Matsumoto Y, et al. Actin-Binding Protein, Espin: A Novel Metastatic Regulator for Melanoma. Molecular Cancer Research, 2014; 12: 440-446.
    2. Yanagishita T, Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Iida M, Xiang L, Tamada Y, et al. An Actin-Binding Protein Espin Is a Growth Regulator for Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2014; 134: 2996-2999.
    3. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Yamanoshita O, Zou C, Li X, Ohgami N, et al. GNG2 inhibits invasion of human malignant melanoma cells with decreased FAK activity. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2014; 4: 182-188.
    4. Yajima I, Iida M, Kumasaka MY, Omata Y, Ohgami N, Chang J, et al. Non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas modulate cell cycle-related gene expressions in melanocytic tumors of RET-transgenic mice. Experimental Dermatology, 2014; 23: 424-425.
    5. Vegran F, Berger H, Boidot R, Mignot G, Bruchard M, Dosset M, et al. The transcription factor IRF1 dictates the IL-21-dependent anticancer functions of T(H)9 cells. Nature Immunology, 2014; 15: 758-66.
    6. Thang ND, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Kato M. Bidirectional Functions of Arsenic as a Carcinogen and an Anti-Cancer Agent in Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Plos One, 2014; 9.
    7. Tham M, Tan KW, Keeble J, Wang X, Hubert S, Barron L, et al. Melanoma-initiating cells exploit M2 macrophage TGF beta and arginase pathway for survival and proliferation. Oncotarget, 2014; 5: 12027-12042.
    8. Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Iida M, Omata Y, Zou C, Kato M. Commentary to Pastore et al. (2014): Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling in keratinocyte biology: implications for skin toxicity of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Archives of Toxicology, 2014; 88: 2319-2320.
    9. Omata Y, Iida M, Yajima I, Takeda K, Ohgami N, Hori M, et al. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas as a novel candidate for preventive therapy of melanoma. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2014; 19: 367-369.
    10. Kumasaka MY, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Naito H, Omata Y, Kato M. Commentary to Krishna et al. (2014): Brain deposition and neurotoxicity of manganese in adult mice exposed via the drinking water. Archives of Toxicology, 2014; 88: 1185-1186.
    11. Jia X, Suzuki Y, Naito H, Yetti H, Kitamori K, Hayashi Y, et al. A Possible Role of Chenodeoxycholic Acid and Glycine-Conjugated Bile Acids in Fibrotic Steatohepatitis in a Dietary Rat Model. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2014; 59: 1490-1501.
    12. Iida M, Yajima I, Ohgami N, Tamura H, Takeda K, Ichihara S, et al. The effects of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma irradiation on expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases in benign melanocytic tumors in RET-transgenic mice. European Journal of Dermatology, 2014; 24: 392-394.
    13. Chang J, Oikawa S, Iwahashi H, Kitagawa E, Takeuchi I, Yuda M, et al. Expression of proteins associated with adipocyte lipolysis was significantly changed in the adipose tissues of the obese spontaneously hypertensive/NDmcr-cp rat. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 2014; 6.
  • 2013年
    1. Sevko A, Sade-Feldman M, Kanterman J, Michels T, Falk CS, Umansky L, et al. Cyclophosphamide Promotes Chronic Inflammation-Dependent Immunosuppression and Prevents Antitumor Response in Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2013; 133: 1610-1619.
    2. Sevko A, Michels T, Vrohlings M, Umansky L, Beckhove P, Kato M, et al. Antitumor Effect of Paclitaxel Is Mediated by Inhibition of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and Chronic Inflammation in the Spontaneous Melanoma Model. Journal of Immunology, 2013; 190: 2464-2471.
    3. Pommier A, Audemard A, Durand A, Lengagne R, Delpoux A, Martin B, et al. Inflammatory monocytes are potent antitumor effectors controlled by regulatory CD4(+) T cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013; 110: 13085-13090.
    4. Ohgami N, Iida M, Yajima I, Tamura H, Ohgami K, Kato M. Hearing impairments caused by genetic and environmental factors. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2013; 18: 10-15.
    5. Nizam S, Kato M, Yatsuya H, Khalequzzaman M, Ohnuma S, Naito H, et al. Differences in Urinary Arsenic Metabolites between Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Subjects in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2013; 10: 1006-1019.
    6. Kumasaka MY, Yamanoshita O, Shimizu S, Ohnuma S, Furuta A, Yajima I, et al. Enhanced carcinogenicity by coexposure to arsenic and iron and a novel remediation system for the elements in well drinking water. Archives of Toxicology, 2013; 87: 439-447.
    7. Kato M, Kumasaka MY, Ohnuma S, Furuta A, Kato Y, Shekhar HU, et al. Comparison of Barium and Arsenic Concentrations in Well Drinking Water and in Human Body Samples and a Novel Remediation System for These Elements in Well Drinking Water. Plos One, 2013; 8.
    8. Helfrich I, Scheffrahn I, Bartling S, Weis J, von Felbert V, Middleton M, et al. Resistance to antiangiogenic therapy is directed by vascular phenotype, vessel stabilization, and maturation in malignant melanoma (vol 207, pg 491, 2010). Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2013; 210: 853.
  • 2012年
    1. Yajima I, Uemura N, Nizam S, Khalequzzaman M, Thang ND, Kumasaka MY, et al. Barium inhibits arsenic-mediated apoptotic cell death in human squamous cell carcinoma cells. Archives of Toxicology, 2012; 86: 961-973.
    2. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Thang ND, Goto Y, Takeda K, Yamanoshita O, et al. RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/AKT Signaling in Malignant Melanoma Progression and Therapy. Dermatology research and practice, 2012; 2012: 354191.
    3. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Tamura H, Ohgami N, Kato M. Functional analysis of GNG2 in human malignant melanoma cells. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2012; 68: 172-178.
    4. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Naito Y, Yoshikawa T, Takahashi H, Funasaka Y, et al. Reduced GNG2 expression levels in mouse malignant melanomas and human melanoma cell lines. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2012; 2: 322-329.
    5. Thang ND, Yajima I, Nakagawa K, Tsuzuki T, Kumasaka MY, Ohgami N, et al. A novel hairless mouse model for malignant melanoma. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2012; 65: 207-212.
    6. Terme M, Ullrich E, Aymeric L, Meinhardt K, Coudert JD, Desbois M, et al. Cancer-Induced Immunosuppression: IL-18-Elicited Immunoablative NK Cells. Cancer Research, 2012; 72: 2757-2767.
    7. Tamura H, Ohgami N, Yajima I, Iida M, Ohgami K, Fujii N, et al. Chronic Exposure to Low Frequency Noise at Moderate Levels Causes Impaired Balance in Mice. Plos One, 2012; 7.
    8. Ohgami N, Tamura H, Ohgami K, Iida M, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, et al. c-Ret-mediated hearing losses. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2012; 5: 23-28.
    9. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K, et al. Partial impairment of c-Ret at tyrosine 1062 accelerates age-related hearing loss in mice. Neurobiology of Aging, 2012; 33.
    10. Ohgami N, Hori S, Ohgami K, Tamura H, Tsuzuki T, Ohnuma S, et al. Exposure to low-dose barium by drinking water causes hearing loss in mice. Neurotoxicology, 2012; 33: 1276-1283.
    11. Jayaraman P, Parikh F, Lopez-Rivera E, Hailemichael Y, Clark A, Ma G, et al. Tumor-Expressed Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Controls Induction of Functional Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells through Modulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Release. Journal of Immunology, 2012; 188: 5365-5376.
    12. Abschuetz O, Osen W, Frank K, Kato M, Schadendorf D, Umansky V. T-Cell Mediated Immune Responses Induced in ret Transgenic Mouse Model of Malignant Melanoma. Cancers, 2012; 4: 490-503.
  • 2011年
    1. Yanagishita T, Hayashi R, Thang ND, Kato M, Shekhar HU, Yajima I, et al., Methods_S1.doc, in Figshare. 2011.
    2. Yanagishita T, Hayashi R, Thang ND, Kato M, Shekhar HU, Yajima I, et al., Figure_S2.tif, in Figshare. 2011.
    3. Yanagishita T, Hayashi R, Thang ND, Kato M, Shekhar HU, Yajima I, et al., Barium Promotes Anchorage-Independent Growth and Invasion of Human HaCaT Keratinocytes via Activation of c-SRC Kinase, in Figshare. 2011.
    4. Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Thang ND, Goto Y, Takeda K, Iida M, et al. Molecular Network Associated with MITF in Skin Melanoma Development and Progression. Journal of skin cancer, 2011; 2011: 730170.
    5. Toh B, Wang X, Keeble J, Sim WJ, Khoo K, Wong W-C, et al. Mesenchymal Transition and Dissemination of Cancer Cells Is Driven by Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Infiltrating the Primary Tumor. Plos Biology, 2011; 9.
    6. Thang ND, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Ohnuma S, Yanagishita T, Hayashi R, et al. Barium Promotes Anchorage-Independent Growth and Invasion of Human HaCaT Keratinocytes via Activation of c-SRC Kinase. Plos One, 2011; 6.
    7. Terme M, Ullrich E, Aymeric L, Meinhardt K, Desbois M, Delahaye N, et al. IL-18 Induces PD-1-Dependent Immunosuppression in Cancer. Cancer Research, 2011; 71: 5393-5399.
    8. Taguchi N, Uemura N, Goto Y, Sakura M, Hara K, Niwa M, et al. ANTIOXIDATIVE EFFECTS OF CHERRY LEAVES EXTRACT ON tert-BUTYL HYDROPEROXIDE-MEDIATED CYTOTOXICITY THROUGH REGULATION OF THIOREDOXIN-2 PROTEIN EXPRESSION LEVELS. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 2011; 74: 1240-1247.
    9. Ohgami N, Tamura H, Kato M. c-Ret is a novel congenital deafness-related molecule. Neuroscience Research, 2011; 71: E352.
    10. Ohgami N, Kondo T, Kato M. Effects of light smoking on extra-high-frequency auditory thresholds in young adults. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 2011; 27: 143-147.
    11. Nakashima I, Kawamoto Y, Takeda K, Kato M. Control of genetically prescribed protein tyrosine kinase activities by environment-linked redox reactions. Enzyme research, 2011; 2011: 896567.
    12. Meyer C, Sevko A, Ramacher M, Bazhin AV, Falk CS, Osen W, et al. Chronic inflammation promotes myeloid-derived suppressor cell activation blocking antitumor immunity in transgenic mouse melanoma model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011; 108: 17111-17116.
    13. Lengagne R, Pommier A, Caron J, Douguet L, Garcette M, Kato M, et al. T Cells Contribute to Tumor Progression by Favoring Pro-Tumoral Properties of Intra-Tumoral Myeloid Cells in a Mouse Model for Spontaneous Melanoma. Plos One, 2011; 6.
    14. Kawakami T, Kumasaka M, Kato M, Mizoguchi M, Soma Y. BMP-4 down-regulates the expression of Ret in murine melanocyte precursors. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2011; 63: 66-69.
    15. Kato M, Kumasaka MY, Takeda K, Hossain K, Iida M, Yajima I, et al. L-cysteine as a regulator for arsenic-mediated cancer-promoting and anti-cancer effects. Toxicology in Vitro, 2011; 25: 623-629.
    16. Kato M, Iida M, Goto Y, Kondo T, Yajima I. Sunlight Exposure-Mediated DNA Damage in Young Adults. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 2011; 20: 1622-1628.
    17. Kato M, inventor Chubu University Educational Foundation, assignee. Model animal causing the white hair development and methods relating thereto patent 0098-1133;US 08067666. 2011 NOV 29 2011.
    18. Ida-Eto M, Ohgami N, Iida M, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Takaiwa K, et al. Partial Requirement of Endothelin Receptor B in Spiral Ganglion Neurons for Postnatal Development of Hearing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011; 286: 29621-29626.
    19. Hong M, Puaux A-L, Huang C, Loumagne L, Tow C, Mackay C, et al. Chemotherapy Induces Intratumoral Expression of Chemokines in Cutaneous Melanoma, Favoring T-cell Infiltration and Tumor Control. Cancer Research, 2011; 71: 6997-7009.
    20. Goto Y, Kato M. Inactive X chromosome-specific chromatin structures of the 5 ' flanking region of human escape gene, EIF2S3, II. Genes & Genetic Systems, 2011; 86: 414.
    21. Furukawa A, Kawamoto Y, Chiba Y, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Kawamura N, et al. Proteomic identification of hippocampal proteins vulnerable to oxidative stress in excitotoxin-induced acute neuronal injury. Neurobiology of Disease, 2011; 43: 706-714.
  • 2010年
    1. Ohshima Y, Yajima I, Takeda K, Iida M, Kumasaka M, Matsumoto Y, et al. c-RET Molecule in Malignant Melanoma from Oncogenic RET-Carrying Transgenic Mice and Human Cell Lines. Plos One, 2010; 5.
    2. Ohshima Y, Yajima I, Kumasaka MY, Yanagishita T, Watanabe D, Takahashi M, et al. CD109 expression levels in malignant melanoma. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2010; 57: 140-142.
    3. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Shimotake T, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, et al. c-Ret-mediated hearing loss in mice with Hirschsprung disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010; 107: 13051-13056.
    4. Kumasaka MY, Yajima I, Hossain K, Iida M, Tsuzuki T, Ohno T, et al. A Novel Mouse Model for De novo Melanoma. Cancer Research, 2010; 70: 24-29.
    5. Kato M, Takeda K, Hossain K, Thang ND, Kaneko Y, Kumasaka M, et al. A Redox-Linked Novel Pathway for Arsenic-Mediated RET Tyrosine Kinase Activation. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2010; 110: 399-407.
    6. Helfrich I, Scheffrahn I, Bartling S, Weis J, von Felbert V, Middleton M, et al. Resistance to antiangiogenic therapy is directed by vascular phenotype, vessel stabilization, and maturation in malignant melanoma. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2010; 207: 491-503.
    7. Helfrich I, Scheffrahn I, Bartling S, Weis J, von Felbert F, Middleton M, et al. Resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy is directed by vascular phenotype, vessel stabilization and maturation in malignant melanoma. Experimental Dermatology, 2010; 19: 213.
    8. Helfrich I, Scheffrahn I, Bartling S, Weis J, Middleton M, Kato M, et al. The vascular phenotype, vessel stabilization and maturation affect the resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy in malignant melanoma. European Journal of Cell Biology, 2010; 89: 44.
    9. Eyles J, Puaux A-L, Wang X, Toh B, Prakash C, Hong M, et al. Tumor cells disseminate early, but immunosurveillance limits metastatic outgrowth, in a mouse model of melanoma. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010; 120: 2030-2039.
    10. El Khoury D, Destouches D, Lengagne R, Krust B, Hamma-Kourbali Y, Garcette M, et al. Targeting a surface nucleolin with a multivalent pseudopeptide delays development of spontaneous melanoma in RET transgenic mice. Bmc Cancer, 2010; 10.
  • 2009年
    1. Zhao F, Falk C, Osen W, Kato M, Schadendorf D, Umansky V. Activation of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Drives Dendritic Cells to Become Tolerogenic in Ret Transgenic Mice Spontaneously Developing Melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 2009; 15: 4382-4390.
    2. Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Thang ND, Yanagishita T, Ohgami N, Kallenberg D, et al. Zinc finger protein 28 as a novel melanoma-related molecule. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2009; 55: 68-70.
    3. Lakshmikanth T, Burke S, Ali TH, Kimpfler S, Ursini F, Ruggeri L, et al. Receptor-mediated recognition of melanoma by NK cells and its implications for NK cell-based immunotherapy. Tissue Antigens, 2009; 73: 519-520.
    4. Lakshmikanth T, Burke S, Ali TH, Kimpfler S, Ursini F, Ruggeri L, et al. NCRs and DNAM-1 mediate NK cell recognition and lysis of human and mouse melanoma cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2009; 119: 1251-1263.
    5. Kimpfler S, Sevko A, Ring S, Falk C, Osen W, Frank K, et al. Skin Melanoma Development in ret Transgenic Mice Despite the Depletion of CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells in Lymphoid Organs. Journal of Immunology, 2009; 183: 6330-6337.
    6. Hossain K, Kawamoto Y, Hamada M, Akhand AA, Yanagishita T, Hoque MA, et al. 1,4-Butanediyl-bismethanethiosulfonate (BMTS) Induces Apoptosis Through Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Mechanism. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2009; 108: 1059-1065.
    7. Goto Y, Kato M. Screening and functional analysis of the tumor suppressor gene using melanoma model mice. Genes & Genetic Systems, 2009; 84: 443.
    8. Chi X, Michos O, Shakya R, Riccio P, Enomoto H, Licht JD, et al. Ret-Dependent Cell Rearrangements in the Wolffian Duct Epithelium Initiate Ureteric Bud Morphogenesis. Developmental Cell, 2009; 17: 199-209.
  • 2008年
    1. Umansky V, Abschuetz O, Osen W, Ramacher M, Zhao F, Kato M, et al. Melanoma-Specific Memory T Cells Are Functionally Active in Ret Transgenic Mice without Macroscopic Tumors. Cancer Research, 2008; 68: 9451-9458.
    2. Lengagne R, Graff-Dubois S, Garcette M, Renia L, Kato M, Guillet J-G, et al. Distinct role for CD8 T cells toward cutaneous tumors and visceral metastases. Journal of Immunology, 2008; 180: 130-137.
    3. Kawakami T, Kimura S, Kawa Y, Kato M, Mizoguchi M, Soma Y. BMP-4 upregulates kit expression in mouse melanoblasts prior to the kit-dependent cycle of melanogenesis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2008; 128: 1220-1226.
    4. Kawakami T, Kawa Y, Kato M, Mizoguchi M, Soma Y. BMP signaling downregulates Ret expression in mouse melanoblasts but not melanoma cells. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 2008; 21: 306-307.
    5. Kato M, Ohgami N, Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Yamanoshita O. Effect of hyperpigmented skin on ultraviolet-mediated cancer. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 2008; 21: 323.
    6. Kato M, Hossain K, Iida M, Sato H, Uemura N, Goto Y. Arsenic enhances matrix metalloproteinase-14 expression in fibroblasts. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 2008; 71: 1053-1055.
  • 2007年
    1. Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Hossain K, Ohgami N, Yanagishita T, et al. [Ultraviolet irradiation-mediated malignant melanoma induction with RET tyrosine kinase activation]. Nihon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygiene, 2007; 62: 3-8.
    2. Kato M, Ohgami N, Kawamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Hossain K, Yanagishita T, et al. Protective effect of hyperpigmented skin on UV-mediated cutaneous cancer development. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2007; 127: 1244-1249.
  • 2006年
    1. Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Okuno Y, Kato M, Takahashi M, Suzuki H, et al. A PKC-mediated backup mechanism of the MXXCW motif-linked switch for initiating tyrosine kinase activities. Febs Letters, 2006; 580: 839-843.
    2. Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Kato Y, Ohno T, et al. Novel hairless RET-transgenic mouse line with melanocytic nevi and anagen hair follicles. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2006; 126: 2547-2550.
    3. Graff-Dubois S, Lengagne R, Garcette M, Kato M, Nakashima I, Engelhard V, et al. CD8T cells do not prevent tumor outgrowth, but delay disease progression in a spontaneous melanoma model. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2006; 126: 53.
  • 2005年
    1. von Felbert V, Cordoba F, Weissenberger J, Vallan C, Kato M, Nakashima I, et al. Interleukin-6 gene ablation in a transgenic mouse model of malignant skin melanoma. American Journal of Pathology, 2005; 166: 831-841.
    2. Nakashima I, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Okuno Y, Kato M, Suzuki H, et al. MXXCW motif as a potential initiator of protein tyrosine kinases. Trends in Protein Research, 2005.
    3. Nakashima I, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Okuno Y, Kato M, Suzuki H. Redox control of catalytic activities of membrane-associated protein tyrosine kinases. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2005; 434: 3-10.
    4. Cordoba F, Braathen L, Weissenberger J, Vallan C, Kato M, Nakashima I, et al. 5-aminolaevulinic acid photodynamic therapy in a transgenic mouse model of skin melanoma. Experimental Dermatology, 2005; 14: 429-437.
  • 2004年
    1. Lengagne R, Le Gal F, Garcette M, Fiette L, Ave P, Kato M, et al. Spontaneous vitiligo in an animal model for human melanoma: Role of tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. Cancer Research, 2004; 64: 1496-1501.
    2. Kubo M, Kambayashi Y, Kodama N, Takemoto K, Okuda J, Kato M, et al. The depletion of nitric oxide in atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice. Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry, 2004; 11: 101.
    3. Kawamoto Y, Takeda K, Okuno Y, Yamakawa Y, Ito Y, Taguchi R, et al. Identification of RET autophosphorylation sites by mass spectrometry. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004; 279: 14213-14224.
    4. Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Hossain K, Tamakoshi A, et al. c-Kit-targeting immunotherapy for hereditary melanoma in a mouse model. Cancer Research, 2004; 64: 801-806.
    5. Kambayashi Y, Kodama N, Kubo M, Okuda J, Takemoto K, Kato M, et al. Cytochrome c catalyzes nitration of tyrosine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite at various pH. Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry, 2004; 11: 54.
    6. Hayashi H, Sone M, Ito S, Wakamatsu K, Kato M, Nakashima I, et al. A novel RFP-RET transgenic mouse model with abundant eumelanin in the cochlea. Hearing Research, 2004; 195: 35-40.
  • 2003年
    1. Liu W, Akhand A, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Itoigawa M, Kato M, et al. Protein phosphatase 2A-linked and -unlinked caspase-dependent pathways for downregulation of Akt kinase triggered by 4-hydroxynonenal. Cell Death and Differentiation, 2003; 10: 772-781.
    2. Kato M, Wickner W. Vam10p defines a Sec18p-independent step of priming that allows yeast vacuole tethering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2003; 100: 6398-6403.
    3. Kambayashi Y, Tero-Kubota S, Yamamoto Y, Kato M, Nakano M, Yagi K, et al. Formation of superoxide anion during ferrous ion-induced decomposition of linoleic acid hydroperoxide under aerobic conditions. Journal of Biochemistry, 2003; 134: 903-909.
    4. Hossain K, Akhand A, Kawamoto Y, Du J, Takeda K, Wu J, et al. Caspase activation is accelerated by the inhibition of arsenite-induced, membrane rafts-dependent Akt activation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2003; 34: 598-606.
    5. Horie A, Hiki Y, Odani H, Yasuda Y, Takahashi M, Kato M, et al. IgA1 molecules produced by tonsillar lymphocytes are under-O-glycosylated in IgA nephropathy. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2003; 42: 486-496.
  • 2002年
    1. Seeley E, Kato M, Margolis N, Wickner W, Eitzen G. Genomic analysis of homotypic vacuole fusion. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2002; 13: 782-794.
    2. Nakashima I, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Okuno Y, Kato M, Akhand A, et al. The highly conserved MXXCW motif initially switches on protein tyrosine kinase activity. Xi Biennial Meeting of the Society For Free Radical Research International, 2002: 229-234.
    3. Nakashima I, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Kato M, Akhand A, Suzuki H. A conserved cysteine residue in the catalytic domain plays a key role in activation of protein tyrosine kinase RET. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2002; 33: S88.
    4. Nakashima I, Suzuki H, Kato M, Akhand A. Redox control of T-cell death. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2002; 4: 353-356.
    5. Nakashima I, Kato M, Akhand A, Suzuki H, Takeda K, Hossain K, et al. Redox-linked signal transduction pathways for protein tyrosine kinase activation. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2002; 4: 517-531.
    6. Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Iwashita T, Akhand A, Senga T, et al. Repair by Src kinase of function-impaired RET with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A mutation with substitutions of tyrosines in the COOH-terminal kinase domain for phenylalanine. Cancer Research, 2002; 62: 2414-2422.
    7. Akhand A, Ikeyama T, Akazawa S, Kato M, Hossain K, Takeda K, et al. Evidence of both extra- and intracellular cysteine targets of protein modification for activation of RET kinase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2002; 292: 826-831.
    8. Akhand A, Du J, Liu W, Hossain K, Miyata T, Nagase F, et al. Redox-linked cell surface-oriented signaling for T-cell death. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2002; 4: 445-454.
  • 2001年
    1. Yamamoto M, Li M, Mitsuma N, Ito S, Kato M, Takahashi M, et al. Preserved phosphorylation of RET receptor protein in spinal motor neurons of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an immunohistochemical study by a phosphorylation-specific antibody at tyrosine 1062. Brain Research, 2001; 912: 89-94.
    2. Wu J, Suzuki H, Zhou Y, Liu W, Yoshihara M, Kato M, et al. Cepharanthine activates caspases and induces apoptosis in Jurkat and K562 human leukemia cell lines. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2001; 82: 200-214.
    3. Takeuchi K, Kato M, Suzuki H, Akhand A, Wu J, Hossain K, et al. Acrolein induces activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor of human keratinocytes for cell death. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2001; 81: 679-688.
    4. Takeda K, Kato M, Wu J, Iwashita T, Suzuki H, Takahashi M, et al. Osmotic stress-mediated activation of RET kinases involves intracellular disulfide-bonded dimer formation. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2001; 3: 473-482.
    5. Liu W, Kato M, Itoigawa M, Murakami H, Yajima M, Wu J, et al. Distinct involvement of NF-kappa B and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in serum deprivation-mediated stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and its inhibition by 4-hydroxynonenal. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2001; 83: 271-280.
    6. Kato M, Wickner W. Ergosterol is required for the Sec18/ATP-dependent priming step of homotypic vacuole fusion. Embo Journal, 2001; 20: 4035-4040.
    7. Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Dai Y, Nakayama S, et al. RET tyrosine kinase enhances hair growth in association with promotion of melanogenesis. Oncogene, 2001; 20: 7536-7541.
    8. Dai Y, Kato M, Takeda K, Kawamoto Y, Akhand A, Hossain E, et al. T-cell-immunity-based inhibitory effects of orally administered herbal medicine juzen-taiho-to on the growth of primarily developed melanocytic tumors in RET-transgenic mice. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2001; 117: 694-701.
    9. Akhand A, Hossain K, Mitsui H, Kato M, Miyata T, Inagi R, et al. Glyoxal and methylglyoxal trigger distinct signals for map family kinases and caspase activation in human endothelial cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2001; 31: 20-30.
    10. Akhand A, Hossain K, Kato M, Miyata T, Du J, Suzuki H, et al. Glyoxal and methylglyoxal induce aggregation and inactivation of ERK in human endothelial cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2001; 31: 1228-1235.
  • 2000年
    1. Liu W, Kato M, Akhand A, Hayakawa A, Suzuki H, Miyata T, et al. 4-hydroxynonenal induces a cellular redox status-related activation of the caspase cascade for apoptotic cell death. Journal of Cell Science, 2000; 113: 635-641.
    2. Kato M, Liu W, Akhand A, Hossain K, Takeda K, Takahashi M, et al. Ultraviolet radiation induces both full activation of ret kinase and malignant melanocytic tumor promotion in RFP-RET-Transgenic mice. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2000; 115: 1157-1158.
    3. Kato M, Kato Y, Takeuchi K, Nakashima I. Local levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors in patients with allergic rhinitis are regulated by amount of antigen. Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2000; 126: 997-1000.
    4. Kato M, Iwashita T, Takeda K, Akhand A, Liu W, Yoshihara M, et al. Ultraviolet light induces redox reaction-mediated dimerization and superactivation of oncogenic Ret tyrosine kinases. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2000; 11: 93-101.
    5. Kato M, Iwashita T, Akhand AA, Liu W, Takeda K, Takeuchi K, et al. Molecular Mechanism of Activation and Superactivation of Ret Tyrosine Kinases by Ultraviolet Light Irradiation. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2000; 2: 841-850.
    6. Kato M, Isobe K, Dai Y, Liu W, Takahashi M, Nakashima I. Further characterization of the Sho-saiko-to-mediated anti-tumor effect on melanoma developed in RET-transgenic mice. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2000; 114: 599-601.
    7. Hossain K, Akhand A, Kato M, Du J, Takeda K, Wu J, et al. Arsenite induces apoptosis of murine T lymphocytes through membrane raft-linked signaling for activation of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase. Journal of Immunology, 2000; 165: 4290-4297.
    8. Dragani T, Peissel B, Zanesi N, Aloisi A, Dai Y, Kato M, et al. Mapping of melanoma modifier loci in RET transgenic mice. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 2000; 91: 1142-1147.
  • 1999年
    1. Suzuki H, Zhou Y, Kato M, Mak T, Nakashima I. Normal regulatory alpha/beta T cells effectively eliminate abnormally activated T cells lacking the interleukin 2 receptor beta in vivo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1999; 190: 1561-1571.
    2. Parashar A, Akhand A, Rawar R, Furuno T, Nakanishi M, Kato M, et al. Mercuric chloride induces increases in both cytoplasmic and nuclear free calcium ions through a protein phosphorylation-linked mechanism. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1999; 26: 227-231.
    3. Oh C, Kim Y, Eun J, Yokoyama T, Kato M, Nakashima I. Induction of T lymphocyte apoptosis by treatment with glycyrrhizin. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1999; 27: 217-226.
    4. Liu W, Akhand A, Kato M, Yokoyama I, Miyata T, Kurokawa K, et al. 4-hydroxynonenal triggers an epidermal growth factor receptor-linked signal pathway for growth inhibition. Journal of Cell Science, 1999; 112: 2409-2417.
    5. Kitamura T, Tamada Y, Kato M, Yokochi T, Ikeya T. Soluble E-selectin as a marker of disease activity in pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1999; 79: 462-464.
    6. Kato M, Nozaki Y, Yoshimoto T, Tamada Y, Kageyama M, Yamashita T, et al. Different serum soluble Fas levels in patients with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Allergy, 1999; 54: 1299-1302.
    7. Kato M, Liu W, Akhand A, Dai Y, Ohbayashi M, Tuzuki T, et al. Linkage between melanocytic tumor development and early burst of Ret protein expression for tolerance induction in metallothionein-I ret transgenic mouse lines. Oncogene, 1999; 18: 837-842.
    8. Kato M, Hattori T, Kato Y, Matsumoto Y, Yamashita T, Nakashima I. Elevated soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor levels in seasonal allergic rhinitis patients. Allergy, 1999; 54: 278-282.
    9. Kato M, Hattori T, Ito H, Kageyama M, Yamashita T, Nitta Y, et al. Serum-soluble Fas levels as a marker to distinguish allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1999; 103: 1213-1214.
    10. Kato M. Establishment of a spontaneously malignant melanoma-developing transgenic mouse line. Pigment Cell Research, 1999: 41.
    11. Iwashita T, Kato M, Murakami H, Asai N, Ishiguro Y, Ito S, et al. Biological and biochemical properties of Ret with kinase domain mutations identified in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. Oncogene, 1999; 18: 3919-3922.
    12. Asai M, Kato M, Asai N, Iwashita T, Murakami H, Kawai K, et al. Differential regulation of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 expression in malignant melanoma developed in Metallothionein/RET transgenic mice. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 1999; 90: 86-92.
    13. Akhand A, Pu M, Senga T, Kato M, Suzuki H, Miyata T, et al. Nitric oxide controls Src kinase activity through a sulfhydryl group modification-mediated Tyr-527-independent and Tyr-416-linked mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1999; 274: 25821-25826.
    14. Akhand A, Kato M, Suzuki H, Liu W, Du J, Hamaguchi M, et al. Carbonyl compounds cross-link cellular proteins and activate protein-tyrosine kinase p60(c-Src). Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1999; 72: 1-7.
  • 1998年
    1. Liu W, Kato M, Akhand A, Hayakawa A, Takemura M, Yoshida S, et al. The herbal medicine sho-saiko-to inhibits the growth of malignant melanoma cells by upregulating Fas-mediated apoptosis and arresting cell cycle through downregulation of cyclin dependent kinases. International Journal of Oncology, 1998; 12: 1321-1326.
    2. Kato M, Tamada Y, Kageyama M, Yamashita T, Nitta Y, Ikeya T, et al. Elevated soluble Fas levels in herpes zoster patients. British Journal of Dermatology, 1998; 139: 357-358.
    3. Kato M, Takahashi M, Akhand A, Liu W, Dai Y, Shimizu S, et al. Transgenic mouse model for skin malignant melanoma. Oncogene, 1998; 17: 1885-1888.
    4. Kato M, Liu W, Yi H, Asai N, Hayakawa A, Kozaki K, et al. The herbal medicine Sho-saiko-to inhibits growth and metastasis of malignant melanoma primarily developed in ret-transgenic mice. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1998; 111: 640-644.
    5. Kato M, Hattori T, Liu W, Nakashima I. Evidence of potential regulation by interleukin-4 of the soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 level in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis under provocation by a small amount of natural allergen. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 1998; 107: 232-235.
    6. Akhand A, Kato M, Suzuki H, Miyata T, Nakashima I. Level of HgCl2-mediated phosphorylation of intracellular proteins determines death of thymic T-lymphocytes with or without DNA fragmentation. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1998; 71: 243-253.
  • 1997年
    1. Xu X, Yi H, Kato M, Suzuki H, Kobayashi S, Takahashi H, et al. Differential sensitivities to hyperbaric oxygen of lymphocyte subpopulations of normal and autoimmune mice. Immunology Letters, 1997; 59: 79-84.
    2. Ohkusu K, Du J, Isobe K, Yi H, Akhand A, Kato M, et al. Protein kinase C alpha-mediated chronic signal transduction for immunosenescence. Journal of Immunology, 1997; 159: 2082-2084.
    3. Nakashima I, Pu M, Akhand A, Kato M, Suzuki H. Chemical events in signal transduction. Immunology Today, 1997; 18: 362.
    4. Matsumoto Y, Kato M, Tamada Y, Mori H, Ohashi M. Enhancement of interleukin-1 alpha mediated autocrine growth of cultured human keratinocytes by Sho-saiko-to. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 1997; 73: 333-336.
    5. Akhand A, Pu M, Du J, Kato M, Suzuki H, Hamaguchi M, et al. Magnitude of protein tyrosine phosphorylation-linked signals determines growth versus death of thymic T lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology, 1997; 27: 1254-1259.
  • 1996年
    1. Pu M, Akhand A, Kato M, Koike T, Hamaguchi M, Suzuki H, et al. Mercuric chloride mediates a protein sulfhydryl modification-based pathway of signal transduction for activating Src kinase which is independent of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of a carboxyl terminal tyrosine. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1996; 63: 104-114.
    2. Pu M, Akhand A, Kato M, Hamaguchi M, Koike T, Iwata H, et al. Evidence of a novel redox-linked activation mechanism for the Src kinase which is independent of tyrosine 527-mediated regulation. Oncogene, 1996; 13: 2615-2622.
    3. Kato M, Hattori T, Matsumoto Y, Nakashima I. Dynamics of soluble adhesion molecule levels in patients with pollinosis. Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 1996; 122: 1398-1400.
    4. Kato M, Hattori T, Ikeda R, Yamamoto J, Yamashita T, Yanagita N, et al. Amount of pollen has an effect on the systemic and local levels of soluble ICAM-1 in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Allergy, 1996; 51: 128-132.
  • 1995年
  • 1994年
  • 1993年
  • 1992年
    2. NOBUTAKA O, MASASHI K, inventors; UNIV NAGOYA NAT CORP, assignee. Agent used as pharmaceutical, quasi-drug, or foodstuff preventing and/or treating acoustic disturbance or cerebellar-ataxia, comprises Hedgehog signal transduction system activation agent patent WO2014084085-A1.
    3. M K, M K, inventors; UNIV NAGOYA, assignee. New genetically modified rodent useful for screening effectiveness of substance for preventing and/or treating de-novo cancer, obtained by deleting hetero-type endotherin receptor B gene and introducing ret proto-oncogene patent JP5481619-B2.
    4. M K, M I, inventors; GH MIURA GAKUEN, assignee. New hairless rodent genetically modified animal useful as model for retarding pigmentation e.g. chloasma, obtained by transferring activated rearranged during transfection proto-oncogene gene and having melanin production ability patent JP2013106554-A.
    5. M K, I Y, M H, H K, K T, H K, inventors; UNIV NAGOYA, assignee. Melanoma treatment apparatus comprises counter electrode pair by which recessed portion is formed in opposing surface of electrode, and gas introduction port introduces gas makes housing to generate plasma patent JP2013153972-A.
    6. KATO M J, OKAMI N J, TAKAHASHI M J, ASAI N J, JIJIWA M J, inventors; UNIV NAGOYA, assignee. New genetically modified rodent used as animal model for screening substance capable of treating hearing loss and congenital deafness, obtained by carrying out dysfunction of one allele of Ret gene and activating Ret protein patent JP5531198-B2.





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