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大学における臨床教室の役割は診療・研究・教育です。診療領域における重要な役割は新しい診断・治療技術の開発、先進医療の実施、臨床における科学的エビデンスの創生であり、研究においては、先進的医療開発や科学的エビデンス創生のための臨床研究や、臨床への還元を前提とした基礎研究、特にtranslational researchを行うことが重要な役割となります。私ども名古屋大学泌尿器科学講座では、泌尿器科領域疾患全般の幅広い診療を行いつつ、translational researchを中心とした基礎研究を行っています。
臨床においては、1.泌尿器科内視鏡手術(腎尿管悪性腫瘍・前立腺癌・副腎腫瘍・膀胱癌に対する腹腔鏡手術、精巣腫瘍に対する先進医療としての腹腔鏡下後腹膜リンパ節郭清術、前立腺肥大症や尿路結石に対する内視鏡手術)、2.腎移植、3.尿路性器悪性腫瘍に対する非手術治療(腎癌に対する分子標的治療、免疫チェックポイント阻害薬治療、腎盂尿管癌・膀胱癌・精巣腫瘍に対する化学療法や放射線治療、前立腺癌に対する内分泌治療・化学療法・密封小線源治療・IMRT治療[強度変調放射線治療])、4.ロボット支援手術(ダ・ヴィンチサージカルシステム)による前立腺癌(根治的腎摘除術)、腎癌(腎部分切除術)、膀胱癌(膀胱全摘除術)手術、5.排尿障害(前立腺肥大症、過活動膀胱、神経因性膀胱、間質性膀胱炎など)、6.尿失禁に対する人工尿道括約筋埋め込み手術、7.尿路再建(自排尿型新膀胱造設、膀胱拡大術、腎盂形成術、膀胱膣瘻・尿管膣瘻閉鎖など)、8.女性泌尿器科疾患(腹圧性尿失禁、膀胱瘤に対する手術治療)、9.再生治療(自己皮下脂肪由来幹細胞による男性腹圧性尿失禁に対する医師主導治験)、10.高齢者排泄ケア(名古屋大学排泄情報センター参照 www.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp/haisetsu/)、などの領域において先進的な診療を行い、さらに後述するように、こういった臨床診療活動の基礎となる臨床研究や基礎研究も精力的に行っています。


1. 脂肪由来幹細胞を用いた、下部尿路機能再生治療に関する基礎的研究

i) 脂肪由来幹細胞を用いた尿路再建
低血清培養法により生きた脂肪幹細胞を含むヒト間葉系幹細胞(ASCs)を集塊培養し、Scafford Free-Bio3Dプリンターで下部尿路再建を行うものであり、すでに尿道を作成し、nude ratへの移植実験まで終了している。

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ii) マンノース負荷ASCsの膀胱注入による間質性膀胱炎治療


iii) 自己脂肪組織由来幹細胞を用いた尿道括約筋再生治療のための基礎研究

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尿道粘膜下へのASCs注入                        免疫組織染色   

iv) その他、脂肪由来幹細胞を用いた腎再生の基礎研究、歯髄由来幹細胞を用いた下部尿路機能障害治療の基礎研究など、多彩な再生治療研究を行っている。

2. 腹圧性尿失禁に対する自己皮下脂肪由来再生(幹)細胞の傍尿道注入治療によるfirst-in-man臨床研究

名古屋大学医学部倫理委員会、厚労省審議会 (2011年3月7日)(ヒト幹臨床研究審査委員会)、特定認定再生医療等委員会(2015年11月)の承認を得て、世界初の自己皮下脂肪由来再生細胞の傍尿道注入治療を男性14例、女性4例に実施し、有効性と安全性を確認した。尿失禁量の減少(1例は完全消失)、脂肪由来再細胞注入部の血流の増加、尿道括約筋機能の改善を確認した。

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自己皮下脂肪由来再生細胞の抽出と経尿道注入                ADRCs注入部の経時的血流増加 

3. 前立腺癌術後括約筋障害による腹圧性尿失禁に対する自己皮下脂肪由来再生(幹)細胞の傍尿道注入治療の医師主導治験




4. 下部尿路機能障害に関する基礎的研究


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5. 多元計算解剖学を応用した腎代償機構の解明、腎機能予後因子の解明、機能予測モデルの確立



6. 前立腺癌における臨床病理学的予後因子の解明

愛知医大病理学教室の都築教授との共同研究により、前立腺癌におけるintraductal carcinoma(ID)の存在が、強力な予後予測因子となることを発見し、臨床病理学的な検討、手術療法や内分泌治療あるいは化学療法との関連について検討を行っている。

Intraductal carcinoma (prostate cancer)

7. 泌尿器科領域疾患、治療に関する臨床研究



赤松 秀輔 教授 泌尿器科学
松川 宜久 准教授 泌尿器科学
石田 昇平 講師 泌尿器科学
木村 友和 病院講師 泌尿器科学
佐野 友康 病院講師 泌尿器科学
松尾 かずな 病院助教 泌尿器科学
井上 聡 助教 泌尿器科学
佐野 優太 助教 泌尿器科学
内藤 祐志 助教 泌尿器科学
永山 洵 助教 泌尿器科学
石川 智啓 医員 泌尿器科学
浅野 彰之 医員 泌尿器科学
杉原嘉一 医員 泌尿器科学
岩間有香 医員 泌尿器科学
丹羽晃二郎 医員 泌尿器科学
鴛渕仁俊 医員 泌尿器科学
本多健太郎 医員 泌尿器科学


  • 2016年
    1. Funahashi Y, Majima T, Matsukawa Y, Yamamoto T, Yoshida M, Gotoh M.Intraprostatic Reflux of Urine Induces Inflammation in a Rat. Prostate. 2016 Sep 29. doi: 10.1002/pros.23257. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27683251
    2. Matsukawa Y, Funahashi Y, Takai S, Majima T, Ogawa T, Narita H, Kato M, Gotoh M. Comparison of silodosin and naftopidil for efficacy in the treatment of benignprostatic enlargement complicated by overactive bladder: A randomized,prospective study (SNIPER study). J Urol. 2016 Sep 8. pii:S0022-5347(16)31211-3.doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2016.08.111. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27615436.
    3. Yokoyama O, Nishizawa O, Homma Y, Takeda M, Gotoh M, Kakizaki H, Akino H,Hayashi K, Yonemoto K. OASIS project group. Nocturnal polyuria and hypertensionin patients with lifestyle-related diseases and overactive bladder. J Urol. 2016 Aug 23. pii: S0022-5347(16)31080-1. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2016.08.087. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27565397.
    4. Matsukawa Y, Funahashi Y, Takai S, Majima T, Ogawa T, Narita H, Kato M, Gotoh M. Comparison of silodosin and naftopidil for efficacy in the treatment of benignprostatic enlargement complicated by overactive bladder: A randomized,prospective study (SNIPER study). J Urol. 2016 Sep 8. pii:S0022-5347(16)31211-3.doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2016.08.111. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27615436.
    5. Funahashi Y, Kato M, Fujita T, Ishida S, Mori A, Gotoh M. Association Between the Polyomaviruses Titers and Decoy Cell Positivity Rates After RenalTransplantation. Transplant Proc., 2016;48:921-923.
    6. Nishio N, Fujimoto Y, Iwata Y, Takanari K, Kamei Y, Yamamoto T, Goto M. Autologous fat injection therapy including high concentration of adipose-derived regenerative cells in a vocal fold paralysis mode. J. laryntol. Otol., 2016; 8:1-9.
    7. Takahashi S, Takei M, Nishizawa O, Yamaguchi O, Kato K, Gotoh M, Yoshimura Y, Takeyama M, Ozawa H, Shimada M, Yamanishi T, Yoshida M, Tomoe H, Yokoyama O, Koyama M. Clinical Guideline for Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. LUTS, 2016;8:5-29.
    8. Maki S, Itoh Y, Kubota S, Okada T, Nakahara R, Ito J, Kawamura M, Kamomae T, Naganawa S, Yoshino Y, Gotoh M, Ikeda M. Late rectal toxicity from image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Anticancer Research, 2016;36:2967-2974,
    9. Kato M, Tsuzuki T, Kimura K, Hirakawa A, Kinoshita F, Sassa N, Ishida R, Fukatsu A, Kimura T, Funahashi Y, Matsukawa Y, Hattori H, Gotoh M. The presence of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate in needle biopsy is a significant prognostic factor for prostate cancer patients with distant metastasis at initial presentation. Modern Pathology, 2016;29:166-173
    10. Matsukawa Y, Takai S, Funahashi Y, Kato M, Yamamoto T, Hirakawa A, Gotoh M. The change of testosterone secretion during the treatment of alpha-1 blocker in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology, 2016; 88:149-54.
    11. Hirose Y, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Murakami M, Nakashima M, Gotoh M, Yamamoto T. Effects of Extracellular pH on Dental Pulp Cells in vitro. J. Endod. Elsevier., 2016;42: 735-741.
    12. Hirose Y, Yamamoto T, Misako N, Funahashi Y, Matsukawa Y, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Gotoh M. Injection of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Promotes Healing of Damaged Bladder Tissue in a Rat Model of Chemically Induced Cystitis. Cell Transplant., 2016;25 (3): 425-436.
  • 2015年
    1. Gotoh M, Kobayashi T, Sogabe K: Characterization of symptom bother and health-related quality of life in 967 Japanese female patients with overactive bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn,, 2015;34:730-735
    2. Funahash Y, Wang Z, O’Malley KJ, Tyagi P, DeFranco DB, Gingrich JR, Takahashi R, Majima T, Gotoh M, Yoshimura N.Influence of E. Coli-induced prostatic inflammation on expression of androgen-responsive genes and transforming growth factor beta 1 cascade genes in rats. The Prostate, 2015;75:381-385
    3. Yamaguchi O, Kakizaki H, Homma Y, Igawa Y, Takeda M, Nishizawa O, Gotoh M, Yoshida M, Yokoyama O, Seki N, Okitsu A, Hamada T, Kobayashi A, Kuroishi K. Safety and efficacy of mirabegron as add-on therapy in patients with overactive bladder treated with solifenacin: a postmarketing, open-label study in Japan (MILAI study). BJU Int., 2015;116:612-622.
    4. Matsukawa Y, Takai S, Asai K, Kasugai S, Narita H, Komatsu T, Kashiwagi Y, Kato M, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M. A slow stream is pathophysiologically related to a poor response to α1-adrenoceptor therapy in the treatment of storage symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology. 2015;86:558-564.
    5. Funahashi Y, Murotani K, Yoshino Y, Sassa N, Ishida S, Gotoh M. The renal tumor morphological characteristics that affect surgical planning for laparoscopic or open partial nephrectomy. Nagoya J. Med. Sci., 2015;77:229-235.
    6. Matsukawa Y, Takai S, Funahashi Y, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M. Urodynamic evaluation of the efficacy of mirabegron on storage and voiding functions in women with overactive bladder. Urology, 2015;85:786-790.
    7. Majima T, Yamamoto T, Funahashi Y, Takai S, Matsukawa Y, Yoshida M, Gotoh M. Effect of Naftopidil on Bladder Microcirculation in a Rat Model of Bladder Outlet Obstruction. LUTS, 2015 epub on ahead.
    8. Majima T, FunahashiY, Takai S, Goins WF, Gotoh M, Tyagi P, Glorioso JC, Yoshimura N. Herpes Simplex Virus Vector-Mediated Gene Delivery of Poreless TRPV1 Channels Reduces Bladder Overactivity and Nociception in Rats. Human Gene therapy, 2015;26:734-742.
  • 2014年
    1. Funahashi Y, Kato M, Yoshino Y, Fujita T, Sassa N, Gotoh M. Comparison of renal ischemic damage during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with artery-vein and artery-only clamping. J Endourol., 2014;28:306-11.
    2. Funahashi Y, Sassa N, Inada-Inoue M, Ando Y, Matsukawa Y, Gotoh M. Acute aortic dissection in a patient receiving multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors for 5 years. Aktuelle Urol., 2014;45:132-134.
    3. Funahashi Y, Yoshida M, Yamamoto T, Majima T, Takai S, Gotoh M. Intravesical Application of Rebamipide Promotes Urothelial Healing in a Rat Cystitis Model. J. Urol., 2014;192:1864-1870.
    4. Sassa N, Kato K, Abe S, Iwano S, Ito S, Ikeda M, Shimamoto K, Yamamoto S, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M, Naganawa S. Evaluation of 11C-choline PET/CT for primary diagnosis and staging of urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract: a pilot study.Eur J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 2014;41:2232-2241.
    5. Sassa N, Kato M, Funahashi M, Maeda M, Inoue S, Gotoh M. Efficacy of Pre-surgical Axitinib for Shrinkage of Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in a Patient with Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol., 2014;44:370-373.
    6. Hirose Y, Murakami M, Hayashi Y, Osako Y, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M, Nakashima M. Augmentation of regenerative potential of mesenchymal stem cells by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) induced mobilization. J. Stem Cell Res. Transplant., 2014;1:1-10.
    7. Gotoh M, Kobayashi T, Sogabe K. Characterization of symptom bother and health-related quality of life in 967 Japanese female patients with overactive bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 2015;34:730-735.
    8. Gotoh M, Kobayashi T and Sogabe K: Impact of symptom improvement on patients’ bother and quality of life in femala patients with overactive bladder treated by solifenacin (SET-Q).Int J Urol,, 2014; 21:505-511.
    9. Mizuno H, Suzuki Y, Watanabe Y, Sokabe T, Yamamoto Y, Hattori R, Gotoh M, Tominaga M. Potential role of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in bladder cancer cells. J. Physiol. Sci., 2014;64:305-314.
    10. Maeda M, Funahashi Y, Sassa N, Fujita T, Majima T, Gotoh M. Prediction of partial nephrectomy outcomes by using the diameter-axis-polar nephrostomy score. Int. J. Urol., 2014;21:442-446.
    11. Funahashi Y, Kato M, Fujita T, Takai S, Kimura Y, Gotoh M. Prevalence of polyomavirus positivity in urine after renal transplantation. Transplant Proc., 2014;46:564-566.
    12. Funahashi Y, Kato M, Fujita T, Tsuruta K, Inoue S, Gotoh M. Correlation between urine and serum BK virus levels after renal transplantation. Transplant Proc., 2014;46:567-569.
    13. Matsukawa Y, Gotoh M, Kato M, Funahashi Y, Narita M, Mitsui K. Effect of dutasteride on storage and voiding symptoms in male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms as a result of benign prostatic obstruction: the 1-year outcomes from a prospective urodynamic study. Int. J. Urol. 2014;1:826-830.
    14. Kimura K, Tsuzuki T, Kato M, Saito AM, Sassa N, Ishida R, Hirabayashi H, Yoshino Y, Hattori R, Gotoh M. Prognostic value of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate in radical prostatectomy specimens. Prostate, 2014;74:680-687.
    15. Funahashi Y, Yoshida M, Yamamoto T, Majima T, Takai S, Gotoh M. Intravesical application of rebamipide suppresses bladder inflammation in a rat cystitis model. J. Urol., 2014;191:1147-1152.
    16. Yamaguchi O, Marui E, Kakizaki H, Homma Y, Igawa Y, Takeda M, Nishizawa O, Gotoh M, Yoshida M, Yokoyama O, Seki N, Ikeda Y, Ohkawa S. Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the β3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron, 50 mg once daily, in Japanese patients with overactive bladder.BJU Int., 2014;113:951-960.
    17. Funahashi Y, Kato M, Yoshino Y, Fujita T, Sassa N, Gotoh M. Comparison of renal ischemic damage during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with artery-vein and artery-only clamping. J. Endourol., 2014;28(3):306-311.
    18. Funahashi Y, O’Malley KJ, Kawamorita N, Tyagi P, DeFranco DB, Takahashi R, Gotoh M, Wang Z, Yoshimura N: Upregulation of Androgen-Responsive Genes and Transforming Growth Factor-b1CascadeGenes in a Rat Model of Non-Bacterial Prostatic Inflammation. The Prostate, 2014;74:337-345.
  • 2013年
    1. Hirakawa T, Suzuki S, Kato K, Gotoh M, Yoshikawa Y.Randomized controlled trial of pelvic floor muscle training with or without biofeedback for urinary incontinence. Int. Urogynecol J., 2013;24:1347-1354.
    2. Fukatsu A, Tsuzuki T, Sassa N, Nishikimi T, Kimura T, Majima T, Yoshino Y, Hattori R, Gotoh M. Growth Pattern, an Important Pathologic Prognostic Parameter for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 2013;140:500-505.
    3. Matsukawa Y, Gotoh M, Komatsu T, Funahashi Y, Sassa N, Hattori R. Efficacy of silodosin for relieving benign prostatic obstruction: prospective pressure flow study. J. Urol., 2013;189(1 Suppl):S117-121.
    4. Takeda M, Nishizawa O, Gotoh M, Yoshida M, Takahashi S, Masumori N. Clinical efficacy and safety of imidafenacin as add-on treatment for persistent overactive bladder symptoms despite alpha-blocker treatment in patients with BPH: the ADDITION study. Urology, 2013;82(4):887-893.
    5. Gotoh M, Yamamoto T, Kato M, Majima T, Toriyama T, Kamei Y, Matsukawa Y, Hirakawa Y, Funahashi Y.Regenerative treatment of male stress urinary incontinence by periurethral injection of autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells: 1-year outcomes in 11 patients.Int. J. Urol.、2013;21:294-300.
    6. Funahashi Y, Oguchi T, Goins WF, Gotoh M, Tyagi P, Goss JR, Glorioso JC, Yoshimura N. Herpes simplex virus vector-mediated gene therapy of tumor necrosis factor alpha blockade for bladder overactivity and nociception in rats. J. Urol., 2013;189:366-373.
    7. Yamamoto T,Funahashi Y Mastukawa Y, Kato M,Yoshino Y,Gotoh M. Pretreatment of renal subcapsular administration of adipose tissue-derived stem cells ameliorate ischemia reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury. Hirosaki Med.J., 2013;64(Suppl.):S1ppl.
  • 2012年
    1. Yamamoto T, Gotoh M, Kato M, Majima T, Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Iwaguro H, Matsukawa Y,Funahashi Y. Periurethral injection of autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells for the treatment of male stress urinary incontinence: report of 3 initial cases. Int. J. Urol., 2012; 19:652-659.
    2. Kato M, Hattori R, Kamihira O, Yamada S, Gotoh M. Correlation between treated hypertension in prepregnancy and transplanted kidney function deterioration during pregnancy even if within pregnancy permission criteria. Transplant Proc., 2012;44:635-637.
    3. Mizuno T, Ito K, Miyagawa Y, Kimura K, Suzuki Y, Mizuno M, Ito Y, Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Gotoh M, Noda Y, Yamada K. Renal impairment after laparoscopic radical nephrectomy affects hypoglycaemic therapy. J. Clin. Pharm. Ther., 2012;37:49-52.
    4. Gotoh M, Matsukawa Y, Funahashi Y, Kato M, Maseki Y, Narita H, Kamihira O, Hattori R. Correlations among lower urinary tract symptoms, bother, and quality of life in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and associated fluctuations with tamsulosin administration. LUTS, 2012;4:45-50.
  • 2011年
    1. Gotoh M. Editorials, The mechanisms underlying alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonists and modulation of bladder function: an emerging role for changes in perfusion. J. Urol., 2011;186:2154-2155.
    2. Yokoyama O, Yamaguchi O, Kakizaki H, Itoh N, Yokota T, Okada H, Ishizuka O, Ozono S, Gotoh M, Sugiyama T, Seki N, Yoshida M, Yamada S. Efficacy of solifenacin on nocturia in Japanese patients with overactive bladder: impact on sleep evaluated by bladder diary. J. Urol., 2011;186:170-174.
    3. Watanabe T, Maruyama S, Yamamoto T, Kamo I, Yasuda K, Saka Y, Ozaki T,Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S, Gotoh M. Increased urethral resistance by periurethral injection of low serum cultured adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in rats. Int. J .Urol., 2011;18:659-666.
    4. Gotoh M, Homma Y, Yokoyama O, Nishizawa O. The responsiveness and minimal clinically important change of the Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS) Urology, 2011;78:768-773.
    5. Ogawa T, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M. Safe use of ultrasonically activated devices based on current studies. Expert Rev. Medi. Devices, 2011;8: 319-324.
    6. Gotoh M, Yokoyama O, Nishizawa O. Propiverine hydrochloride in Japanese patients with overactive bladder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Int. J. Urol., 2011;18:365-373.
    7. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Matsukawa Y, Komatsu T, Sassa N, Gotoh M. Clinical efficacy of a loading dose of naftopidil for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. World J. Urol., 2011;29:225-231.
    8. Nishikimi T, Tsuzuki T, Fujita T, Sassa N, Fukatsu A, Katsuno S, Yoshino Y, Hattori R, Gotoh M. The post-operative pathological prognostic parameters of clear cell renal cell carcinoma in pT1a cases. Pathol. Int,, 2011;61:116-121.
    9. Sassa N, hattori R, Tsuzuki T, Watarai Y, Fukatsu A, Katsuno S, Nishikimi T, Fujita T, Gotoh M. Renal cell carcinomas in hemodialysis patients:does hemodyalysis duration influence pathological cell types and prognosis? Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., 2011;26:1677-1682.
    10. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Matsukawa Y, Komatsu T, Sassa N, Gotoh M. Clinical efficacy of a loading dose of naftopidil for patients with benign prostate hyperplasia. World J. Urol., 2011;29:225-231.
    11. Yamaguchi O1, Kakizaki H, Homma Y, Takeda M, Nishizawa O, Gotoh M, Yokoyama O, Seki N, Yoshida M. ASSIST Study Group. Solifenacin as add-on therapy for overactive bladder symptoms in men treated for lower urinary tract symptoms--ASSIST, randomized controlled study. Urology, 2011;78:126-33.
  • 2010年
    1. Mizuno H, Yamamoto T, Okutsu H, Ohtake A, Kato M, Gotoh M. Effect of tamsulosin on bladder microcirculation in a rat ischemia-reperfusion model, evaluated by pencil lens charge-coupled device microscopy system. Urology, 2010;76(5) 1266e1-5.
    2. Matsukawa Y, Hattori R, Komatsu T, Funahashi Y, Sassa N, Gotoh M. De novo detrusor underactivity after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Int. J. Urol.,2010;17:643-648.
    3. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Kamihira O, Sassa N, Gotoh M. The relationship between renal parenchymal volume and single kidney glomerular filtration rate before and after unilateral kidney. Urology,2010;77:1404-1408.
    4. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Matsukawa Y, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M. Solitary fibrous tumor of the seminal vesicle. Aktuel Urol,2010;41:326-327.
    5. Fujita T, Hattori R, Kinukawa T, Yamada S, Kamihira O, Yoshino Y, Kato M, Gotoh M. Laparoscopic cytoreductive nephrectomy with cytokine therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinomas. Asian J. Endoscop. Surg., 2010;3:140-144.
    6. Kim JS, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Yoshino Y, Gotoh M. How can we safely use ultrasonic laparoscopic coagulating shears? Int. J. Urol.,2010;17:377-381.
    7. Hagikura M, Murakumo Y, Hasegawa M, Gotoh M, Takahashi M. Correlation of pathological grade and tumor stage of urothelial carcinomas with CD109 expression. Pathology Int.,2010;60:735-743.
    8. Homma Y, Araki I, Igawa Y, Ozono S, Gotoh M, Yamanishi T, Yokoyama O, Yoshida M. Clinical guideline for male lower urinary tract symptoms. Int. J. Urol., 2009;16:775-790.
    9. Fumahashi Y, Iwata S, Ito Y, Kojima S, Yoshikawa T, Hattori R, Gotoh M, Nishiyama Y, Kimura H. Multiplex real-yime PCR assay for quantifying BK polymavirus, JC polyomavirus and adenovirus DNA simultaneously. J. Clin. Microbiology, 2010;48: 825-830.
  • 2009年
    1. Imamura T, Yamamoto T, ishizuka O, Gotoh M, Nishizawa O. The mocroenvironment of freeze-injured mouse urinary bladders enables successful tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering,2009;15:3367-3375.
    2. Kato K, Suzuki S, Yamamoto T, Furuhashi K, Suzuki K, Murase T, Gotoh M. Clinical pathway for tension-free vaginal mesh procedure: Evaluation in 300 patients with pelvic organ prolapsed. Int. J. Urol., 2009;16:314-317.
    3. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Mizutani K, Yoshino Y, Sassa N, Gotoh M. Ewing's sarcome/promitivr neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney. Aktuell Urol, 2009;40:247-249.
    4. Gotoh M, Homma Y, Funahashi Y, Matsukawa Y, Kato M. Psychometric validation of the Japanese version of the Interrnational Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-short form. Int. J. Urol., 2009;16:303-306.
    5. Sassa N, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Katoh M, Komatsu T, Matsukawa T, Funahashi Y, Gotoh M. Direct visualization of renal hemodynamics affected by carbondioxide induced pneumoperitoneum. Urology, 2009;73:311-315.
    6. Hattori R, Yoshino Y, Komatsu T, Matsukawa Y, Ono Y, Gotoh M. Pre laparoscopic complete excision of distal ureter with a bladder cuff for upper urinary urothelial carcinoma. World J. Urol., 2009;27:253-258.
    7. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Kamihira O, Moriya Y, Gotoh M. Change in contralateral renal parenchymal volume one week after unilateral nephrectomy. Urology, 2009;74:708-712.
    8. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Yamamoto T, Kamihira O, Kato K, Gotoh M. Ischemic renal damage after nephron-sparing surgery in patients with normal contralateral kidney. Eur. Urol., 2009;55:209-216.
    9. Matsukawa Y, Hattori R, Yoshikawa Y, Ono Y, Gotoh M. Urodynamic evaluation of vesicourethral function following laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: comparison with open radical prostatectomy. Int. J. Urol., 2009;16:393-396.
    10. Gotoh M, Matsukawa Y, Yoshikawa Y, Funahashi Y, Kato M, Hattori R. Impact of urinary incontinence on the psychological burden of family caregivers. Neurourol. Urodyn., 2009;28:492-496.
    11. Komatsu T, Gotoh M, Funahashi Y, Matsukawa Y, Sassa N, Kato K, Kato M, Hattori R. Efficacy of propiverine in improving dymptoms and quality of life in female patients with wet overactivee bladder. LUTS,2009;1:2000-2024.
    12. Homma Y, Gotoh M. Symptom severity and patient perceptions in overactive bladder: how are they related? BJU Int.,2009;104:968-972.
    13. Matsukawa Y, Gotoh M, Komatsu T, Funahashi Y, Sassa N, Hattori R. Efficacy of silodosin in relieving benign prostatic obstruction: a prospective study based on pressure flow study. J. Urol.,2009;182:2831-2835.
    14. Matsukawa Y, Hattori R, Yoshikawa Y, Ono Y, Gotoh M. Laparoscopic versus open radical prostatectomy: urodynamic evaluation of vesicourethral function. Int. J. Urol.,2009;16:393-396.
    15. Hattori R.Kamihira O, Yoshuno Y, Tsuchiya F, Fujita T, Yamada S, Funahashi Y, Ono Y, Gotoh M. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for large renal cell carcinoma. J. Endourol.,2009;23:1523-1526.
  • 2008年
    1. Anas CM, Hattori R, Morita Y, Matsukawa Y, Komatsu T, Yoshino Y, Maruyama S, Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S, Gotoh M. Efficacy of laparoscopic-assisted renal biopsy. Clinical Nephrology, 2008;70:203-209.
    2. Ozaki T, Anas C, Maruyama S, Yamamoto T, Yasuda K, Morita Y, Ito Y, Gotoh M, Yuzawa, Y, Matsuo S. Intrarenal administration of recombitant human soluble thrombomodulin ameliorates ischemic acute renal failure. Nephrol. Dial. Transpl.,2008;23:110-119.
    3. Tanaka T, Noiri T, Yamamoto Y, Sugaya T, Negishi K, Maeda R, Nakamura K, Portilla D, Gotoh M, Fujita T. Urinary human L-FABP is a potnetial biomarker to predict COX-inhibitor-induced renal injury. Nephron Exp. Nephrol.,2008;108:19-26.
    4. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Kinukawa T, Kimura H, Nishiyama Y, Gotoh M. Conversion from microfenorate mofetile to mizoribine for patients with positive polyomavirus type BK in urine. Transplantation Proc., 2008;40:2268-2270.
    5. Funahashi Y, Hattori R, Kinukawa T, Kimura H, Nishiyama Y, Gotoh M. Conversion from mycophenolate mofetil to mizoribine for patients with positive polyomvirus type BK in urine. Transplantation Proceedings, 2008;40: 2268-2270.
    6. Nishizawa O, Ishizuka O, Okamura K, Gotoh M, Hasegawa T, Hirao Y. Guideline for management of urinary incontinence. Int. J. Urol., 2008;15:857-874.
    7. Homma Y, Yoshida M, Yamanishi T, Gotoh M. Core lower urinary tract symptom score (CLSS) questionnaire: a reliable tool in the overall assessment of lower urinary tract symptoms. Int. J. Urol., 2008;15:816-820.
  • 2007年
    1. Anas C, Ozaki T, Maruyama S, Yamamoto T, Gotoh M, Ono Y, Matsuo S: Effects of olprinone, a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor, on ischemic acute renal failure. Int. J. Urol., 2007;14: 219-225.
    2. Kondo A, Kamihira O, Gotoh M, Ozawa H, Lee TY, Lin ATL, Kim ARK, Lin HH. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects: International comparison of awareness among obstetricians・ gynecologists and urologists. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res.,2007;33: 63-67.
    3. Tsuchiya F, Hattri R, Gotoh M, Yamamoto T, Yoshino Y, Matsukawa Y, Komatsu T, Ono Y. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for locally advanced renal cell carcinoma. Jpn. J. Endourol. ESWL,2007;20:89-94.
    4. Yamaguchi O, Marui E, Kakizaki H, Itoh N, Yokota T, Ishizuka O, Ozono S, Gotoh M, Sugiyama T, Seki N, Yoshida M. Randomized, double-blind, placebo- and propiverine-controlled trial of the once-daily antimuscarinic agent solifenacin in Japanese patients with overactive bladder. BJU Int., 2007;100:579-587.
    5. Kim TS, Hattori R, Yoshino Y, Komatsu T, Matsukawa Y, Gotoh M, Ono Y. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in upper-pole apical renal tumor using gauze sling and flexible laparoscope. J. Endourol., 2007;21:879-882.
    6. Gotoh M. Quality of life assessment for patients with urinary incontinence. Nagoya J. Med. Sci., 2007;69:123-131.
    7. Yamaguchi O, Honda K, Nomiya M, Gotoh M. Defining overactive bladder as hypersensitivity. Neurourol. Urodyn., 2007;26:904-907.
    8. Yamamoto T, Noiri E, Ono Y, Doi K, Negishi K, Kamijo A, Kimura K, Fujita T, Kinukawa T, Taniguchi H, Nakamura K, Gotoh M, Shinozaki N, Ohshima S, Sugaya T. Renal L-type fatty acid-binding protein in acute ischemic injury. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 2007;18:2894-2902.




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