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 本寄附講座の主目的は、消化器外科手術を受ける患者さんを対象にして、術前の腸内環境および筋肉量が術後の合併症発生や長期予後へ与える影響について幅広い疾患、術式で検討することです。この研究は名古屋大学医学部生命倫理審査委員会の承認(承認番号 2018-0259)と病院長の許可を受けた上で実施します。


1) 消化器外科手術症例における術前腸内環境および体幹筋肉量と術後合併症発生に関する多施設前向き研究(承認番号 2018-0259).


 先行研究では肝胆膵領域の高度侵襲外科手術を行う患者さんを対象に術前の便を採取したり、術前に撮影されたCT画像を用いて筋肉量を評価したりしました。便の解析は主に便中の細菌叢プロファイリングと有機酸濃度の測定を行いました(図1)。またCT画像では第3腰椎レベfigure1.pngルでの大腰筋面積を体幹の筋肉量として評価しました(図2)。しかしこれらの研究は少数例 の検討であり、疾患や術式も限定されたものでした。消化器外科領域では多彩な疾患に対して様々な手術が行われています。先行研究で得られた結果が、広く一般的に行われる消化器外科領域の手術全体に通じるものであるのか、あるいは患者さんの年齢、性、基礎疾患、生活習慣などが術前の腸内環境や筋肉量にどのように影響を及ぼすのかも未だ不明です。さらに消化器外科領域では食道癌、胃癌、大腸癌、膵臓癌、胆道癌、 肝臓癌などの悪性疾患だけでなく、虫垂炎、ヘルニア、胆石症、炎症性腸疾患、腸閉塞などの良性疾患も数多く含まれます。これら良性疾患と悪性疾患の間で、腸内環境あるいは筋肉量がどのように異なるのかは非常に興味深いと思います。また悪性疾患手術後には長期生存予後が重要な課題になりますが、患者さんの術前腸内環境、筋肉量と消化器癌手術後の予後についても大規模に調べられたことはありません。

2) 腸管壊死手術症例を対象としたバクテリアルトランスロケーションのメカニズム解明(承認番号 2018-0133)

 消化器外科領域では、様々な原因で腸管の壊死(組織が死滅してしまう事)が起こります。腸管壊死が起こると、腸管穿孔から腹膜炎に移行するため、必ず緊急手術の対象となり、壊死腸管の切除術が行われます。腸管壊死の状態では、腸粘膜は血流不全により著しく破壊されてfigure3-4.pngおり、バクテリアルトランスロケーションが発生すると推測されます。バクテリアルトランスロケーションとは、腸管粘膜が破壊されて、腸内に存在する細菌が血液中やリンパ液中に入り込む現象を言い、1979年にBergらにより提唱された概念です(図3)。バクテリアルトランスロケーションの詳細なメカニズムについては、これまでに動物実験レベルでは数多くの研究がなされておりますが、実際にバクテリアルトランスロケーションがヒトで直接的に証明された研究はほとんどありません。腸管壊死の状態では、腸管壁が肥厚し、その壁内に腸内細菌が産生したと思われるガス像がみられ、腸管気腫症という病態で知られています(図4)。時にはこのガスが肝内門脈まで移行し、門脈ガス血症としてとらえられることもあります。この病態はバクテリアルトランスロケーションの極 型とも言えるものであります。しかしながらこれまでに腸管壊死で切除された検体を用いてバクテリアルトランスロケーションのメカニズムを詳細に調べた研究は行われていません。本研究では、腸管壊死により緊急手術を必要とする患者さんを対象にして、手術で切除された腸管の検体を用いてバクテリアルトランスロケーションのメカニズムを解明することを目的とします。

3) 高度侵襲外科手術患者におけるシンバイオティクス・プレハビリテーション療法の効果に関する無作為化比較試験(承認番号 2018-0369)




横山 幸浩 寄附講座教授 外科周術期管理学寄附講座 消化器外科一
渡辺 伸元 寄附講座助教 外科周術期管理学寄附講座 消化器外科一


  • 2018年
    1. Preoperative biliary colonization/infection caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens in patients undergoing major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Sugawara G, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Yamaguchi J, Mizuno T, Yagi T, Nagino M , Surgery , 2018年
    2. Inhibition of Toll-like receptor 4 ameliorates experimental postischemic injury in the cholestatic liver through inhibition of high-mobility group box protein b1 (HMGB1) signaling , Yokoi Tsuyoshi, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Kokuryo Toshio, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 163巻 2号 (頁:270-276) , 2018年
    3. Does the intestinal microenvironment have an impact on the choleretic effect of inchinkoto, a hepatoprotective herbal medicine? , Uji Masahito, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Asahara Takashi, Ebata Tomoki, Igami Tsuyoshi, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH , 48巻 3号 (頁:E303-E310) , 2018年
    4. Recurrence after curative-intent resection of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: analysis of a large cohort with a close postoperative follow-up approach. , Komaya K, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Surgery , 2018年
    5. Impact of the gastrojejunal anatomic position as the mechanism of delayed gastric emptying after pancreatoduodenectomy. , Nojiri M, Yokoyama Y, Maeda T, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Surgery , 2018年
    6. Cells of origin of pancreatic neoplasms , Yamaguchi Junpei, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Kokuryo Toshio, Ebata Tomoki, Nagino Masato , SURGERY TODAY , 48巻 1号 (頁:9-17) , 2018年
    7. Duration of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Major Hepatectomy With Extrahepatic Bile Duct Resection: A Randomized Controlled Trial , Sugawara Gen, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ebata Tomoki, Mizuno Takashi, Yagi Tetsuya, Ando Masahiko, Nagino Masato , ANNALS OF SURGERY , 267巻 1号 (頁:142-148) , 2018年
  • 2017年
    1. Prospective evaluation of the International Study Group for Liver Surgery definition of post hepatectomy liver failure after liver resection: an international multicentre study. , Sultana A, Brooke-Smith M, Ullah S, Figueras J, Rees M, Vauthey JN, Conrad C, Hugh TJ, Garden OJ, Fan ST, Crawford M, Makuuchi M, Yokoyama Y, Büchler M, Padbury R , HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association , 2017年
    2. Application of three-dimensional print in minor hepatectomy following liver partition between anterior and posterior sectors. , Igami T, Nakamura Y, Oda M, Tanaka H, Nojiri M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Mori K, Nagino M , ANZ journal of surgery , 2017年
    3. Application of fluorescent cholangiography during single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholecystitis with a right-sided round ligament: Preliminary experience. , Nojiri M, Igami T, Toyoda Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Journal of minimal access surgery (頁:.) , 2017年
    4. Uneven acute non-alcoholic fatty change of the liver after percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization in a patient with hilar cholangiocarcinoma - a case report , Tsai Chun-Yi, Nojiri Motoi, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ebata Tomoki, Mizuno Takashi, Nagino Masato , BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY , 17巻 1号 (頁:144) , 2017年
    5. Successful local treatment for repeated hepatic recurrences of cholangiolocellular carcinoma: a report on a long-term survivor , Shinohara Kentaro, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Shimoyama Yoshie, Shiina Shuichiro, Tateishi Ryosuke, Arano Toru, Nagino Masato , SURGICAL CASE REPORTS , 3巻 1号 (頁:120) , 2017年
    6. Exploration of serum biomarkers for predicting the response to Inchinkoto (ICKT), a Japanese traditional herbal medicine , Uji Masahito, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ohbuchi Katsuya, Tsuchiya Kazuaki, Sadakane Chiharu, Shimobori Chika, Yamamoto Masahiro, Nagino Masato , METABOLOMICS , 13巻 12号 , 2017年
    7. Usefulness of endoscopic ultrasonography-elastography as a predictive tool for the occurrence of pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy , Kuwahara Takamichi, Hirooka Yoshiki, Kawashima Hiroki, Ohno Eizaburo, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Fujii Tsutomu, Nakamura Shigeo, Kodera Yasuhiro, Nagino Masato, Goto Hidemi , JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES , 24巻 12号 (頁:649-656) , 2017年
    8. Clinical influence of preoperative factor XIII activity in patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy , Watanabe Nobuyuki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ebata Tomoki, Sugawara Gen, Igami Tsuyoshi, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , HPB , 19巻 11号 (頁:972-977) , 2017年
    9. The Benefits of a Wound Protector in Preventing Incisional Surgical Site Infection in Elective Open Digestive Surgery: A Large-Scale Cohort Study , Itatsu Keita, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Sugawara Gen, Kamiya Satoaki, Terasaki Masaki, Morioka Atsushi, Iyomasa Shinsuke, Shirai Kazuhisa, Ando Masahiko, Nagino Masato , WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 41巻 11号 (頁:2715-2722) , 2017年
    10. Profile of preoperative fecal organic acids closely predicts the incidence of postoperative infectious complications after major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection: Importance of fecal acetic acid plus butyric acid minus lactic acid gap , Yokoyama Yukihiro, Mizuno Takashi, Sugawara Gen, Asahara Takashi, Nomoto Koji, Igami Tsuyoshi, Ebata Tomoki, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 162巻 4号 (頁:926-934) , 2017年
    11. Loss of trefoil factor 1 inhibits biliary regeneration but accelerates the differentiation of hepatic progenitors into hepatocytes in mice , Hayashi Yuki, Yamaguchi Junpei, Kokuryo Toshio, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Nagino Masato , HEPATOLOGY , 66巻 (頁:378A-379A) , 2017年
    12. The novel tumor suppressor Trefoil Factor Family 1 (TFF1) inhibits the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in mice , Yamaguchi Junpei, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Kokuryo Toshio, Ebata Tomoki, Nagino Masato , HEPATOLOGY , 66巻 (頁:981A-982A) , 2017年
    13. Residual Carcinoma In Situ at the Ductal Stump has a Negative Survival Effect An Analysis of Early-stage Cholangiocarcinomas- - , Tsukahara Tetsuo, Ebata Tomoki, Shimoyama Yoshie, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Nagino Masato , ANNALS OF SURGERY , 266巻 1号 (頁:126-132) , 2017年
    14. Clinicopathologic study on metachronous double cholangiocarcinomas of perihilar and subsequent distal bile duct origin , Shinohara Kentaro, Shimoyama Yoshie, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Mizuno Takashi, Nakaguro Masato, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 162巻 1号 (頁:84-93) , 2017年
    15. Long-term survival after multidisciplinary therapy for residual gallbladder cancer with peritoneal dissemination: a case report , Kuga Daisuke, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGICAL CASE REPORTS , 3巻 1号 (頁:76) , 2017年
    16. Pulmonary Metastasis After Resection of Cholangiocarcinoma: Incidence, Resectability, and Survival , Yamada Mihoko, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 41巻 6号 (頁:1550-1557) , 2017年
    17. Novel therapy for pancreatic fistula using adipose-derived stem cell sheets treated with mannose , Kaneko Hirokazu, Kokuryo Toshio, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Yamaguchi Junpei, Yamamoto Tokunori, Shibata Rei, Gotoh Momokazu, Murohara Toyoaki, Ito Akira , SURGERY , 161巻 6号 (頁:1561-1569) , 2017年
    18. Study on the segmentation of the right anterior sector of the liver , Kobayashi Tomoki, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 161巻 6号 (頁:1536-1542) , 2017年
    19. Feeding catheter gastrostomy with the round ligament of the liver prevents mechanical bowel obstruction after esophagectomy , Kawai R., Abe T., Uemura N., Fukaya M., Saito T., Komori K., Yokoyama Y., Nagino M., Shinoda M., Shimizu Y. , DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS , 30巻 6号 , 2017年
    20. Perineal alveolar soft part sarcoma treated by laparoscopy-assisted total pelvic exenteration combined with pubic resection , Aiba Toshisada, Uehara Keisuke, Tsukushi Satoshi, Yoshino Yasushi, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Nagino Masato , ASIAN JOURNAL OF ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY , 10巻 2号 (頁:198-201) , 2017年
    21. Gut microbiota and bacterial translocation in digestive surgery: the impact of probiotics , Komatsu Shunichiro, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Nagino Masato , LANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY , 402巻 3号 (頁:401-416) , 2017年
    22. The development of an automatically produced cholangiography procedure using the reconstructin of portal-phase multidetector-row computed tomography images: preliminary experience. , Hirose T, Igami T, Koga K, Hayashi Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Mori K, Nagino M , Surgery Today , 47巻 3号 (頁:365-374) , 2017年
    23. The development of an automatically produced cholangiography procedure using the reconstruction of portal-phase multidetector-row computed tomography images: preliminary experience , Hirose Tomoaki, Igami Tsuyoshi, Koga Kusuto, Hayashi Yuichiro, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Mori Kensaku, Nagino Masato , SURGERY TODAY , 47巻 3号 (頁:365-374) , 2017年
    24. Adjuvant gemcitabine monotherapy for resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma with lymph node involvement: a propensity score matching analysis. , Mizuno T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 47巻 2号 (頁:182-192) , 2017年
    25. Preoperative six-minute walk distance accurately predicts postoperative complications following surgeries for hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer. , Hayashi K, Yokoyama Y, Nakajima H, Nagino M, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Hattori K, Kadono I, Ito S, Nishida Y. , Surgery , 161巻 2号 (頁:525-532) , 2017年
    26. Anatomical features of independent right posterior portal vein variants: implications for left hepatic trisectionectomy. , Watanabe N, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Surgery , 161巻 2号 (頁:347-354) , 2017年
    27. Verification of the oncological inferiority of percutaneous biliary drainage to endoscopic drainage: A propensity score matching analysis of resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Komaya K, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Surgery , 161巻 2号 (頁:394-404) , 2017年
    28. The anti-cancer effect of novel alpha-bisabolol derivatives against pancreatic cancer. , 185. Murata Y, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Yamaguchi J, Miwa T, Shibuya M, Yamamoto Y, Nagino M , Anticancer Research , 37巻 2号 (頁:589-598) , 2017年
    29. Surgery-related muscle loss and its association with postoperative complications after major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Otuji H, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , World Journal of Surgery , 41巻 2号 (頁:498-507) , 2017年
    30. A clear difference between the outcomes after a major hepatectomy with and without an extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Takagi T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Ebata T, Ando M, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 41巻 2号 (頁:508-515) , 2017年
    31. Preoperative 6-minute walk distance accurately predicts postoperative complications after operations for hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer , Hayashi Kazuhiro, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Nakajima Hiroki, Nagino Masato, Inoue Takayuki, Nagaya Motoki, Hattori Keiko, Kadono Izumi, Ito Satoru, Nishida Yoshihiro , SURGERY , 161巻 2号 (頁:525-532) , 2017年
    32. Anatomic features of independent right posterior portal vein variants: Implications for left hepatic trisectionectomy , Watanabe Nobuyuki, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 161巻 2号 (頁:347-354) , 2017年
    33. Adjuvant gemcitabine monotherapy for resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma with lymph node involvement: a propensity score matching analysis , Mizuno Takashi, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGERY TODAY , 47巻 2号 (頁:182-192) , 2017年
    34. A Clear Difference Between the Outcomes After a Major Hepatectomy With and Without an Extrahepatic Bile Duct Resection , Takagi Takehiro, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Kokuryo Toshio, Ebata Tomoki, Ando Masahiko, Nagino Masato , WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 41巻 2号 (頁:508-515) , 2017年
    35. Surgery-Related Muscle Loss and Its Association with Postoperative Complications After Major Hepatectomy with Extrahepatic Bile Duct Resection , Otsuji Hidehiko, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ebata Tomoki, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 41巻 2号 (頁:498-507) , 2017年
    36. Verification of the oncologic inferiority of percutaneous biliary drainage to endoscopic drainage: A propensity score matching analysis of resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma , Komaya Kenichi, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGERY , 161巻 2号 (頁:394-404) , 2017年
    37. The Anticancer Effects of Novel alpha-Bisabolol Derivatives Against Pancreatic Cancer , Murata Yoshihiko, Kokuryo Toshio, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Yamaguchi Junpei, Miwa Tomohiro, Shibuya Masatoshi, Yamamoto Yoshihiko, Nagino Masato , ANTICANCER RESEARCH , 37巻 2号 (頁:589-598) , 2017年
    38. Occult mucin-producing cholangiocarcinoma in situ: a rare clinical case with difficult tumour staging , Kiriyama Muneyasu, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , SURGICAL CASE REPORTS , 3巻 1号 (頁:6) , 2017年
    39. Benefit to perform indocyanine green clearance test; Reply to East or West, who grades liver failure after liver resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma best? , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 41巻 1号 (頁:339-340) , 2017年
    40. Benefit to Perform Indocyanine Green Clearance Test: Reply , Yokoyama Yukihiro, Nagino Masato , WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 41巻 1号 (頁:339-340) , 2017年
    41. Risk Factors for Postoperative Delirium in Abdominal Surgery: A Proposal of a Postoperative Delirium Risk Score in Abdominal Surgery , Miyagawa Yasuhiro, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Fukuzawa Shota, Fukata Shinji, Ando Masahiko, Kawamura Takashi, Yamada Kiyofumi, Nagino Masato , DIGESTIVE SURGERY , 34巻 2号 (頁:95-102) , 2017年
    42. Trefoil factor family 1 expression in the invasion front is a poor prognostic factor associated with lymph node metastasis in pancreatic cancer , Sunagawa Masaki, Yamaguchi Junpei, Kokuryo Toshio, Ebata Tomoki, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Sugawara Gen, Nagino Masato , PANCREATOLOGY , 17巻 5号 (頁:782-787) , 2017年
    43. Effects of Synbiotics to Prevent Postoperative Infectious Complications in Highly Invasive Abdominal Surgery , Yokoyama Yukihiro, Asahara Takashi, Nomoto Koji, Nagino Masato , ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM , 71巻 (頁:23-30) , 2017年
    44. Does Braun Anastomosis Have an Impact on the Incidence of Delayed Gastric Emptying and the Extent of Intragastric Bile Reflux Following Pancreatoduodenectomy? - A Randomized Controlled Study , Fujieda Hironori, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Hirata Akihiro, Usui Hiroaki, Sakatoku Yayoi, Fukaya Masahide, Nagino Masato , DIGESTIVE SURGERY , 34巻 6号 (頁:462-468) , 2017年
    45. Different Clinical Characteristics Between Distal Cholangiocarcinoma and Pancreatic Head Carcinoma With Biliary Obstruction , Yokoyama Yukihiro, Ebata Tomoki, Igami Tsuyoshi, Sugawara Gen, Mizuno Takashi, Yamaguchi Junpei, Nagino Masato , PANCREAS , 46巻 10号 (頁:1322-1326) , 2017年
  • 2016年
    1. Occult mucin-producing cholangiocarcinoma in situ: a rare clinical case with difficult tumour staging. , Kiriyama M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Surgical Case Reports , 3巻 1号 (頁:6) , 2016年
    2. TRIP13 is expressed in colorectal cancer and promotes cancer cell invasion. , Kurita K, Maeda M, Mansour MA, Kokuryo T, Uehara K, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Hamaguchi M, Senga T , Oncology Letters. , 12巻 6号 (頁:5240-5246) , 2016年
    3. Application of fluorescent cholangiography for determination of the resection line during a single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for a benign lesion of the cystic duct: preliminary experience. , Nojiri M, Igami T, Tanaka H, Toyoda Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M , Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech , 26巻 6号 (頁:e171-e173) , 2016年
    4. The complete loss of tyrosine kinase receptors MET and RON is a poor prognostic factor in patients with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. , Hayashi Y, Yamaguchi J, Kokuryo T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Anticancer Research , 36巻 12号 (頁:6585-6592) , 2016年
    5. The effects of bevacizumab on intestinal anastomoticc healing in rabbits. , Nakamura H, Yokoyama Y, Uehara K, Kokuryo T, Junpei Y, Tsuzuki T, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 46巻 12号 (頁:1456-1463) , 2016年
    6. Clinical value and pitfalls of fluorescent choloangiography during single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy. , Igami T, Nojiri M, Shinohara K, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 46巻 12号 (頁:1443-1450) , 2016年
    7. Appraisal of inflammation-based prognostic scores in patients with unresectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Okuno M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pnacreatic Science , 23巻 10号 (頁:636-642) , 2016年
    8. Nek2 siRNA therapy using aportal venous port-catheter system for liver metastasis in pancreatic cancer. , Kokuryo T, Hibino S, Suzuki K, Watanabe K, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Senga T, Hamaguchi M. , Cancer Science , 107巻 9号 (頁:1315-1320) , 2016年
    9. Risk factors for postoperative delirium in abdominal surgery: A proposal of a postoperative delirium risk score in abdominal surgery. , Miyagawa Y, Yokoyama Y, Fukuzawa S, Fukata S, Ando M, Kawamura T, Yamada K, Nagino M. , Digestive Surgery , 34巻 2号 (頁:95-102) , 2016年
    10. Laparoscopic repeat hepatectomy after right hepatopancreaticoduodenectomy. , Igami T, Komaya K, Hirose T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery , 9巻 3号 (頁:211-214) , 2016年
    11. The predictive value of indocyanine green clearance in future liver remnant for posthepatectomy liver failure following hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , 40巻 6号 (頁:1440-1447) , 2016年
    12. Prediction of early recurrence after the curative resection of colorectal liver metastasis and subsequent S-1 chemotherapy. , Yamauchi K, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Uehara K, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Anticancer Research , 36巻 5号 (頁:2175-2179) , 2016年
    13. Retrocolic or antecolic Roux-en-Y reconstruction after distal gastrectomy: which is more effective in the prevention of postoperative gastroesophageal reflux disease? , Hirata A, Fukaya M, Yokoyama Y, Miyahara R, Funasaka K, Nagino M. , Digestive Surgery , 33巻 5号 (頁:371381) , 2016年
    14. Effect of perioperative synbiotic treatment on bacterial translocation and postoperative infectious complications after pancreatoduodenectomy. , Yokoyama Y, Miyake T, Kokuryo T, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M. , Digestive Surgery , 33巻 3号 (頁:220-229) , 2016年
    15. Cholangiocarcinoma with intraductal tubular growth pattern versus intraductal papillary growth pattern. , Tsukahara T, Shimoyama Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nakamura S, Nagino M , Modern Pathology , 29巻 3号 (頁:293-301) , 2016年
    16. Proposal for a pancreatic configuration index for determining patients at high risk of pancreatic fistula following pancreatoduodenectomy. , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Digestive Surgery , 33巻 3号 (頁:169-176) , 2016年
    17. α-Bisabolol inhibits invasiveness and motility in pancreatic cancer through KISS1R activation. , Uno M, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Senga T, Nagino M , Anticancer Research , 36巻 2号 (頁:583-589) , 2016年
    18. Verification of WFA-sialylated MUC1 as a sensitive biliary biomarker for human biliary tract cancer. , Yamaguchi T, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Matsuda A, Kuno A, Ikehara Y, Shoda J, Narimatsu H, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgical Oncology , 23巻 2号 (頁:671-677) , 2016年
    19. The value of preoperative screening colonoscopies in patients with biliary tract cancer. , Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Uehara K, Mizuno T, Ando M, Goto H, Nagino M. , Journal of Gastroenterology , 51巻 2号 (頁:138-143) , 2016年
    20. Evaluation of inflammation-based prognostic scores in patients undergoing hepatobiliary resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Okuno M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Journal of Gastroenterology , 51巻 2号 (頁:153-161) , 2016年
    21. Initial experience of laparoscopic pelvic exenteration and comparison with conventional open surgery. , Uehara K, Nakamura H, Yoshino Y, Arimoto A, Kato T, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Nagino M , Surgical Endoscopy , 30巻 1号 (頁:132-138) , 2016年
  • 2015年
    1. Surgical and radiological studies on the length of the hepatic ducts. , Hirose T, Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Mori K, Ando M, Nagino M , World Journal of Surgery , 39巻 12号 (頁:2983-2985) , 2015年
    2. Liver regeneration following experimental major hepatectomy with choledocho-jejunostomy. , Takagi T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , British Journal of Surgery , 102巻 11号 (頁:1410-1417) , 2015年
    3. FOLFIRINOX-induced reversible dysarthria: A case report and review of previous cases. , Matsuoka A, Maeda O, Inada-Inoue M, Ohno E, Hirooka Y, Yokoyama Y, Fujii T, Nagino M, Goto H, Ando Y , Oncology Letter , 10巻 4号 (頁:2662-2664) , 2015年
    4. Percutaneous transhepatic portal vein stenting for malignant portal vein stenosis secondary to recurrent perihilar biliary cancer. , Mizuno T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mori Y, Suzuki K, Nagino M , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci , 22巻 10号 (頁:740-745) , 2015年
    5. Long-term survival following extended hepatectomy with concomitant resectio of all major hepatic veins for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: report of a case. , Kobayashi S, Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 45巻 8号 (頁:1058-1063) , 2015年
    6. Combined extrahepatic bile duct resection for locally advanced gallbladder carcinoma: Does it work? , Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 39巻 7号 (頁:1810-1817) , 2015年
    7. Therapeutic potential of targeting protein for Xklp2 (TPX2) silencing for pancreatic cancer. , Miwa T, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Cancer Medicine , 4巻 7号 (頁:1091-1100) , 2015年
    8. Prognostic value of hepatocyte growth factor receptor expression in patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Watanabe H, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgical Oncology , 22巻 7号 (頁:2235-2242) , 2015年
    9. Stent-graft treatment for extrahepatic portal vein hemorrhage after pancreaticoduodenectomy. , Suzuki K, Igami T, Komada T, Mori Y, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Naganawa S, Nagino M. , Acta Radiologica Open , 4巻 6号 (頁:1-4) , 2015年
    10. The intermittent Pringle maneuver is unlikely to induce bacterial translocation to the portal vein: a study using bacterium-specific ribosomal RNA-targeted RT-PCR. , Yamaguchi N, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 22巻 6号 (頁:491-497) , 2015年
    11. Preoperative sarcopenia negatively impacts postoperative outcomes following major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Otsuji H, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 39巻 6号 (頁:1494-1500) , 2015年
    12. Application of a Z-shaped umbilical incision and asaline-cooled radiofrequency device to single-incision laparoscopic surgery for a huge liver cyst: report of a case. , Igami T, Tsuchiya T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , International Surgery , 100巻 6号 (頁:1098-1103) , 2015年
    13. The impact of Girdin expression on recurence-free survival in patients with luminal-type breast cancer. , Nishimae K, Tsunoda N, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Iwakoshi A, Takahashi M, Nagino M. , Breast Cancer , 22巻 5号 (頁:445-451) , 2015年
    14. Single-incisin laparoscopic cholecystectomy after endoscopic nasogallbladder drainage: A case report. , Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Nagino M. , Med Princ Pract. , 24巻 5号 (頁:496-499) , 2015年
    15. Does inchinkoto, a herbal medicine, have hepatoprotective effects in major hepatectomy? A prospective randomized study. , Mizutani T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , HPB (Oxford) , 17巻 5号 (頁:461-469) , 2015年
    16. Clinicopathological significance of mucin production in patients with papillary cholangiocarcinoma. , Onoe S, Shimoyama Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nakamura S, Nagino M. , Surgery , 39巻 5号 (頁:1177-1184) , 2015年
    17. Assessment of percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization with portal vein stenting for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma with severe portal vein stenosis. , Hyodo R, Suzuki K, Ebata T, Komada T, Mori Y, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Naganawa S, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 22巻 4号 (頁:310-315) , 2015年
    18. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholecystitis requiring percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. , Igami T, Aoba T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 45巻 3号 (頁:305-309) , 2015年
    19. Prospective Evaluation of the International Study Group for Liver Surgery Definition of Bile Leak after Liver Resection and the Role of Routine Operative Drainage: An International Multicentre Study. , Brooke-Smith M, Figueras J, Ullah S, Rees M, Vauthey JN, Hugh TJ, Garden OJ, Fan ST, Crawford M, Makuuchi M, Yokoyama Y, Büchler M, Weitz J, Padbury R. , HPB (Oxford) , 17巻 1号 (頁:46-51) , 2015年
    20. Surgery for recurrent biliary tract cancer: A single-center experience with 74 consecutive resections. , Takahashi Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 262巻 1号 (頁:121-129) , 2015年
    21. Application of a Z-shaped umbilical incision and asaline-cooled radiofrequency device to single-incision laparoscopic surgery for ha huge liver cyst: report of a case. , 158. Igami T, Tsuchiya T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , International Surgery , 100巻 6号 (頁:1098-1103) , 2015年
  • 2014年
    1. The pathologic correlation between liver and portal vein invasion in perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: evaluating the oncologic rationale for the American Joint Committee on Cancer Definitions of T2 and T3 tumors. , Ito T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 38巻 12号 (頁:3215-3221) , 2014年
    2. Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy with arterial reconstruction for extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with celiac axis obstruction: report of a case. , Nakagawa A, Sugawara G, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Shingu Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 12号 (頁:2374-2377) , 2014年
    3. Management strategy for biliary stricture following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. , Sugawara G, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 21巻 12号 (頁:889-895) , 2014年
    4. A study of the right intersectional plane (right portal scissura) of the liver based on virtual left hepatic trisectionectomy. , Sato F, Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 38巻 12号 (頁:3181-3185) , 2014年
    5. Application of a three-dimensional print of a liver in hepatectomy for small tumors invisible by intraoperative ultrasonography: preliminary experience. , Igami T, Nakamura Y, Hirose T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Mori K, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 38巻 12号 (頁:3163-3166) , 2014年
    6. The adverse effects of preoperative cholangitis on the outcome of portal vein embolization and subsequent major hepatectomies. , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , Surgery , 156巻 5号 (頁:1190-1196) , 2014年
    7. Incidence and risk factors for incisional hernia after abdominal surgery. , Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Kubota H, Tojima Y, Kurumiya Y, Kono H, Yamamoto H, Ando M, Nagino M. , British Journal of Surgery , 101巻 11号 (頁:1439-1447) , 2014年
    8. Incidence of and risk factors for incisional hernia after abdominal surgery. , Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Kuobota H, Tojima Y, Kurumiya Y, Kono H, Ymamoto H, Ando M, Nagino M , British Journal of Surgery , 101巻 11号 (頁:1439-1447) , 2014年
    9. Review of hepatopancreatoduodenectomy for biliary cancer: an extended radical approach of Japanese origin. , Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 21巻 8号 (頁:550-555) , 2014年
    10. Surgical technique of hepatectomy combined with simultaneous resection of hepatic artery and portal vein for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (with video). , Ebata T, Ito T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Mizuno T, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 21巻 8号 (頁:E57-61) , 2014年
    11. Postoperative complications following neoadjuvant bevacizumab treatment for advanced colorectal cancer. , Yoshioka Y, Uehara K, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Mitsuma A, Ando Y, Nagion M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 7号 (頁:1300-1306) , 2014年
    12. Risk factors for incisional surgical site infections in elective surgery for colorectal cancer: focus on intraoperative meticulous wound management. , Itatsu K, Sugawara G, Kaneoka Y, Kato T, Takeuchi E, Kanai M, Hasegawa H, Arai T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 7号 (頁:1242-1252) , 2014年
    13. Postoperative complications following neoadjuvant bevacizumab treatment for advanced colorectal cancer. , Yoshioka Y, Uehara K, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Mitsuma A, Ando Y, Nagion M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 7号 (頁:1300-1306) , 2014年
    14. Risk factors for incisional surgical site infections in elective surgery for colorectal cancer: focus on intraoperative meticulous wound management. , Itatsu K, Sugawara G, Kaneoka Y, Kato T, Takeuchi E, Kanai M, Hasegawa H, Arai T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 7号 (頁:1242-1252) , 2014年
    15. Randomized controlled trial on timing and number of sampling for bile aspiration cytology. , Tsuchiya T, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Kato K, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 21巻 6号 (頁:433-438) , 2014年
    16. Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy for anastomotic recurrence from residual cholangiocarcinoma: report of a case. , Natsume S, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 5号 (頁:952-956) , 2014年
    17. Portal vein embolization using absolute ethanol: evaluation of its safety and efficacy. , Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 21巻 9号 (頁:676-681) , 2014年
    18. Adenocarcinoma arising from sacrococcygeal mature teratoma in an adult female: report of a case. , Matsumoto N, Uehara K, Ando M, Arimoto J, Kato T, Nakamura H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M , Frontiers in Oncology , 4巻 (頁:117) , 2014年
    19. Two-stage operation for synchronous triple primary cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and ampulla of Vater: report of a case. , Fukaya M, Abe T, Yokoyama Y, Itatsu K, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 44巻 5号 (頁:967-971) , 2014年
    20. Current scenario for the hepatoprotective effects of Inchinkoto (ICKT), a traditional herbal medicine, and its clinical application in liver surgery: A review. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M. , Hepatology Research , 44巻 4号 (頁:384-394) , 2014年
    21. Predictive power of prothrombin time and serum total bilirubin for postoperative mortality after major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Ando M, Nagino M. , Surgery , 155巻 2号 (頁:280-291) , 2014年
    22. The detection of intraoperative bacterial translocation in the mesenteric lymph nodes is useful in predicting patients at high risk for postoperative infectious complications after esophagectomy. , Nishigaki E, Abe T, Yokoyama Y, Fukaya M, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 259巻 3号 (頁:477-484) , 2014年
    23. Is the enteral replacement of externally drained pancreatic juice valuable after panreatoduodenectomy? , Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M , Yokoyama Y , 44巻 2号 (頁:252-259) , 2014年
    24. Prognostic delineation of papillary cholangiocarcinoma based on the invasive proportion: a single-institution study with 184 patients. , Onoe S, Shimoyama Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nakamura S, Nagion M. , Surgery , 155巻 2号 (頁:280-291) , 2014年
    25. Randomized clinical trial on the effect of perioperative synbiotics versus no synbiotics on bacterial translocation after oesophagectomy. , Yokoyama Y, Nishigaki E, Abe T, Fukaya M, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M. , British Journal of Surgery , 101巻 3号 (頁:189-199) , 2014年
    26. Role of anatomical right hepatic trisectionectomy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Matsumoto N, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , British Journal of Surgery , 101巻 3号 (頁:261-268) , 2014年
    27. Inihibition of Tol-like receptor 4 suppresses liver injury induced by biliary obstruction and subsequent intraportal lipopolysaccharide injection. , Oya S, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Uno M, Yamauchi K, Nagino M. , Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. , 306巻 3号 (頁:G244-252) , 2014年
    28. The determination of bile leakage in complex hepatectomy based on the guidelines of the International Study Group of Liver Surgery. , Taguchi Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Kokuryo T, Wakai K, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 38巻 1号 (頁:168-176) , 2014年
  • 2013年
    1. Inflammation increases cells expressing ZSCAN4 and progenitor-cell markers in the adult pancreas. , Ko S, Azuma S, Yokoyama Y, Yamamoto A, Kyokane K, Niida S, Ishiguro H, Ko M. , Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 304巻 12号 (頁:G1103-16) , 2013年
    2. Quantitiative proteomic profiling identifies DPYSL3 as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma-associated molecule that regulates cell adhesion and migration by stabilization of focal adhesion complex. , Kawahara T, Hotta N, Ozawa Y, Kato S, Kano K, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Takahashi T, Yanagisawa K. , PLOS ONE , 8巻 12号 (頁:e79654) , 2013年
    3. Hepatobiliary resection with concomitant resection of the inferior vena cava for advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: report of a case. , Nakagawa A, Igami T, Sugawara G, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Takahashi Y, Ando H, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 43巻 11号 (頁:1321-1325) , 2013年
    4. Combination therapy with single incision laparoscopic surgery and double-balloon endoscopy for small intestinal bleeding: report of three cases. , Uehara K, Yoshioka Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Nakamura M, Ohmiya N, Goto H, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 43巻 9号 (頁:1062-1065) , 2013年
    5. Evolution of surgical treatment for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: A single-center 34-year review of 574 consecutive resections. , Nagino M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nimura Y. , Annals of Surgery , 258巻 4号 (頁:129-140) , 2013年
    6. Salvage hepatectomy for perihilar malignancy treated initially with biliary self-expanding metallicv stents. , Fukami Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Surgery , 153巻 5号 (頁:627-633) , 2013年
    7. Assessment of nodal status for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: Location, number, or ratio of involved nodes. , Aoba T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 257巻 4号 (頁:718-725) , 2013年
    8. Protective effects of banched-chain amino acids on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion-induced liver injury in rats: a direct attenuation of Kupffer cell activation. , Kitagawa T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Nagino M. , Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 304巻 4号 (頁:G346-355) , 2013年
    9. Surgical treatment of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma in octogenarians: a single center experience. , Takahashi Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci , 20巻 3号 (頁:324-331) , 2013年
    10. The effect of preoperative biliary drainage on infectious complications after hepatobiliary resection with choangiojejunostomy. , Sugawara G, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Takahashi Y, Takara D, Nagino M. , Surgery , 153巻 2号 (頁:200-210) , 2013年
    11. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase plays a main role in producing nitric oxide in the super-acute phase of hepatic ischemia prior to the upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase. , Miyake T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Mizutani T, Imamura A, Nagino M. , Journal of Surgical Research , 183巻 2号 (頁:742-51) , 2013年
    12. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for porcelain gallbladder: A case report. , Igami T, Usui H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagino M. , Asian J Endosc Surg , 6巻 1号 (頁:52-54) , 2013年
    13. Calcitonin gene-related peptide regulates the early phase of liver regeneration. , Mizutani T, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Kawai K, Miyake T, Nagino M. , Journal of Surgical Research , 183巻 1号 (頁:138-45) , 2013年
    14. Seven-signal proteomic signature for detection of operable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and their discrimination from autoimmune pancreatitis. , Yanagisawa K, Tomida S, Matsuo K, Arima C, Kusumegi M, Yokoyama Y, Ko SB, Mizuno N, Kawahara T, Kuroyanagi Y, Takeuchi T, Goto H, Yamao K, Nagino M, Tajima K, Takahashi T. , International Journal of Proteomics (頁:in press) , 2013年
  • 2012年
    1. An increased VWF/ADAMTS13 ratio may predict postoperative thrombotic complications following major hepatectomy. , Kobayashi S, Yokoyama Y, Matsushita T, Kainuma M, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagino M. , Archives of Surgery , 147巻 10号 (頁:909-917) , 2012年
    2. Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy for cholangiocarcinoma: A single-center review of 85 consecutive patients. , Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 256巻 2号 (頁:297-305) , 2012年
    3. Toward a new concept of liver surgery: Real-time monitoring of liver damage during ischemia-reperfusion using a nitric oxide sensor in rat liver. , Nakagawa A, Yokoyama Y, Suzuki H, Shoji K, Watanabe Y, Kokuryo T, Nagino M. , British J Surgery , 99巻 8号 (頁:1120-1128) , 2012年
    4. Clinical significance of left trisectionectomy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: an appraisal and comparison with left hepatectomy. , Natsume S, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Shimoyama Y, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 255巻 4号 (頁:754-762) , 2012年
    5. Diagnostic ability of MDCT to assess right hepatic artery invasion by perihilar cholangiocarcinoma with left-sided predominance. , Fukami Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 19巻 2号 (頁:179-186) , 2012年
    6. Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation promotes hepatic regeneration following hepatic ischemia-reperfusion and subsequent hepatectomy in rats. , Seki T, Yokoyama Y, Nagsasaki H, Kokuryo T, Nagino M. , Journal of Surgical Research , 178巻 1号 (頁:63-70) , 2012年
    7. Locally recurrent rectal cancer successfully treated by total pelvic exenteration with combined ischiopubic rami resection : report of a case. , Uehara K, Yoshioka Y, Taguchi Y, Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Yoshino Y, Nagino M. , Jpn J Clin Oncol. , 42巻 1号 (頁:58-62) , 2012年
    8. Portal vein embolization before extended hepatectomy for biliary cancer: Current technique and review of 494 consecutive embolizations. , Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagino M. , Digestive Surgery , 29巻 (頁:23-29) , 2012年
  • 2011年
    1. Antitumor effects of alpha-bisabolol against pancreatic cancer. , Seki T, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Suzuki H, Itatsu K, Nakagawa A, Mizutani T, Miyake T, Uno M, Yamauchi K, Nagino M. , Cancer Science , 102巻 12号 (頁:2199-2205) , 2011年
    2. Staging of peripheral-type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Appraisal of the new TNM classification and its modifications. , Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Takahashi Y, Nagion M. , World J Surg. , 35巻 11号 (頁:2501-2509) , 2011年
    3. Hepatolithiasis in the hepatic hilum mimicking hilar cholangiocarcinoma: A case report-Intrahepatic stone of unusual appearance-. , Senda Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 41巻 9号 (頁:1243-1246) , 2011年
    4. Post-hepatectomy hemorrhage : a definition and grading by the international study group of liver surgery (ISGLS). , Rahbari NN, Garden OJ, Padbury R, Maddern G, Koch M, Hugh TJ, Fan ST, Nimura Y, Figueras J, Vauthey JN, Rees M, Adam R, DeMatteo RP, Greig P, Usatoff V, Banting S, Nagino M, Capussotti L, Yokoyama Y, Brooke-Smith M, Crawford M, Christophi C, Makuuchi M, Büchler MW, Weitz J. , HPB (Oxford). , 13巻 8号 (頁:528-535) , 2011年
    5. “Supraportal” right posterior hepatic artery: an anatomic trap in hepatobiliary and transpolant surgery. , Yoshioka Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery. , 35巻 6号 (頁:1340-1344) , 2011年
    6. Bile leakage after hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery: A definition and grading of severity by the International Study Group of Liver Surgery (ISGLS). , Koch M, Garden OJ, Padbury R, Rahbari NN, Adam R, Capussotti L, Fan ST, Yokoyama Y, Crawford M, Makuuchi M, Christophi C, Banting S, Brooke-Smith M, Usatoff V, Nagino M, Maddern G, Hugh TJ, Vauthey JN, Greig P, Rees M, Nimura Y, Fiqueras J, Dematteo RP, Buchler MW, Weitz J. , Surgery , 149巻 5号 (頁:680-688) , 2011年
    7. Gallbladder cancer involving the extrahepatic bile duct is worthy of resection. , Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery. , 253巻 5号 (頁:953-960) , 2011年
    8. Posthepatectomy liver failure: A definition and grading by the International Study Group of Liver Surgery (ISGLS). , Rahbari NN, Garden OJ, Padbury R, Brooke-Smith M, Crawford M, Adam R, Koch M, Makuuchi M, Dematteo RP, Christophi C, Banting S, Usatoff V, Nagino M, Maddern G, Hugh TJ, Vauthey JN, Greig P, Rees M, Yokoyama Y, Fan ST, Nimura Y, Fiqueras J, Capussotti L, Buchler MW, Weitz J. , Surgery , 149巻 5号 (頁:713-724) , 2011年
    9. Preoperative biliary MRSA infection in patients undergoing hepatobiliary resection with cholangiojejunostomy: incidence, antibiotic treatment, and surgical outcome. , Takara D, Sugawara G, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery. , 35巻 4号 (頁:850-857) , 2011年
  • 2010年
    1. Intraoperative bacterial translocation detected by bacterium-specific ribosomal RNA-targeted RT-PCR for the mesenteric lymph node strongly predicts postoperative infectious complications following major hepatectomy for biliary malignancies. , Mizuno T, Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Sugawara G, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 252巻 6号 (頁:1013-1019) , 2010年
    2. Segmental cholangitis impairs hepatic regneration capacity following partial hepatectomy in rats. , Watanabe K, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Kawai K, Kitagawa T, Seki T, Nakagawa A, Nagino M. , HPB (Oxford). , 12巻 1号 (頁:664-673) , 2010年
    3. Cytoplasmic expression of the JM403 antigen GlcAGlcNH3 on heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan in mammary carcinomas – a novel proliferative biomarker for breast cancers with high malighnancy. , Fujii M, Yusa A, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Tsunoda N, Oda K, Nagino M, Ishimaru T, Shimoyama Y, Utsunomiya H, Iwata H, Itoh Y, Itoh J, Kannagi R, Kyogashima M. , Glycoconj J. , 27巻 7-9号 (頁:661-672) , 2010年
    4. Suppression of TLK1 expression sensitizes cholangiocarcinoma cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. , Takayama Y, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Ito S, Nagino M, Hamaguchi M, Senga T. , Cancer Letter , 296巻 1号 (頁:27-34) , 2010年
    5. Suppression of TLK1 expression sensitizes cholangiocarcinoma cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. , Takayama Y, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Ito S, Nagino M, Hamaguchi M, Senga T. , Cancer Letter , 296巻 1号 (頁:27-34) , 2010年
    6. Surgical treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma in the new era. The Nagoya University experience. , Igami T, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 17巻 4号 (頁:449-454) , 2010年
    7. Surgical treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma in the “new era”: the Nagoya University experience. , Igami T, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. , 17巻 4号 (頁:449-454) , 2010年
    8. A novel combination treatment for colorectal cancer using Nek2 siRNA and cisplatin. , Suzuki K, Kokuryo T, Senga T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Hamaguchi M. , Cancer Science , 101巻 5号 (頁:1163-1169) , 2010年
    9. Future liver remnant ICG clearance in predicting outcome in biliary cancer surgery. , Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , Br J Surg , 97巻 8号 (頁:1260-1268) , 2010年
    10. Inchinkoto, an herbal medicine, exerts beneficial effects in the rat liver under stress with hepatic ischemia-reperfusion and subsequent hepatectomy. , Kawai K, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Watanabe K, Kitagawa T, Nagino M. , Annals of Surgery , 251巻 4号 (頁:692-700) , 2010年
    11. 15-Deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J1 prevents inflammatory response and endothelial cell damage in rats with acute obstructive cholangitis. , Watanabe K, Yokoyama Y, Kokuryo T, Kawai K, Kitagawa T, Seki T, Nakagawa A, Nagino M. , Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 298巻 3号 (頁:G410-418) , 2010年
    12. Using the greater omental flap to cover the cut surgace of the liver for prevention of delayed gastric emtpying after left-sided hepatobiliary resection: a prospective randomized controlled trial. , Igami T, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. , 18巻 2号 (頁:176-183) , 2010年
  • 2009年
    1. Estrogen promotes hepatic regeneration via activating serotonergic signal following portal vein branch ligation in rats. , Kitagawa T, Yokoyama Y, Kawai T, Nagino M, Nimura Y. , Shock , 31巻 6号 (頁:648-651) , 2009年
    2. Advances in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Limiations of surgery and evaluation of new therapeutic strategies. , Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 39巻 6号 (頁:466-475) , 2009年
    3. Clinicopathologic study of cholangiocarcinoma with superficial spread. , Igami T, Nagino M, Oda K, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Shimoyama Y. , Annals of Surgery , 249巻 2号 (頁:296-302) , 2009年
    4. Nek1 as a novel molecular target for the treatment of breast cancer. , Tsunoda N, Kokuryo T, Oda K, Senga T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Hamaguchi M. , Cancer Science , 100巻 1号 (頁:111-116) , 2009年
    5. A left hepatectomy and caudate lobectomy combined resection of the ventral segment of the right anterior sector for hilar cholangiocarcinoma. The efficacy of portal vein embolization in identifying the hepatic subsegment. Report of a case. , Igami T, Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Sugawara G, Senda Y, Oda K, Abe T, Uehara K, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 39巻 7号 (頁:628-632) , 2009年
    6. A rare surgical case of multiple liver resections for recurrent liver metastases from pancreatic gastrinoma: liver and vena cava resection. , Pachera S, Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Oda K, Ebata T, Igami T, Abe T, Singu Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 16巻 5号 (頁:692-698) , 2009年
    7. Choleretic effect of Inchin-ko-to (ICKT) for the patients with biliary obstruction due to bile duct carcinoma. , Watanabe S, Yokoyama Y, Oda K, Kokuryo T, Shoda J, Okada K, Utsunomiya H, Nagino M. , Hepatology Research , 39巻 (頁:247-255) , 2009年
    8. Papillary hyperplasia of the gallbladder in pancreaticobiliary maljunction represents a senescence-related lesion induced by lysolecithin. , Yamaguchi J, Sasaki M, Harada K, Zen Y, Sato Y, Ikeda H, Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Ando H, Ohta T, Kukbota A, Shimizu K, Nimura Y, Nagino M, Nakanuma Y. , Laobratory Investigation , 89巻 9号 (頁:1018-1031) , 2009年
    9. Small pancreatic carcinoma misdiagnosed as superficially spreading cholangiocarcinoma. , Igami T, Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Shimoyama Y, Nakamura S, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 16巻 4号 (頁:579-584) , 2009年
    10. Superextended hepatectomy for resection of multiple giant hemangiomas: report of a case. , Pachera S, Nishio H, Yamada H, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Abe T, Matsubara H, Koutarou H, Nagino M. , Surgery Today , 39巻 5号 (頁:452-455) , 2009年
    11. Treatment of pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy using a hand-made T-tube. , Igami T, Kamiya Y, Yokoyama Y, Nishio H, Ebata T, Sugawara G, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 16巻 5号 (頁:661-667) , 2009年
    12. Value of multidetector row CT in the assessment of longitudinal extension of cholangiocarcionoma. Correlation between MDCT and microscopic findings. , Senda Y, Nihio H, Oda K, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T, Igami T, Sugiura T, Shimoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M. , World Journal of Surgery , 33巻 7号 (頁:1459-1467) , 2009年
  • 2008年
    1. A patients with gallbladder cancer with para-aortic lympn node and hepatic metastasis who has survived more than twelve years after the primary extended radical operation. , Amemiya T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Oda K, Nishio H, Ebata T, Igami T, Abe T, Nimura Y. , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 15巻 6号 (頁:648-651) , 2008年
    2. Undifferentiated embryonal liver sarcoma. A case report and review of the literatures. , Pachera S, Nishio H, Takahashi Y, Yokoyama Y, Oda K, Ebata T, Igami T, Nagino M , J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg , 15巻 5号 (頁:536-544) , 2008年
    3. Pancreatic metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: results of the surgical management and pathologic findings. , Koide N, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y. , Pancreas , 37巻 1号 (頁:104-107) , 2008年
    4. The role of estrogen receptor subtypes on hepatic neutrophil accumulation following trauma-hemorrhage. Direct modulation of CINC-0 production by Kupffer cells. , Shimizu T, Suzuki T, Yu HP, Yokoyama Y, Choudhry MA, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. , Cytokine , 43巻 1号 (頁:88-92) , 2008年
    5. Value of multidetector-row computed tomography in diagnosis of portal vein invasion by perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Sugiura T, Nishio H, Nagino M, Senda Y, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Oda K, Nimura Y. , World J Surg , 32巻 7号 (頁:1478-1484) , 2008年
    6. MEK inhibitor, U0125, enhances the inhibitory effect of imatinib on pancreatic cancer cell growth. , Takayama Y, Kokuryo T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Senga T, Hamaguchi M. , Cancer Letter , 264巻 2号 (頁:241-249) , 2008年
    7. Upregulated thromboxane production in the rat liver with biliary obstruction does not contribute to promote hepatic injury. , Yokoyama Y, Kawai T, Kawai S, Kitagawa T, Watanabe K, Kiyotaka K, Nagino M. , Shock , 29巻 6号 (頁:688-691) , 2008年
    8. New classification of cystic duct carcinoma. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Oda K, Nishio H, Ebata T, Igami T, Abe T, Nimura Y , World J Surg , 32巻 4号 (頁:621-626) , 2008年
    9. Sex dimorphism in the outcome of preoperative right portal vein embolization. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Oda K, Nishio H, Ebata T, Abe T, Igami T, Nimura Y , Arch Surg , 143巻 3号 (頁:254-259) , 2008年
  • 2007年
    1. Nek2 as an effective target for inhibition of tumorigenic growth and peritoneal dissemination of cholangiocarcinoma. , Kokuryo T, Senga T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Hamaguchi M , Cancer Research , 67巻 20号 (頁:9637-9642) , 2007年
    2. Recent advances in treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Portal vein embolization. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Yuasa N, Oda K, Nishio H, Ebata T, Igami T, Nimura Y , J HPB Surg , 14巻 5号 (頁:447-454) , 2007年
    3. Which gender is better positioned in the process of liver surgery? Male or female? , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y , Surg Today , 37巻 (頁:823-830) , 2007年
    4. Clinicopathologic features of re-resected cases of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs). , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nishio H, Ebata T, Abe T, Igami T, Nimura Y , Surgery , 142巻 2号 (頁:136-142) , 2007年
    5. Mechanism of impaired hepatic regeneration in cholestatic liver. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y , J HPB Surg , 14巻 2号 (頁:159-166) , 2007年
    6. The mechanism of oxygen radical-mediated bile flow reduction: the role of intracellular cyclic AMP. , Kawai S, Arai T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y , J Gastroenterol Hepatol , 22巻 3号 (頁:429-435) , 2007年
    7. Does estrogen contribute to hepatic regeneration following portal vein ligation? , Kawai T, Yokoyama Y, Kawai S, Yokoyama S, Oda K, Nagasaka T, Nagino M, Chaudry IH, Nimura Y , Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 292巻 2号 (頁:G582-589) , 2007年
    8. Mechanisms of hepatic regeneration comparing partial hepatectomy and portal vein embolization: A review. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y , W J Surg , 31巻 2号 (頁:367-374) , 2007年
    9. Intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomy following hepatobiliary resection: Results in 422 consecutive cases. , Nagino M, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Nimura Y , Br J Surg , 94巻 1号 (頁:70-77) , 2007年
    10. Is there any effect of renal failure on the hepatic regeneration capacity following partial hepatectomy in rats? , Kawai T, Yokoyama Y, Kitagawa T, Nagino M, Nimura Y. , Biochem Biophysic Res Commun , 352巻 2号 (頁:311-316) , 2007年
    11. Aggressive surgery for stage IV gallbladder carcinoma; what are the contraindications? , Nishio H, Nagino M, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Nimura Y , J HPB Surg , 14巻 4号 (頁:351-357) , 2007年
    12. Infraportal bile duct of the caudate lobe. A troublesome anatomic variation in right sided hepatectomy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. , Sugiura T, Nagino M, Kamiya J, Nishio H, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Igami T, Nimura Y , Ann Surg , 246巻 5号 (頁:794-798) , 2007年
    13. Pancreatic and duodenal invasion in distal bile duct cancer: Paradox in the tumor classification of the American Joint Committee on Cancer. , Ebata T, Nagino M, Nishio H, Igami T, Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y. , World J Surg , 31巻 10号 (頁:2008-2015) , 2007年
  • 2006年
    1. Biphasic activation of liver regeneration-associated signals at an early stage after portal vein branch ligation. , Yokoyama S, Yokoyama Y, Kawai T, Kobayashi S, Nagino M, Oda K, Nimura Y, Sokabe M. , Biochem Biophysic Res Commun , 349巻 2号 (頁:732-739) , 2006年
    2. Hepati arterial flow becomes the primary supply of sinusoids following partial portal vein ligation. , Yokoyama Y, Wawrzyniak A, Sarmadi AM, Baveja R, Gruber HE, Clemens MG, Zhang JX. , J Gastroenterol Hepatol , 21巻 10号 (頁:1567-1574) , 2006年
    3. Evaluation of hepatic interleukin-5 secretion following portal branch ligation using a minimal surgical stress model. , Kobayashi S, Nagino M, Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Sokabe M. , J Surg Res , 135巻 1号 (頁:27-33) , 2006年
    4. Disruption of phospholipase C delta 3 gene modulates the liver regeneration in cooperation with nuclear protein kinase C. , Akutagawa A, Fukami K, Banno Y, Takenawa T, Kannagi R, Yokoyama Y, Oda K, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Yoshida S, Tamiya-Koizumi K. , J Biochem , 140巻 5号 (頁:619-625) , 2006年
  • 2005年
    1. Intense PET signal in the degenerative necrosis superimposed on chronic pancreatitis. A case report. , Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Yuasa N, Oda k, Arai T, Nishio H, Ebata T, Nimura Y , Pancreas , 31巻 2号 (頁:192-194) , 2005年
    2. Role of thromboxane in producing hepatic injury during hepatic stress. , Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Arch Surg , 140巻 8号 (頁:801-807) , 2005年
    3. Current understanding of gender dimorphism in hepatic pathophysiology. , Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , J Surg Res , 128巻 (頁:147-156) , 2005年
  • 2004年
    1. Insights into the role of IL-6 in the induction of hepatic injury after trauma-hemorrhagic shock. , Toth B, Yokoyama Y, Schwacha MG, George RL, Rue III LW, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , J Appl Physiol , 97巻 6号 (頁:2184-2189) , 2004年
    2. Estradiol’s effects on portal response to endothelin-1 after trauma-hemorrhage. , Yokoyama Y, Toth B, Kitchens WC, Schwacha MG, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , J Surg Res , 121巻 1号 (頁:25-30) , 2004年
    3. Remote trauma sensitizes hepatic microcirculation to endothelin via caveolin inhibition of eNOS activity. , Ashburn JH, Baveja R, Kresge N, Korneszczuk K, Keller S, Karaa A, Yokoyama Y, Zhang JX, Huynh T, Clemens MG , Shock , 22巻 2号 (頁:120-130) , 2004年
    4. Alpha1-acid-glycoprotein protects against trauma-hemorrhagic shock. , Kuebler JF, Toth B, Yokoyama Y, Bland KI, Rue LW, Chaudry IH , J Surg Res , 119巻 1号 (頁:21-28) , 2004年
    5. The role of IL-10 in regulating proinflammatory cytokine release by Kupffer cells following trauma-hemorrhage. , Yokoyama Y, Toth B, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Am J Physiol , 286巻 6号 (頁:G942-946) , 2004年
    6. Gender differences in small intestinal endothelial function: The inhibitory role of androgens. , Ba ZF, Yokoyama Y, Toth B, Rue III LW, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Am J Physiol , 286巻 3号 (頁:G452-457) , 2004年
  • 2003年
    1. Sex differences in hepatic heme oxygenase expression and activity following trauma and hemorrhagic shock. , Toth B, Yokoyama Y, Kuebler JF, Schwacha MG, Rue III LW, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Arch Surg , 138巻 12号 (頁:1375-1382) , 2003年
    2. Upregulation of hepatic prolactin receptor gene expression by 17beta-estradiol following trauma- hemorrhage. , Yokoyama Y, Williams KC, Toth B, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , J Appl Physiol , 95巻 6号 (頁:2530-2536) , 2003年
    3. Administration of progesterone after trauma and hemorrhagic shock prevents hepatocellular injury. , Kuebler JF, Yokoyama Y, Jarrar D, Toth B, Bland KI, Rue III LW, Wang P, Chaudry IH , Arch Surg , 138巻 7号 (頁:727-734) , 2003年
    4. Effect of estradiol administration on splanchnic perfusion following trauma-hemorrhage and sepsis. , Yokoyama Y, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Current Opinion in Critical Care , 9巻 2号 (頁:137-142) , 2003年
    5. Role of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in portal hypertension in bile duct ligated rat liver. , Yokoyama Y, Xu H, Kresge N, Sarmadi AH, Baveja R, Clemens MG, Zhang JX , Am J Physiol , 284巻 3号 (頁:G453-460) , 2003年
    6. Mechanism of the salutary effects of 17beta-estradiolfollowing trauma-hemorrhage: Direct downregulation of Kupffer cell proinflammatory cytokine production. , Yokoyama Y, Kuebler JF, Matsutani T, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Cytokine , 21巻 (頁:1-7) , 2003年
    7. Role of thromboxane in producing portal hypertension following trauma-hemorrhage. , Yokoyama Y, Toth B, Kuebler JF, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Am J Physiol , 285巻 6号 (頁:G1293-1299) , 2003年
    8. The role of female sex hormones in preventing mortality in sepsis. , Yokoyama Y, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Advances in Sepsis , 2巻 (頁:127-132) , 2003年
  • 2002年
    1. Endothelin-1 and heme oxygenase-1 as modulators of sinusoidal tone in the stress-exposed rat liver. , Rensing H, Bauer I, Zhang JX Paxian M, Pannen BH, Yokoyama Y, Clemens MG, Bauer M , Hepatology , 36巻 6号 (頁:1453-1465) , 2002年
    2. Potentiated hepatic microcirculatory response to endothelin-1 during polymicrobial sepsis. , Baveja R, Kresge N, Ashburn JH, Keller S, Yokoyama Y, Sonin N, Zhang JX, Huynh T, and Clemens MG , Shock , 18巻 5号 (頁:415-422) , 2002年
    3. Endothelin impairs oxygen delivery in livers from LPS-primed animals. , Baveja R, Yokoyama Y, Zhang JX, Clemens MG , Shock , 17巻 5号 (頁:383-388) , 2002年
    4. LPS-induced imbalanced expression of hepatic vascular stress genes in cirrhosi: possible mechanism of increased susceptibilityto endotoxemia. , Baveja R, Yokoyama Y, Sonin N, Clemens MG, Zhang JX , Shock , 17巻 4号 (頁:316-321) , 2002年
    5. Endothelin receptor remodeling induces the portal venous hyper-response to endothelin-1 following endotoxin pretreatment. , Yokoyama Y, Baveja R, Kresge N, Sonin N, Nakanishi K, Zhang J, Gitzelmann C, Clemens MG , Shock , 17巻 1号 (頁:36-40) , 2002年
    6. Gender dimorphism in immune responses following trauma and hemorrhage. , Yokoyama Y, Schwacha MG, Anantha Samy TS, Bland KI, Chaudry IH , Immunologic Research , 26巻 (頁:121-134) , 2002年
    7. Hepatic vascular response to elevated intraperitoneal pressure in the rat. , Yokoyama Y, Alterman DM, Sarmadi AH, Baveja B, Zhang JX, Huynh T, Clemens MG , J Surg Res , 150巻 2号 (頁:86-94) , 2002年
  • 2001年
    1. Altered endothelin receptor expression in prehepatic portal hypertension predisposes the liver to microcirculatory dysfunction in rats. , Yokoyama Y, Wawrzyniak A, Baveja R, Sonin N, Clemens MG, Zhang JX , J Hepatol , 35巻 1号 (頁:29-36) , 2001年
    2. Neovascularization of hepatic arterioles following partial portal vein ligation: A novel mechanism of chronic regulation in hepatic blood flow. , Yokoyama Y, Baveja R, Sonin N, Clemens MG, Zhang JX , Am J Physiol , 280巻 (頁:G21-31) , 2001年
  • 2000年
    1. Functional significance of endothelin B receptors in mediating sinusoidal and extrasinusoidal effects of endothelins in the intact rat liver. , Bauer M, Bauer I, Sonin N, Kresge N, Baveja R, Yokoyama Y, Zhang J, Clemens MG , Hepatology , 31巻 4号 (頁:937-947) , 2000年
    2. Altered endothelin receptor subtype expression in hepatic injury after ischemia/reperfusion. , Yokoyama Y, Baveja R, Sonin N, Zhang J, Clemens MG , Shock , 13巻 1号 (頁:72-78) , 2000年
    3. Primary carcinoid tumor of the gallbladder: resection of a case metastasizing to the liver and analysis of outcomes. , Yokoyama Y, Fujioka S, Kato K, Tomono H, Yoshida K, Nimura Y , Hepatogastroenterology , 47巻 31号 (頁:135-139) , 2000年
  • 1999年
    1. Thirty-six cases of obturator hernia; Does computed tomography contribute to postoperative outcome? , Yokoyama Y, Yamaguchi A, Isogai M, Hori A, Kaneoka Y. , World J Surg , 23巻 2号 (頁:214-216) , 1999年

