
Top > 研究室紹介 > 脳神経病態制御学 > 精神医学





1. がん患者や移植患者の精神医学的側面に関する検討



2. 歯科領域の疼痛性疾患の生物心理社会的研究



3. 脳の個人特性を踏まえた運転技能の理解



4. ヒト脳組織研究ー臨床診断の精度の向上へむけて



5. 精神疾患横断的な脳画像・視線解析を用いた検討



6. 精神障害克服を目指すゲノム解析を起点とした基礎・臨床連携研究

統合失調症・双極性障害・自閉スペクトラム症は、いずれも長期の治療・療育が必要で、現在、十分な効果をあげることが出来ていない精神障害です。したがって、その病因・病態を解明して、根本的治療法、予防法を開発することが求められています。我々は、ゲノム科学、神経科学、情報科学の手法により、1) 患者ゲノムの解析、2) 1の結果に基づく遺伝子改変モデル動物の解析、1の結果に基づく遺伝子変異を有する患者由来iPS細胞から樹立したモデル中枢神経系細胞の解析、などを実施しています。これらの知見を統合し、基礎研究と臨床研究の連携により、精神障害の克服を目指した研究を実施しています。


7. 妊産婦とその児を対象とした前向きゲノムコホート研究



8. オミックスによる統合失調症、双極性障害、自閉スペクトラム症の診断法開発を目指した研究



9. 精神疾患横断的な睡眠ポリグラフ検査等を用いた検討

睡眠の障害は、様々な疾患を引き起こすことが知られています。睡眠の変化はその他の臨床症状に先行することが多く、その悪化や改善はうつ病の治療経過を見るうえで臨床的に有用な指標と考えられています。簡便で負担なく、自宅でも検査可能な睡眠モニターについて睡眠ポリグラフと比較検討しています。高齢になって精神症状を呈した患者さんを対象に、レム睡眠行動障害あるいは睡眠ポリグラフ検査上の必須所見であるREM sleep without atoniaに注目することで、レビー小体病の鑑別診断の可能性について検討を行っています。



池田 匡志 教授 大学院医学系研究科 総合医学専攻
尾崎 紀夫 特任教授 大学院医学系研究科 精神疾患病態解明学 糖鎖生命コア研究所 細胞・個体制御部門
稲田 俊也 特任教授 大学院医学系研究科 精神医療学寄附講座
木村 宏之 准教授 大学院医学系研究科 総合医学専攻
岩本 邦弘 准教授 大学院医学系研究科 総合医学専攻
藤城 弘樹 特任准教授 大学院医学系研究科 精神医療学寄附講座
Branko Aleksic 特任准教授 大学院医学系研究科 名古屋大学・アデレード大学国際連携総合医学専攻
久島 周 病院講師 医学部附属病院 ゲノム医療センター
木村 大樹 講師 大学院医学系研究科 総合医学専攻
鳥井 洋太 講師 医学部附属病院 精神科
山本 真江里 講師 医学部附属病院 精神科
小笠原 一能 病院助教 医学部附属病院 卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター
立花 昌子 病院助教 医学部附属病院 精神科
加藤 秀和 助教 医学部附属病院 親と子どもの心療科
名和 佳弘 特任助教 大学院医学系研究科 障害児(者)医療学寄附講座
岩田 邦幸 病院助教 医学部附属病院 精神科
荒深 周生 病院助教 医学部附属病院 化学療法部
竹田 和弘 病院助教 医学部附属病院 精神科
森 大輔 特任准教授 脳とこころの研究センター 研究開発部門
有岡 祐子 特任講師 医学部附属病院 先端医療・臨床研究支援センター
宮田 聖子 特任講師 大学院医学系研究科 精神医療学寄附講座
奥村 啓樹 特任助教 大学院医学系研究科


  • 2022年
    1. Arafuka S, Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Torii Y, Miwa A, Yabata H, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Kawashima K, Yoshida M, Iwasaki Y, Ozaki N. Striatal i-123-2 beta-carbomethoxy-3b-(4-iodophenyl)-n-(3-fluoropropyl)-nortropane single-photon emission computed tomography demonstrates nigral degeneration in the early stage of behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia: An autopsy case with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with trans-activation response DNA protein 43 type b. Psychogeriatrics. 2022;22(4):580-585.
    2. Arafuka S, Sekiguchi H, Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Yoshida M, Iwasaki Y, Ozaki N, Fujita K. Late-onset panic disorder as the initial presentation in autopsy-confirmed dementia with lewy bodies. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2023;77(4):242-244.
    3. Fujishiro H, Arafuka S, Ogasawara K, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Temporal trajectories of proposed biomarkers in psychiatric-onset prodromal dementia with lewy bodies: A case report. Psychogeriatrics. 2023;23(1):196-200.
    4. Furuta S, Aleksic B, Nawa Y, Kimura H, Kushima I, Ishizuka K, Kato H, Toyama M, Arioka Y, Mori D, Morikawa M, Inada T, Ozaki N. Investigation of olig2 as a candidate gene for schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science. 2022;84(2):260-268.
    5. Hagikura M, Inada T. A case of schizophrenia with relapsed catatonia successfully treated with blonanserin transdermal patch. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2023;43(1):150-153.
    6. Ishizuka K, Tachibana M, Inada T. Possible Commonalities of Clinical Manifestations Between Dystonia and Catatonia. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:876678.
    7. Ito T, Yoshida M, Aida T, Kushima I, Hiramatsu Y, Ono M, Yoshimi A, Tanaka K, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Astrotactin 2 (astn2) regulates emotional and cognitive functions by affecting neuronal morphogenesis and monoaminergic systems. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2023;165(2):211-229.
    8. Kaminogo K, Yamaguchi S, Tokura T, Kimura H, Kishi S, Yamamoto N, Ozaki N, Hibi H. Coping styles and quality of life in oral cancer patients undergoing radical resection and free flap reconstruction. Oral Oncology Reports. 2023;5:100015.
    9. Kato S, Bagarinao E, Isoda H, Koyama S, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Hara K, Katsuno M, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Reproducibility of functional connectivity metrics estimated from resting-state functional mri with differences in days, coils, and global signal regression. Radiological Physics and Technology. 2022;15(4):298-310.
    10. Kawabata K, Bagarinaob E, Watanabe H, Maesawab S, Mori D, Hara K, Ohdake R, Masuda M, Ogura A, Kato T, Koyama S, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Functional connector hubs in the cerebellum. Neuroimage. 2022;257:119263.
    11. Kawai K, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Okada I, Ando M, Fujishiro H, Noda A, Ozaki N. A Study of Factors Causing Sleep State Misperception in Patients with Depression. Nat Sci Sleep. 2022;14:1273-1283.
    12. Kawakami I, Iga JI, Takahashi S, Lin Y-T, Fujishiro H. Towards an understanding of the pathological basis of senile depression and incident dementia: implications for treatment. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2022;76(12):620-632.
    13. Kimura H, Nakatochi M, Aleksic B, Guevara J, Toyama M, Hayashi Y, Kato H, Kushima I, Morikawa M, Ishizuka K, Okada T, Tsurusaki Y, Fujita A, Miyake N, Ogi T, Takata A, Matsumoto N, Buxbaum J, Ozaki N, Sebat J. Exome sequencing analysis of japanese autism spectrum disorder case-control sample supports an increased burden of synaptic function-related genes. Translational Psychiatry. 2022;12(1):265.
    14. Kimura H, Yokoyama H, Torii Y, Fujishiro H. Electroconvulsive therapy as a potential therapeutic option in psychiatric-onset prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2023; 38(1):e5863.
    15. Kubota C, Inada T, Lin SK, Avasthi A, Chee KY, Tanra AJ, Yang SY, Chen LY, Chong MY, Tripathi A, Kallivayalil RA, Grover S, Park SC, Kato TA, Xiang YT, Sim K, Maramis MM, Noor IM, Tan CH, Sartorius N, Shinfuku N. The factor structure of extrapyramidal symptoms evaluated using the drug-induced extrapyramidal symptoms scale in patients with schizophrenia: Results from the 2016 reap ap-4 study. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental. 2023;38(2):e2861.
    16. Kushima I, Aleksic B, Kimura H, Nakatochi M, Lo T, Ikeda M, Arai M, Hashimoto R, Numata S, Okamura Y, Obara T, Inada T, Ozaki N. X chromosome aneuploidies and schizophrenia: Association analysis and phenotypic characterization. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2022;76(12):667-673.
    17. Kushima I, Imaeda M, Tanaka S, Kato H, Oya-Ito T, Nakatochi M, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Contribution of copy number variations to the risk of severe eating disorders. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2022;76(9):423-428.
    18. Kushima I, Nakatochi M, Aleksic B, Okada T, Kimura H, Kato H, Morikawa M, Inada T, Ishizuka K, Torii Y, Nakamura Y, Tanaka S, Imaeda M, Takahashi N, Yamamoto M, Iwamoto K, Nawa Y, Ogawa N, Iritani S, Hayashi Y, Lo TY, Otgonbayar G, Furuta S, Iwata N, Ikeda M, Saito T, Ninomiya K, Okochi T, Hashimoto R, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Fujimoto M, Miura K, Itokawa M, Arai M, Miyashita M, Toriumi K, Ohi K, Shioiri T, Kitaichi K, Someya T, Watanabe Y, Egawa J, Takahashi T, Suzuki M, Sasaki T, Tochigi M, Nishimura F, Yamasue H, Kuwabara H, Wakuda T, Kato TA, Kanba S, Horikawa H, Usami M, Kodaira M, Watanabe K, Yoshikawa T, Toyota T, Yokoyama S, Munesue T, Kimura R, Funabiki Y, Kosaka H, Jung MY, Kasai K, Ikegame T, Jinde S, Numata S, Kinoshita M, Kato T, Kakiuchi C, Yamakawa K, Suzuki T, Hashimoto N, Ishikawa S, Yamagata B, Nio S, Murai T, Son S, Kunii Y, Yabe H, Inagaki M, Goto YI, Okumura Y, Ito T, Arioka Y, Mori D, Ozaki N. Cross-disorder analysis of genic and regulatory copy number variations in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 2022;92(5):362-374.
    19. Kushima I, Uematsu M, Ishizuka K, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Psychiatric patients with a de novo 17q12 deletion: Two case reports. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2022;76(7):345-347.
    20. Lo T, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Kato H, Nawa Y, Hayashi Y, Otgonbayar G, Kimura H, Arioka Y, Mori D, Ozaki N. Sequencing of selected chromatin remodelling genes reveals increased burden of rare missense variants in asd patients from the japanese population. International Review of Psychiatry. 2022;34(2):154-167.
    21. Lo TY, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Yoshimi A, Someya T, Watanabe Y, Ozaki N. Clinical manifestations of schizophrenia in four patients with variants in voltage-gated calcium channel-encoding genes: A case series. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2023;77(1):57-59.
    22. Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Fukai R, Kushima I, Okamoto N, Ohashi K, Nakamura K, Hashimoto R, Hiraki Y, Son S, Kato M, Sakai Y, Osaka H, Deguchi K, Matsuishi T, Takeshita S, Fattal-Valevski A, Ekhilevitch N, Tohyama J, Yap P, Keng WT, Kobayashi H, Takubo K, Okada T, Saitoh S, Yasuda Y, Murai T, Nakamura K, Ohga S, Matsumoto A, Inoue K, Saikusa T, Hershkovitz T, Kobayashi Y, Morikawa M, Ito A, Hara T, Uno Y, Seiwa C, Ishizuka K, Shirahata E, Fujita A, Koshimizu E, Miyatake S, Takata A, Mizuguchi T, Ozaki N, Matsumoto N. Molecular diagnosis of 405 individuals with autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2023.
    23. Miyata S, Otake H, Fujishiro H, Iwamo K, Noda A, Sone M, Ozaki N. Polysomnographic characteristics and predictors of positional obstructive sleep apnea in Japanese elderly. Sleep Biol. Rhythms. 2022;20:403-411.
    24. Mizobuchi K, Kushima I, Kato H, Miyajima M, Kimura H, Ozaki N. Turner syndrome presenting with idiopathic regression: A case report. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2022;76(12):680-682.
    25. Nawa Y, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Yamamoto M, Kimura H, Banno M, Hashimoto R, Ozaki N. Treatment-resistant schizophrenia in patients with 3q29 deletion: A case series of four patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2022;76(7):338-339.
    26. Nishimura T, Takahashi N, Okumura A, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Nakayasu C, Rahman MS, Uchiyama S, Wakuta M, Nomura Y, Takei N, Senju A, Tsuchiya KJ. Sex differences in neurodevelopmental trajectories in children with different levels of autistic traits. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2023;77(5):282-289.
    27. Nishimura T, Kato T, Okumura A, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Hirota T, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Kuwabara H, Takagai S, Nomura Y, Takahashi N, Senju A, Tsuchiya KJ. Trajectories of Adaptive Behaviors During Childhood in Females and Males in the General Population. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:817383.
    28. Ogasawara M, Takeshima M, Kosaka S, Imanishi A, Itoh Y, Fujiwara D, Yoshizawa K, Ozaki N, Nakagome K, Mishima K. Exploratory validation of sleep-tracking devices in patients with psychiatric disorders. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2023;15:301-312.
    29. Oh HS, Lee BJ, Lee YS, Jang OJ, Nakagami Y, Inada T, Kato TA, Kanba S, Chong MY, Lin SK, Si TM, Xiang YT, Avasthi A, Grover S, Kallivayalil RA, Pariwatcharakul P, Chee KY, Tanra AJ, Rabbani G, Javed A, Kathiarachchi S, Myint WA, Cuong TV, Wang YX, Sim K, Sartorius N, Tan CH, Shinfuku N, Park YC, Park SC. Machine learning algorithm-based prediction model for the augmented use of clozapine with electroconvulsive therapy in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022;12(6):969.
    30. Oh J, Shin HM, Nishimura T, Rahman MS, Takahashi N, Tsuchiya KJ. Perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctane sulfonate in umbilical cord blood and child cognitive development: Hamamatsu Birth Cohort for Mothers and Children (HBC Study). Environ Int. 2022;163:107215.
    31. Ohgidani M, Kushima I, Inamine S, Kyuragi S, Sagata N, Nakao T, Kanba S, Ozaki N, Kato TA. A case of bipolar disorder with aif1 (coding gene of iba-1) deletion: A pilot in vitro analysis using blood-derived microglia-like cells. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2023;77(2):128-130.
    32. Okada I, Miyata S, Iwamoto K, Fujishiro H, Noda A, Ozaki N. Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea as assessed by polysomnography in psychiatric patients with sleep-related problems. Sleep Breath. 2022;26(4):1983-1991.
    33. Okumura H, Arioka Y, Kushima I, Mori D, Ozaki N. Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with 16p13.11 duplication and vps13b deletion. Stem Cell Research. 2022;64:102884.
    34. Sugiyama M, Tsuchiya KJ, Okubo Y, Rahman MS, Uchiyama S, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Okumura A, Nakayasu C, Amma Y, Suzuki H, Takahashi N, Kinsella-Kammerer B, Nomura Y, Itoh H, Nishimura T. Outdoor Play as a Mitigating Factor in the Association Between Screen Time for Young Children and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. JAMA Pediatr. 2023;177(3):303-310.
    35. sSumiyoshi C, Ohi K, Fujino H, Yamamori H, Fujimoto M, Yasuda Y, Uno Y, Takahashi J, Morita K, Katsuki A, Yamamoto M, Okahisa Y, Sata A, Katsumoto E, Koeda M, Hirano Y, Nakataki M, Matsumoto J, Miura K, Hashimoto N, Makinodan M, Takahashi T, Nemoto K, Kishimoto T, Suzuki M, Sumiyoshi T, Hashimoto R. Transdiagnostic comparisons of intellectual abilities and work outcome in patients with mental disorders: multicentre study. BJPsych Open. 2022;8(4):e98.
    36. Tachibana M, Inada T, Ichida M, Ozaki N. Prevalence, clinical features, and risk factors of delusions in patients with delirium. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2022;37(6).
    37. Tachibana M, Inada T. Poor prognostic impact of delirium: especially on mortality and institutionalisation. Psychogeriatrics. 2023;23(1):187-195.
    38. Tachibana M, Ishizuka K, Inada T. Catatonia and Delirium: Similarity and Overlap of Acute Brain Dysfunction. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:876727.
    39. Tainaka H, Takahashi N, Nishimura T, Okumura A, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Nomura Y, Tsuchiya KJ. Long-term effect of persistent postpartum depression on children's psychological problems in childhood. J Affect Disord. 2022;305:71-76.
    40. Takase S, Liao JZ, Liu Y, Tanaka R, Miyagawa Y, Sawahata M, Sobue A, Mizoguchi H, Nagai T, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N, Yamada K. Antipsychotic-like effects of fasudil, a rho-kinase inhibitor, in a pharmacologic animal model of schizophrenia. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2022;931.
    41. Tanaka R, Liao JZ, Hada K, Mori D, Nagai T, Matsuzaki T, Nabeshima T, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N, Mizoguchi H, Yamada K. Inhibition of rho-kinase ameliorates decreased spine density in the medial prefrontal cortex and methamphetamine-induced cognitive dysfunction in mice carrying schizophrenia-associated mutations of the arhgap10 gene. Pharmacological Research. 2023;187:106589.
    42. Torii Y, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Ikeda T, Yoshida M, Iwasaki Y, Ozaki N, Kawashima K. An autopsy case of schizophrenia comorbid with pure argyrophilic grain disease. Psychogeriatrics 2023;23(2)371-373.
    43. Torii-Goto A, Yoshimi A, Tashiro Y, Ukigai M, Matsumoto A, Ozaki N, Noda Y. A reactive metabolite of clozapine induces hematopoietic toxicity in hl-60 cells undergoing granulocytic differentiation through its effect on glutathione metabolism. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2022;45(9):1232-1237.
    44. Tsujikawa K, Hamanaka K, Riku Y, Hattori Y, Hara N, Iguchi Y, Ishigaki S, Hashizume A, Miyatake S, Mitsuhashi S, Miyazaki Y, Kataoka M, Li JY, Yasui K, Kuru S, Koike H, Kobayashi K, Sahara N, Ozaki N, Yoshida M, Kakita A, Saito Y, Iwasaki Y, Miyashita A, Iwatsubo T, Ikeuchi T, Miyata T, Sobue G, Matsumoto N, Sahashi K, Katsuno M, Japanese Alzheimer's Dis N, Japanese Longitudinal Biomarker S. Actin-binding protein filamin-a drives tau aggregation and contributes to progressive supranuclear palsy pathology. Science Advances. 2022;8(21):eabm5029.
    45. Wada S, Iwamoto K, Okumura H, Hida H, Hiraoka S, Kamei A, Mori D, Yamada K, Ozaki N. Sensory evaluation of the bitterness of asenapine using d-sorbitol pretreatment: Single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Bmc Psychiatry. 2023;23(1):159.
    46. Yamaguchi S, Kaminogo K, Tokura T, Kimura H, Kishi S, Yamamoto N, Ichimura N, Toyama N, Koma Y, Kouyama N, Ozaki N, Hibi H. Psychological impact on patients with oral cancer before undergoing resection and free flap reconstruction surgery. Oral Oncology Reports. 2022;3-4:100004.
    47. Yamamoto M, Bagarinao E, Shimamoto M, Iidaka T, Ozaki N. Involvement of cerebellar and subcortical connector hubs in schizophrenia. Neuroimage-Clinical. 2022;35:103140.
    48. Yamasue H, Kojima M, Kuwabara H, Kuroda M, Matsumoto K, Kanai C, Inada N, Owada K, Ochi K, Ono N, Benner S, Wakuda T, Kameno Y, Inoue J, Harada T, Tsuchiya K, Umemura K, Yamauchi A, Ogawa N, Kushima I, Ozaki N, Suyama S, Saito T, Uemura Y, Hamada J, Kano Y, Honda N, Kikuchi S, Seto M, Tomita H, Miyoshi N, Matsumoto M, Kawaguchi Y, Kanai K, Ikeda M, Nakamura I, Isomura S, Hirano Y, Onitsuka T, Kosaka H, Okada T. Effect of a novel nasal oxytocin spray with enhanced bioavailability on autism: A randomized trial. Brain. 2022;145(2):490-499.
    49. Yoshida M, Hasegawa S, Taniguchi M, Mouri A, Suzuki C, Yoshimi A, Mamiya T, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Memantine ameliorates the impairment of social behaviors induced by a single social defeat stress as juveniles. Neuropharmacology. 2022; 217:109208.
  • 2021年
    1. Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, AdIi M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee K, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jimenez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, Konig B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landen M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nothen MM, Novak T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Osby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT, Psychiatric Genomics C. Association of polygenic score for major depression with response to lithium in patients with bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. 2021;26(6):2457-70.
    2. Arioka Y, Shishido E, Kushima I, Suzuki T, Saito R, Aiba A, Mori D, Ozaki N. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion causes perk-dependent vulnerability in dopaminergic neurons. Ebiomedicine. 2021;63:103138.
    3. Arta RK, Watanabe Y, Inoue E, Nawa Y, Morikawa R, Egawa J, Kushima I, Igeta H, Hoya S, Sugimoto A, Tanra AJ, Ozaki N, Someya T. Resequencing and association analysis of gap43 with autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia in a japanese population. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2021;82:101729.
    4. Fujishiro H, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Dopaminergic circuitry in late-life depression and lewy body disease. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2021;75(2):69-70.
    5. Hada K, Wulaer B, Nagai T, Itoh N, Sawahata M, Sobue A, Mizoguchi H, Mori D, Kushima I, Nabeshima T, Ozaki N, Yamada K. Mice carrying a schizophrenia-associated mutation of the arhgap10 gene are vulnerable to the effects of methamphetamine treatment on cognitive function: Association with morphological abnormalities in striatal neurons. Molecular Brain. 2021;14(1):1-17.
    6. Iino K, Toriumi K, Agarie R, Miyashita M, Suzuki K, Horiuchi Y, Niizato K, Oshima K, Imai A, Nagase Y, Kushima I, Koike S, Ikegame T, Jinde S, Nagata E, Washizuka S, Miyata T, Takizawa S, Hashimoto R, Kasai K, Ozaki N, Itokawa M, Arai M. Akr1a1 variant associated with schizophrenia causes exon skipping, leading to loss of enzymatic activity. Frontiers in Genetics. 2021;12.
    7. Ito M, Tokura T, Miyauchi T, Sato (Boku) A, Kimura H, Tsuchihashi H, Katayama Y. Collaboration of perioperative management in an adult patient with 22 q 11.2 deletion syndrome: A case report. Clinical Case Reports. 2022;10(2):e05489.
    8. Ito T, Hiramatsu Y, Mouri A, Yoshigai T, Takahashi A, Yoshimi A, Mamiya T, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Involvement of pkcpi-sert activity in stress vulnerability of mice exposed to twice-swim stress. Neuroscience Research. 2021;171:83-91.
    9. Iwabuchi T, Takahashi N, Nishimura T, Rahman MS, Harada T, Okumura A, Kuwabara H, Takagai S, Nomura Y, Matsuzaki H, Ozaki N, Tsuchiya KJ. Affiliations expand. Associations Among Maternal Metabolic Conditions, Cord Serum Leptin Levels, and Autistic Symptoms in Children. Front Psychiatry. 2021;12:816196.
    10. Iwamoto K, Iwata M, Kambe D, Imadera Y, Tachibana N, Kajiyama Y, Ando M, Ozaki N. Residual effects of zopiclone on driving performance using a standardized driving simulator among healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2022;239(3):841-850.
    11. Iwata M, Iwamoto K, Kitajima I, Nogi T, Onishi K, Kajiyama Y, Nishino I, Ando M, Ozaki N. Validity and reliability of a driving simulator for evaluating the influence of medicinal drugs on driving performance. Psychopharmacology. 2021;238(3):775-86.
    12. Kato T, Nishimura T, Takahashi N, Harada T, Okumura A, Iwabuchi T, Nomura Y, Senju A, Tsuchiya KJ, Takei N. Identification of neurodevelopmental transition patterns from infancy to early childhood and risk factors predicting descending transition. Sci Rep. 2022;12:4822.
    13. Kato Y, Kuwabara H, Okada T, Munesue T, Benner S, Kuroda M, Kojima M, Yassin W, Eriguchi Y, Kameno Y, Murayama C, Nishimura T, Tsuchiya K, Kasai K, Ozaki N, Kosaka H, Yamasue H. Oxytocin-induced increase in n,n-dimethylglycine and time course of changes in oxytocin efficacy for autism social core symptoms. Molecular Autism. 2021;12(1):1-13.
    14. Kawabata K, Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Ohdake R, Masuda M, Ogura A, Kato T, Koyama S, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Bridging large-scale cortical networks: Integrative and function-specific hubs in the thalamus. Iscience. 2021;24(10):103106.
    15. Kimura H, Mori D, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Elucidation of molecular pathogenesis and drug development for psychiatric disorders from rare disease-susceptibility variants. Neuroscience Research. 2021;170:24-31.
    16. Le Clerc S, Lombardi L, Baune BT, Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou LP, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hofmann P, Jimenez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Konig B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landen M, Lavebratt C, Leckband S, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nothen MM, Novak T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Osby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofeld PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Pisanu C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Boukouaci W, Richard JR, Le Corvoisier P, Barrau C, Zagury JF, Leboyer M, Tamouza R. Hla-drb1 and hla-dqb1 genetic diversity modulates response to lithium in bipolar affective disorders. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-12.
    17. Lim K, Lam M, Zai C, Tay J, Karlsson N, Deshpande SN, Thelma BK, Ozaki N, Inada T, Sim K, Chong SA, Lencz T, Liu JJ, Lee J. Genome wide study of tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):1-10.
    18. Maesawa S, Mizuno S, Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Kawabata K, Hara K, Ohdake R, Ogura A, Mori D, Nakatsubo D, Isoda H, Hoshiyama M, Katsuno M, Saito R, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Resting state networks related to the maintenance of good cognitive performance during healthy aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2021;15:1-18.
    19. Miyata S, Iwamoto K, Banno M, Eguchi J, Kaneko S, Noda A, Ozaki N. Performance of an ambulatory electroencephalogram sleep monitor in patients with psychiatric disorders. Journal of Sleep Research. 2021;30(4):e13273.
    20. Mizutani R, Saiga R, Yamamoto Y, Uesugi M, Takeuchi A, Uesugi K, Terada Y, Suzuki Y, De Andrade V, De Carlo F, Takekoshi S, Inomoto C, Nakamura N, Torii Y, Kushima I, Iritani S, Ozaki N, Oshima K, Itokawa M, Arai M. Structural diverseness of neurons between brain areas and between cases. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1): 1-9.
    21. Nakamura M, Yoshimi A, Mouri A, Tokura T, Kimura H, Kishi S, Miyauchi T, Iwamoto K, Ito M, Sato-Boku A, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Noda Y. Duloxetine attenuates pain in association with downregulation of platelet serotonin transporter in patients with burning mouth syndrome and atypical odontalgia. Human Psychopharmacology -Clinical and Experimental. 2022;7(2):e2818.
    22. Nakatochi M, Kushima I, Ozaki N. Implications of germline copy-number variations in psychiatric disorders: Review of large-scale genetic studies. Journal of Human Genetics. 2021;66(1):25-37.
    23. Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Natsume A, Ishihara N, Morikawa M, Kidokoro H, Muramatsu Y, Nonobe N, Ishizuka K, Takeichi T, Kanbe M, Mizuno S, Imagama S, Ozaki N. Establishment of in-hospital clinical network for patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 in nagoya university hospital. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1): 1-7.
    24. Nishimura T, Kato T, Okumura A, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Hirota T, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Kuwabara H, Takagai S, Nomura Y, Takahashi N, Senju A, Tsuchiya KJ. Trajectories of Adaptive Behaviors During Childhood in Females and Males in the General Population. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:817383.
    25. Nitta A, Izuo N, Hamatani K, Inagaki R, Kusui Y, Fu KQ, Asano T, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Sekiguchi H, Iritani S, Muramatsu S, Ozaki N, Miyamoto Y. Schizophrenia-like behavioral impairments in mice with suppressed expression of piccolo in the medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021;11(7):607.
    26. Noda Y, Soeda K, Uchida M, Goto S, Ito T, Kitagaki S, Mamiya T, Yoshimi A, Ozaki N, Mouri A. Multiple nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes regulate social or cognitive behaviors in mice repeatedly administered phencyclidine. Behavioural Brain Research. 2021;408: 113284.
    27. Ogasawara K, Numata S, Hasegawa N, Nakataki,M, Makinodan M , Ohi K, Takeshima M, Tsuboi T, Hashimoto N, Onitsuka T, Muraoka H, Hori H, Ichihashi K, Inagaki T, Yasui-Furukori N, Hishimoto A, Sugiyama N, Fukumoto K, Nagasawa,T, Matsumoto J, Takaesu Y, Furihata,R, Nemoto K, Nakamura T, Usami M, Miura K, Fujimoto M, Tagata H, Yamada H, Komatsu H, Ochi S, Atake K, Katsumoto E, Kido M, Kishimoto T, Suwa T, Yamamura S, Iga J, Iida H, Inada K, Watanabe K, Hashimoto R. Subjective assessment of participants in education programs on clinical practice guidelines in the field of psychiatry. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2022 Mar 10. doi: 10.1002/npr2.12245
    28. Oh J, Shin HM, Nishimura T, Rahman MS, Takahashi N, Tsuchiya KJ. Perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctane sulfonate in umbilical cord blood and child cognitive development: Hamamatsu Birth Cohort for Mothers and Children (HBC Study). Environ Int. 2022;163:107215.
    29. Okada I, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Fujimoto A, Tanaka M, Amano M, Matsuyama N, Taoka T, Naganawa S, Ozaki N. Fluid study: Study protocol for an open-label, single-centre pilot study to investigate the effect of lemborexant on sleep management in japanese subjects aged 50 years and older with insomnia disorder. Bmj Open. 2021;11(11): e054885.
    30. Okuda M, Noda A, Iwamoto K, Nakashima H, Takeda K, Miyata S, Yasuma F, Ozaki N, Shimouchi A. Effects of long sleep time and irregular sleep-wake rhythm on cognitive function in older people. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-10.
    31. Okuda M, Noda A, Mabuchi S, Iwamoto K, Banno M, Miyata S, Yasuma F, Ozaki N. Sleep fragmentation and working memory in healthy adults. Sleep Science. 2021;14:111-117.
    32. Rahman MS, Takahashi N, Iwabuchi T, Nishimura T, Harada T, Okumura A, Takei N, Nomura Y, Tsuchiya KJ. Elevated risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Japanese children with higher genetic susceptibility to ADHD with a birth weight under 2000 g. BMC Med. 2021;19:229.
    33. Saiga R, Uesugi M, Takeuchi A, Uesugi K, Suzuki Y, Takekoshi S, Inomoto C, Nakamura N, Torii Y, Kushima I, Iritani S, Ozaki N, Oshima K, Itokawa M, Arai M, Mizutani R. Brain capillary structures of schizophrenia cases and controls show a correlation with their neuron structures. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-9.
    34. Saito R, Miyoshi C, Koebis M, Kushima I, Nakao K, Mori D, Ozaki N, Funato H, Yanagisawa M, Aiba A. Two novel mouse models mimicking minor deletions in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome revealed the contribution of each deleted region to psychiatric disorders. Molecular Brain. 2021;14(1):1-15.
    35. Sato A, Kimura H, Tokura T, Umemura E, Miyauchi T, Ito M, Kishi S, Ogi N, Tonoike T, Ozaki N, Nakano Y, Okuda M. Evaluation of patients suffered from burning mouth syndrome and persistent idiopathic facial pain using japanese version paindetect questionnaire and depression scales. Journal of Dental Sciences. 2021;16(1):131-136.
    36. Sato M, Okada T, Morikawa M, Nakamura Y, Yamauchi A, Ando M, Ozaki N. Validation and factor analysis of the parental bonding instrument in japanese pregnant women. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-10.
    37. Schubert KO, Thalamuthu A, Amare AT, Frank J, Streit F, Adl M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou LP, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jimenez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Konig B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landen M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nothen MM, Novak T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Osby U, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tekola-Ayele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Witt SH, Roberts G, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Baune BT, Psychiat Genomics C. Combining schizophrenia and depression polygenic risk scores improves the genetic prediction of lithium response in bipolar disorder patients. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):1-8.
    38. Sekiguchi H, Fujishiro H, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Can we identify prodromal dementia with lewy bodies in late-life depression? Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2021;75(3):113-114.
    39. Shizuku M, Kimura H, Kamei H, Kishi S, Tokura T, Kurata N, Jobara K, Yoshizawa A, Tsuboi C, Yamaguchi N, Kato M, Kawai K, Yamashiki M, Kanai E, Ishizuka K, Ozaki N, Ogura Y. Psychosocial characteristics of alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease recipient candidates in liver transplantation: A prospective observational study. Bmc Gastroenterology. 2021;21(1):1-10.
    40. Stone W, Nunes A, Akiyama K, Akula N, Ardau R, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bauer M, Bellivier F, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cruceanu C, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, Forstner AJ, Frye M, Fullerton JM, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hou LP, Jimenez E, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Lavebratt C, Manchia M, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McMahon FJ, Millischer V, Mitchell PB, Nothen MM, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Pisanu C, Reif A, Rietschel M, Rouleau G, Rybakowski J, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Severino G, Squassina A, Veeh J, Vieta E, Trappenberg T, Alda M. Prediction of lithium response using genomic data. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-10.
    41. Tachibana M, Inada T, Ichida M, Kojima S, Arai T, Naito K, Ozaki N. Significant decrease in delirium referrals after changing hypnotic from benzodiazepine to suvorexant. Psychogeriatrics. 2021;21(3):324-332.
    42. Tachibana M, Inada T, Ichida M, Kojima S, Shioya M, Wakayama K, Ozaki N. Factors associated with the severity of delirium. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental. 2021;36(5):e2787.
    43. Tachibana M, Inada T, Ichida M, Ozaki N. Risk factors for inducing violence in patients with delirium. Brain and Behavior. 2021;11(8):e2276.
    44. Tachibana M, Inada T, Ichida M, Ozaki N. Factors affecting hallucinations in patients with delirium. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-6.
    45. Takahashi N, Okumura A, Nishimura T, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Tsuchiya KJ. Exploration of Sleep Parameters, Daytime Hyperactivity/Inattention, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Polygenic Risk Scores of Children in a Birth Cohort in Japan. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5:e2141768.
    46. Takahashi N, Nishimura T, Harada T, Okumura A, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Kuwabara H, Takagai S, Nomura Y, Takei N, Tsuchiya KJ. Association Between Genetic Risks for Obesity and Working Memory in Children. Front Neurosci. 2021;15:749230.
    47. Takahashi N, Ishizuka K, Inada T. Peripheral biomarkers of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Current status and future perspective. J Psychiatr Res. 2021;137:465-70.
    48. Tsuneura Y, Sawahata M, Itoh N, Miyajima R, Mori D, Kohno T, Hattori M, Sobue A, Nagai T, Mizoguchi H, Nabeshima T, Ozaki N, Yamada K. Analysis of reelin signaling and neurodevelopmental trajectory in primary cultured cortical neurons with reln deletion identified in schizophrenia. Neurochemistry International. 2021;144:104954.
    49. Uchida M, Noda Y, Hasegawa S, Hida H, Taniguchi M, Mouri A, Yoshimi A, Nabeshima T, Yamada K, Aida T, Tanaka K, Ozaki N. Early postnatal inhibition of glast causes abnormalities of psychobehaviors and neuronal morphology in adult mice. Neurochemistry International. 2021;150:105177.
    50. Yoshikawa A, Kushima I, Miyashita M, Toriumi K, Suzuki K, Horiuchi Y, Kawaji H, Takizawa S, Ozaki N, Itokawa M, Arai M. Dysregulation of post-transcriptional modification by copy number variable micrornas in schizophrenia with enhanced glycation stress. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):1-11.
  • 2020年
    1. Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT. Association of polygenic score for major depression with response to lithium in patients with bipolar disorder. Molecular psychiatry. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-020-0689-5
    2. Arioka Y, Hirata A, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Mori D, Ozaki N. Characterization of a schizophrenia patient with a rare reln deletion by combining genomic and patient-derived cell analyses. Schizophrenia research. 2020;216:511-5.
    3. Arioka Y, Shishido E, Kushima I, Mori D, Ozaki N. Cell body shape and directional movement stability in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons. Scientific reports. 2020;10(1):5820.
    4. Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Kawabata K, Ohdake R, Masuda M, Ogura A, Kato T, Koyama S, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Identifying the brain's connector hubs at the voxel level using functional connectivity overlap ratio. NeuroImage. 2020;222:117241.
    5. Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Kawabata K, Yoneyama N, Ohdake R, Imai K, Masuda M, Yokoi T, Ogura A, Taoka T, Koyama S, Tanabe HC, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Aging impacts the overall connectivity strength of regions critical for information transfer among brain networks. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. 2020;12:592469.
    6. Choy SW, Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Ho ETW, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Kawabata K, Yoneyama N, Ohdake R, Imai K, Masuda M, Yokoi T, Ogura A, Taoka T, Koyama S, Tanabe HC, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Changes in white matter fiber density and morphology across the adult lifespan: A cross-sectional fixel-based analysis. Human brain mapping. 2020;41(12):3198-211.
    7. Ishizuka K, Yoshida T, Kawabata T, Imai A, Mori H, Kimura H, Inada T, Okahisa Y, Egawa J, Usami M, Kushima I, Morikawa M, Okada T, Ikeda M, Branko A, Mori D, Someya T, Iwata N, Ozaki N. Functional characterization of rare nrxn1 variants identified in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders. 2020;12(1):25.
    8. Ito T, Hiramatsu Y, Uchida M, Yoshimi A, Mamiya T, Mouri A, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Involvement of protein kinase c beta1-serotonin transporter system dysfunction in emotional behaviors in stressed mice. Neurochemistry international. 2020;140:104826.
    9. Ito Y, Maesawa S, Bagarinao E, Okai Y, Nakatsubo D, Yamamoto H, Kidokoro H, Usui N, Natsume J, Hoshiyama M, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G, Ozaki N. Subsecond eeg-fmri analysis for presurgical evaluation in focal epilepsy. Journal of neurosurgery. 2020:1-10.
    10. Itokawa M, Oshima K, Arai M, Torii Y, Kushima I, Iritani S, Ozaki N, Saiga R, Mizutani R. Cutting-edge morphological studies of post-mortem brains of patients with schizophrenia and potential applications of x-ray nanotomography (nano-ct). Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2020;74(3):176-82.
    11. Kato K, Noda A, Yasuma F, Matsubara Y, Miyata S, Iwamoto K, Miyazaki S, Ozaki N. Effects of sleep-disordered breathing and hypertension on cognitive function in elderly adults. Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, NY : 1993). 2020;42(3):250-6.
    12. Kato S, Bagarinao E, Isoda H, Koyama S, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Katsuno M, Hoshiyama M, Naganawa S, Ozaki N, Sobue G. Effects of head motion on the evaluation of age-related brain network changes using resting state functional mri. Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2020.
    13. Kimura H, Mori D, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Elucidation of molecular pathogenesis and drug development for psychiatric disorders from rare disease-susceptibility variants. Neuroscience research. 2020.
    14. Koshiyama D, Fukunaga M, Okada N, Morita K, Nemoto K, Usui K, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Fujimoto M, Kudo N, Azechi H, Watanabe Y, Hashimoto N, Narita H, Kusumi I, Ohi K, Shimada T, Kataoka Y, Yamamoto M, Ozaki N, Okada G, Okamoto Y, Harada K, Matsuo K, Yamasue H, Abe O, Hashimoto R, Takahashi T, Hori T, Nakataki M, Onitsuka T, Holleran L, Jahanshad N, van Erp TGM, Turner J, Donohoe G, Thompson PM, Kasai K, Hashimoto R. White matter microstructural alterations across four major psychiatric disorders: Mega-analysis study in 2937 individuals. Molecular psychiatry. 2020;25(4):883-95.
    15. Kubota C, Inada T, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Ando M, Aleksic B, Yamauchi A, Morikawa M, Okada T, Ohara M, Sato M, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Ozaki N. Validation and factor structure of the japanese version of the inventory to diagnose depression, lifetime version for pregnant women. PloS one. 2020;15(6):e0234240.
    16. Kubota C, Inada T, Shiino T, Ando M, Sato M, Nakamura Y, Yamauchi A, Morikawa M, Okada T, Ohara M, Aleksic B, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Ozaki N. The risk factors predicting suicidal ideation among perinatal women in japan. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2020;11:441.
    17. Lim ET, Uddin M, De Rubeis S, Chan Y, Kamumbu AS, Zhang X, D'Gama AM, Kim SN, Hill RS, Goldberg AP, Poultney C, Minshew NJ, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Ozaki N, Parellada M, Arango C, Penzol MJ, Carracedo A, Kolevzon A, Hultman CM, Weiss LA, Fromer M, Chiocchetti AG, Freitag CM, Church GM, Scherer SW, Buxbaum JD, Walsh CA. Publisher correction: Rates, distribution and implications of postzygotic mosaic mutations in autism spectrum disorder. Nature neuroscience. 2020;23(9):1176.
    18. Miyata S, Iwamoto K, Banno M, Eguchi J, Kaneko S, Noda A, Ozaki N. Performance of an ambulatory electroencephalogram sleep monitor in patients with psychiatric disorders. Journal of sleep research. 2020:e13273.
    19. Miyata S, Otake H, Ando M, Okuda M, Fujishiro H, Iwamoto K, Noda A, Sone M, Ozaki N. Patient characteristics affecting accurate detection of sleep apnea using a bed sheet-type portable monitor. Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 2020;24(2):783-90.
    20. Mukoyama N, Nishio N, Kimura H, Kishi S, Tokura T, Kimura H, Hiramatsu M, Maruo T, Tsuzuki H, Fujii M, Iwami K, Takanari K, Kamei Y, Ozaki N, Sone M, Fujimoto Y. Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients undergoing anterolateral craniofacial resection with orbital exenteration. Journal of neurological surgery Part B, Skull base. 2020;81(5):585-93.
    21. Nakamura Y, Okada T, Morikawa M, Yamauchi A, Sato M, Ando M, Ozaki N. Perinatal depression and anxiety of primipara is higher than that of multipara in japanese women. Scientific reports. 2020;10(1):17060.
    22. Noda Y, Uchida M, Mouri A, Yamada S, Goto S, Kitagaki S, Mamiya T, Kushima I, Arioka Y, Ozaki N, Yoshimi A. Involvement of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in behavioral abnormalities and psychological dependence in schizophrenia-like model mice. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020;41:92-105.
    23. Saito R, Koebis M, Nagai T, Shimizu K, Liao J, Wulaer B, Sugaya Y, Nagahama K, Uesaka N, Kushima I, Mori D, Maruyama K, Nakao K, Kurihara H, Yamada K, Kano M, Fukada Y, Ozaki N, Aiba A. Comprehensive analysis of a novel mouse model of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A model with the most common 3.0-mb deletion at the human 22q11.2 locus. Translational psychiatry. 2020;10(1):35.
    24. Sakurai M, Yamamoto Y, Kanayama N, Hasegawa M, Mouri A, Takemura M, Matsunami H, Miyauchi T, Tokura T, Kimura H, Ito M, Umemura E, Boku AS, Nagashima W, Tonoike T, Kurita K, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Saito K. Serum metabolic profiles of the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway in the high risk subjects of major depressive disorder. Scientific reports. 2020;10(1):1961.
    25. Sawahata M, Mori D, Arioka Y, Kubo H, Kushima I, Kitagawa K, Sobue A, Shishido E, Sekiguchi M, Kodama A, Ikeda R, Aleksic B, Kimura H, Ishizuka K, Nagai T, Kaibuchi K, Nabeshima T, Yamada K, Ozaki N. Generation and analysis of novel reln-deleted mouse model corresponding to exonic reln deletion in schizophrenia. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2020;74(5):318-27.
    26. Sekiguchi M, Sobue A, Kushima I, Wang C, Arioka Y, Kato H, Kodama A, Kubo H, Ito N, Sawahata M, Hada K, Ikeda R, Shinno M, Mizukoshi C, Tsujimura K, Yoshimi A, Ishizuka K, Takasaki Y, Kimura H, Xing J, Yu Y, Yamamoto M, Okada T, Shishido E, Inada T, Nakatochi M, Takano T, Kuroda K, Amano M, Aleksic B, Yamomoto T, Sakuma T, Aida T, Tanaka K, Hashimoto R, Arai M, Ikeda M, Iwata N, Shimamura T, Nagai T, Nabeshima T, Kaibuchi K, Yamada K, Mori D, Ozaki N. Arhgap10, which encodes rho gtpase-activating protein 10, is a novel gene for schizophrenia risk. Translational psychiatry. 2020;10(1):247.
    27. Shizuku M, Kamei H, Kimura H, Kurata N, Jobara K, Yoshizawa A, Ishizuka K, Okada A, Kishi S, Ozaki N, Ogura Y. Clinical features and long-term outcomes of living donors of liver transplantation who developed psychiatric disorders. Annals of transplantation. 2020;25:e918500.
    28. Suzuki T, Suzuki T, Raveau M, Miyake N, Sudo G, Tsurusaki Y, Watanabe T, Sugaya Y, Tatsukawa T, Mazaki E, Shimohata A, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Shiino T, Toyota T, Iwayama Y, Nakaoka K, Ohmori I, Sasaki A, Watanabe K, Hirose S, Kaneko S, Inoue Y, Yoshikawa T, Ozaki N, Kano M, Shimoji T, Matsumoto N, Yamakawa K. A recurrent pja1 variant in trigonocephaly and neurodevelopmental disorders. Annals of clinical and translational neurology. 2020;7(7):1117-31.
    29. Taniguchi S, Ninomiya K, Kushima I, Saito T, Shimasaki A, Sakusabe T, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Kamatani Y, Ozaki N, Ikeda M, Iwata N. Polygenic risk scores in schizophrenia with clinically significant copy number variants. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2020;74(1):35-9.
    30. Torii Y, Iritani S, Marui T, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Fujishiro H, Kushima I, Oshima K, Niizato K, Hayashida S, Masaki K, Kira JI, Yoshida M, Ozaki N. Morphological alteration of myelin-oligodendrocytes in a schizophrenic patient with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: An autopsy study. Schizophrenia research. 2020;223:353-5.
    31. Torii Y, Iritani S, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Fujishiro H, Kushima I, Kawakami I, Itokawa M, Arai M, Hayashida S, Masaki K, Kira JI, Kawashima K, Ozaki N. The accumulation of advanced glycation end-products in a schizophrenic patient with a glyoxalase 1 frameshift mutation: An autopsy study. Schizophrenia research. 2020;223:356-8.
    32. Yamamoto M, Bagarinao E, Kushima I, Takahashi T, Sasabayashi D, Inada T, Suzuki M, Iidaka T, Ozaki N. Support vector machine-based classification of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls using structural magnetic resonance imaging from two independent sites. PloS one. 2020;15(11):e0239615.
    33. Yamasue H, Okada T, Munesue T, Kuroda M, Fujioka T, Uno Y, Matsumoto K, Kuwabara H, Mori D, Okamoto Y, Yoshimura Y, Kawakubo Y, Arioka Y, Kojima M, Yuhi T, Owada K, Yassin W, Kushima I, Benner S, Ogawa N, Eriguchi Y, Kawano N, Uemura Y, Yamamoto M, Kano Y, Kasai K, Higashida H, Ozaki N, Kosaka H. Effect of intranasal oxytocin on the core social symptoms of autism spectrum disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Molecular psychiatry. 2020;25(8):1849-58.
    34. Yu Y, Chaulagain A, Pedersen SA, Lydersen S, Leventhal BL, Szatmari P, Aleksic B, Ozaki N, Skokauskas N. Pharmacotherapy of restricted/repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorder:A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC psychiatry. 2020;20(1):121.
    35. Yuka K, Nishizawa D, Hasegawa J, Uno K, Miyanishi H, Ujike H, Ozaki N, Inada T, Iwata N, Sora I, Iyo M, Yamada M, Kondo N, Won MJ, Naruse N, Uehara-Aoyama K, Ikeda K, Nitta A. A single medical marker for diagnosis of methamphetamine addiction - DNA methylation of shati/nat8l promoter sites from patient blood. Current pharmaceutical design. 2020;26(2):260-4.
  • ~2019年
    1. Baba M, Yokoyama K, Seiriki K, Naka Y, Matsumura K, Kondo M, Yamamoto K, Hayashida M, Kasai A, Ago Y, Nagayasu K, Hayata-Takano A, Takahashi A, Yamaguchi S, Mori D, Ozaki N, Yamamoto T, Takuma K, Hashimoto R, Hashimoto H, Nakazawa T. Psychiatric-disorder-related behavioral phenotypes and cortical hyperactivity in a mouse model of 3q29 deletion syndrome. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;44(12):2125-35.
    2. Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Kawabata K, Yoneyama N, Ohdake R, Imai K, Masuda M, Yokoi T, Ogura A, Taoka T, Koyama S, Tanabe HC, Katsuno M, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Ozaki N, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Reorganization of brain networks and its association with general cognitive performance over the adult lifespan. Scientific reports. 2019;9(1):11352.
    3. Fujishiro H, Kimura H, Nakamura T, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Hypochondriasis in the elderly and lewy body disease. Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society. 2019;19(5):516-8.
    4. Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Clinical profiles of late-onset psychiatric patients exhibiting incidental rem sleep without atonia. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 2019;126(8):1095-104.
    5. Hasegawa S, Yoshimi A, Mouri A, Uchida Y, Hida H, Mishina M, Yamada K, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Noda Y. Acute administration of ketamine attenuates the impairment of social behaviors induced by social defeat stress exposure as juveniles via activation of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (ampa) receptors. Neuropharmacology. 2019;148:107-16.
    6. Hayakawa N, Tanaka S, Hirata N, Ogino S, Ozaki N. A battery of self-screening instruments and self-reported body frame could not detect eating disorders among college students. BMC research notes. 2019;12(1):613.
    7. Hirano M, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Sekiguchi H, Yoshida M, Ozaki N. Clinicopathological differences between the motor onset and psychiatric onset of huntington's disease, focusing on the nucleus accumbens. Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology. 2019;39(5):331-41.
    8. Ikeda M, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Momozawa Y, Saito T, Kondo K, Shimasaki A, Kawase K, Sakusabe T, Iwayama Y, Toyota T, Wakuda T, Kikuchi M, Kanahara N, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Watanabe Y, Hoya S, Aleksic B, Kushima I, Arai H, Takaki M, Hattori K, Kunugi H, Okahisa Y, Ohnuma T, Ozaki N, Someya T, Hashimoto R, Yoshikawa T, Kubo M, Iwata N. Genome-wide association study detected novel susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and shared trans-populations/diseases genetic effect. Schizophrenia bulletin. 2019;45(4):824-34.
    9. Ishii T, Ishikawa M, Fujimori K, Maeda T, Kushima I, Arioka Y, Mori D, Nakatake Y, Yamagata B, Nio S, Kato TA, Yang N, Wernig M, Kanba S, Mimura M, Ozaki N, Okano H. In vitro modeling of the bipolar disorder and schizophrenia using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells with copy number variations of pcdh15 and reln. eNeuro. 2019;6(5).
    10. Iwata M, Iwamoto K, Omura T, Ando M, Ozaki N. Protocol for the development and validation of a driving simulator for evaluating the influence of drugs on driving performance. Medicine. 2019;98(8):e14613.
    11. Kato H, Ozaki N. [the considerations for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders and its pathogenic mechanisms]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. 2019;59(1):13-20.
    12. Kawakubo H, Matsui Y, Kushima I, Ozaki N, Shimamura T. A network of networks approach for modeling interconnected brain tissue-specific networks. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2019;35(17):3092-101.
    13. Kubota C, Inada T, Shiino T, Ando M, Aleksic B, Yamauchi A, Sato M, Ohara M, Murase S, Morikawa M, Nakamura Y, Okada T, Goto S, Kanai A, Ozaki N. Relation between perinatal depressive symptoms, harm avoidance, and a history of major depressive disorder: A cohort study of pregnant women in japan. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2019;10:515.
    14. Matsubara T, Hayashi K, Wakatsuki K, Abe M, Ozaki N, Yamanaka A, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Thin-fibre receptors expressing acid-sensing ion channel 3 contribute to muscular mechanical hypersensitivity after exercise. European journal of pain (London, England). 2019;23(10):1801-13.
    15. Miyata S, Noda A, Kawai S, Honda K, Iwamoto K, Ozaki N, Miyazaki S, Kondo T. Delayed sleep/wake rhythm and excessive daytime sleepiness correlate with decreased daytime brain activity during cognitive task in university students. Biological and rhythm research, 2019; 50(2):171-179.
    16. Miyauchi T, Tokura T, Kimura H, Ito M, Umemura E, Sato Boku A, Nagashima W, Tonoike T, Yamamoto Y, Saito K, Kurita K, Ozaki N. Effect of antidepressant treatment on plasma levels of neuroinflammation-associated molecules in patients with somatic symptom disorder with predominant pain around the orofacial region. Human psychopharmacology. 2019;34(4):e2698.
    17. Mizutani R, Saiga R, Takeuchi A, Uesugi K, Terada Y, Suzuki Y, De Andrade V, De Carlo F, Takekoshi S, Inomoto C, Nakamura N, Kushima I, Iritani S, Ozaki N, Ide S, Ikeda K, Oshima K, Itokawa M, Arai M. Three-dimensional alteration of neurites in schizophrenia. Translational psychiatry. 2019;9(1):85.
    18. Nakamura Y, Nakatochi M, Kunimoto S, Okada T, Aleksic B, Toyama M, Shiino T, Morikawa M, Yamauchi A, Yoshimi A, Furukawa-Hibi Y, Nagai T, Ohara M, Kubota C, Yamada K, Ando M, Ozaki N. Methylation analysis for postpartum depression: A case control study. BMC psychiatry. 2019;19(1):190.
    19. Noda A, Yasuma F, Miyata S, Iwamoto K, Yasuda Y, Ozaki N. Sleep fragmentation and risk of automobile accidents in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Health 2019; 11(2): 171-181.
    20. Owada K, Okada T, Munesue T, Kuroda M, Fujioka T, Uno Y, Matsumoto K, Kuwabara H, Mori D, Okamoto Y, Yoshimura Y, Kawakubo Y, Arioka Y, Kojima M, Yuhi T, Yassin W, Kushima I, Benner S, Ogawa N, Kawano N, Eriguchi Y, Uemura Y, Yamamoto M, Kano Y, Kasai K, Higashida H, Ozaki N, Kosaka H, Yamasue H. Quantitative facial expression analysis revealed the efficacy and time course of oxytocin in autism. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2019;142(7):2127-36.
    21. Park SC, Oh HS, Tripathi A, Kallivayalil RA, Avasthi A, Grover S, Tanra AJ, Kanba S, Kato TA, Inada T, Chee KY, Chong MY, Lin SK, Sim K, Xiang YT, Tan CH, Javed A, Sartorius N, Shinfuku N, Park YC. Cannabis use correlates with aggressive behavior and long-acting injectable antipsychotic treatment in asian patients with schizophrenia. Nordic journal of psychiatry. 2019;73(6):323-30.
    22. Sato N, Kimura H, Adachi Y, Nishio N, Ando M, Tokura T, Nagashima W, Kishi S, Yamauchi A, Yoshida K, Hiramatsu M, Fujimoto Y, Ozaki N. Exploration of coping styles in male patients with head and neck cancer: A prospective cohort study. Nagoya journal of medical science. 2019;81(2):249-58.
    23. Shishido E, Ogawa S, Miyata S, Yamamoto M, Inada T, Ozaki N. Application of eye trackers for understanding mental disorders: Cases for schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology reports. 2019;39(2):72-7.
    24. Takeuchi S, Hida H, Uchida M, Naruse R, Yoshimi A, Kitagaki S, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Blonanserin ameliorates social deficit through dopamine-d3 receptor antagonism in mice administered phencyclidine as an animal model of schizophrenia. Neurochemistry international. 2019;128:127-34.
    25. Tanaka S, Oya-Ito T, Murakami Y, Saito K, Furuta S, Yu Y, Imaeda M, Kunimoto S, Ozaki N. Decline of plasma concentrations of interleukin-18 in severely malnourished patients with anorexia nervosa: Exploratory analysis. Nutrients. 2019;11(3).
    26. Teshigawara T, Mouri A, Kubo H, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Okada T, Morikawa M, Nabeshima T, Ozaki N, Yamamoto Y, Saito K. Changes in tryptophan metabolism during pregnancy and postpartum periods: Potential involvement in postpartum depressive symptoms. Journal of affective disorders. 2019;255:168-76.
    27. Uchida M, Hida H, Mori K, Yoshimi A, Kitagaki S, Yamada K, Hiraoka Y, Aida T, Tanaka K, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Erratum to \"functional roles of the glial glutamate transporter (glast) in emotional and cognitive abnormalities of mice after repeated phencyclidine administration\" [european neuropsychopharmacology (2019) 29, 914-924]. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;29(9):1063-4.
    28. Uchida M, Hida H, Mori K, Yoshimi A, Kitagaki S, Yamada K, Hiraoka Y, Aida T, Tanaka K, Ozaki N, Noda Y. Functional roles of the glial glutamate transporter (glast) in emotional and cognitive abnormalities of mice after repeated phencyclidine administration. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;29(8):914-24.
    29. Ueda K, Kiyota A, Tsuchida M, Okazaki M, Ozaki N. Successful treatment of myxedema coma with a combination of levothyroxine and liothyronine. Endocrine journal. 2019;66(5):469-74.
    30. Umemura E, Tokura T, Ito M, Kobayashi Y, Tachibana M, Miyauchi T, Tonoike T, Nagashima W, Kimura H, Arao M, Sato Boku A, Ozaki N, Kurita K. Oral medicine psychiatric liaison clinic: Study of 1202 patients attending over an 18-year period. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2019;48(5):644-50.
    31. Weidle B, Chaulagain A, Stensen K, Aleksic B, Skokauskas N, Inada T. Drug-induced extrapyramidal symptoms scale of the norwegian version: Inter-rater and test-retest reliability. Nordic journal of psychiatry. 2019;73(8):546-50.
    32. Yoshimi A, Yamada S, Kunimoto S, Aleksic B, Hirakawa A, Ohashi M, Matsumoto Y, Hada K, Itoh N, Arioka Y, Kimura H, Kushima I, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Mori D, Tanaka S, Hamada S, Noda Y, Nagai T, Yamada K, Ozaki N. Author correction: Proteomic analysis of lymphoblastoid cell lines from schizophrenic patients. Translational psychiatry. 2019;9(1):146.
    33. Yoshimi A, Yamada S, Kunimoto S, Aleksic B, Hirakawa A, Ohashi M, Matsumoto Y, Hada K, Itoh N, Arioka Y, Kimura H, Kushima I, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Mori D, Tanaka S, Hamada S, Noda Y, Nagai T, Yamada K, Ozaki N. Proteomic analysis of lymphoblastoid cell lines from schizophrenic patients. Translational psychiatry. 2019;9(1):126.
    34. Arioka Y, Hirata A, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Mori D, Ozaki N. Characterization of a schizophrenia patient with a rare reln deletion by combining genomic and patient-derived cell analyses. Schizophrenia research. 2019. In press.
    35. Miyata S, Otake H, Ando M, Okuda M, Fujishiro H, Iwamoto K, Noda A, Sone M, Ozaki N. Patient characteristics affecting accurate detection of sleep apnea using a bed sheet-type portable monitor. Sleep & breathing. 2019. In Press.
    36. Mukoyama N, Nishio N, Kimura H, Kishi S, Tokura T, Kimura H, Hiramatsu M, Maruo T, Tsuzuki H, Fujii M, Iwami K, Takanari K, Kamei Y, Ozaki N, Sone M, Fujimoto Y. Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients undergoing anterolateral craniofacial resection with orbital exenteration. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B, 2019. In Press.
    37. Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jamain S, Jimenez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, Konig B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landen M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nothen MM, Novak T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Osby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt S, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT. Association of polygenic score for schizophrenia and hla antigen and inflammation genes with response to lithium in bipolar affective disorder: A genome-wide association study. JAMA psychiatry. 2018;75(1):65-74.
    38. Arioka Y, Kushima I, Kubo H, Mori D, Ozaki N. Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a schizophrenia patient with astn2 deletion. Stem cell research. 2018;30:81-4.
    39. Arioka Y, Kushima I, Mori D, Ozaki N. Three lines of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a 15q11.2-q13.1 duplication syndrome patient. Stem cell research. 2018;31:240-3.
    40. Arioka Y, Shishido E, Kubo H, Kushima I, Yoshimi A, Kimura H, Ishizuka K, Aleksic B, Maeda T, Ishikawa M, Kuzumaki N, Okano H, Mori D, Ozaki N. Single-cell trajectory analysis of human homogenous neurons carrying a rare reln variant. Translational psychiatry. 2018;8(1):129.
    41. Bagarinao E, Watanabe H, Maesawa S, Mori D, Hara K, Kawabata K, Yoneyama N, Ohdake R, Imai K, Masuda M, Yokoi T, Ogura A, Wakabayashi T, Kuzuya M, Ozaki N, Hoshiyama M, Isoda H, Naganawa S, Sobue G. An unbiased data-driven age-related structural brain parcellation for the identification of intrinsic brain volume changes over the adult lifespan. NeuroImage. 2018;169:134-44.
    42. Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Early diagnosis of lewy body disease in patients with late-onset psychiatric disorders using clinical history of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and [(123) i]-metaiodobenzylguanidine cardiac scintigraphy. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2018;72(6):423-34.
    43. Hasegawa S, Miyake Y, Yoshimi A, Mouri A, Hida H, Yamada K, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Noda Y. Dysfunction of serotonergic and dopaminergic neuronal systems in the antidepressant-resistant impairment of social behaviors induced by social defeat stress exposure as juveniles. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. 2018;21(9):837-46.
    44. Ikeda M, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Momozawa Y, Saito T, Kondo K, Shimasaki A, Kawase K, Sakusabe T, Iwayama Y, Toyota T, Wakuda T, Kikuchi M, Kanahara N, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Watanabe Y, Hoya S, Aleksic B, Kushima I, Arai H, Takaki M, Hattori K, Kunugi H, Okahisa Y, Ohnuma T, Ozaki N, Someya T, Hashimoto R, Yoshikawa T, Kubo M, Iwata N. Genome-wide association study detected novel susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and shared trans-populations/diseases genetic effect. Schizophrenia bulletin. 2018.
    45. Ikeda M, Tanaka S, Saito T, Ozaki N, Kamatani Y, Iwata N. Re-evaluating classical body type theories: Genetic correlation between psychiatric disorders and body mass index. Psychological medicine. 2018;48(10):1745-8.
    46. Iritani S, Habuchi C, Sekiguchi H, Torii Y. Brain research and clinical psychiatry: Establishment of a psychiatry brain bank in japan. Nagoya journal of medical science. 2018;80(3):309-15.
    47. Iritani S, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Sekiguchi H, Fujishiro H, Yoshida M, Go Y, Iriki A, Isoda M, Ozaki N. The neuropathological investigation of the brain in a monkey model of autism spectrum disorder with abca13 deletion. International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. 2018;71:130-9.
    48. Ishizuka K, Kimura H, Kushima I, Inada T, Okahisa Y, Ikeda M, Iwata N, Mori D, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Assessment of a glyoxalase i frameshift variant, p.P122fs, in japanese patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric genetics. 2018;28(5):90-3.
    49. Ishizuka K, Tabata H, Ito H, Kushima I, Noda M, Yoshimi A, Usami M, Watanabe K, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Okada T, Mori D, Aleksic B, Ozaki N, Nagata KI. Possible involvement of a cell adhesion molecule, migfilin, in brain development and pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders. Journal of neuroscience research. 2018;96(5):789-802.
    50. Iwata M, Iwamoto K, Kawano N, Kawaue T, Ozaki N. Evaluation method regarding the effect of psychotropic drugs on driving performance: A literature review. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2018;72(10):747-73.
    51. Kato K, Iwamoto K, Kawano N, Noda Y, Ozaki N, Noda A. Differential effects of physical activity and sleep duration on cognitive function in young adults. Journal of sport and health science. 2018;7(2):227-36.
    52. Kimura H, Kushima I, Yohimi A, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Copy number variant in the region of adenosine kinase (adk) and its possible contribution to schizophrenia susceptibility. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. 2018;21(5):405-9.
    53. Kubota C, Inada T, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Ando M, Aleksic B, Yamauchi A, Morikawa M, Okada T, Ohara M, Sato M, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Ozaki N. Stable factor structure of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale during the whole peripartum period: Results from a japanese prospective cohort study. Scientific reports. 2018;8(1):17659.
    54. Kubota C, Okada T, Morikawa M, Nakamura Y, Yamauchi A, Ando M, Shiino T, Ohara M, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Masuda T, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Postpartum depression among women in nagoya indirectly exposed to the great east japan earthquake. Scientific reports. 2018;8(1):11624.
    55. Kunisawa K, Shimizu T, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Mori D, Osanai Y, Kobayashi K, Taylor AM, Bhat MA, Hayashi A, Baba H, Ozaki N, Ikenaka K. Dysregulation of schizophrenia-related aquaporin 3 through disruption of paranode influences neuronal viability. Journal of neurochemistry. 2018;147(3):395-408.
    56. Kushima I, Aleksic B, Nakatochi M, Shimamura T, Okada T, Uno Y, Morikawa M, Ishizuka K, Shiino T, Kimura H, Arioka Y, Yoshimi A, Takasaki Y, Yu Y, Nakamura Y, Yamamoto M, Iidaka T, Iritani S, Inada T, Ogawa N, Shishido E, Torii Y, Kawano N, Omura Y, Yoshikawa T, Uchiyama T, Yamamoto T, Ikeda M, Hashimoto R, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Someya T, Watanabe Y, Egawa J, Nunokawa A, Itokawa M, Arai M, Miyashita M, Kobori A, Suzuki M, Takahashi T, Usami M, Kodaira M, Watanabe K, Sasaki T, Kuwabara H, Tochigi M, Nishimura F, Yamasue H, Eriguchi Y, Benner S, Kojima M, Yassin W, Munesue T, Yokoyama S, Kimura R, Funabiki Y, Kosaka H, Ishitobi M, Ohmori T, Numata S, Yoshikawa T, Toyota T, Yamakawa K, Suzuki T, Inoue Y, Nakaoka K, Goto YI, Inagaki M, Hashimoto N, Kusumi I, Son S, Murai T, Ikegame T, Okada N, Kasai K, Kunimoto S, Mori D, Iwata N, Ozaki N. Comparative analyses of copy-number variation in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia reveal etiological overlap and biological insights. Cell reports. 2018;24(11):2838-56.
    57. Marui T, Torii Y, Iritani S, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Fujishiro H, Oshima K, Niizato K, Hayashida S, Masaki K, Kira J, Ozaki N. The neuropathological study of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in the temporal lobe of schizophrenia patients. Acta neuropsychiatrica. 2018;30(4):232-40.
    58. Miyata A, Iwamoto K, Kawano N, Aleksic B, Ando M, Ebe K, Fujita K, Yokoyama M, Akiyama T, Igarashi Y, Ozaki N. Driving performance of stable outpatients with depression undergoing real-world treatment. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2018;72(6):399-408.
    59. Morita K, Miura K, Fujimoto M, Shishido E, Shiino T, Takahashi J, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Kudo N, Hirano Y, Koshiyama D, Okada N, Ikeda M, Onitsuka T, Ozaki N, Kasai K, Hashimoto R. Abnormalities of eye movement are associated with work hours in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. 2018;202:420-2.
    60. Mouri A, Ukai M, Uchida M, Hasegawa S, Taniguchi M, Ito T, Hida H, Yoshimi A, Yamada K, Kunimoto S, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Noda Y. Juvenile social defeat stress exposure persistently impairs social behaviors and neurogenesis. Neuropharmacology. 2018;133:23-37.
    61. Nakagawa T, Hiraga SI, Mizumura K, Hori K, Ozaki N, Koeda T. Topical thermal therapy with hot packs suppresses physical inactivity-induced mechanical hyperalgesia and up-regulation of ngf. The journal of physiological sciences : JPS. 2018;68(5):629-37.
    62. Ogasawara K, Nakamura Y, Kimura H, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Issues on the diagnosis and etiopathogenesis of mood disorders: Reconsidering dsm-5. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 2018;125(2):211-22.
    63. Ohara M, Nakatochi M, Okada T, Aleksic B, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Yamauchi A, Kubota C, Morikawa M, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Kato R, Ando M, Ozaki N. Impact of perceived rearing and social support on bonding failure and depression among mothers: A longitudinal study of pregnant women. Journal of psychiatric research. 2018;105:71-7.
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    67. Takata A, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Fukai R, Miyatake S, Koshimizu E, Kushima I, Okada T, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Ishizuka K, Nakamura K, Tsujii M, Yoshikawa T, Toyota T, Okamoto N, Hiraki Y, Hashimoto R, Yasuda Y, Saitoh S, Ohashi K, Sakai Y, Ohga S, Hara T, Kato M, Nakamura K, Ito A, Seiwa C, Shirahata E, Osaka H, Matsumoto A, Takeshita S, Tohyama J, Saikusa T, Matsuishi T, Nakamura T, Tsuboi T, Kato T, Suzuki T, Saitsu H, Nakashima M, Mizuguchi T, Tanaka F, Mori N, Ozaki N, Matsumoto N. Integrative analyses of de novo mutations provide deeper biological insights into autism spectrum disorder. Cell reports. 2018;22(3):734-47.
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    69. Yamamoto M, Kushima I, Suzuki R, Branko A, Kawano N, Inada T, Iidaka T, Ozaki N. Aberrant functional connectivity between the thalamus and visual cortex is related to attentional impairment in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research Neuroimaging. 2018;278:35-41.
    70. Yamasue H, Okada T, Munesue T, Kuroda M, Fujioka T, Uno Y, Matsumoto K, Kuwabara H, Mori D, Okamoto Y, Yoshimura Y, Kawakubo Y, Arioka Y, Kojima M, Yuhi T, Owada K, Yassin W, Kushima I, Benner S, Ogawa N, Eriguchi Y, Kawano N, Uemura Y, Yamamoto M, Kano Y, Kasai K, Higashida H, Ozaki N, Kosaka H. Effect of intranasal oxytocin on the core social symptoms of autism spectrum disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Molecular psychiatry. 2018.
    71. Yamauchi A, Okada T, Ando M, Morikawa M, Nakamura Y, Kubota C, Ohara M, Murase S, Goto S, Kanai A, Ozaki N. Validation and factor analysis of the japanese version of the highs scale in perinatal women. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2018;9:269.
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    76. Kato K, Miyata S, Ando M, Matsuoka H, Yasuma F, Iwamoto K, Kawano N, Banno M, Ozaki N, Noda A. Influence of sleep duration on cortical oxygenation in elderly individuals. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2017;71(1):44-51.
    77. Munechika T, Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Rapid eye movement sleep without atonia may help diagnose lewy body disease in middle-aged and older patients with somatic symptom disorder. Psychogeriatrics. 2017;17(1):61-69.
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    80. Sekiguchi H, Moriwaki M, Iritani S, Habuchi C, Torii Y, Umeda K, Fujishiro H, Yoshida M, Fujita K. An autopsy case of dementia with Lewy bodies clinically diagnosed to have a behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Clin Neuropathol. 2017;36 (2017)(1):23-30.
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    82. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Ozaki N. Effectiveness of low-dose pregabalin in three patients with lewy body disease and central neuropathic pain. Psychogeriatrics. 2017;17(2):115-119.
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    84. Ogasawara K, Nakamura Y, Kimura H, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Issues on the diagnosis and etiopathogenesis of mood disorders: reconsidering DSM-5. J Neural Transm. 2017;125(2):211-222.
    85. Kushima I, Aleksic B, Nakatochi M, Shimamura T, Shiino T, Yoshimi A, Kimura H, Takasaki Y, Wang C, Xing J, Ishizuka K, Oya-Ito T, Nakamura Y, Arioka Y, Maeda T, Yamamoto M, Yoshida M, Noma H, Hamada S, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Okada T, Iidaka T, Iritani S, Yamamoto T, Miyashita M, Kobori A, Arai M, Itokawa M, Cheng M C, Chuang Y A, Chen C H, Suzuki M, Takahashi T, Hashimoto R, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Watanabe Y, Nunokawa A, Someya T, Ikeda M, Toyota T, Yoshikawa T, Numata S, Ohmori T, Kunimoto S, Mori D, Iwata N, Ozaki N. High-resolution copy number variation analysis of schizophrenia in Japan. Mol Psychiatry. 2017;22(3):430-440.
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    87. Kobayashi Y, Nagashima W, Tokura T, Yoshida K, Umemura E, Miyauchi T, Arao M, Ito M, Kimura H, Kurita K, Ozaki N. Duloxetine plasma concentrations and its effectiveness in the treatment of nonorganic chronic pain in the orofacial region. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2017;40(4):163-168.
    88. Fujino H, Sumiyoshi C, Yasuda Y, Yamamori H, Fujimoto M, Fukunaga M, Miura K, Takebayashi Y, Okada N, Isomura S, Kawano N, Toyomaki A, Kuga H, Isobe M, Oya K, Okahisa Y, Takaki M, Hashimoto N, Kato M, Onitsuka T, Ueno T, Ohnuma T, Kasai K, Ozaki N, Sumiyoshi T, Imura O, Hashimoto R, Cocoro. Estimated cognitive decline in patients with schizophrenia: A multicenter study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2017;71(5):294-300.
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    90. Onishi Y, Kimura H, Hori T, Kishi S, Kamei H, Kurata N, Tsuboi C, Yamaguchi N, Takahashi M, Sunada S, Hirano M, Fujishiro H, Okada T, Ishigami M, Goto H, Ozaki N, Ogura Y. Risk of alcohol use relapse after liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2017;23(5):869-875.
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    94. Ishizuka K, Fujita Y, Kawabata T, Kimura H, Iwayama Y, Inada T, Okahisa Y, Egawa J, Usami M, Kushima I, Uno Y, Okada T, Ikeda M, Aleksic B, Mori D, Someya T, Yoshikawa T, Iwata N, Nakamura H, Yamashita T, Ozaki N. Rare genetic variants in cx3cr1 and their contribution to the increased risk of schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Transl Psychiatry. 2017;7(8):e1184.
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    102. Kohmura K, Adachi Y, Tanaka S, Katayama H, Imaeda M, Kawano N, Nishioka K, Ando M, Iidaka T, Ozaki N. Regional decrease in gray matter volume is related to body dissatisfaction in anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2017;267:51-58.
    103. Morosawa S, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Kuroda K, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N. Neuropeptide y neuronal network dysfunction in the frontal lobe of a genetic mouse model of schizophrenia. Neuropeptides. 2017;62:27-35.
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    105. Umeda K, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Kuroda K, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of the GABAergic Neuronal System in the Prefrontal Cortex of a DISC1 Knockout Mouse Model of Schizophrenia. Synapse, in press.
    106. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Watanabe M, Kosaka K, Ozaki N. Similarity of symptoms between transient epileptic amnesia and Lewy body disease. Psychogeriatrics, in press.
    107. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Ozaki N. Effectiveness of low-dose pregabalin in three patients with Lewy body disease and central neuropathic pain. Psychogeriatrics, in press.
    108. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Long-term efficacy of donepezil for relapse of visual hallucinations in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychogeriatrics, in press.
    109. Torii Y, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Umeda K, Matsunaga S, Mimuro M, Ozaki N, Yoshida M, Fujita K. An autopsy case of cortical superficial siderosis with persistent abnormal behavior. Neuropathology, in press.
    110. Sekiguchi H, Moriwaki M, Iritani S, Habuchi C, Torii Y, Umeda K, Fujishiro H, Yoshida M, Fujita K. An autopsy case of dementia with Lewy bodies clinically diagnosed to have a behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Clin Neuropathol, in press.
    111. Okada N, Fukunaga M, Yamashita F, Koshiyama D, Yamamori H, Ohi K, Yasuda Y, Fujimoto M, Watanabe Y, Yahata N, Nemoto K, Hibar DP, van Erp TG, Fujino H, Isobe M, Isomura S, Natsubori T, Narita H, Hashimoto N, Miyata J, Koike S, Takahashi T, Yamasue H, Matsuo K, Onitsuka T, Iidaka T, Kawasaki Y, Yoshimura R, Watanabe Y, Suzuki M, Turner JA, Takeda M, Thompson PM, Ozaki N, Kasai K, Hashimoto R. Abnormal asymmetries in subcortical brain volume in schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry, in press.
    112. Munechika T, Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Rapid eye movement sleep without atonia may help diagnose Lewy body disease in middle-aged and older patients with somatic symptom disorder. Psychogeriatrics, in press.
    113. Miyashita M, Watanabe T, Ichikawa T, Toriumi K, Horiuchi Y, Kobori A, Kushima I, Hashimoto R, Fukumoto M, Koike S, Ujike H, Arinami T, Tatebayashi Y, Kasai K, Takeda M, Ozaki N, Okazaki Y, Yoshikawa T, Amano N, Washizuka S, Yamamoto H, Miyata T, Itokawa M, Yamamoto Y, Arai M. The regulation of soluble receptor for AGEs contributes to carbonyl stress in schizophrenia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, in press.
    114. Kushima I, Aleksic B, Nakatochi M, Shimamura T, Shiino T, Yoshimi A, Kimura H, Takasaki Y, Wang C, Xing J, Ishizuka K, Oya-Ito T, Nakamura Y, Arioka Y, Maeda T, Yamamoto M, Yoshida M, Noma H, Hamada S, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Okada T, Iidaka T, Iritani S, Yamamoto T, Miyashita M, Kobori A, Arai M, Itokawa M, Cheng MC, Chuang YA, Chen CH, Suzuki M, Takahashi T, Hashimoto R, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Watanabe Y, Nunokawa A, Someya T, Ikeda M, Toyota T, Yoshikawa T, Numata S, Ohmori T, Kunimoto S, Mori D, Iwata N, Ozaki N. High-resolution copy number variation analysis of schizophrenia in Japan. Mol Psychiatry, in press.
    115. Kuroki T, Ishitobi M, Kamio Y, Sugihara G, Murai T, Motomura K, Ogasawara K, Kimura H, Aleksic B, Ozaki N, Nakao T, Yamada K, Yoshiuchi K, Kiriike N, Ishikawa T, Kubo C, Matsunaga C, Miyata H, Asada T, Kanba S. Current Viewpoints on DSM-5 in Japan. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, in press.
    116. Kimura H, Wang C, Ishizuka K, Xing J, Takasaki Y, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Uno Y, Okada T, Ikeda M, Mori D, Inada T, Iwata N, Ozaki N. Identification of a rare variant in CHD8 that contributes to schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder susceptibility. Schizophr Res, in press.
    117. Kato K, Miyata S, Ando M, Matsuoka H, Yasuma F, Iwamoto K, Kawano N, Banno M, Ozaki N, Noda A. Influence of sleep duration on cortical oxygenation in elderly individuals. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, in press.
    118. Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Otake H, Noda A, Iritani S, Ozaki N. REM sleep without atonia in middle-aged and older psychiatric patients and Lewy body disease: a case series. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, in press.
    119. Fujioi J, Iwamoto K, Banno M, Kikuchi T, Aleksic B, Ozaki N. Effect of Adjunctive Aripiprazole on Sexual Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Open-Label Study. Pharmacopsychiatry, in press.
    120. Yoshida K, Go Y, Kushima I, Toyoda A, Fujiyama A, Imai H, Saito N, Iriki A, Ozaki N, Isoda M. Single-neuron and genetic correlates of autistic behavior in macaque. Sci Adv, 2016; 2: e1600558.
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    122. Xing J, Kimura H, Wang C, Ishizuka K, Kushima I, Arioka Y, Yoshimi A, Nakamura Y, Shiino T, Oya-Ito T, Takasaki Y, Uno Y, Okada T, Iidaka T, Aleksic B, Mori D, Ozaki N. Resequencing and Association Analysis of Six PSD-95-Related Genes as Possible Susceptibility Genes for Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Sci Rep, 2016; 6: 27491.
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  1. "精神医学"、"精神生物学"、"発達・老年精神医学"、"親と子どもの心療学"の各分野に所属しますが、加えて「精神医療学寄附講座」「障害児(者)寄附講座」「睡眠学寄附講座」「脳とこころの研究センター」等とも連動して全体で"精神科ユニット"を構成し、共同指導体制をとっています。
  2. 医学部卒業生のみならず、医学部以外の心理学関連専攻の学科、薬学部、保健学部などを卒業した方も歓迎しています。
  3. 医学部卒業生と修士課程卒業生対象の博士課程に加えて、医学部以外の卒業生対象の修士課程を募集しています。
  4. 研究に専念する一般の博士課程大学院生となる選択肢と、基幹施設或いは連携施設で精神科医としての勤務を続けながら社会人大学院生となる選択肢があります。
  5. 医師の場合、所属医局は問いません。ただし少なくとも一年以上の精神科臨床経験を経て、精神障害の実際をある程度知った後、入学していただくのを原則としています。精神科・児童精神科の専門研修プログラム中の医師は、以下の3つのコースから選ぶことが可能です。
    (ア) 一般の大学院生を選び、研修プログラム履修を休止して、大学院修了後、研修を再開する。
    (イ) 一般の大学院生を選び、基幹施設で診療従事届けを提出し、連携施設での研修状況も勘案して、研修期間に一部カウントする。
    (ウ) 社会人大学院生を選び、研修をそのまま継続する。
  6. どのコースを選ぶかは、ご本人の希望を重視して相談に応じます。
  7. 大学院生期間中の研究時間の確保:大学院生には基本的に診療上の義務は課していません。各個人の希望でスケジュールを組んでいるので、十分研究時間は確保されています。社会人大学院生として、大学外の施設に所属しながら入学する場合も、できるだけ研究時間を確保するよう各施設の配慮をお願いしています。