- Akt基質GirdinやGPIアンカー分子CD109が関わる生命現象の理解とその分子メカニズム
これまでRet等の増殖因子受容体の下流で活性化するAktキナーゼの基質としてGirdin(Girders of actin filament)を、また同受容体の下流で発現が増強する分子としてCD109を同定し、それらの機能に関する研究を展開してきました。Girdinはアクチン結合分子あるいは多くの結合分子を有するハブ分子であり、細胞の移動、極性、選択的膜輸送、代謝に関わる分子であることを報告してきました(総説: Weng et al., Cancer Sci 101:836-42, 2010)。また遺伝子改変マウスや病理組織検体の解析から、Girdinが神経芽細胞あるいはがん細胞の集団的移動あるいは浸潤(collective migrationあるいはcollective invasion)を制御する分子であることを明らかにしてきました(総説: Wang et al., Pathol Int 66:183-92, 2016)。また統合失調症の感受性遺伝子であるDISC1と結合し、海馬歯状回の神経芽細胞の適切な位置決定に関わることも示してきました。
CD109はGPIアンカー型膜分子で、正常の表皮基底細胞、筋上皮細胞、血管内皮細胞に発現していますが、多くのがんではがん細胞に高発現することが特徴です(総説: Mii et al., Pathol Int 69:249-259, 2019)。受容体やマトリックス関連分子と結合して複数の増殖因子群のシグナル伝達を調節していることがわかってきました。脳グリオーマでは、CD109は腫瘍幹細胞(brain tumor stem cell)に発現し、その幹細胞性に寄与する分子であることも明らかにしました。最近の検証ではCD109は肺腺がんの浸潤マーカーであり、間質におけるTGF-βの活性化制御因子であることがわかってきました(Taki et al., Cancer Sci 111:4616-4628, 2020)。そのため、最近では新規抗がん剤開発のための分子標的としても期待されています。現在は、これらの分子とそのファミリー分子が寄与する生命現象とそのメカニズムをさらに深く理解することを目標として研究を継続しています。
- Stromal biology:間質を構成する細胞の多様性に着目したがんおよび線維化疾患の本態理解
がんの間質(=上皮細胞以外の領域)にはがん関連線維芽細胞(CAF; cancer-associated fibroblasts)が増生し、特に膵がんをはじめとした高悪性度のがんではその傾向が顕著です。また加齢、組織損傷・治癒、あるいは慢性炎症に伴う多くの臓器の機能低下も間質の線維芽細胞の増加(線維化)が鍵を握っています。近年、このような間質に増生する線維芽細胞には機能多様性があることがわかってきました(総説: Kobayashi et al., Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 16:282-295, 2019)。最近、私達は、がんの抑制、損傷組織の修復、および線維化の抑制において重要な働きをする線維芽細胞のマーカーとしてMeflinを同定しました。Meflin陽性CAFは膵がんを抑制する機能を有すること(Mizutani et al., Cancer Res 79:5367-5381, 2019; Miyai et al. Cancer Sci 111:1047-1057, 2020; Kobayashi et al., Gastroenterology 160:1224-1239, 2021)、Meflinは心筋虚血をはじめとする組織障害時の修復に重要であることを明らかにしてきました(Hara et al., Circ Res 125:414-430, 2019)。またMeflin遺伝子の欠損マウスに心不全を誘導すると、心臓の硬化を特徴とする心不全の一型(HFpEF; 左室駆出率の保たれた心不全あるいは拡張性心不全)を発症することがわかってきました(Hara et al., 2019)。今後は様々な病態における線維芽細胞の多様性とその意義についてさらに多くの分子に着目して解明をすすめるとともに、新規治療法の開発に向けた研究もすすめたいと考えています。
- 線維芽細胞の本態の解明とメカノパソロジー
Meflinは未分化な状態の間葉系幹細胞(MSC; mesenchymal stem cells)に特異的なマーカーとして同定された分子です(Maeda et al., Sci Rep, 6:22288, 2016; Hara et al., Genes Cells 26:495-512, 2021)。上述のように線維芽細胞の亜群にも発現しています。線維芽細胞は組織の構造維持に必須な細胞の一つですが、近年では組織幹細胞のニッチとして機能すること、あるいは各臓器の生理的機能に必須な役割を有することも示されてきました。一方、線維芽細胞の形質変化は周辺環境の硬化を誘導し、そのメカノストレスによってさらに線維芽細胞の機能や遺伝子発現が変化します。このことは様々な疾患の病態や老化のしくみと深い関連があると考えています。線維芽細胞の遺伝子発現プロファイルを検証すると、「線維芽細胞」と呼ばれている細胞の本態はまだ未解明な点が多いこともわかってきました。今後は未分化MSCや線維芽細胞の本態について、病理形態学を中心としたアプローチによって取り組んでいきたいと考えています。また、ヒトの病態をメカノストレスや硬さの観点で理解するメカノパソロジー(mechanopathology)の視点も研究に取り入れていきたいと考えています。
構成員名 | 役職 | 所属 |
髙橋 雅英 | 名誉教授 | 腫瘍病理学 |
榎本 篤 | 教授 | 腫瘍病理学 |
三井 伸二 | 准教授 | 腫瘍病理学 |
白木 之浩 | 助教 | 腫瘍病理学 |
江崎 寛季 | 特任助教 | 腫瘍病理学 |
- 2022年
- Cao F, Yang D, Tang F, Lu C, He X, Chen S, Yang Z, Gong S, Sun L, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Weng L.Girdin promotes tumorigenesis and chemoresistance in lung adenocarcinoma by interacting with PKM2.Cancers (Basel). 2022 Nov 19;14(22):5688. doi: 10.3390/cancers14225688.
- Kusumastuti R, Kumagai Y, Ishihara S, Enomoto A, Murakami T, Yasuda M, Haga H.Mammaglobin 1 mediates progression of trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cells through regulation of cyclins and NF-κB.FEBS Open Bio. 2022 Oct;12(10):1797-1813. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13468.
- Ito K, Nishida Y, Hamada S, Shimizu K, Sakai T, Ohkawara B, Alman BA, Enomoto A, Ikuta K, Koike H, Zhang J, Ohno K, Imagama S.Efficacy of auranofin as an inhibitor of desmoid progression.Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 13;12(1):11918. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15756-9.
- 榎本 篤, 宮井 雄基, 飯田 忠, 大脇 貴之 がん間質の線維芽細胞・腫瘍血管と免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の耐性機構 実験医学 2022年10月号 40(16):2580-2586, 2022
- Shiraki Y, Mii S, Esaki N, Enomoto A.Possible disease-protective roles of fibroblasts in cancer and fibrosis and their therapeutic application.Nagoya J. Med. Sci, 84, 484-496, 2022.
- Ando R, Sakai A, Iida T, Kataoka K, Mizutani Y, Enomoto A.Good and bad stroma in pancreatic cancer: Relevance of functional states of cancer-associated fibroblasts.Cancers (Basel). 14(14):3315, 2022.
- Suzuki A, Sakamoto K, Nakahara Y, Enomoto A, Hino J, Ando A, Inoue M, Shiraki Y, Omote N, Kusaka M, Fukihara J, Hashimoto N.BMP3b Is a novel antifibrotic molecule regulated by Meflin in lung fibroblasts.Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 67(4):446-458, 2022.
- Kumagai Y, Nio-Kobayashi J, Ishihara S, Enomoto A, Akiyama M, Ichihara R, Haga H.The interferon-β/STAT1 axis drives the collective invasion of skin squamous cell carcinoma with sealed intercellular spaces.Oncogenesis. 11(1):27, 2022.
- 榎本 篤, 川井 久美 多発性内分泌腫瘍症 病理と臨床 臨時増刊号「がんゲノム医療時代の分子腫瘍学」 40:160-167, 2022
- 榎本 篤 古い病理形態学を大切に, 革新的銅鉄実験をめざす 実験医学 40(6):942-944, 2022
- Iida T, Mizutani Y, Esaki N, Ponik SM, Burkel BM, Weng L, Kuwata K, Masamune A, Ishihara S, Haga H, Kataoka K, Mii S, Shiraki Y, Ishikawa T, Ohno E, Kawashima H, Hirooka Y, Fujishiro M, Takahashi M, Enomoto A.Pharmacologic conversion of cancer-associated fibroblasts from a protumor phenotype to an antitumor phenotype improves the sensitivity of pancreatic cancer to chemotherapeutics.Oncogene. 2022 May;41(19):2764-2777. doi: 10.1038/s41388-022-02288-9.
- Uno K, Iyoshi S, Yoshihara M, Kitami K, Mogi K, Fujimoto H, Sugiyama M, Koya Y, Yamakita Y, Nawa A, Kanayama T, Tomita H, Enomoto A, Kajiyama H.Metastatic voyage of ovarian cancer cells in ascites with the assistance of various cellular components.Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 15;23(8):4383. doi: 10.3390/ijms23084383.
- Minatoguchi S, Saito S, Furuhashi K, Sawa Y, Okazaki M, Shimamura Y, Kaihan AB, Hashimoto Y, Yasuda Y, Hara A, Mizutani Y, Ando R, Kato N, Ishimoto T, Tsuboi N, Esaki N, Matsuyama M, Shiraki Y, Kobayashi H, Asai N, Enomoto A, Maruyama S.A novel renal perivascular mesenchymal cell subset gives rise to fibroblasts distinct from classic myofibroblasts.Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 30;12(1):5389. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09331-5.
- Kitami K, Yoshihara M, Tamauchi S, Sugiyama M, Koya Y, Yamakita Y, Fujimoto H, Iyoshi S, Uno K, Mogi K, Ikeda Y, Yokoi A, Yoshikawa N, Nishino K, Niimi K, Nawa A, Enomoto A, Kajiyama H.Peritoneal restoration by repurposing vitamin D inhibits ovarian cancer dissemination via blockade of the TGF-β1/thrombospondin-1 axis.Matrix Biol. 2022 May;109:70-90. doi: 10.1016/j.matbio.2022.03.003.
- Miyai Y, Sugiyama D, Hase T, Asai N, Taki T, Nishida K, Fukui T, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Kobayashi H, Mii S, Shiraki Y, Hasegawa Y, Nishikawa H, Ando Y, Takahashi M, Enomoto A.Meflin-positive cancer-associated fibroblasts enhance tumor response to immune checkpoint blockade.Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Mar 2;5(6):e202101230. doi: 10.26508/lsa.202101230.
- Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ohno E, Ishikawa T, Kinoshita F, Kuwatsuka Y, Imai M, Shimizu S, Tsuruta T, Enomoto A, Kawashima H, Fujishiro M.Safety and efficacy of MIKE-1 in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: a study protocol for an open-label phase I/II investigator-initiated clinical trial based on a drug repositioning approach that reprograms the tumour stroma.BMC Cancer. 2022 Feb 24;22(1):205. doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09272-2.
- Ichihara R, Shiraki Y, Mizutani Y, Iida T, Miyai Y, Esaki N, Kato A, Mii S, Ando R, Hayashi M, Takami H, Fujii T, Takahashi M, Enomoto A.Matrix remodeling-associated protein 8 is a marker of a subset of cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic cancer.Pathol Int. 2022 Mar;72(3):161-175. doi: 10.1111/pin.13198.
- Kawasaki T, Tashima T, Nakamura Y, Kondo T, Enomoto A, Kaira K.Letter to editor regarding \"Nuclear insulinoma-associated protein 1 expression as a marker of neuroendocrine differentiation in neoplasms of the breast\" by Seijnhaeve et al.Int J Surg Pathol. 2022 Jun;30(4):470-471. doi: 10.1177/10668969211067764.
- Kobayashi H, Gieniec KA, Lannagan TRM, Wang T, Asai N, Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ando R, Thomas EM, Sakai A, Suzuki N, Ichinose M, Wright JA, Vrbanac L, Ng JQ, Goyne J, Radford G, Lawrence MJ, Sammour T, Hayakawa Y, Klebe S, Shin AE, Asfaha S, Bettington ML, Rieder F, Arpaia N, Danino T, Butler LM, Burt AD, Leedham SJ, Rustgi AK, Mukherjee S, Takahashi M, Wang TC, Enomoto A, Woods SL, Worthley DL.The origin and contribution of cancer-associated fibroblasts in colorectal carcinogenesis.Gastroenterology. 2022 Mar;162(3):890-906. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2021.11.037.
- 2021年
- Kozawa K, Sekai M, Ohba K, Ito S, Sako H, Maruyama T, Kakeno M, Shirai T, Kuromiya K, Kamasaki T, Kohashi K, Tanaka S, Ishikawa S, Sato N, Asano S, Suzuki H, Tanimura N, Mukai Y, Gotoh N, Tanino M, Tanaka S, Natsuga K, Soga T, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Saitou M, Ito T, Matsuura K, Tsunoda M, Kikumori T, Iida T, Mizutani Y, Miyai Y, Kaibuchi K, Enomoto A, Fujita Y.The CD44/COL17A1 pathway promotes the formation of multilayered, transformed epithelia.Curr Biol. 2021 May 28;S0960-9822(21)00625-4. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.078.
- Nakahara Y, Hashimoto N, Sakamoto K, Enomoto A, Adams TS, Yokoi T, Omote N, Poli S, Ando A, Wakahara K, Suzuki A, Inoue M, Hara A, Mizutani Y, Imaizumi K, Kawabe T, Rosas IO, Takahashi M, Kaminski N, Hasegawa Y.Fibroblasts positive for meflin have anti-fibrotic property in pulmonary fibrosis.Eur Respir J. 2021 May 28:2003397. doi: 10.1183/13993003.03397-2020.
- Kawabata T, Suga H, Takeuchi K, Nagata Y, Sakakibara M, Ushida K, Ozone C, Enomoto A, Kawamoto I, Itagaki I, Tsuchiya H, Arima H, Wakabayashi T.A new primate model of hypophyseal dysfunction.Sci Rep. 2021 May 24;11(1):10729.
- Yoshioka N, Tanaka M, Ochi K, Watanabe A, Ono K, Sawada M, Ogi T, Itoh M, Ito A, Shiraki Y, Enomoto A, Ishigami M, Fujishiro M, Ogawa Y, Suganami T.The sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor Tofogliflozin prevents the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-associated liver tumors in a novel murine model.Biomed Pharmacother. 2021 Aug;140:111738. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111738.
- Yasuda Y, Iwama S, Sugiyama D, Okuji T, Kobayashi T, Ito M, Okada N, Enomoto A, Ito S, Yan Y, Sugiyama M, Onoue T, Tsunekawa T, Ito Y, Takagi H, Hagiwara D, Goto M, Suga H, Banno R, Takahashi M, Nishikawa H, Arima H.CD4+ T cells are essential for the development of destructive thyroiditis induced by anti-PD-1 antibody in thyroglobulin-immunized mice.Sci Transl Med. 2021 May 12;13(593):eabb7495.
- Hara A, Kato K, Ishihara T, Kobayashi H, Asai N, Mii S, Shiraki Y, Miyai Y, Ando R, Mizutani Y, Iida T, Takefuji M, Murohara T, Takahashi M, Enomoto A.Meflin defines mesenchymal stem cells and/or their early progenitors with multilineage differentiation capacity.Genes Cells. 2021 May 7. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12855.
- Kobayashi H, Gieniec KA, Wright JA, Wang T, Asai N, Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ando R, Suzuki N, Lannagan TRM, Ng JQ, Hara A, Shiraki Y, Mii S, Ichinose M, Vrbanac L, Lawrence MJ, Sammour T, Uehara K, Davies G, Lisowski L, Alexander IE, Hayakawa Y, Butler LM, Zannettino ACW, Din MO, Hasty J, Burt AD, Leedham SJ, Rustgi AK, Mukherjee S, Wang TC, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Worthley DL, Woods SL.The Balance of Stromal BMP Signaling Mediated by GREM1 and ISLR Drives Colorectal Carcinogenesis.Gastroenterology. 2021 Mar;160(4):1224-1239.e30
- 2020年
- Ohara Y, Enomoto A, Tsuyuki Y, Sato K, Iida T, Kobayashi H, Mizutani Y, Miyai Y, Hara A, Mii S, Suzuki J, Yamashita K, Ito F, Motooka Y, Misawa N, Fukui T, Kawaguchi K, Yokoi K, Toyokuni S.Connective tissue growth factor produced by cancer‑associated fibroblasts correlates with poor prognosis in epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma.Oncol Rep. 2020 Sep;44(3):838-848.
- Chen C, Enomoto A, Weng L, Taki T, Shiraki Y, Mii S, Ichihara R, Kanda M, Koike M, Kodera Y, Takahashi M.Complex roles of the actin-binding protein Girdin/GIV in DNA damage-induced apoptosis of cancer cells.Cancer Sci. 2020 Nov;111(11):4303-4317.
- Esaki N, Enomoto A, Takagishi M, Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ushida K, Shiraki Y, Mii S, Takahashi M.The Daple-CK1ε complex regulates Dvl2 phosphorylation and canonical Wnt signaling.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Nov 12;532(3):406-413.
- Taki T, Shiraki Y, Enomoto A, Weng L, Chen C, Asai N, Murakumo Y, Yokoi K, Takahashi M, Mii S.CD109 regulates in vivo tumor invasion in lung adenocarcinoma through TGF-β signaling.Cancer Sci. 2020 Dec;111(12):4616-4628.
- Miyai Y, Esaki N, Takahashi M, Enomoto A. Cancer-associated fibroblasts that restrain cancer progression: Hypotheses and perspectives. Cancer Sci. 2020 Apr;111(4):1047-1057.
- Hirabayashi S, Hayashi M, Nakayama G, Mii S, Hattori N, Tanabe H, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Yamada S, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Takahashi M, Kodera Y. The Significance of Molecular Biomarkers on Clinical Survival Outcome Differs Depending on Colon Cancer Sidedness. Anticancer Res. 2020 Jan;40(1):201-211.
- Takagishi M, Esaki N, Takahashi K, Takahashi M. Cytoplasmic Dynein Functions in Planar Polarization of Basal Bodies within Ciliated Cells. iScience. 2020 Jun 26;23(6):101213.
- Sakurai Y, Ichinoe M, Yoshida K, Nakazato Y, Saito S, Satoh M, Nakada N, Sanoyama I, Umezawa A, Numata Y, Shi-Xu J, Ichihara M, Takahashi M, Murakumo Y. Inactivation of REV7 enhances chemosensitivity and overcomes acquired chemoresistance in testicular germ cell tumors. Cancer Lett. 2020 Jun 15;489:100-110.
- 2019年
- Mizutani Y, Kobayashi H, Iida T, Asai N, Masamune A, Hara A, Esaki N, Ushida K, Mii S, Shiraki Y, Ando K, Weng L, Ishihara S, Ponik SM, Conklin MW, Haga H, Nagasaka A, Miyata T, Matsuyama M, Kobayashi T, Fujii T, Yamada S, Yamaguchi J, Wang T, Woods SL, Worthley D, Shimamura T, Fujishiro M, Hirooka Y, Enomoto A, Takahashi M. Meflin-Positive Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Inhibit Pancreatic Carcinogenesis. Cancer Res. 2019 Oct 15;79(20):5367-5381.
- Li J, Enomoto A, Weng L, Sun L, Takahashi M. Dephosphorylation of Girdin by PP2A inhibits breast cancer metastasis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 May 21;513(1):28-34.
- Ranjit M, Hirano M, Aoki K, Okuno Y, Ohka F, Yamamichi A, Kato A, Maeda S, Motomura K, Matsuo K, Enomoto A, Ino Y, Todo T, Takahashi M, Wakabayashi T, Kato T, Natsume A. Aberrant Active cis-Regulatory Elements Associated with Downregulation of RET Finger Protein Overcome Chemoresistance in Glioblastoma. Cell Rep. 2019 Feb 26;26(9):2274-2281.e5.
- Kobayashi H, Enomoto A, Woods SL, Burt AD, Takahashi M, Worthley DL. Cancer-associated fibroblasts in gastrointestinal cancer. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 May;16(5):282-295.
- Ohno T, Miyasaka Y, Kuga M, Ushida K, Matsushima M, Kawabe T, Kikkawa Y, Mizuno M, Takahashi M. Mouse NC/Jic strain provides novel insights into host genetic factors for malaria research. Exp Anim. 2019 Aug 14;68(3):243-255.
- Mii S, Enomoto A, Shiraki Y, Taki T, Murakumo Y, Takahashi M. CD109: a multifunctional GPI-anchored protein with key roles in tumor progression and physiological homeostasis. Pathol Int. 2019 May;69(5):249-259.
- Hara A, Kobayashi H, Asai N, Saito S, Higuchi T, Kato K, Okumura T, Bando YK, Takefuji M, Mizutani Y, Miyai Y, Saito S, Maruyama S, Maeda K, Ouchi N, Nagasaka A, Miyata T, Mii S, Kioka N, Worthley DL, Murohara T, Takahashi M, Enomoto A. Roles of the Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cell Marker Meflin in Cardiac Tissue Repair and the Development of Diastolic Dysfunction. Circ Res. 2019 Aug2;125(4):414-430.
- 2018年
- Nakamura N, Naruse K, Kobayashi Y, Miyabe M, Saiki T, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Matsubara T. Chemerin promotes angiogenesis in vivo. Physiol Rep. 2018 Dec;6(24):e13962.
- Wang X, Enomoto A, Weng L, Mizutani Y, Abudureyimu S, Esaki N, Tsuyuki Y,Chen C, Mii S, Asai N, Haga H, Ishida S, Yokota K, Akiyama M, Takahashi M. Girdin/GIV regulates collective cancer cell migration by controlling cell adhesion and cytoskeletal organization. Cancer Sci. 2018 Nov;109(11):3643-3656.
- Yasuda Y, Iwama S, Kiyota A, Izumida H, Nakashima K, Iwata N, Ito Y, Morishita Y, Goto M, Suga H, Banno R, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Arima H, Sugimura Y. Critical role of rabphilin-3A in the pathophysiology of experimental lymphocytic neurohypophysitis. J Pathol. 2018 Apr;244(4):469-478.
- Shindo A, Audrey A, Takagishi M, Takahashi M, Wallingford JB, Kinoshita M. Septin-dependent remodeling of cortical microtubule drives cell reshaping during epithelial wound healing. J Cell Sci. 2018 Jun 28;131(12):jcs212647.
- Mii S, Hoshino A, Enomoto A, Murakumo Y, Ito M, Yamaguchi A, Takahashi M. CD109 deficiency induces osteopenia with an osteoporosis-like phenotype in vivo. Genes Cells. 2018 Jul;23(7):590-598.
- Abudureyimu S, Asai N, Enomoto A, Weng L, Kobayashi H, Wang X, Chen C, Mii S, Takahashi M. Essential Role of Linx/Islr2 in the Development of the Forebrain Anterior Commissure. Sci Rep. 2018 May 8;8(1):7292.
- Weng L, Han YP, Enomoto A, Kitaura Y, Nagamori S, Kanai Y, Asai N, An J, Takagishi M, Asai M, Mii S, Masuko T, Shimomura Y, Takahashi M. Negative regulation of amino acid signaling by MAPK-regulated 4F2hc/Girdin complex. PLoS Biol. 2018 Mar 14;16(3):e2005090.
- Maegawa T, Miyasaka Y, Kobayashi M, Babaya N, Ikegami H, Horio F, Takahashi M, Ohno T. Congenic mapping and candidate gene analysis for streptozotocin-induced diabetes susceptibility locus on mouse chromosome 11. Mamm Genome. 2018 Apr;29(3-4):273-280.
- Mizutani Y, Kuga D, Iida M, Ushida K, Takagi T, Tokita Y, Takahashi M, Asai M. Use of Anti-phospho-girdin Antibodies to Visualize Intestinal Tuft Cells in Free-Floating Mouse Jejunum Cryosections. J Vis Exp. 2018 Mar 21;(133):57475.
- Esaki N, Ohkawa Y, Hashimoto N, Tsuda Y, Ohmi Y, Bhuiyan RH, Kotani N, Honke K, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Furukawa K, Furukawa K. ASC amino acid transporter 2, defined by enzyme-mediated activation of radical sources, enhances malignancy of
- GD2-positive small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Sci. 2018 Jan;109(1):141-153.
- Ushida K, Asai N, Uchiyama K, Enomoto A, Takahashi M. Development of a method to preliminarily embed tissue samples using low melting temperature fish gelatin before sectioning: A technical note. Pathol Int. 2018 Apr;68(4):241-245.
- 2017年
- Shiraki Y, Mii S, Enomoto A, Momota H, Han YP, Kato T, Ushida K, Kato A, Asai N, Murakumo Y, Aoki K, Suzuki H, Ohka F, Wakabayashi T, Todo T, Ogawa S, Natsume A and Takahashi M.Significance of perivascular tumour cells defined by CD109 expression in progression of glioma.J. Pathol. 243: 468-480 (2017).
- Takagishi, M., Sawada, M., Ohata, S., Asai, N., Enomoto, A., Takahashi, K., Weng, L., Ushida, K., Ara, H., Matsui, S., Kaibuchi, K., Sawamoto, K. and Takahashi, M.Daple Coordinates Planar Polarized Microtubule Dynamics in Ependymal Cells and Contributes to Hydrocephalus.Cell Rep. 20: 960-972 (2017).
- Kuga, D., Ushida, K., Mii, S., Enomoto, A., Asai, N., Nagino, M., Takahashi, M. and Asai, M.Tyrosine phosphorylation of an actin-binding protein Girdin specifically marks tuft cells in human and mouse gut.J. Histochem. Cytochem. 65: 347-366 (2017).
- Han, Y-P., Enomoto, A., Shiraki, Y., Wang, S-Q., Wang, X., Toyokuni, S., Asai, N., Ushida, K., Hosne, A., Ohka, F., Wakabayashi, T., Ma, J., Natsume, A. and Takahashi, M.Significance of low mTORC1 activity in defining the characteristics of brain tumor stem cells.Neuro-Oncology 19: 636-647 (2017) .
- 2016年
- Itoh, N., Enomoto, A., Nagai, T., Takahashi, M. and Yamada, K.Molecular mechanism linking BDNF/TrkB signaling with the NMDA receptor in memory: the role of Girdin in the CNS.Rev. Neurosci. 27: 481-490 (2016).
- Wang, X., Enomoto, A., Asai, N., Kato, T. and Takahashi, M.Collective invasion of cancer: Perspectives from pathology and development.Pathol. Int. 66: 183-192 (2016).
- Nakai, T., Kawasaki, T., Tada, T., Ishida, M., Iwakoshi, A., Enomoto, A., Okuda, S., Takahashi, M., Ambo, J.I., Sugai, T., Ohbayashi, C. and Ichihara, S.Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor of the breast with extensive lymphatic and vascular infiltration.Pathol. Int. 66: 706-707 (2016).
- Sunagawa M, Mii S, Enomoto A, Kato T, Murakumo Y, Shiraki Y, Asai N, Asai M, Nagino M, and Takahashi M.Suppression of skin tumorigenesis in CD109-deficient mice.Oncotarget 7: 82836-82850 (2016).
- Nogimori, K., Hori, T., Kawaguchi, K., Fukui, T., Mii, S., Nakada, H., Matsumoto, Y., Yamauchi, Y., Takahashi, M., Furukawa, K., Okajima, T., Yokoi, K., Hasegawa, Y. and Furukawa, K.Increased expression levels of ppGalNAc-T13 in lung cancers: Significance in the prognostic diagnosis.Int. J. Oncol. 49: 1369-1376 (2016) .
- Maeda, K., Enomoto, A., Hara, A., Asai, N., Kobayashi, T., Horinouchi, A., Maruyama, S., Ishikawa, Y., Nishiyama, T., Kiyoi, H., Kato, T., Ando, K., Weng, L., Mii, S., Asai, M., Mizutani, Y., Watanabe, O., Hirooka, Y., Goto, H. and Takahashi, M.Identification of Meflin as a potential marker for mesenchymal stromal cells.Sci. Rep. 6: 22288 (2016).
- Nahorski, M.S, Asai, M., Wakeling, E., Parker, A., Asai, N., Canham, N., Holder, S.E., Chen, Y.C., Dyer, J., Brady, A.F., Takahashi, M. and Woods, C.G.CCDC88A mutations cause PEHO-like syndrome in humans and mouse.Brain 139: 1036-1044 (2016).
- Sakakura, H., Mii, S., Hagiwara, S., Kato, T., Yamamoto, N., Hibi, H., Takahashi, M. and Murakumo, Y.CD109 is a component of exosome secreted from cultured cells.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 469: 816-822 (2016).
- Ara, H., Takagishi, M., Enomoto, A., Asai, M., Ushida, K., Asai, N., Shimoyama, Y., Kaibuchi, K., Kodera, Y. and Takahashi, M.Role for Daple in non-canonical Wnt signaling during gastric cancer invasion and metastasis.Cancer Sci. 107: 133-139 (2016).
- 2015年
- Yamamura Y, Asai N, Enomoto A, Kato T, Mii S, Kondo Y, Ushida K., Niimi, K, Tsunoda N, Nagino M, Ichihara S, Furukawa K, Maeda K, Murohara T, Takahashi M.Akt-Girdin signaling in cancer-associated fibroblasts contributes to tumor progression.Cancer Res. 75: 813-823 (2015).
- Takashima S, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Tanaka T, Morimoto H, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Jijiwa M, Takahashi M, Ogura A, Shinohara T.Functional Differences between GDNF-Dependent and FGF2-Dependent Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cell Self-Renewal.Stem Cell Rep. 4: 489-502 (2015).
- Mansour MA, Hyodo T, Ito S, Kurita K, Kokuryo T, Uehara K, Nagino M, Takahashi M, Hamaguchi M, Senga, T.SATB2 suppresses the progression of colorectal cancer cells via inactivation of MEK5/ERK5 signaling.FEBS J. 282: 1394-1405 (2015).
- Omori K, Asai M, Kuga D, Ushida K, Izuchi T, Mii S, Enomoto A, Asai N, Nagino M, Takahashi M.Girdin is phosphorylated on tyrosine 1798 when associated with structures required for migration.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 458: 934-940 (2015).
- Zhang J-M, Murakumo Y, Hagiwara S, Jiang P, Mii S, Kalyoncu E, Saito S, Suzuki C, Sakurai Y, Numata Y, Yamamoto T, Takahashi, M.CD109 attenuates TGFbeta1 signaling and enhances EGF signaling in SK-MG-1 human glioblastoma cells.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 459: 252-258 (2015).
- Noda T, Maeda K, Hayano S, Asai N, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Murohara, T.A new ER stress regulator, Gipie, regulates the survival of vascular smooth muscle cells and the neointima formation after vascular injury.Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 35: 1246-1253 (2015).
- Ichimiya H, Maeda K, Enomoto A, Weng L, Takahashi M, Murohara, T.Girdin/GIV regulates transendothelial permeability by controlling VE-cadherin trafficking through the small GTPase, R-Ras.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 461: 260-267 (2015).
- Iwama S, Sugimura Y, Kiyota A, Kato T, Enomoto A, Suzuki H, Iwata N, Takeuchi S, Nakashima K, Takagi H, Izumida H, Ochiai H, Fujisawa H, Suga H, Arima H, Shimoyama Y, Takahashi M, Nishioka H. Ishikawa SE, Shimatsu A, Caturegli P, Oiso Y.Rabphilin-3A as a Targeted Autoantigen in Lymphocytic Infundibulo-neurohypophysitisJ. Clin. Endocrinol .Metab. 100: E946-54 (2015).
- Muramatsu A, Enomoto A, Kato T, Weng L, Kuroda K, Asai N, Asai M, Mii S, Takahashi M.Potential involvement of kinesin-1 in the regulation of subcellular localization of Girdin.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 463: 999-1005 (2015).
- Hayano S, Takefuji M, Maeda K, Noda T, Ichimiya H, Kobayashi K, Enomoto A, Asai N, Takahashi M, Murohara, T.Akt-dependent Girdin phosphorylation regulates repair processes after acute myocardial infarction.J Mol Cell Cardiol. 88: 55-63 (2015)
- 2014年
- Nakai T, Nagai T, Tanaka M, Itoh N, Asai N, Enomoto A, Asai M, Yamada S, Saifullah AB, Sokabe M, Takahashi M, Yamada, K.Girdin phosphorylation is crucial for synaptic plasticity and memory: Potential role in the interaction of BDNF/TrkB/Akt signaling with NMDA receptor.J Neurosci. 34: 14995-15008 (2014).
- Weng L, Enomoto A, Miyoshi H, Takahashi K, Asai N, Morone N, Jiang P, An J, Kato T, Kuroda K, Watanabe T, Asai M, Ishida-Takagishi M, Murakumo Y, Nakashima H, Kaibuchi K, Takahashi M.Regulation of cargo-selective endocytosis by dynamin 2 GTPase-activating protein girdin.EMBO J. 33: 2098-2112 (2014).
- Ota H, Hikita T, Sawada M, Nishioka T, Matsumoto M, Komura M, Ohno A, Kamiya Y, Miyamoto T, Asai N, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Kaibuchi K, Sobue K, Sawamoto. K.Speed control for neuronal migration in the postnatal brain by Gmip-mediated local inactivation of RhoA.Nat Commun. July 30;5:4532 (2014).
- Han YP, Ma CK, Wang SQ, Enomoto A, Zhao Y, Takahashi M, Ma J.Evaluation of osteopontin as a potential biomarker for central nervous system embryonal tumors.J Neuro-Oncol. 119:343-351 (2014).
- Kato T, Enomoto A, Watanabe T, Haga H, Ishida S, Kondo Y, Furukawa K, Urano T, Mii S, Weng L, Ishida-Takagishi M, Asai M, Asai N, Kaibuchi K, Murakumo Y, Takahashi M.TRIM27/MTRF-B-dependent integrin beta1 expression defines leading cells in cancer cell collecitives.Cell Rep. 7:1156-1167 (2014)
- Niimi K, Murakumo Y, Watanabe N, Kato T, Mii S, Enomoto A, Asai M, Asai N, Yamamoto E, Kajiyama H, Shibata K, Kikkawa F, Takahashi M.Suppression of REV7 enhances cisplatin sensitivity in ovarian clear cell carcinoma cellsCancer Sci. 105:545-552 (2014).
- Hagiwara D, Arima H, Morishita Y, Wenjun L, Azuma Y, Ito Y, Suga H, Goto M, Banno R, Sugimura Y, Shiota A, Asai N, Takahashi M, Oiso Y.Arginine vasopressin neuronal loss results from autophagy-associated cell death in a mouse model for familial neurohypophysial diabetes insipidus.Cell Death and Disease 5:e114 (2014).
- Miyachi H, Mii S, Enomoto A, Murakumo Y, Kato T, Asai N, Komori K, Takahashi M.Role of Girdin in intimal hyperplasia in vein grafts and efficacy of atelocollagen-mediated application of siRNA for vein failure.J Vasc Surg. 60:479-489.e5 (2014).
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- Sakakura H, Murakumo Y, Mii S, Hagiwara S, Kato T, Asai M, Hoshino A, Yamamoto N, Sobue S, Ichihara M, Ueda M, Takahashi M.Detection of a soluble form of CD109 in serum of CD109 transgenic and tumor xenografted mice.PLoS One. 9:e83385 (2014).
- Takahara Y, Maeda M, Hasegawa H, Ito S, Hyodo T, Asano E, Takahashi M, Hamaguchi M, Senga T.Silencing of TBC1D15 promotes RhoA activation and membrane blebbing.Mol Cell Biochem. 389:9-16 (2014).
- Hoshino A, Hanada S, Yamada H, Mii S, Takahashi M, Mitarai S, Yamamoto K, Manome Y.Mycobacterium tuberculosis escapes from the phagosomes of infected human osteoclasts reprograms osteoclast development via dysregulation of cytokines and chemokines.Pathog Dis. 70:28-39 (2014).
- 2013年
- Ueno S, Nishiguchi KM, Tanioka H, Enomoto A, Yamanouchi T, Kondo M, Yasuma TR, Yasuda S, Kuno N, Takahashi M, Terasaki H.Degeneration of retinal on bipolar cells induced by serum including autoantibody against TRPM1 in mouse model of paraneoplastic retinopathy.PLoS One. 8:e81507 (2013).
- Ota H, Hikita T, Nishioka T, Matsumoto M, Ito J, Asai N, Enomoto A, Takahashi M, Kaibuchi K, Sobue K, Sawamoto K.Proteomic analysis of Girdin-interacting proteins in migrating new neurons in the postnatal mouse brain.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 442:16-21 (2013).
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- Watanabe, N., Mii, S., Asai, N., Asai, M., Niimi, K., Ushida, K., Kato, T., Enomoto, A., Ishii, H., Takahashi, M., and Murakumo, Y,The REV7 subunit of DNA polymerase ζ is essential for primordial germ cell maintenance in the mouse.J. Biol. Chem.288:10459-10471 (2013).
- Ito, T., Komeima, K., Yasuma, T., Enomoto, A., Asai, N., Iwase, S., Takahashi, M. and Terasaki, H.Girdin and its phosphorylation dynamically regulate neonatal vascular development and pathological neovascularization in the retina.Am. J. Pathol. 182: 586-596 (2013).
- An, J., Enomoto, A., Weng, L., Kato, T., Iwakoshi, A., Ushida, K., Maeda, K., Ishida-Takagishi, M., Ishii, G., Ming, S., Sun, T. and Takahashi, M.Significance of cancer-associated fibroblasts in the regulation of gene expression in the leading cells of invasive lung cancer.J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 139: 379-388 (2013).
- 2012年
- Muteliefu G, Shimizu H, Enomoto A, Nishijima F, Takahashi M, Niwa T.Indoxyl sulfate promotes vascular smooth muscle cell senescence with upregulation of p53, p21, and prelamin A through oxidative stress.Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 303:C126-134 (2012).
- Mao, J.-Z., Jiang, P., Cui, S.-P., Ren, Y.-L., Zhao, J., Yin, X.-H., Enomoto, A., Liu, H.-J., Hou, L., Takahashi, M. and Zhang, B.Girdin locates in centrosome and midbody and plays an important role in cell division.Cancer Sci. 103: 1780-1787 (2012).
- Horio-Sakurai, M., Kato, T., Mii, S., Enomoto, A., Asai, M., Asai, N., Murakumo, Y., Shibata, K., Kikkawa, F. and Takahashi, M.Expression of RET finger protein predicts chemoresistance in epithelial ovarian cancer.Cancer Med. 1: 218-229 (2012).
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- Hyodo T, Ito S, Hasegawa H, Asano E, Maeda M, Urano T, Takahashi M, Hamaguchi M, Senga T.Misshapen-like kinase 1 (MINK1) Is a Novel Component of Striatin-interacting Phosphatase and Kinase (STRIPAK) and Is Required for the Completion of Cytokinesis.J. Biol. Chem. 287: 25019-25029 (2012).
- Mii, S., Murakumo, Y., Asai, N., Jijiwa, M., Hagiwara, S., Kato, T., Asai, M., Enomoto, A., Ushida, K., Sobue, S., Ichihara, M. and Takahashi, M.Epidermal hyperplasia and appendage abnormalities in mice lacking CD109.Am. J. Pathol. 181: 1180-1189 (2012).
- Muteliefu, G., Shimizu, H., Enomoto, A., Nishijima, F., Takahashi, M. and Niwa, T.Indoxyl sulfate promotes vascular smooth muscle cell senescence with upregulation of p53, p21 and prelamin A through oxidative stress.Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 303: C126-C134 (2012).
- Ishida-Takagishi, M., Enomoto, A., Asai, N., Ushida, K., Watanabe, T., Hashimoto, T., Kato, T., Weng, L., Matsumoto, S., Asai, M., Murakumo, y., Kaibuchi, K., Kikuchi, A. and Takahashi, M.The Dvl-associated protein Daple controls the non-canonical Wnt/Rac pathway and cell motility.Nature Commun. 3: 859 (2012).
- Ohara, K., Enomoto, A., Kato, T., Hashimoto, T., Isotani-Sakakibara, M., Asai, N., Ishida,-Takagishi, M., Weng, L., Nakayama, M., Watanabe, T., Kato, K., Kaibuchi, K., Murakumo, Y., Hirooka, Y., Goto, H. and Takahashi M.Involvement of Girdin in the dermination of cell polarity during cell migration.PLoS One, 7: e36681 (2012).
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- Natsume, A., Kato, T., Kinjo, S., Enomoto, A., Toda, H., Shimato, S., Ohka, F., Motomura, K., Kondo, Y., Miyata, T., Takahashi, M. and Wakabayashi, T.Girdin maintains the stemness of glioblastoma stem cells.Oncogene 31: 2715-2724 (2012).
- Ohgami, N., Ida-Eto, M., Sakashita, N., Sone, M., Nakashima, T., Tabuchi, K., Hoshino, T., Shimada, A., Tsuzuki, T., Yamamoto, M., Sobue, G., Jijiwa, M., Asai, N., Hara, A., Takahashi, M. and Kato, M.Partial impairment of c-Ret at tyrosine 1062 accelerates age-related hearing loss in mice.Neurobiol. Aging 33: 626 e25-34 (2012).
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- 2011年
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- Wang, Y., Kaneko, N., Asai, N., Enomoto, A., Isotani-Sakakibara, M., Kato, T., Asai, M., Murakumo, Y., Ota, H., Hikita, T., Namba, T., Kuroda, K., Kaibuchi, K., Ming, G., Song, H., Sawamoto, K. and Takahashi, M.Girdin is an intrinsic regulator of neuroblast chain migration in the rostral migratory stream of the postnatal brain.J. Neurosci. 31: 8109-8122 (2011).
- Miyake, H., Maeda, K., Asai, N., Shibata, R., Ichimiya, H., Isotani-Sakakibara, M., Yamamura, Y., Kato, K., Enomoto, A., Takahashi, M. and Murohara, T.The actin-binding protein Girdin and its Akt-mediated phosphorylation regulate neointima formation after vascular injury.Circ. Res. 108: 1170-1179 (2011).
- Matsushita, E., Asai, N., Enomoto, A., Kawamoto, Y., Kato, T., Mii, S., Maeda, K., Shibata, R., Hattori, S., Hagikura, M., Takahashi, k., Sokabe, M., Murakumo, Y., Murohara, T. and Takahashi, M.Protective role of Gipie, a Girdin family protein, in endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in endothelial cell.Mol. Biol. Cell. 22: 736-747 (2011).
- Miyamoto, R., Jijiwa, M., Asai, M., Kawai, K., Ishida-Takagishi, M., Mii, S., Asai, N., Enomoto, A., Murakumo, Y., Yoshimura, A. and Takahashi, M.Loss of Sprouty2 partially rescues renal hypoplasia and stomach hypoganglionosis but not intestinal aganglionosis in Ret Y1062F mutant miceDev. Biol.349: 160-168 (2011).
- Saito, S., Murakumo, Y., Tsuzuki, T., Dambara, A., Kato, T., Enomoto, A., Asai, N., Maruyama, S., Matsuo, S. and Takahashi, M.Analysis of GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1 expression in human diseased kidney.Human Pathol. 42: 848-858 (2011).
- 2010年
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- 2009年
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- 2008年
- Hasegawa, T., Enomoto, A., Kato, T., Kawai, K., Miyamoto, R., Jijiwa, M., Ichiahara, M., Ishida, M., Asai, N., Murakumo, Y., Ohara, K., Niwa, Y., Goto, H., and Takahashi, M.Roles of induced expression of MAPK phosphatase-2 in tumor development in RET-MEN2A transgenic mice.Oncogene 27: 5684-5695 (2008).
- Hagiwara, S., Murakumo, Y., Sato, T., Mitsudo, K., Tohnai, I., Ueda, M. and Takahashi, M.Up-regulation of CD109 expression is associated with carcinogenesis of the squamous epithelium of the oral cavity.Cancer Sci. 99: 1916-1923 (2008).
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- 2007年
- Ichihara, M., Murakumo, Y., Masuda, A., Matsuura, T., Asai, N., Jijiwa, M., Ishida, M., Shinmi, J., Yatsuya, H., Qiao, S., Takahashi, M. and Ohno, K.Thermodynamic instability of siRNA duplex is a prerequisite for dependable prediction of siRNA activities.Nucleic Acids Res. 35: e123 (2007).
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- 2006年
- Asai, N., Fukuda, T., Wu, Z., Enomoto, A., Pachnis, V., Takahashi, M. and Costantini, F.Targeted mutation of serine 697 in the Ret tyrosine kinase causes migration defect of enteric neural crest cells.Development 133: 4507-4516 (2006).
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- Takeda, K., Kawamoto, Y., Okuno, Y, Kato, M., Takahashi, M., Suzuki, H., Isobe, K. and Nakashima, I.A PKC-mediated backup mechanism of the MXXCW motif-linked switch for initiating tyrosine kinase activities.FEBS Lett. 839-843 (2006).
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- 2005年
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- 2004年
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- 2003年
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- 2002年
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- 2001年
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- 2000年
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