大学院教育Master & Doctoral Course

Top > 大学院教育 > 授業案内 > 「基盤医学特論(TOKURON)」「特徴あるプログラム(TOKUPRO)」開講通知 Course Details  > 基盤医学特論 TOKURON 概要

基盤医学特論 TOKURON 概要

概要 Summary

どの専門分野を受講しても構いませんが、15回以上の中に、基盤医学特論の一部として本研究科にて定期的に開催されるPremium Lectureを1回以上含むようにしてください。



Students are required to attend at least 15 lectures given for the TOKURON in each specialized field.
It doesn't matter which specialty you take, but please make sure to include at least one Premium Lecture, which is held regularly at our graduate school of medicine as part of the TOKURON, among the 15 or more lectures.
When you attend a lecture, a stamp will be stamped on your "TOKURON Card" to confirm your attendance.
When you attend an online lecture, the attendance will confirm after you submitted the TOKURON Card.

As a general rule, please take the course at least 15 times within two years and promptly submit your course card to the Student Affairs Office Graduate School of Medicine . Upon this submission, the chairperson of the Graduate School Education Committee will certify the credits.

The implementation date and lecture content will be posted on the School of Medicine/Graduate School of Medicine website as soon as the graduate school office is contacted by each specialized field.

Information will also be posted on the bulletin board (related to graduate schools) in front of theStudent Affairs Division office on the 1st floor of the Basic Research Building.