
Top > 研究室紹介 > 脳神経病態制御学 > 神経内科学



当教室は昭和59年4月11日に名古屋大学医学部附属病院診療科として認可されました。初代教授として髙橋昭先生が昭和60年3月1日付けで就任され、教室として正式に発足しました。平成3年4月21日には名古屋大学医学部神経内科学講座が設置されました。 名古屋大学医学部における神経内科学(神経病学)の診療・教育・研究の歴史は古く、はじまりは明治期、愛知医学校における川原汎先生までさかのぼり、我が国の神経内科学分野として、最も古い伝統を継承しています。第二次世界大戦後は第1内科学講座において神経研究室(第4研究室)として数多くの臨床研究業績を生み、日本神経学会を牽引する活躍を遂げてきました。 平成7年4月、祖父江元教授が就任し、時代に即応した体制のもと、一部の分野においては世界をリードする立場にあり、国内外から高い注目を受けてきました。 平成27年7月に、勝野雅央教授が就任し、これまでの伝統を大切にしつつ、更なる発展を遂げることができるよう努力しています。 平成28年10月1日現在、同窓は約400名にのぼり、中部地区を中心に全国レベルで神経内科学の臨床・研究に活躍しています。最新のエビデンスに基づく診療と、双方向性を取り入れた卒前・卒後教育を進めるとともに、研究面では基礎から臨床へと展開するトランスレーショナルリサーチ(TR)と、臨床データから病態解明・治療開発へと繋げるリバースTRを推進しています。



 1. ALS の病態解明と疾患モデル開発

筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)は未だ有効な治療法が見出されていない神経難病の代表的疾患であり、とくにこの疾患の9割以上を占める孤発性ALSについては、病態のメカニズムに未解明の点が多く、治療法開発が難航しています。このグループでは、孤発性ALSの病態に関わる分子であるdynactin, TDP-43などをターゲットとした病態解明・治療法開発研究を進めています。このうちTDP-43については、ゲノム編集技術を用いて運動ニューロン特異的にノックダウンしたマウスにおいて、ALSでみられる運動ニューロン変性が再現されることを確認しており、孤発性ALSの病態研究に適した動物モデルであることを確認しました。また、dynactinについても同様に運動ニューロン特異的ノックアウトマウスの解析を進めています。現在、これらのモデルを用いて病態解析を進めており、分子病態に基づいた治療薬スクリーニングなども進めていく予定です。新たな研究テーマとして、エクソサイトーシスによる細胞間コミュニケーションや、神経活動性と変性の関係、細胞特異的トランスクリプトームなどにも取り組んでおり、ALSの病態解明と治療法開発を進めています。 


2. 臨床試験



3. ポリグルタミン病の病態解明と治療法の開発







我々は、当院や関連病院において毎年100例前後の筋生検術を施行しており、得られた検体に各種染色や検索を施行し、病理診断をしております。筋疾患について、関連病院の先生方から御相談をいただくことも多く、最先端の臨床情報をご提供できるように努めています。  最近、筋ジストロフィーの遺伝子が次々と明らかになるなど、筋疾患には大きな進展がありました。筋疾患のなかでも当グループでは主に炎症性筋疾患の研究を進めています。今までに、多発筋炎・皮膚筋炎の網羅的遺伝子解析や筋サルコイドーシス・封入体筋炎の臨床病理学的特徴、筋炎とサイトカイン・ケモカインの関係などについて研究してきました。筋生検で採取した豊富な検体を活かし、さまざまな研究が進行中です。 









神経生理グループでは、神経伝導検査、針筋電図検査の施行と脳波などの判読を行っています。年間、針筋電図を医師が約300件施行し、さらに1000件前後の末梢神経伝導検査、500件前後の脳波判読を行っています。電気生理検査を通して非常に多くの症例を学ぶ機会があり、多彩な疾患の病態を理解し、日常臨床に役立てることが出来るようになります。 さらに、当グループでは自律神経障害の検査ならびに研究も行っており、起立性低血圧の診断に重要なヘッドアップティルト試験は年間100件近くに及びます。当教室における自律神経研究は全国的にも古くから有名で、約25年前に神経変性疾患におけるMIBG心筋シンチグラフィーの異常を初めて報告していますが、そのほかにも数多くの自律神経障害に関する報告を行っています。近年パーキンソン病の非運動症状が非常に注目されており、そのなかでも自律神経障害は重要な位置を占めています。自律神経機能検査を通してパーキンソン病などの神経変性疾患について理解を深めることができます。 



認知症グループでは、bvFTD、SD、PNFA、FTD-MND、ALSなどを対象として、遂行機能検査・言語機能検査を中心とする高次脳機能検査や頭部MRI検査(VBM/TBSS/fMRIなど)を施行し、高次脳機能評価・画像検査の両面から前頭側頭型認知症(FTLD)の早期診断方法の確立を目指しています。さらに、大阪大学精神科を始めとする全国の神経内科・精神科施設と協力し、FTDのコホート研究(FTLD-J)を進めております。 さらに、FTLD様の症状を呈するマウスモデルを開発し、その病態と治療ターゲットを同定することで新規治療開発を目指す試みも進めています。現在、FTLDの原因分子であるFUS、TDP-43、タウに着目したモデルを中心に精力的に解析を行っています。 また外来や病棟主治医からの認知機能検査の依頼に適宜対応するとともに、火曜日と金曜日に認知症外来を開設し、各種検査を行っています。  



勝野 雅央 教授 大学院医学系研究科 細胞情報医学専攻
平山 正昭 准教授 医学部保健学科 検査技術科学専攻
小池 春樹 准教授 医学部附属病院脳神経内科
中村 友彦 講師 医学部附属病院 検査部
熱田 直樹 講師 医学部附属病院脳神経内科
飯島 正博 特任准教授 医学部附属病院脳神経内科
石垣 診祐 特任准教授 医学部附属病院脳神経内科
佐橋 健太郎 病院助教 卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター
井口 洋平 助教 医学部附属病院脳神経内科
橋詰 淳 病院助教 医学部附属病院脳神経内科


  • 2017年
    1. Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Tanaka Y, Ohdake R, Hattori M, Kawabata K, Hara K, Ito M, Fujimoto Y, Nakatsubo D, Maesawa S, Kajita Y, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Early detection of speech and voice disorders in Parkinson's disease patients treated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: a 1-year follow-up study. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2017 Dec;124(12):1547-1556.
    2. Takahashi M, Koike H, Ikeda S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Hashizume A, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Distinct pathogenesis in nonsystemic vasculitic neuropathy and microscopic polyangiitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2017 Oct 23;4(6):e407.
    3. Hashizume A, Banno H, Katsuno M, Hijikata Y, Yamada S, Inagaki T, Suzuki K, Sobue G. Quantitative Assessment of Swallowing Dysfunction in Patients with Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy. Intern Med. 2017 Dec 1;56(23):3159-3165.
    4. Koike H, Nakamura T, Hashizume A, Nishi R, Ikeda S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Cardiac and peripheral vasomotor autonomic functions in late-onset transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy. J Neurol. 2017 Nov;264(11):2293-2302.
    5. Yokoi S, Udagawa T, Fujioka Y, Honda D, Okado H, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Ishigaki S, Sobue G. 3'UTR Length-Dependent Control of SynGAP Isoform α2 mRNA by FUS and ELAV-like Proteins Promotes Dendritic Spine Maturation and Cognitive Function. Cell Rep. 2017 Sep 26;20(13):3071-3084.
    6. Riku Y, Watanabe H, Mimuro M, Iwasaki Y, Ito M, Katsuno M, Sobue G, Yoshida M. Non-motor multiple system atrophy associated with sudden death: pathological observations of autonomic nuclei. J Neurol. 2017 Nov;264(11):2249-2257.
    7. Sone J, Nakamura T, Koike H, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Reply: Neuronal intranuclear (hyaline) inclusion disease and fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome: a morphological and molecular dilemma. Brain. 2017 Aug 1;140(8):e52.
    8. Riku Y, Watanabe H, Yoshida M, Mimuro M, Iwasaki Y, Masuda M, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Pathologic Involvement of Glutamatergic Striatal Inputs From the Cortices in TAR DNA-Binding Protein 43 kDa-Related Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2017 Sep 1;76(9):759-768.
    9. Endo K, Ishigaki S, Masamizu Y, Fujioka Y, Watakabe A, Yamamori T, Hatanaka N, Nambu A, Okado H, Katsuno M, Watanabe H, Matsuzaki M, Sobue G. Silencing of FUS in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) brain via stereotaxic injection of an adeno-associated virus encoding shRNA. Neurosci Res. 2017 Aug 24. pii:S0168-0102(17)30183-9.
    10. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Tanaka S, Suga N, Hashizume A, Mano T, Araki A, Watanabe H, Fujimoto Y, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Swallowing markers in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2017 May 24;4(8):534-543.
    11. Hashizume A, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Hirakawa A, Hijikata Y, Yamada S, Inagaki T, Banno H, Sobue G. Long-term treatment with leuprorelin for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: natural history-controlled study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Dec;88(12):1026-1032.
    12. Kawagashira Y, Koike H, Kawabata K, Takahashi M, Ohyama K, Hashimoto R, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Vasculitic Neuropathy Following Exposure to a Glyphosate-based Herbicide. Intern Med. 2017;56(11):1431-1434.
    13. Senda J, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Bagarinao E, Imai K, Yokoi D, Riku Y, Masuda M, Nakamura R, Watanabe H, Ito M, Katsuno M, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Structural MRI correlates of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Nov;88(11):901-907.
    14. Koike H, Ikeda S, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Misumi Y, Ando Y, Ikeda SI, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Disruption of blood-nerve barriers in hereditary transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2017 Mar;24(sup1):89-90.
    15. Nakatsuji H, Araki A, Hashizume A, Hijikata Y, Yamada S, Inagaki T, Suzuki K, Banno H, Suga N, Okada Y, Ohyama M, Nakagawa T, Kishida K, Funahashi T, Shimomura I, Okano H, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Correlation of insulin resistance and motor function in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. J Neurol. 2017 May;264(5):839-847.
    16. Ishigaki S, Fujioka Y, Okada Y, Riku Y, Udagawa T, Honda D, Yokoi S, Endo K, Ikenaka K, Takagi S, Iguchi Y, Sahara N, Takashima A, Okano H, Yoshida M, Warita H, Aoki M, Watanabe H, Okado H, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Altered Tau Isoform Ratio Caused by Loss of FUS and SFPQ Function Leads to FTLD-like Phenotypes. Cell Rep. 2017 Jan 31;18(5):1118-1131.
    17. Koike H, Kadoya M, Kaida KI, Ikeda S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Kato D, Ogata H, Yamasaki R, Matsukawa N, Kira JI, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Paranodal dissection in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with anti-neurofascin-155 and anti-contactin-1 antibodies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Jun;88(6):465-473.
    18. Koike H, Nakamura T, Ikeda S, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Alcoholic Myelopathy and Nutritional Deficiency. Intern Med. 2017;56(1):105-108.
    19. Suzuki M, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Ueda M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Cardiac parasympathetic dysfunction in the early phase of Parkinson's disease. J Neurol. 2017 Feb;264(2):333-340.
    20. Noda S, Koike H, Maeshima S, Nakanishi H, Iijima M, Matsuo K, Kimura S, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Transforming growth factor-β signaling is upregulated in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve. 2017 May;55(5):741-747.
  • 2016年
    1. Yokoi S, Yasui K, Hasegawa Y, Niwa K, Noguchi Y, Tsuzuki T, Mimuro M, Sone J, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Pathological background of subcortical hyperintensities on diffusion-weighted images in a case of neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease. Clin Neuropathol, 2016.
    2. Yokoi D, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Nakamura R, Hirakawa A, Ito M, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Izumi Y, Morita M, Taniguchi A, Oda M, Abe K, Mizoguchi K, Kano O, Kuwabara S, Kaji R, Sobue G. Age of onset differentially influences the progression of regional dysfunction in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol, 2016; 263: 1129-1136.
    3. Watanabe H, Riku Y, Nakamura T, Hara K, Ito M, Hirayama M, Yoshida M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Expanding concept of clinical conditions and symptoms in multiple system atrophy. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2016; 56: 457-464.
    4. Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Hirakawa A, Nakamura R, Nakatochi M, Ishigaki S, Iida A, Ikegawa S, Kubo M, Yokoi D, Watanabe H, Ito M, Katsuno M, Izumi Y, Morita M, Kanai K, Taniguchi A, Aiba I, Abe K, Mizoguchi K, Oda M, Kano O, Okamoto K, Kuwabara S, Hasegawa K, Imai T, Kawata A, Aoki M, Tsuji S, Nakashima K, Kaji R, Sobue G. A rapid functional decline type of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is linked to low expression of TTN. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2016; 87: 851-858.
    5. Umemura T, Kawamura T, Mashita S, Kameyama T, Sobue G. Higher Levels of Cystatin C Are Associated with Extracranial Carotid Artery Steno-Occlusive Disease in Patients with Noncardioembolic Ischemic Stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra, 2016; 6: 1-11.
    6. Tsujikawa K, Senda J, Yasui K, Hasegawa Y, Hoshiyama M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Distinctive distribution of brain volume reductions in MELAS and mitochondrial DNA A3243G mutation carriers: A voxel-based morphometric study. Mitochondrion, 2016; 30: 229-235.
    7. Tsujikawa K, Hara K, Muro Y, Nakanishi H, Niwa Y, Koike M, Noda S, Riku Y, Sahashi K, Atsuta N, Ito M, Shimoyama Y, Akiyama M, Katsuno M. HMGCR antibody-associated myopathy as a paraneoplastic manifestation of esophageal carcinoma. Neurology, 2016; 87: 841-843.
    8. Tanaka Y, Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Kajita Y, Nakatsubo D, Fujimoto Y, Ohdake R, Ito M, Atsuta N, Yamamoto M, Wakabayashi T, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Articulation Features of Parkinson's Disease Patients with Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation. J Parkinsons Dis, 2016.
    9. Senda J, Ito K, Kotake T, Kanamori M, Kishimoto H, Kadono I, Suzuki Y, Katsuno M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Sobue G. Association of Leukoaraiosis With Convalescent Rehabilitation Outcome in Patients With Ischemic Stroke. Stroke, 2016; 47: 160-166.
    10. Riku Y, Watanabe H, Yoshida M, Mimuro M, Iwasaki Y, Masuda M, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Marked Involvement of the Striatal Efferent System in TAR DNA-Binding Protein 43 kDa-Related Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2016.
    11. Ohyama K, Koike H, Hashimoto R, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Intraepidermal nerve fibre density in POEMS (Crow-Fukase) syndrome and the correlation with sural nerve pathology. J Neurol Sci, 2016; 365: 207-211.
    12. Noda T, Iijima M, Noda S, Maeshima S, Nakanishi H, Kimura S, Koike H, Ishigaki S, Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Gene Expression Profile of Inflammatory Myopathy with Malignancy is Similar to that of Dermatomyositis rather than Polymyositis. Intern Med, 2016; 55: 2571-2580.
    13. Noda S, Koike H, Maeshima S, Nakanishi H, Iijima M, Matsuo K, Kimura S, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Transforming growth factor-beta signaling is upregulated in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve, 2016.
    14. Nakamura T, Suzuki M, Okada A, Suzuki J, Hasegawa S, Koike H, Hirayama M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Association of leptin with orthostatic blood pressure changes in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord, 2016; 31: 1417-1421.
    15. Nakamura R, Sone J, Atsuta N, Tohnai G, Watanabe H, Yokoi D, Nakatochi M, Watanabe H, Ito M, Senda J, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Li Y, Izumi Y, Morita M, Taniguchi A, Kano O, Oda M, Kuwabara S, Abe K, Aiba I, Okamoto K, Mizoguchi K, Hasegawa K, Aoki M, Hattori N, Tsuji S, Nakashima K, Kaji R, Sobue G. Next-generation sequencing of 28 ALS-related genes in a Japanese ALS cohort. Neurobiol Aging, 2016; 39: 219 e211-218.
    16. Masuda M, Senda J, Watanabe H, Epifanio B, Tanaka Y, Imai K, Riku Y, Li Y, Nakamura R, Ito M, Ishigaki S, Atsuta N, Koike H, Katsuno M, Hattori N, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Involvement of the caudate nucleus head and its networks in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia continuum. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener, 2016: 1-9.
    17. Ikumi K, Ando T, Katano H, Katsuno M, Sakai Y, Yoshida M, Saida T, Kimura H, Sobue G. HSV-2-related hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a fingolimod-treated patient with MS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 2016; 3: e247.
    18. Hirunagi T, Tsujikawa K, Hasegawa Y, Mano K, Katsuno M. Elderly-onset familial myasthenia gravis in two siblings. Neuromuscul Disord, 2016; 26: 347-349.
    19. Hijikata Y, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Hashizume A, Araki A, Yamada S, Inagaki T, Iida M, Noda S, Nakanishi H, Banno H, Mano T, Hirakawa A, Adachi H, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Impaired muscle uptake of creatine in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2016; 3: 537-546.
    20. Ding Y, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Sahashi K, Kondo N, Iida M, Tohnai G, Nakatsuji H, Sobue G. BIIB021, a synthetic Hsp90 inhibitor, induces mutant ataxin-1 degradation through the activation of heat shock factor 1. Neuroscience, 2016; 327: 20-31.
    21. Araki K, Sone J, Fujioka Y, Masuda M, Ohdake R, Tanaka Y, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Memory Loss and Frontal Cognitive Dysfunction in a Patient with Adult-onset Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusion Disease. Intern Med, 2016; 55: 2281-2284.
  • 2015年
    1. Yamada S, Nakanishi H, Hirayama M, Katsuno M, Sobue G. [67Ga scintigraphy as a therapeutic marker for spinal cord and muscular sarcoidosis: A case report]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2015; 55: 665-668.
    2. Watanabe H, Sobue G. Filling in the missing puzzle piece between cardiac MIBG scintigraphy findings and Parkinson's disease pathology. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2015; 86: 937.
    3. Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Nakamura R, Hirakawa A, Watanabe H, Ito M, Senda J, Katsuno M, Izumi Y, Morita M, Tomiyama H, Taniguchi A, Aiba I, Abe K, Mizoguchi K, Oda M, Kano O, Okamoto K, Kuwabara S, Hasegawa K, Imai T, Aoki M, Tsuji S, Nakano I, Kaji R, Sobue G. Factors affecting longitudinal functional decline and survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener, 2015; 16: 230-236.
    4. Udagawa T, Fujioka Y, Tanaka M, Honda D, Yokoi S, Riku Y, Ibi D, Nagai T, Yamada K, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Inada T, Ohno K, Sokabe M, Okado H, Ishigaki S, Sobue G. FUS regulates AMPA receptor function and FTLD/ALS-associated behaviour via GluA1 mRNA stabilization. Nat Commun, 2015; 6: 7098.
    5. Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Tanaka Y, Ohdake R, Yoneyama N, Hara K, Nakamura R, Watanabe H, Senda J, Atsuta N, Ito M, Hirayama M, Yamamoto M, Fujimoto Y, Kajita Y, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G. Distinct phenotypes of speech and voice disorders in Parkinson's disease after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2015; 86: 856-864.
    6. Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Tanaka Y, Ohdake R, Yoneyama N, Hara K, Ito M, Hirayama M, Yamamoto M, Fujimoto Y, Kajita Y, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G. Characteristic laryngoscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation and its correlation with voice disorder. J Neural Transm (Vienna), 2015; 122: 1663-1672.
    7. Tanaka Y, Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Kajita Y, Fujimoto Y, Ohdake R, Yoneyama N, Masuda M, Hara K, Senda J, Ito M, Atsuta N, Horiguchi S, Yamamoto M, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G. Voice features of Parkinson's disease patients with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. J Neurol, 2015; 262: 1173-1181.
    8. Suzuki J, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Mizutani Y, Okada A, Ito M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Impaired peripheral vasoconstrictor response to orthostatic stress in patients with multiple system atrophy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2015; 21: 917-922.
    9. Sasaki S, Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Alterations in the blood-spinal cord barrier in TDP-43 conditional knockout mice. Neurosci Lett, 2015; 598: 1-5.
    10. Sahashi K, Katsuno M, Hung G, Adachi H, Kondo N, Nakatsuji H, Tohnai G, Iida M, Bennett CF, Sobue G. Silencing neuronal mutant androgen receptor in a mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Hum Mol Genet, 2015; 24: 5985-5994.
    11. Okada A, Koike H, Nakamura T, Motomura M, Sobue G. Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome without anti-presynaptic P/Q-type voltage-gated calcium channel antibodies: a case report. Neuromuscul Disord, 2015; 25: 70-72.
    12. Ohyama K, Koike H, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Immunoglobulin G4-related pathologic features in inflammatory neuropathies. Neurology, 2015; 85: 1400-1407.
    13. Ohyama K, Koike H, Sobue G. [Paraneoplastic neuropathy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2015; 73 Suppl 7: 782-787.
    14. Mano T, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Suga N, Hashizume A, Araki A, Hijikata Y, Tanaka S, Takatsu J, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Head Lift Exercise Improves Swallowing Dysfunction in Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy. Eur Neurol, 2015; 74: 251-258.
    15. Maeshima S, Koike H, Noda S, Noda T, Nakanishi H, Iijima M, Ito M, Kimura S, Sobue G. Clinicopathological features of sarcoidosis manifesting as generalized chronic myopathy. J Neurol, 2015; 262: 1035-1045.
    16. Kondo N, Ito Y, Yamashita H, Azuma F, Nokura K, Yasuda T, Sobue G. Hemodialysis-related portal-systemic encephalopathy. Intern Med, 2015; 54: 1113-1117.
    17. Koike H, Takahashi M, Ohyama K, Hashimoto R, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Doi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Clinicopathologic features of folate-deficiency neuropathy. Neurology, 2015; 84: 1026-1033.
    18. Koike H, Sobue G. [Central nervous system vasculitis according to the 2012 revise international Chapel Hill consensus conference nomenclature of vasculitides]. Brain Nerve, 2015; 67: 243-248.
    19. Koike H, Sobue G. [Acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2015; 73 Suppl 7: 452-457.
    20. Koike H, Ohyama K, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Sobue G. Author response. Neurology, 2015; 85: 1091.
    21. Koike H, Akiyama K, Saito T, Sobue G. Intravenous immunoglobulin for chronic residual peripheral neuropathy in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome): a multicenter, double-blind trial. J Neurol, 2015; 262: 752-759.
    22. Kawagashira Y, Koike H, Sobue G. [Neuropathy associated with IgM monoclonal gammopathy with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) antibody]. Nihon Rinsho, 2015; 73 Suppl 7: 440-445.
    23. Kawagashira Y, Koike H, Ohyama K, Hashimoto R, Iijima M, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Chapman M, Lunn M, Sobue G. Axonal loss influences the response to rituximab treatment in neuropathy associated with IgM monoclonal gammopathy with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibody. J Neurol Sci, 2015; 348: 67-73.
    24. Iijima M, Sobue G. [Epidemiology and clinical symptoms of CIDP]. Nihon Rinsho, 2015; 73 Suppl 7: 400-407.
    25. Iida M, Katsuno M, Nakatsuji H, Adachi H, Kondo N, Miyazaki Y, Tohnai G, Ikenaka K, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Kishida K, Sobue G. Pioglitazone suppresses neuronal and muscular degeneration caused by polyglutamine-expanded androgen receptors. Hum Mol Genet, 2015; 24: 314-329.
    26. Hashizume A, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Banno H, Suga N, Mano T, Araki A, Hijikata Y, Grunseich C, Kokkinis A, Hirakawa A, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Fischbeck KH, Sobue G. A functional scale for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: Cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Neuromuscul Disord, 2015; 25: 554-562.
    27. Hashimoto R, Koike H, Takahashi M, Ohyama K, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Sobue G. Uncompacted Myelin Lamellae and Nodal Ion Channel Disruption in POEMS Syndrome. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2015; 74: 1127-1136.
    28. Ding Y, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Huang Z, Jiang YM, Kondo N, Iida M, Tohnai G, Nakatsuji H, Funakoshi H, Nakamura T, Sobue G. Overexpression of hepatocyte growth factor in SBMA model mice has an additive effect on combination therapy with castration. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2015; 468: 677-683.
    29. Araki K, Nakanishi H, Nakamura T, Atsuta N, Yamada S, Hijikata Y, Hashizume A, Suzuki K, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Myotonia-like symptoms in a patient with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neuromuscul Disord, 2015; 25: 913-915.
  • 2014年
    1. Yokoi S, Kawagashira Y, Ohyama K, Iijima M, Koike H, Watanabe H, Tatematsu A, Nakamura S, Sobue G. Mononeuritis multiplex with tumefactive cellular infiltration in a patient with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia with increased immunoglobulin G4-positive cells. Hum Pathol, 2014; 45: 427-430.
    2. Watanabe H, Yoshida M, Sobue G. [Clinical picture and diagnostic criteria of multiple system atrophy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2014; 54: 963-965.
    3. Umemura T, Senda J, Fukami Y, Mashita S, Kawamura T, Sakakibara T, Sobue G. Impact of albuminuria on early neurological deterioration and lesion volume expansion in lenticulostriate small infarcts. Stroke, 2014; 45: 587-590.
    4. Tohnai G, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Doi H, Matsumoto S, Kondo N, Miyazaki Y, Iida M, Nakatsuji H, Qiang Q, Ding Y, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Ohtsuka K, Sobue G. Paeoniflorin eliminates a mutant AR via NF-YA-dependent proteolysis in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Hum Mol Genet, 2014; 23: 3552-3565.
    5. Tanaka S, Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Suga N, Hashizume A, Mano T, Araki A, Watanabe H, Adachi H, Tatsumi H, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Distinct acoustic features in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy patients with laryngospasm. J Neurol Sci, 2014; 337: 193-200.
    6. Suga N, Katsuno M, Koike H, Banno H, Suzuki K, Hashizume A, Mano T, Iijima M, Kawagashira Y, Hirayama M, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Schwann cell involvement in the peripheral neuropathy of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2014; 40: 628-639.
    7. Sone J, Kitagawa N, Sugawara E, Iguchi M, Nakamura R, Koike H, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Takahashi T, Chiba S, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease cases with leukoencephalopathy diagnosed via skin biopsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2014; 85: 354-356.
    8. Sahashi K, Sobue G. [The role of RNA splicing in the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy and development of its therapeutics]. Brain Nerve, 2014; 66: 1471-1480.
    9. Riku Y, Watanabe H, Yoshida M, Tatsumi S, Mimuro M, Iwasaki Y, Katsuno M, Iguchi Y, Masuda M, Senda J, Ishigaki S, Udagawa T, Sobue G. Lower motor neuron involvement in TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa-related frontotemporal lobar degeneration and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. JAMA Neurol, 2014; 71: 172-179.
    10. Riku Y, Ikenaka K, Koike H, Niimi Y, Senda J, Hashimoto R, Kawagashira Y, Tomita M, Iijima M, Sobue G. Cutaneous arteritis associated with peripheral neuropathy: two case reports. J Dermatol, 2014; 41: 266-267.
    11. Riku Y, Atsuta N, Yoshida M, Tatsumi S, Iwasaki Y, Mimuro M, Watanabe H, Ito M, Senda J, Nakamura R, Koike H, Sobue G. Differential motor neuron involvement in progressive muscular atrophy: a comparative study with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. BMJ Open, 2014; 4: e005213.
    12. Okada A, Koike H, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Slowly progressive folate-deficiency myelopathy: report of a case. J Neurol Sci, 2014; 336: 273-275.
    13. Ohyama K, Koike H, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Sobue G. [Clinicopathological features of neuropathy associated with IgG4-related disease]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2014; 54: 1047-1049.
    14. Ohyama K, Koike H, Katsuno M, Takahashi M, Hashimoto R, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Adachi H, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Muscle atrophy in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a computed tomography assessment. Eur J Neurol, 2014; 21: 1002-1010.
    15. Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Hara T, Mizutani Y, Suzuki J, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Role of cardiac sympathetic nerves in preventing orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2014; 20: 409-414.
    16. Mizutani Y, Nakamura T, Okada A, Suzuki J, Watanabe H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Hyposmia and cardiovascular dysautonomia correlatively appear in early-stage Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2014; 20: 520-524.
    17. Mano T, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Suga N, Hashizume A, Araki A, Watanabe H, Tanaka S, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Tongue pressure as a novel biomarker of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neurology, 2014; 82: 255-262.
    18. Koike H, Sobue G. What is the prototype of familial amyloid polyneuropathy? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2014; 85: 713.
    19. Koike H, Sobue G. [Familial amyloid polyneuropathy: clinicopathological aspects]. Brain Nerve, 2014; 66: 749-762.
    20. Katsuno M, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Potential therapeutic targets in polyglutamine-mediated diseases. Expert Rev Neurother, 2014; 14: 1215-1228.
    21. Honda D, Ishigaki S, Iguchi Y, Fujioka Y, Udagawa T, Masuda A, Ohno K, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Corrigendum to \"The ALS/FTLD-related RNA-binding proteins TDP-43 and FUS have common downstream RNA targets in cortical neurons\" [FEBS Open Bio 4 (2014) 1-10]. FEBS Open Bio, 2014; 4: 1030.
    22. Hijikata Y, Ando T, Inagaki T, Watanabe H, Ito M, Sobue G. [Spinal cord compression due to extramedullary hematopoiesis in a patient with myelofibrosis]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2014; 54: 27-31.
    23. Hara K, Watanabe H, Ito M, Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Nakamura R, Senda J, Atsuta N, Adachi H, Aiba I, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Potential of a new MRI for visualizing cerebellar involvement in progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2014; 20: 157-161.
    24. Atsuta N, Nakamura R, Watanabe H, Sobue G. [Japanese Consortium for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis research (JaCALS)]. Brain Nerve, 2014; 66: 1090-1096.
    25. Araki A, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Banno H, Suga N, Hashizume A, Mano T, Hijikata Y, Nakatsuji H, Watanabe H, Yamamoto M, Makiyama T, Ohno S, Fukuyama M, Morimoto S, Horie M, Sobue G. Brugada syndrome in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neurology, 2014; 82: 1813-1821.
  • 2013年
    1. Yokoi S, Yasui K, Hasegawa Y, Kasai T, Inagaki A, Sobue G. [A case of hypoglycemic coma with good outcome despite sustained unconsciousness and widespread leukoencephalopathy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 724-727.
    2. Watanabe H, Sobue G. A milestone on the way to therapy for MSA. Lancet Neurol, 2013; 12: 222-223.
    3. Watanabe H, Senda J, Kato S, Ito M, Atsuta N, Hara K, Tsuboi T, Katsuno M, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Adachi H, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Cortical and subcortical brain atrophy in Parkinson's disease with visual hallucination. Mov Disord, 2013; 28: 1732-1736.
    4. Watanabe H, Senda J, Ito M, Atsuta N, Haram K, Watanabe H, Nakamura R, Tsuboi T, Yoshida M, Naganawa S, Sobue G. [Cutting-edge MRI techniques for studying neurological diseases focusing on spinocerebellar degeneration]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 1087-1090.
    5. Umemura T, Kawamura T, Umegaki H, Kawano N, Mashita S, Sakakibara T, Hotta N, Sobue G. Association of chronic kidney disease and cerebral small vessel disease with cognitive impairment in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra, 2013; 3: 212-222.
    6. Tomita M, Koike H, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Adachi H, Taguchi J, Abe T, Sako K, Tsuji Y, Nakagawa M, Kanda F, Takeda F, Sugawara M, Toyoshima I, Asano N, Sobue G. Clinicopathological features of neuropathy associated with lymphoma. Brain, 2013; 136: 2563-2578.
    7. Tanaka F, Sone J, Atsuta N, Nakamura R, Doi H, Koyano S, Sobue G. [Personal genome analysis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]. Brain Nerve, 2013; 65: 257-265.
    8. Takagi S, Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Ishigaki S, Ikenaka K, Fujioka Y, Honda D, Niwa J, Tanaka F, Watanabe H, Adachi H, Sobue G. RNP2 of RNA recognition motif 1 plays a central role in the aberrant modification of TDP-43. PLoS One, 2013; 8: e66966.
    9. Suzuki J, Tanaka Y, Watanabe H, Ito M, Kajita Y, Sobue G. [A case of Parkinson's disease treated effectively with a pacing board for repetitive speech phenomena after deep brain stimulation]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 304-307.
    10. Sobue G. [MicroRNA in neurodegenerative disorders]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 942-944.
    11. Riku Y, Ito M, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Momota H, Sobue G. [Intracranial germinoma masquerading as a granulomatous inflammation, diagnostic failure after brain biopsy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 835-838.
    12. Qiang Q, Adachi H, Huang Z, Jiang YM, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Doi H, Matsumoto S, Kondo N, Miyazaki Y, Iida M, Tohnai G, Sobue G. Genistein, a natural product derived from soybeans, ameliorates polyglutamine-mediated motor neuron disease. J Neurochem, 2013; 126: 122-130.
    13. Ohyama K, Yasui K, Hasegawa Y, Morozumi S, Koike H, Sobue G. Differential recovery in cardiac and vasomotor sympathetic functional markers in a patient with acute autonomic sensory and motor neuropathy. Intern Med, 2013; 52: 497-502.
    14. Ohyama K, Koike H, Masuda M, Sone J, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Autonomic manifestations in acute sensory ataxic neuropathy: a case report. Auton Neurosci, 2013; 179: 155-158.
    15. Ohyama K, Koike H, Iijima M, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Satou A, Nakamura S, Sobue G. IgG4-related neuropathy: a case report. JAMA Neurol, 2013; 70: 502-505.
    16. Nakanishi H, Koike H, Matsuo K, Tanaka F, Noda T, Fujikake A, Kimura S, Katsuno M, Doyu M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Demographic features of Japanese patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis: a single-center referral experience. Intern Med, 2013; 52: 333-337.
    17. Nakamura R, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Hirakawa A, Watanabe H, Ito M, Senda J, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Izumi Y, Morita M, Ogaki K, Taniguchi A, Aiba I, Mizoguchi K, Okamoto K, Hasegawa K, Aoki M, Kawata A, Abe K, Oda M, Konagaya M, Imai T, Nakagawa M, Tsuji S, Kaji R, Nakano I, Sobue G. Neck weakness is a potent prognostic factor in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2013; 84: 1365-1371.
    18. Kondo N, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Minamiyama M, Doi H, Matsumoto S, Miyazaki Y, Iida M, Tohnai G, Nakatsuji H, Ishigaki S, Fujioka Y, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Nakai A, Sobue G. Heat shock factor-1 influences pathological lesion distribution of polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration. Nat Commun, 2013; 4: 1405.
    19. Koike H, Yoshida H, Ito T, Ohyama K, Hashimoto R, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Sobue G. Demyelinating neuropathy and autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a patient with pancreatic cancer. Intern Med, 2013; 52: 1737-1740.
    20. Koike H, Watanabe H, Sobue G. The spectrum of immune-mediated autonomic neuropathies: insights from the clinicopathological features. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2013; 84: 98-106.
    21. Koike H, Sobue G. Clinicopathological features of neuropathy in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis. Clin Exp Nephrol, 2013; 17: 683-685.
    22. Koike H, Sobue G. Paraneoplastic neuropathy. Handb Clin Neurol, 2013; 115: 713-726.
    23. Koike H, Sobue G. [Sjogren's syndrome-associated neuropathy]. Brain Nerve, 2013; 65: 1333-1342.
    24. Koike H, Sobue G. [Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy and acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 1326-1329.
    25. Katsuno M, Ikenaka K, Kawai K, Sobue G. [Dysfunction of dynactin 1 in motor neuron degeneration]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 1084-1086.
    26. Ishihara T, Ito M, Niimi Y, Tsujimoto M, Senda J, Kawai Y, Watanabe H, Ishigami M, Ito T, Kamei H, Onishi Y, Nakamura T, Goto H, Naganawa S, Kiuchi T, Sobue G. Clinical and radiological impact of liver transplantation for brain in cirrhosis patients without hepatic encephalopathy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2013; 115: 2341-2347.
    27. Ikenaka K, Kawai K, Katsuno M, Huang Z, Jiang YM, Iguchi Y, Kobayashi K, Kimata T, Waza M, Tanaka F, Mori I, Sobue G. dnc-1/dynactin 1 knockdown disrupts transport of autophagosomes and induces motor neuron degeneration. PLoS One, 2013; 8: e54511.
    28. Iijima M, Koike H, Sobue G. [Therapeutic strategy for CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy)]. Nihon Rinsho, 2013; 71: 855-860.
    29. Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Niwa J, Takagi S, Ishigaki S, Ikenaka K, Kawai K, Watanabe H, Yamanaka K, Takahashi R, Misawa H, Sasaki S, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Loss of TDP-43 causes age-dependent progressive motor neuron degeneration. Brain, 2013; 136: 1371-1382.
    30. Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Ikenaka K, Ishigaki S, Sobue G. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an update on recent genetic insights. J Neurol, 2013; 260: 2917-2927.
    31. Honda D, Ishigaki S, Iguchi Y, Fujioka Y, Udagawa T, Masuda A, Ohno K, Katsuno M, Sobue G. The ALS/FTLD-related RNA-binding proteins TDP-43 and FUS have common downstream RNA targets in cortical neurons. FEBS Open Bio, 2013; 4: 1-10.
    32. Hirayama M, Nakamura T, Sobue G. [Cardiac reserve in Parkinson's disease and exercise therapy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 1376-1378.
    33. Hijikata Y, Watanabe H, Ito M, Yoneyama N, Atsuta N, Sobue G. [Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) triggered by nicotine patches]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2013; 53: 721-723.
    34. Hara T, Hirayama M, Mizutani Y, Hama T, Hori N, Nakamura T, Kato S, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Impaired pain processing in Parkinson's disease and its relative association with the sense of smell. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2013; 19: 43-46.
    35. Fujioka Y, Ishigaki S, Masuda A, Iguchi Y, Udagawa T, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Ohno K, Sobue G. FUS-regulated region- and cell-type-specific transcriptome is associated with cell selectivity in ALS/FTLD. Sci Rep, 2013; 3: 2388.
    36. Doi H, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Matsumoto S, Kondo N, Miyazaki Y, Iida M, Tohnai G, Qiang Q, Tanaka F, Yanagawa T, Warabi E, Ishii T, Sobue G. p62/SQSTM1 differentially removes the toxic mutant androgen receptor via autophagy and inclusion formation in a spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy mouse model. J Neurosci, 2013; 33: 7710-7727.
  • 2012年
    1. Umemura T, Kawamura T, Sakakibara T, Mashita S, Hotta N, Sobue G. Microalbuminuria is independently associated with deep or infratentorial brain microbleeds in hypertensive adults. Am J Hypertens, 2012; 25: 430-436.
    2. Tanaka F, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Adachi H, Sobue G. Current status of treatment of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neural Plast, 2012; 2012: 369284.
    3. Tanaka F, Ikenaka K, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Neuropathology and omics in motor neuron diseases. Neuropathology, 2012; 32: 458-462.
    4. Tamura T, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Lewy body-related alpha-synucleinopathy in the spinal cord of cases with incidental Lewy body disease. Neuropathology, 2012; 32: 13-22.
    5. Suzuki K, Banno H, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Disease-modifying therapy for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)]. Brain Nerve, 2012; 64: 237-244.
    6. Sobue G. [Perspectives of therapy development from academia]. Brain Nerve, 2012; 64: 221-223.
    7. Sobue G. [109th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine: invited lecture : 3. Progress in research on motor neuron diseases and therapy perspectives]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2012; 101: 2479-2487.
    8. Senda J, Watanabe H, Tsuboi T, Hara K, Watanabe H, Nakamura R, Ito M, Atsuta N, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Sobue G. MRI mean diffusivity detects widespread brain degeneration in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci, 2012; 319: 105-110.
    9. Ogaki K, Li Y, Atsuta N, Tomiyama H, Funayama M, Watanabe H, Nakamura R, Yoshino H, Yato S, Tamura A, Naito Y, Taniguchi A, Fujita K, Izumi Y, Kaji R, Hattori N, Sobue G. Analysis of C9orf72 repeat expansion in 563 Japanese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurobiol Aging, 2012; 33: 2527 e2511-2526.
    10. Miyazaki Y, Hirayama M, Watanabe H, Usami N, Yokoi K, Watanabe O, Sobue G. Paraneoplastic encephalitis associated with myasthenia gravis and malignant thymoma. J Clin Neurosci, 2012; 19: 336-338.
    11. Miyazaki Y, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Jiang YM, Huang Z, Doi H, Matsumoto S, Kondo N, Iida M, Tohnai G, Tanaka F, Muramatsu S, Sobue G. Viral delivery of miR-196a ameliorates the SBMA phenotype via the silencing of CELF2. Nat Med, 2012; 18: 1136-1141.
    12. Minamiyama M, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Doi H, Kondo N, Iida M, Ishigaki S, Fujioka Y, Matsumoto S, Miyazaki Y, Tanaka F, Kurihara H, Sobue G. Naratriptan mitigates CGRP1-associated motor neuron degeneration caused by an expanded polyglutamine repeat tract. Nat Med, 2012; 18: 1531-1538.
    13. Mano T, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Suga N, Hashizume A, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of an oxidative stress biomarker for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Muscle Nerve, 2012; 46: 692-697.
    14. Koike H, Tanaka F, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Fujitake J, Kawanami T, Kato T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Natural history of transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy: analysis of late-onset cases from non-endemic areas. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2012; 83: 152-158.
    15. Koike H, Sobue G. Late-onset familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Japan. Amyloid, 2012; 19 Suppl 1: 55-57.
    16. Koike H, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Kamei H, Kiuchi T, Sobue G. Impact of aging on the progression of neuropathy after liver transplantation in transthyretin Val30Met amyloidosis. Muscle Nerve, 2012; 46: 964-970.
    17. Koike H, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Koyano S, Momoo T, Yuasa H, Mitake S, Higashihara M, Kaida K, Yamamoto D, Hisahara S, Shimohama S, Nakae Y, Johkura K, Vernino S, Sobue G. The spectrum of clinicopathological features in pure autonomic neuropathy. J Neurol, 2012; 259: 2067-2075.
    18. Koike H, Hama T, Kawagashira Y, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Iijima M, Sobue G. The significance of folate deficiency in alcoholic and nutritional neuropathies: analysis of a case. Nutrition, 2012; 28: 821-824.
    19. Kawagashira Y, Koike H, Fujioka Y, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Morozumi S, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Differential, size-dependent sensory neuron involvement in the painful and ataxic forms of primary Sjogren's syndrome-associated neuropathy. J Neurol Sci, 2012; 319: 139-146.
    20. Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Perspectives on molecular targeted therapies and clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2012; 83: 329-335.
    21. Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Adachi H, Banno H, Suzuki K, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Pathogenesis and therapy of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Prog Neurobiol, 2012; 99: 246-256.
    22. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Hashizume A, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Anti-androgen therapy for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2012; 52: 1207-1209.
    23. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Hashizume A, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [109th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine: symposium: 2. Translational research and evidence-based medicine (EBM) in internal medicine in Japan, translational research; 1) Translational research on neurodegenerative diseases]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2012; 101: 2533-2538.
    24. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Molecular pathophysiology and disease-modifying therapies for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Arch Neurol, 2012; 69: 436-440.
    25. Katsumata R, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Kawai K, Sone J, Huang Z, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Urano F, Sobue G. c-Abl inhibition delays motor neuron degeneration in the G93A mouse, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One, 2012; 7: e46185.
    26. Kato S, Watanabe H, Senda J, Hirayama M, Ito M, Atsuta N, Kaga T, Katsuno M, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Widespread cortical and subcortical brain atrophy in Parkinson's disease with excessive daytime sleepiness. J Neurol, 2012; 259: 318-326.
    27. Ishihara T, Ito M, Watanabe H, Ishigami M, Kiuchi T, Sobue G. [Case of acquired hepatocerebral degeneration with prominent improvement of parkinsonism and cognitive deficits after living-donor liver transplantation]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2012; 52: 581-584.
    28. Ikenaka K, Katsuno M, Kawai K, Ishigaki S, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Disruption of axonal transport in motor neuron diseases. Int J Mol Sci, 2012; 13: 1225-1238.
    29. Iijima M, Koike H, Sobue G. [Efficacy and availability of intravenous immunoglobulin in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2012; 70: 715-721.
    30. Iida M, Koike H, Ando T, Sugiura M, Yamamoto M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. A novel MPZ mutation in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1B with focally folded myelin and multiple entrapment neuropathies. Neuromuscul Disord, 2012; 22: 166-169.
    31. Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Takagi S, Ishigaki S, Niwa J, Hasegawa M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Oxidative stress induced by glutathione depletion reproduces pathological modifications of TDP-43 linked to TDP-43 proteinopathies. Neurobiol Dis, 2012; 45: 862-870.
    32. Hashizume A, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Suga N, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Difference in chronological changes of outcome measures between untreated and placebo-treated patients of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. J Neurol, 2012; 259: 712-719.
    33. Hashizume A, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Suga N, Mano T, Atsuta N, Oe H, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Longitudinal changes of outcome measures in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Brain, 2012; 135: 2838-2848.
    34. Hama T, Hirayama M, Hara T, Nakamura T, Atsuta N, Banno H, Suzuki K, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Discrimination of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using sensory nerve action potentials. Muscle Nerve, 2012; 45: 169-174.
    35. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Pathogenesis and molecular targeted therapy of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Cell Tissue Res, 2012; 349: 313-320.
  • 2011年
    1. Watanabe H, Yoshida M, Naganawa S, Sobue G. [The diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders based on clinical and pathological findings using an MRI approach]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 863-864.
    2. Umemura T, Kawamura T, Umegaki H, Mashita S, Kanai A, Sakakibara T, Hotta N, Sobue G. Endothelial and inflammatory markers in relation to progression of ischaemic cerebral small-vessel disease and cognitive impairment: a 6-year longitudinal study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2011; 82: 1186-1194.
    3. Uchida K, Hirayama M, Yamashita F, Hori N, Nakamura T, Sobue G. Tremor is attenuated during walking in essential tremor with resting tremor but not parkinsonian tremor. J Clin Neurosci, 2011; 18: 1224-1228.
    4. Tsujimoto M, Senda J, Ishihara T, Niimi Y, Kawai Y, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Behavioral changes in early ALS correlate with voxel-based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging. J Neurol Sci, 2011; 307: 34-40.
    5. Tanaka F, Ikenaka K, Sobue G. [Role of axonal transport in ALS]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 1189-1191.
    6. Sone J, Tanaka F, Koike H, Inukai A, Katsuno M, Yoshida M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Skin biopsy is useful for the antemortem diagnosis of neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease. Neurology, 2011; 76: 1372-1376.
    7. Sobue G. [Development of disease-modifying therapy for neurodegenerative diseases]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 821-824.
    8. Senda J, Kato S, Kaga T, Ito M, Atsuta N, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Progressive and widespread brain damage in ALS: MRI voxel-based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler, 2011; 12: 59-69.
    9. Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Hara T, Hama T, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Does cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction contribute to fatigue in Parkinson's disease? Mov Disord, 2011; 26: 1869-1874.
    10. Morozumi S, Koike H, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Spatial distribution of nerve fiber pathology and vasculitis in microscopic polyangiitis-associated neuropathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2011; 70: 340-348.
    11. Miyazaki Y, Koike H, Ito M, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Kusunoki S, Sobue G. Acute superficial sensory neuropathy with generalized anhidrosis, anosmia, and ageusia. Muscle Nerve, 2011; 43: 286-288.
    12. Miyazaki Y, Koike H, Akane A, Shibata Y, Nishiwaki K, Sobue G. Spinal cord stimulation markedly ameliorated refractory neuropathic pain in transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Amyloid, 2011; 18: 87-90.
    13. Koike H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Paraneoplastic neuropathy: wide-ranging clinicopathological manifestations. Curr Opin Neurol, 2011; 24: 504-510.
    14. Koike H, Sobue G. [Clinicopathological features of familial amyloid polyneuropathy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 1134-1137.
    15. Koike H, Kiuchi T, Iijima M, Ueda M, Ando Y, Morozumi S, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Shimoyama Y, Okazaki Y, Kamei H, Sobue G. Systemic but asymptomatic transthyretin amyloidosis 8 years after domino liver transplantation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2011; 82: 1287-1290.
    16. Koike H, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Diagnosis of sporadic transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy: a practical analysis. Amyloid, 2011; 18: 53-62.
    17. Koike H, Hashimoto R, Tomita M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Nagamatsu M, Sobue G. The wide range of clinical manifestations in leprous neuropathy: two case reports. Intern Med, 2011; 50: 2223-2226.
    18. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [TGF-beta signaling in neurodegenerative diseases]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 982-985.
    19. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Banno H, Suzuki K, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Transforming growth factor-beta signaling in motor neuron diseases. Curr Mol Med, 2011; 11: 48-56.
    20. Ito M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. [Clinical concepts and diagnostic criteria of progressive supranuclear palsy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2011; 69 Suppl 10 Pt 2: 394-398.
    21. Iijima M, Koike H, Katsuno M, Sobue G. Polymorphism of transient axonal glycoprotein-1 in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. J Peripher Nerv Syst, 2011; 16 Suppl 1: 52-55.
    22. Hirayama M, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Uchida K, Hama T, Hara T, Niimi Y, Ito M, Ohno K, Sobue G. Urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine correlate with hallucinations rather than motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2011; 17: 46-49.
    23. Hashizume A, Watanabe H, Matsuo K, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Nagatani T, Sobue G. Endoscopic third ventriculotomy improves parkinsonism following a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in a patient with non-communicating hydrocephalus secondary to idiopathic aqueduct stenosis. J Neurol Sci, 2011; 309: 148-150.
    24. Hashizume A, Koike H, Kawagashira Y, Banno H, Suzuki K, Ito M, Katsuno M, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Kaneko R, Ishii A, Sobue G. Central nervous system involvement in n-hexane polyneuropathy demonstrated by MRI and proton MR spectroscopy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2011; 113: 493-495.
    25. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Sobue G. Dutasteride for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Lancet Neurol, 2011; 10: 113-115.
    26. Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Ito M, Nakamura R, Senda J, Kato S, Sobue G. [Development of a telephone survey system for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using the ALSFRS-R (Japanese version) and application of this system in a longitudinal multicenter study]. Brain Nerve, 2011; 63: 491-496.
    27. Atsuta N, Nakamura R, Watanabe H, Watanabe H, Ito M, Senda J, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [JaCALS: a prospective multicenter ALS cohort study]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2011; 51: 903-905.
  • 2010年
    1. Yamashita F, Hirayama M, Nakamura T, Takamori M, Hori N, Uchida K, Hama T, Sobue G. Pupillary autonomic dysfunction in multiple system atrophy and Parkinson's disease: an assessment by eye-drop tests. Clin Auton Res, 2010; 20: 191-197.
    2. Watanabe H, Ito M, Fukatsu H, Senda J, Atsuta N, Kaga T, Kato S, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Hirayama M, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Putaminal magnetic resonance imaging features at various magnetic field strengths in multiple system atrophy. Mov Disord, 2010; 25: 1916-1923.
    3. Tomita M, Watanabe H, Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Nakamura T, Katsuno M, Koike H, Hattori N, Hirayama M, Kusunoki S, Sobue G. Pyramidal tract involvement in Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with anti-GM1 antibody. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010; 81: 583-585.
    4. Suzuki K, Katsuno M, Banno H, Takeuchi Y, Kawashima M, Suga N, Hashizume A, Hama T, Uchida K, Yamashita F, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. The profile of motor unit number estimation (MUNE) in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010; 81: 567-571.
    5. Sone J, Niwa J, Kawai K, Ishigaki S, Yamada S, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Dorfin ameliorates phenotypes in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurosci Res, 2010; 88: 123-135.
    6. Sobue G. [Molecular-targeted therapy for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2010; 50: 839-841.
    7. Senda J, Ito M, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Hattori N, Kawai H, Sobue G. Paradoxical brain embolism induced by Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection with deep venous thrombus. Intern Med, 2010; 49: 2003-2005.
    8. Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Yamashita F, Uchida K, Hama T, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Lowered cardiac sympathetic nerve performance in response to exercise in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord, 2010; 25: 1183-1189.
    9. Koike H, Sobue G. Diagnosis of familial amyloid polyneuropathy: wide-ranged clinicopathological features. Expert Opin Med Diagn, 2010; 4: 323-331.
    10. Koike H, Sobue G. Expanding the concept of inflammatory neuropathies. Brain, 2010; 133: 2848-2851.
    11. Koike H, Koyano S, Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Hattori N, Vernino S, Sobue G. Slowly progressive autonomic neuropathy with antiganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibody. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010; 81: 586-587.
    12. Koike H, Atsuta N, Adachi H, Iijima M, Katsuno M, Yasuda T, Fukada Y, Yasui K, Nakashima K, Horiuchi M, Shiomi K, Fukui K, Takashima S, Morita Y, Kuniyoshi K, Hasegawa Y, Toribe Y, Kajiura M, Takeshita S, Mukai E, Sobue G. Clinicopathological features of acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy. Brain, 2010; 133: 2881-2896.
    13. Kawagashira Y, Watanabe H, Morozumi S, Iijima I, Koike H, Hattori N, Sobue G. Differential response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy among multifocal and polyneuropathy types of painful diabetic neuropathy. J Clin Neurosci, 2010; 17: 1003-1008.
    14. Kawagashira Y, Kondo N, Atsuta N, Iijima M, Koike H, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Kusunoki S, Sobue G. IgM MGUS anti-MAG neuropathy with predominant muscle weakness and extensive muscle atrophy. Muscle Nerve, 2010; 42: 433-435.
    15. Kawagashira Y, Koike H, Tomita M, Morozumi S, Iijima M, Nakamura T, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Morphological progression of myelin abnormalities in IgM-monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein neuropathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2010; 69: 1143-1157.
    16. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Takeuchi Y, Kawashima M, Yabe I, Sasaki H, Aoki M, Morita M, Nakano I, Kanai K, Ito S, Ishikawa K, Mizusawa H, Yamamoto T, Tsuji S, Hasegawa K, Shimohata T, Nishizawa M, Miyajima H, Kanda F, Watanabe Y, Nakashima K, Tsujino A, Yamashita T, Uchino M, Fujimoto Y, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Efficacy and safety of leuprorelin in patients with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (JASMITT study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol, 2010; 9: 875-884.
    17. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Clinical features and molecular mechanisms of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Adv Exp Med Biol, 2010; 685: 64-74.
    18. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Minamiyama M, Waza M, Doi H, Kondo N, Mizoguchi H, Nitta A, Yamada K, Banno H, Suzuki K, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Disrupted transforming growth factor-beta signaling in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. J Neurosci, 2010; 30: 5702-5712.
    19. Katada E, Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Matsukawa N, Ojika K, Sobue G. [Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome associated with pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma and circulating anti-P/Q-type voltage-gated calcium channel antibody]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2010; 50: 17-19.
    20. Atsuta N, Sobue G. [Japanese consortium for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research (JaCALS)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2010; 50: 928-930.
  • 2009年
    1. Watanabe H, Hirayama M, Noda A, Ito M, Atsuta N, Senda J, Kaga T, Yamada A, Katsuno M, Niwa T, Tanaka F, Sobue G. B-type natriuretic peptide and cardiovalvulopathy in Parkinson disease with dopamine agonist. Neurology, 2009; 72: 621-626.
    2. Tokui K, Adachi H, Waza M, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Doi H, Tanaka K, Hamazaki J, Murata S, Tanaka F, Sobue G. 17-DMAG ameliorates polyglutamine-mediated motor neuron degeneration through well-preserved proteasome function in an SBMA model mouse. Hum Mol Genet, 2009; 18: 898-910.
    3. Tanaka F, Waza M, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. [Exploration of pathogenesis and therapy development for ALS employing sporadic disease model]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2009; 49: 811-813.
    4. Suzuki K, Kastuno M, Banno H, Sobue G. Pathogenesis-targeting therapeutics for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Neuropathology, 2009; 29: 509-516.
    5. Sobue G. [Molecular-targeted therapy for neurodegenerative diseases]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2009; 49: 747-749.
    6. Senda J, Ito M, Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Kawai Y, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Fukatsu H, Sobue G. Correlation between pyramidal tract degeneration and widespread white matter involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a study with tractography and diffusion-tensor imaging. Amyotroph Lateral Scler, 2009; 10: 288-294.
    7. Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment for painful sensory neuropathy associated with Sjogren's syndrome. J Neurol Sci, 2009; 279: 57-61.
    8. Kondo N, Ito Y, Kawai M, Suzuki J, Tsuji H, Nishida S, Yasuda T, Sobue G. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) presenting as cerebral venous thrombosis. Intern Med, 2009; 48: 1837-1840.
    9. Koike H, Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Ando Y, Ikeda S, Sobue G. The significance of carpal tunnel syndrome in transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Amyloid, 2009; 16: 142-148.
    10. Koike H, Ando Y, Ueda M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Fujitake J, Hayashi M, Yamamoto M, Mukai E, Nakamura T, Katsuno M, Hattori N, Sobue G. Distinct characteristics of amyloid deposits in early- and late-onset transthyretin Val30Met familial amyloid polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci, 2009; 287: 178-184.
    11. Kawai Y, Suenaga M, Watanabe H, Sobue G. Cognitive impairment in spinocerebellar degeneration. Eur Neurol, 2009; 61: 257-268.
    12. Kawagashira Y, Watanabe H, Oki Y, Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in proximal diabetic neuropathy. BMJ Case Rep, 2009; 2009.
    13. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Molecular-targeted therapies for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2009; 49: 917-920.
    14. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Sobue G. Getting a handle on Huntington's disease: the case for cholesterol. Nat Med, 2009; 15: 253-254.
    15. Iwasaki Y, Kizawa M, Hori N, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. A case of Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome with the P105L prion protein gene mutation presenting with ataxia and extrapyramidal signs without spastic paraparesis. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2009; 111: 606-609.
    16. Iijima M, Tomita M, Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Nakamura T, Koike H, Katsuno M, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Single nucleotide polymorphism of TAG-1 influences IVIg responsiveness of Japanese patients with CIDP. Neurology, 2009; 73: 1348-1352.
    17. Iguchi Y, Mori K, Koike H, Mano K, Goto Y, Kato T, Nakano T, Sobue G. Hypophosphataemic neuropathy during total parenteral nutrition. BMJ Case Rep, 2009; 2009.
    18. Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Niwa J, Yamada S, Sone J, Waza M, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Nagata K, Arimura N, Watanabe T, Kaibuchi K, Sobue G. TDP-43 depletion induces neuronal cell damage through dysregulation of Rho family GTPases. J Biol Chem, 2009; 284: 22059-22066.
    19. Hama T, Iwasaki Y, Niwa H, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Murakami N, Sobue G. An autopsied case of panencephalopathic-type Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with mutation in the prion protein gene at codon 232 and type 1 prion protein. Neuropathology, 2009; 29: 727-734.
    20. Goto A, Okuda S, Ito S, Matsuoka Y, Ito E, Takahashi A, Sobue G. Locomotion outcome in hemiplegic patients with middle cerebral artery infarction: the difference between right- and left-sided lesions. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2009; 18: 60-67.
    21. Fujioka Y, Yasui K, Hasegawa Y, Takahashi A, Sobue G. [An acute severe heat stroke patient showing abnormal diffuse high intensity of the cerebellar cortex in diffusion weighted image: a case report]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2009; 49: 634-640.
    22. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Neuropathology and therapeutic intervention in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Int J Mol Sci, 2009; 10: 1000-1012.
    23. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Takeuchi Y, Kawashima M, Suga N, Takamori M, Ito M, Nakamura T, Matsuo K, Yamada S, Oki Y, Adachi H, Minamiyama M, Waza M, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Phase 2 trial of leuprorelin in patients with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Ann Neurol, 2009; 65: 140-150.
    24. Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Iguchi Y, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Molecular-targeted therapy for motor neuron disease]. Brain Nerve, 2009; 61: 891-900.
    25. Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Ito M, Tanaka F, Tamakoshi A, Nakano I, Aoki M, Tsuji S, Yuasa T, Takano H, Hayashi H, Kuzuhara S, Sobue G. Age at onset influences on wide-ranged clinical features of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Sci, 2009; 276: 163-169.
    26. Adachi H, Katsuno M, Waza M, Minamiyama M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Heat shock proteins in neurodegenerative diseases: pathogenic roles and therapeutic implications. Int J Hyperthermia, 2009; 25: 647-654.
  • 2008年
    1. Yamamoto M, Tanaka F, Tatsumi H, Sobue G. A strategy for developing effective amyotropic lateral sclerosis pharmacotherapy: from clinical trials to novel pharmacotherapeutic strategies. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 2008; 9: 1845-1857.
    2. Umemura T, Kawamura T, Sakakibara T, Kanai A, Sano T, Hotta N, Sobue G. Association of soluble adhesion molecule and C-reactive protein levels with silent brain infarction in patients with and without type 2 diabetes. Curr Neurovasc Res, 2008; 5: 106-111.
    3. Tanaka F, Waza M, Niwa J, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. [Exploration of pathogenesis-associated molecules and development of disease models for sporadic ALS]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2008; 48: 970-972.
    4. Takeuchi Y, Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Atsuta N, Ito M, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Walking capacity evaluated by the 6-minute walk test in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Muscle Nerve, 2008; 38: 964-971.
    5. Suzuki K, Katsuno M, Banno H, Takeuchi Y, Atsuta N, Ito M, Watanabe H, Yamashita F, Hori N, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. CAG repeat size correlates to electrophysiological motor and sensory phenotypes in SBMA. Brain, 2008; 131: 229-239.
    6. Suenaga M, Kawai Y, Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Ito M, Tanaka F, Katsuno M, Fukatsu H, Naganawa S, Sobue G. Cognitive impairment in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2008; 79: 496-499.
    7. Niimi Y, Iwasaki Y, Umemura T, Tanaka F, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Hirayama M, Sobue G. MM2-cortical-type sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with early stage cerebral cortical pathology presenting with a rapidly progressive clinical course. Neuropathology, 2008; 28: 645-651.
    8. Koike H, Sobue G. Small neurons may be preferentially affected in ganglionopathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2008; 79: 113.
    9. Koike H, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Hirayama M, Ando Y, Ikeda S, Sobue G. Electrophysiological features of late-onset transthyretin Met30 familial amyloid polyneuropathy unrelated to endemic foci. J Neurol, 2008; 255: 1526-1533.
    10. Koike H, Ito S, Morozumi S, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Rapidly developing weakness mimicking Guillain-Barre syndrome in beriberi neuropathy: two case reports. Nutrition, 2008; 24: 776-780.
    11. Koike H, Iijima M, Mori K, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Neuropathic pain correlates with myelinated fibre loss and cytokine profile in POEMS syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2008; 79: 1171-1179.
    12. Kawai Y, Suenaga M, Watanabe H, Ito M, Kato K, Kato T, Ito K, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Prefrontal hypoperfusion and cognitive dysfunction correlates in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. J Neurol Sci, 2008; 271: 68-74.
    13. Kawai Y, Suenaga M, Takeda A, Ito M, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Kato K, Fukatsu H, Naganawa S, Kato T, Ito K, Sobue G. Cognitive impairments in multiple system atrophy: MSA-C vs MSA-P. Neurology, 2008; 70: 1390-1396.
    14. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Takeuchi Y, Kawashima M, Tanaka F, Adachi H, Sobue G. Molecular genetics and biomarkers of polyglutamine diseases. Curr Mol Med, 2008; 8: 221-234.
    15. Iwasaki Y, Mimuro M, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Clinicopathologic characteristics of five autopsied cases of dura mater-associated Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neuropathology, 2008; 28: 51-61.
    16. Ito M, Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Senda J, Kawai Y, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Fukatsu H, Sobue G. Fractional anisotropy values detect pyramidal tract involvement in multiple system atrophy. J Neurol Sci, 2008; 271: 40-46.
    17. Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Tamakoshi A, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Yamamoto M, Arimura K, Sobue G. Prevalence and incidence rates of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in the Japanese population. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2008; 79: 1040-1043.
    18. Hori N, Takamori M, Hirayama M, Watanabe H, Nakamura T, Yamashita F, Ito H, Mabuchi N, Sobue G. Pupillary supersensitivity and visual disturbance in Parkinson's disease. Clin Auton Res, 2008; 18: 20-27.
    19. Hirayama M, Nakamura T, Hori N, Koike Y, Sobue G. The video images of sleep attacks in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord, 2008; 23: 288-290.
    20. Hattori N, Koike H, Sobue G. [Metabolic and nutritional neuropathy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2008; 48: 1026-1027.
    21. Doi H, Niimi Y, Hasegawa Y, Miwa S, Yamana T, Takagi S, Takahashi A, Sobue G. [Relationship between cardiac 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy and cardiovascular autonomic function test (standing test) in Parkinson's disease]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2008; 48: 56-59.
  • 2007年
    1. Yamamoto M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Gene expression profile of spinal ventral horn in ALS]. Brain Nerve, 2007; 59: 1129-1139.
    2. Tanaka F, Sobue G. [Integrated molecular medicine for neuronal and neoplastic disorders]. Seikagaku, 2007; 79: 121-130.
    3. Takamori M, Hirayama M, Kobayashi R, Ito H, Mabuchi N, Nakamura T, Hori N, Koike Y, Sobue G. Altered venous capacitance as a cause of postprandial hypotension in multiple system atrophy. Clin Auton Res, 2007; 17: 20-25.
    4. Sobue G. Scientific highlights. 17th International Symposium on ALS/MND Yokohama, Japan, November 30, 2006 through December 2, 2006. Amyotroph Lateral Scler, 2007; 8: 121-123.
    5. Sobue G. [Animal models of neurodegenerative diseases on the road to disease-modifying therapy: spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2007; 47: 941-943.
    6. Oki Y, Koike H, Sobue G. [Adverse effects of therapeutic drugs on peripheral nervous system]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2007; 96: 1591-1597.
    7. Oki Y, Koike H, Iijima M, Mori K, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Tanaka F, Shiraishi M, Yazaki S, Nokura K, Yamamoto H, Sobue G. Ataxic vs painful form of paraneoplastic neuropathy. Neurology, 2007; 69: 564-572.
    8. Niwa J, Yamada S, Ishigaki S, Sone J, Takahashi M, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Disulfide bond mediates aggregation, toxicity, and ubiquitylation of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-linked mutant SOD1. J Biol Chem, 2007; 282: 28087-28095.
    9. Nishibayashi M, Kokubun N, Nakamura A, Hirata K, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. [Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type II with mutation in heat shock protein 27 gene. A case report]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2007; 47: 50-52.
    10. Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Ito H, Takamori M, Hamada K, Takeuchi S, Watanabe H, Koike Y, Sobue G. Dobutamine stress test unmasks cardiac sympathetic denervation in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Sci, 2007; 263: 133-138.
    11. Koike H, Iijima M, Mori K, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Watanabe H, Doyu M, Yoshikawa H, Sobue G. Nonmyelinating Schwann cell involvement with well-preserved unmyelinated axons in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2007; 66: 1027-1036.
    12. Kawagashira Y, Watanabe H, Oki Y, Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy markedly ameliorates muscle weakness and severe pain in proximal diabetic neuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2007; 78: 899-901.
    13. Katsuno M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Takeuchi Y, Sobue G. [Paradigm shift in clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases]. Brain Nerve, 2007; 59: 367-374.
    14. Jiang YM, Yamamoto M, Tanaka F, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Niwa J, Doyu M, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Gene expressions specifically detected in motor neurons (dynactin 1, early growth response 3, acetyl-CoA transporter, death receptor 5, and cyclin C) differentially correlate to pathologic markers in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2007; 66: 617-627.
    15. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Pyramidal tract degeneration in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neuropathology, 2007; 27: 434-441.
    16. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Hattori M, Aiba I, Sobue G. Widespread spinal cord involvement in progressive supranuclear palsy. Neuropathology, 2007; 27: 331-340.
    17. Iwasaki Y, Mimuro M, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Ito M, Kitamoto T, Wakayama Y, Sobue G. Enhanced Aquaporin-4 immunoreactivity in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neuropathology, 2007; 27: 314-323.
    18. Ito M, Watanabe H, Kawai Y, Atsuta N, Tanaka F, Naganawa S, Fukatsu H, Sobue G. Usefulness of combined fractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient values for detection of involvement in multiple system atrophy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2007; 78: 722-728.
    19. Ishigaki S, Niwa J, Yamada S, Takahashi M, Ito T, Sone J, Doyu M, Urano F, Sobue G. Dorfin-CHIP chimeric proteins potently ubiquitylate and degrade familial ALS-related mutant SOD1 proteins and reduce their cellular toxicity. Neurobiol Dis, 2007; 25: 331-341.
    20. Iguchi Y, Mori K, Koike H, Mano K, Goto Y, Kato T, Nakano T, Furukawa D, Sobue G. Hypophosphataemic neuropathy in a patient who received intravenous hyperalimentation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2007; 78: 1159-1160.
    21. Adachi H, Waza M, Tokui K, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. CHIP overexpression reduces mutant androgen receptor protein and ameliorates phenotypes of the spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy transgenic mouse model. J Neurosci, 2007; 27: 5115-5126.
    22. Adachi H, Waza M, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Pathogenesis and molecular targeted therapy of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2007; 33: 135-151.
  • 2006年
    1. Yamada S, Niwa J, Ishigaki S, Takahashi M, Ito T, Sone J, Doyu M, Sobue G. Archaeal proteasomes effectively degrade aggregation-prone proteins and reduce cellular toxicities in mammalian cells. J Biol Chem, 2006; 281: 23842-23851.
    2. Waza M, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Alleviating neurodegeneration by an anticancer agent: an Hsp90 inhibitor (17-AAG). Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2006; 1086: 21-34.
    3. Waza M, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Modulation of Hsp90 function in neurodegenerative disorders: a molecular-targeted therapy against disease-causing protein. J Mol Med (Berl), 2006; 84: 635-646.
    4. Terao S, Miura N, Osano Y, Adachi K, Sobue G. [Clinical characteristics of elderly Japanese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; with special reference to the development of respiratory failure]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2006; 46: 381-389.
    5. Terao S, Miura N, Noda A, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Ikeda H, Sobue G. Respiratory failure in a patient with antecedent poliomyelitis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or post-polio syndrome? Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2006; 108: 670-674.
    6. Tanaka F, Niwa J, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Waza M, Yamamoto M, Doyu M, Sobue G. Gene expression profiling toward understanding of ALS pathogenesis. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2006; 1086: 1-10.
    7. Sugiura M, Koike H, Iijima M, Mori K, Hattori N, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Clinicopathologic features of nonsystemic vasculitic neuropathy and microscopic polyangiitis-associated neuropathy: a comparative study. J Neurol Sci, 2006; 241: 31-37.
    8. Niwa J, Sobue G. [Motor neuron disease and ubiquitin-proteasome system dysfunction]. Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso, 2006; 51: 1423-1427.
    9. Koike H, Watanabe H, Inukai A, Iijima M, Mori K, Hattori N, Sobue G. Myopathy in thiamine deficiency: analysis of a case. J Neurol Sci, 2006; 249: 175-179.
    10. Koike H, Sobue G. Alcoholic neuropathy. Curr Opin Neurol, 2006; 19: 481-486.
    11. Kizawa M, Mori K, Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Sobue G. Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in painful sensory neuropathy without sensory ataxia associated with Sjogren's syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2006; 77: 967-969.
    12. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Waza M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Pathogenesis, animal models and therapeutics in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Exp Neurol, 2006; 200: 8-18.
    13. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Minamiyama M, Waza M, Tokui K, Banno H, Suzuki K, Onoda Y, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Reversible disruption of dynactin 1-mediated retrograde axonal transport in polyglutamine-induced motor neuron degeneration. J Neurosci, 2006; 26: 12106-12117.
    14. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Clinicopathologic characteristics of sporadic Japanese Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease classified according to prion protein gene polymorphism and prion protein type. Acta Neuropathol, 2006; 112: 561-571.
    15. Iwasaki Y, Iijima M, Kimura S, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Yamada M, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Autopsy case of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease presenting with signs suggestive of brainstem and spinal cord involvement. Neuropathology, 2006; 26: 550-556.
    16. Banno H, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Mutant androgen receptor accumulation in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy scrotal skin: a pathogenic marker. Ann Neurol, 2006; 59: 520-526.
    17. Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Ito M, Banno H, Suzuki K, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Tamakoshi A, Sobue G. Natural history of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA): a study of 223 Japanese patients. Brain, 2006; 129: 1446-1455.
  • 2005年
    1. Yamamoto M, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Sobue G. [Motor neuron disease up-to date]. No To Shinkei, 2005; 57: 273-283.
    2. Yamada S, Mori K, Matsuo K, Inukai A, Kawagashira Y, Sobue G. Interferon alfa treatment for Sjogren's syndrome associated neuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2005; 76: 576-578.
    3. Waza M, Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Sang C, Tanaka F, Inukai A, Doyu M, Sobue G. 17-AAG, an Hsp90 inhibitor, ameliorates polyglutamine-mediated motor neuron degeneration. Nat Med, 2005; 11: 1088-1095.
    4. Terao S, Miura N, Osano Y, Takatsu S, Adachi K, Noda A, Sobue G. Multiple cerebellar infarcts: clinical and pathophysiologic features. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2005; 14: 193-198.
    5. Sone M, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Hishikawa N, Sobue G. alpha-Synuclein-immunoreactive structure formation is enhanced in sympathetic ganglia of patients with multiple system atrophy. Acta Neuropathol, 2005; 110: 19-26.
    6. Sone J, Hishikawa N, Koike H, Hattori N, Hirayama M, Nagamatsu M, Yamamoto M, Tanaka F, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Imamura H, Yamada E, Sobue G. Neuronal intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease showing motor-sensory and autonomic neuropathy. Neurology, 2005; 65: 1538-1543.
    7. Sobue G. [Pathogenesis and treatment of CIDP]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2005; 45: 963-965.
    8. Nakamura T, Watanabe H, Hirayama M, Inukai A, Kabasawa H, Matsubara M, Mitake S, Nakamura M, Ando Y, Uchino M, Sobue G. CADASIL with NOTCH3 S180C presenting anticipation of onset age and hallucinations. J Neurol Sci, 2005; 238: 87-91.
    9. Mori K, Iijima M, Koike H, Hattori N, Tanaka F, Watanabe H, Katsuno M, Fujita A, Aiba I, Ogata A, Saito T, Asakura K, Yoshida M, Hirayama M, Sobue G. The wide spectrum of clinical manifestations in Sjogren's syndrome-associated neuropathy. Brain, 2005; 128: 2518-2534.
    10. Mabuchi N, Hirayama M, Koike Y, Watanabe H, Ito H, Kobayashi R, Hamada K, Sobue G. Progression and prognosis in pure autonomic failure (PAF): comparison with multiple system atrophy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2005; 76: 947-952.
    11. Koike H, Hirayama M, Yamamoto M, Ito H, Hattori N, Umehara F, Arimura K, Ikeda S, Ando Y, Nakazato M, Kaji R, Hayasaka K, Nakagawa M, Sakoda S, Matsumura K, Onodera O, Baba M, Yasuda H, Saito T, Kira J, Nakashima K, Oka N, Sobue G. Age associated axonal features in HNPP with 17p11.2 deletion in Japan. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2005; 76: 1109-1114.
    12. Katsuno M, Sang C, Adachi H, Minamiyama M, Waza M, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Pharmacological induction of heat-shock proteins alleviates polyglutamine-mediated motor neuron disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2005; 102: 16801-16806.
    13. Jiang YM, Yamamoto M, Kobayashi Y, Yoshihara T, Liang Y, Terao S, Takeuchi H, Ishigaki S, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Niwa J, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Gene expression profile of spinal motor neurons in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ann Neurol, 2005; 57: 236-251.
    14. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hattori M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Widespread spinal cord involvement in corticobasal degeneration. Acta Neuropathol, 2005; 109: 632-638.
    15. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Neuropathologic characteristics of spinal cord lesions in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Acta Neuropathol, 2005; 110: 490-500.
    16. Iwasaki Y, Hashizume Y, Yoshida M, Kitamoto T, Sobue G. Neuropathologic characteristics of brainstem lesions in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Acta Neuropathol, 2005; 109: 557-566.
    17. Ito M, Atsuta N, Watanabe H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. [The efficacy of olanzapine for delusion in patients with Parkinson's disease]. No To Shinkei, 2005; 57: 491-494.
    18. Iijima M, Yamamoto M, Hirayama M, Tanaka F, Katsuno M, Mori K, Koike H, Hattori N, Arimura K, Nakagawa M, Yoshikawa H, Hayasaka K, Onodera O, Baba M, Yasuda H, Saito T, Nakazato M, Nakashima K, Kira J, Kaji R, Oka N, Sobue G. Clinical and electrophysiologic correlates of IVIg responsiveness in CIDP. Neurology, 2005; 64: 1471-1475.
    19. Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Yoshida M, Niwa J, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Tuft-shaped astrocytes in Lewy body disease. Acta Neuropathol, 2005; 109: 373-380.
    20. Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Waza M, Sang C, Nakagomi Y, Kobayashi Y, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Inukai A, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Widespread nuclear and cytoplasmic accumulation of mutant androgen receptor in SBMA patients. Brain, 2005; 128: 659-670.
  • 2004年
    1. Yamamoto M, Yoshihara T, Hattori N, Sobue G. Glu528del in NEFL is a polymorphic variant rather than a disease-causing mutation for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in Japan. Neurogenetics, 2004; 5: 75-77.
    2. Yamada S, Matsuo K, Hirayama M, Sobue G. The effects of levodopa on apraxia of lid opening: A case report. Neurology, 2004; 62: 830-831.
    3. Watanabe H, Takeda A, Kawai Y, Sobue G. [Cognitive impairment in patients with multiple system atrophy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2004; 62 Suppl: 127-131.
    4. Watanabe H, Fukatsu H, Katsuno M, Sugiura M, Hamada K, Okada Y, Hirayama M, Ishigaki T, Sobue G. Multiple regional 1H-MR spectroscopy in multiple system atrophy: NAA/Cr reduction in pontine base as a valuable diagnostic marker. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2004; 75: 103-109.
    5. Watanabe H, Fukatsu H, Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Field strengths and sequences influence putaminal MRI findings in multiple system atrophy. Neurology, 2004; 62: 671.
    6. Terao S, Miura N, Osano Y, Noda A, Sobue G. Rapidly progressive fatal respiratory failure (Ondine's curse) in the lateral medullary syndrome. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2004; 13: 41-44.
    7. Takeuchi H, Niwa J, Hishikawa N, Ishigaki S, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Sobue G. Dorfin prevents cell death by reducing mitochondrial localizing mutant superoxide dismutase 1 in a neuronal cell model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurochem, 2004; 89: 64-72.
    8. Takeda A, Kawai Y, Sobue G. [Semantic dementia]. Nihon Rinsho, 2004; 62 Suppl: 167-170.
    9. Takeda A, Kawai Y, Hattori Y, Watanabe Y, Mizuno Y, Tabata O, Kawamura Y, Shibayama H, Sobue G. [Development of a brief communication ability scale for Japanese demented elderly]. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi, 2004; 41: 402-407.
    10. Sobue G. [Clinical description of neuropathies]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2004; 93: 1971-1976.
    11. Niwa J, Sobue G. [Motor neuron disease]. Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso, 2004; 49: 1127-1128.
    12. Mitsuma N, Yamamoto M, Iijima M, Hattori N, Ito Y, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Wide range of lineages of cells expressing nerve growth factor mRNA in the nerve lesions of patients with vasculitic neuropathy: an implication of endoneurial macrophage for nerve regeneration. Neuroscience, 2004; 129: 109-117.
    13. Minamiyama M, Katsuno M, Adachi H, Waza M, Sang C, Kobayashi Y, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Inukai A, Sobue G. Sodium butyrate ameliorates phenotypic expression in a transgenic mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Hum Mol Genet, 2004; 13: 1183-1192.
    14. Mabuchi N, Watanabe H, Atsuta N, Hirayama M, Ito H, Fukatsu H, Kato T, Ito K, Sobue G. Primary lateral sclerosis presenting parkinsonian symptoms without nigrostriatal involvement. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2004; 75: 1768-1771.
    15. Koike H, Misu K, Sugiura M, Iijima M, Mori K, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Mukai E, Ando Y, Ikeda S, Sobue G. Pathology of early- vs late-onset TTR Met30 familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Neurology, 2004; 63: 129-138.
    16. Koike H, Iijima M, Mori K, Hattori N, Ito H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Postgastrectomy polyneuropathy with thiamine deficiency is identical to beriberi neuropathy. Nutrition, 2004; 20: 961-966.
    17. Kawai Y, Takeda A, Abe Y, Washimi Y, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Cognitive impairments in Machado-Joseph disease. Arch Neurol, 2004; 61: 1757-1760.
    18. Katsuno M, Sobue G. Polyglutamine diminishes VEGF; passage to motor neuron death? Neuron, 2004; 41: 677-679.
    19. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Sobue G. Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: ligand-dependent pathogenesis and therapeutic perspectives. J Mol Med (Berl), 2004; 82: 298-307.
    20. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Sobue G. Sweet relief for Huntington disease. Nat Med, 2004; 10: 123-124.
    21. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Hanno H, Sobue G. [Development of the treatment for bulbospinal muscular atrophy]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2004; 93: 1466-1472.
    22. Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Hattori M, Goto A, Aiba I, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Distribution of tuft-shaped astrocytes in the cerebral cortex in progressive supranuclear palsy. Acta Neuropathol, 2004; 108: 399-405.
    23. Iwasaki Y, Sawada K, Aiba I, Mukai E, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Widespread active inflammatory lesions in a case of HTLV-I-associated myelopathy lasting 29 years. Acta Neuropathol, 2004; 108: 546-551.
    24. Ishigaki S, Hishikawa N, Niwa J, Iemura S, Natsume T, Hori S, Kakizuka A, Tanaka K, Sobue G. Physical and functional interaction between Dorfin and Valosin-containing protein that are colocalized in ubiquitylated inclusions in neurodegenerative disorders. J Biol Chem, 2004; 279: 51376-51385.
    25. Adachi H, Katsuno M, Sobue G. [Treatment of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]. No To Shinkei, 2004; 56: 772-779.
  • 2003年
    1. Yamamoto M, Ito Y, Mitsuma N, Hattori N, Sobue G. Pain-related differential expression of NGF, GDNF, IL-6, and their receptors in human vasculitic neuropathies. Intern Med, 2003; 42: 1100-1103.
    2. Yamada T, Nakamura A, Horibe K, Washimi Y, Bundo M, Kato T, Ito K, Kachi T, Sobue G. Asymmetrical enhancement of middle-latency auditory evoked fields with aging. Neurosci Lett, 2003; 337: 21-24.
    3. Yamada S, Atsuta N, Motegi Y, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. [Successful early-stage corticosteroid treatment in a case of granulomatous angiitis of the central nervous system]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2003; 43: 503-506.
    4. Watanabe H, Fukatsu H, Ito T, Iijima M, Mabuchi N, Sobue G. [Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its clinical applications in multiple sclerosis]. Nihon Rinsho, 2003; 61: 1435-1441.
    5. Wada M, Kimura M, Daimon M, Kurita K, Kato T, Johmura Y, Johkura K, Kuroiwa Y, Sobue G. An unusual phenotype of McLeod syndrome with late onset axonal neuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003; 74: 1697-1698.
    6. Sobue G. [Clinical phenotype of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) and familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2003; 43: 769-774.
    7. Sobue G. [Development of therapeutics for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2003; 43: 909-911.
    8. Niwa J, Sobue G. [Neurodegenerative diseases and Dorfin]. No To Shinkei, 2003; 55: 856-868.
    9. Mori K, Iijima M, Sugiura M, Koike H, Hattori N, Ito H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Sjogren's syndrome associated painful sensory neuropathy without sensory ataxia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003; 74: 1320-1322.
    10. Kuru S, Inukai A, Kato T, Liang Y, Kimura S, Sobue G. Expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in regenerating muscle fibers in inflammatory and non-inflammatory myopathies. Acta Neuropathol, 2003; 105: 217-224.
    11. Koike H, Iijima M, Sugiura M, Mori K, Hattori N, Ito H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Alcoholic neuropathy is clinicopathologically distinct from thiamine-deficiency neuropathy. Ann Neurol, 2003; 54: 19-29.
    12. Kobayashi R, Koike Y, Hirayama M, Ito H, Sobue G. Skin sympathetic nerve function during sleep--a study with effector responses. Auton Neurosci, 2003; 103: 121-126.
    13. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Inukai A, Sobue G. Transgenic mouse models of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Cytogenet Genome Res, 2003; 100: 243-251.
    14. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Doyu M, Minamiyama M, Sang C, Kobayashi Y, Inukai A, Sobue G. Leuprorelin rescues polyglutamine-dependent phenotypes in a transgenic mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Nat Med, 2003; 9: 768-773.
    15. Ito Y, Kato T, Suzuki T, Yokokawa Y, Aiba I, Arahata Y, Ito E, Ito K, Yasuda T, Sobue G. Neuroradiologic and clinical abnormalities in dementia of diffuse neurofibrillary tangles with calcification (Kosaka-Shibayama disease). J Neurol Sci, 2003; 209: 105-109.
    16. Ito T, Niwa J, Hishikawa N, Ishigaki S, Doyu M, Sobue G. Dorfin localizes to Lewy bodies and ubiquitylates synphilin-1. J Biol Chem, 2003; 278: 29106-29114.
    17. Hishikawa N, Niwa J, Doyu M, Ito T, Ishigaki S, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Dorfin localizes to the ubiquitylated inclusions in Parkinson's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, multiple system atrophy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Am J Pathol, 2003; 163: 609-619.
    18. Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Clinical and neuropathological correlates of Lewy body disease. Acta Neuropathol, 2003; 105: 341-350.
    19. Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Ujihira N, Okada Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Alpha-synuclein-positive structures in association with diffuse neurofibrillary tangles with calcification. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2003; 29: 280-287.
    20. Hirayama M, Fukatsu H, Watanabe H, Koike Y, Noda A, Ito H, Kobayashi R, Sobue G. Sequential constriction of upper airway and vocal cords in sleep apnoea of multiple system atrophy: low field magnetic resonance fluoroscopic study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003; 74: 642-645.
    21. Hattori N, Yamamoto M, Yoshihara T, Koike H, Nakagawa M, Yoshikawa H, Ohnishi A, Hayasaka K, Onodera O, Baba M, Yasuda H, Saito T, Nakashima K, Kira J, Kaji R, Oka N, Sobue G. Demyelinating and axonal features of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with mutations of myelin-related proteins (PMP22, MPZ and Cx32): a clinicopathological study of 205 Japanese patients. Brain, 2003; 126: 134-151.
    22. Hamada K, Hirayama M, Watanabe H, Kobayashi R, Ito H, Ieda T, Koike Y, Sobue G. Onset age and severity of motor impairment are associated with reduction of myocardial 123I-MIBG uptake in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003; 74: 423-426.
    23. Ando Y, Liang Y, Ishigaki S, Niwa J, Jiang Y, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M, Doyu M, Sobue G. Caspase-1 and -3 mRNAs are differentially upregulated in motor neurons and glial cells in mutant SOD1 transgenic mouse spinal cord: a study using laser microdissection and real-time RT-PCR. Neurochem Res, 2003; 28: 839-846.
    24. Adachi H, Katsuno M, Minamiyama M, Sang C, Pagoulatos G, Angelidis C, Kusakabe M, Yoshiki A, Kobayashi Y, Doyu M, Sobue G. Heat shock protein 70 chaperone overexpression ameliorates phenotypes of the spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy transgenic mouse model by reducing nuclear-localized mutant androgen receptor protein. J Neurosci, 2003; 23: 2203-2211.
    25. Abe Y, Kachi T, Kato T, Arahata Y, Yamada T, Washimi Y, Iwai K, Ito K, Yanagisawa N, Sobue G. Occipital hypoperfusion in Parkinson's disease without dementia: correlation to impaired cortical visual processing. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003; 74: 419-422.
  • 2002年
    1. Yoshihara T, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Misu K, Mori K, Koike H, Sobue G. Identification of novel sequence variants in the neurofilament-light gene in a Japanese population: analysis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease patients and normal individuals. J Peripher Nerv Syst, 2002; 7: 221-224.
    2. Yoshihara T, Ishigaki S, Yamamoto M, Liang Y, Niwa J, Takeuchi H, Doyu M, Sobue G. Differential expression of inflammation- and apoptosis-related genes in spinal cords of a mutant SOD1 transgenic mouse model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurochem, 2002; 80: 158-167.
    3. Yamamoto M, Ito Y, Mitsuma N, Li M, Hattori N, Sobue G. Parallel expression of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Muscle Nerve, 2002; 25: 601-604.
    4. Watanabe H, Saito Y, Terao S, Ando T, Kachi T, Mukai E, Aiba I, Abe Y, Tamakoshi A, Doyu M, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Progression and prognosis in multiple system atrophy: an analysis of 230 Japanese patients. Brain, 2002; 125: 1070-1083.
    5. Watanabe H, Misu K, Kobayashi T, Hattori N, Doyu M, Yokoyama I, Ando Y, Nakao A, Sobue G. ABO-incompatible auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplant for late-onset familial amyloid polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci, 2002; 195: 63-66.
    6. Takeuchi H, Kobayashi Y, Yoshihara T, Niwa J, Doyu M, Ohtsuka K, Sobue G. Hsp70 and Hsp40 improve neurite outgrowth and suppress intracytoplasmic aggregate formation in cultured neuronal cells expressing mutant SOD1. Brain Res, 2002; 949: 11-22.
    7. Takeuchi H, Kobayashi Y, Ishigaki S, Doyu M, Sobue G. Mitochondrial localization of mutant superoxide dismutase 1 triggers caspase-dependent cell death in a cellular model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277: 50966-50972.
    8. Sang C, Kobayashi Y, Du J, Katsumo M, Adachi H, Doyu M, Sobue G. c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway mediates Lactacystin-induced cell death in a neuronal differentiated Neuro2a cell line. Brain Res Mol Brain Res, 2002; 108: 7-17.
    9. Niwa J, Ishigaki S, Hishikawa N, Yamamoto M, Doyu M, Murata S, Tanaka K, Taniguchi N, Sobue G. Dorfin ubiquitylates mutant SOD1 and prevents mutant SOD1-mediated neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem, 2002; 277: 36793-36798.
    10. Niwa H, Hayakawa K, Yamamoto M, Itoh T, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Differential age-dependent trophic responses of nodose, sensory, and sympathetic neurons to neurotrophins and GDNF: potencies for neurite extension in explant culture. Neurochem Res, 2002; 27: 485-496.
    11. Mori K, Hattori N, Sugiura M, Koike H, Misu K, Ichimura M, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy presenting with features of GBS. Neurology, 2002; 58: 979-982.
    12. Mori K, Hattori N, Sobue G. [Clinical guideline review: Guillain-barre syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2002; 91: 2443-2457.
    13. Koike H, Misu K, Ikeda S, Ando Y, Nakazato M, Ando E, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Sobue G. Type I (transthyretin Met30) familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Japan: early- vs late-onset form. Arch Neurol, 2002; 59: 1771-1776.
    14. Katsuno M, Ando T, Hakusui S, Yanagi T, Sobue G. Motor conduction studies in Miller Fisher syndrome with severe tetraparesis. Muscle Nerve, 2002; 25: 378-382.
    15. Katsuno M, Adachi H, Kume A, Li M, Nakagomi Y, Niwa H, Sang C, Kobayashi Y, Doyu M, Sobue G. Testosterone reduction prevents phenotypic expression in a transgenic mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Neuron, 2002; 35: 843-854.
    16. Kato T, Indo T, Yoshida E, Iwasaki Y, Sone M, Sobue G. Contrast-enhanced 2D cine phase MR angiography for measurement of basilar artery blood flow in posterior circulation ischemia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2002; 23: 1346-1351.
    17. Iwai K, Yamamoto M, Yoshihara T, Sobue G. Anticipation in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with SOD1-G93S mutation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002; 72: 819-820.
    18. Ishigaki S, Niwa J, Ando Y, Yoshihara T, Sawada K, Doyu M, Yamamoto M, Kato K, Yotsumoto Y, Sobue G. Differentially expressed genes in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spinal cords--screening by molecular indexing and subsequent cDNA microarray analysis. FEBS Lett, 2002; 531: 354-358.
    19. Ishigaki S, Liang Y, Yamamoto M, Niwa J, Ando Y, Yoshihara T, Takeuchi H, Doyu M, Sobue G. X-Linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein is involved in mutant SOD1-mediated neuronal degeneration. J Neurochem, 2002; 82: 576-584.
    20. Ikeda S, Nakazato M, Ando Y, Sobue G. Familial transthyretin-type amyloid polyneuropathy in Japan: clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Neurology, 2002; 58: 1001-1007.
    21. Hattori N, Mori K, Misu K, Koike H, Ichimura M, Sobue G. Mortality and morbidity in peripheral neuropathy associated Churg-Strauss syndrome and microscopic polyangiitis. J Rheumatol, 2002; 29: 1408-1414.
    22. Dei R, Takeda A, Niwa H, Li M, Nakagomi Y, Watanabe M, Inagaki T, Washimi Y, Yasuda Y, Horie K, Miyata T, Sobue G. Lipid peroxidation and advanced glycation end products in the brain in normal aging and in Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol, 2002; 104: 113-122.
  • 2001年
    1. Yoshihara T, Kanda F, Yamamoto M, Ishihara H, Misu K, Hattori N, Chihara K, Sobue G. A novel missense mutation in the early growth response 2 gene associated with late-onset Charcot--Marie--Tooth disease type 1. J Neurol Sci, 2001; 184: 149-153.
    2. Yamamoto M, Li M, Mitsuma N, Ito S, Kato M, Takahashi M, Sobue G. Preserved phosphorylation of RET receptor protein in spinal motor neurons of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an immunohistochemical study by a phosphorylation-specific antibody at tyrosine 1062. Brain Res, 2001; 912: 89-94.
    3. Yamamoto M, Kobayashi Y, Li M, Niwa H, Mitsuma N, Ito Y, Muramatsu T, Sobue G. In vivo gene electroporation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) into skeletal muscle of SOD1 mutant mice. Neurochem Res, 2001; 26: 1201-1207.
    4. Yamamoto M, Ito Y, Mitsuma N, Li M, Hattori N, Sobue G. Pathology-related differential expression regulation of NGF, GDNF, CNTF, and IL-6 mRNAs in human vasculitic neuropathy. Muscle Nerve, 2001; 24: 830-833.
    5. Watanabe H, Misu K, Hirayama M, Hattori N, Yoshihara T, Doyu M, Sobue G. Low cardiac 123I-MIBG uptake in late-onset familial amyloid polyneuropathy type I (TTR Met30). J Neurol, 2001; 248: 627-629.
    6. Watanabe H, Ieda T, Katayama T, Takeda A, Aiba I, Doyu M, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Cardiac (123)I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) uptake in dementia with Lewy bodies: comparison with Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2001; 70: 781-783.
    7. Takeda A, Wakai M, Niwa H, Dei R, Yamamoto M, Li M, Goto Y, Yasuda T, Nakagomi Y, Watanabe M, Inagaki T, Yasuda Y, Miyata T, Sobue G. Neuronal and glial advanced glycation end product [Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine]] in Alzheimer's disease brains. Acta Neuropathol, 2001; 101: 27-35.
    8. Sobue G. [Physiopathology and treatment of neuropathies--recent progress]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi, 2001; 90: 461-464.
    9. Sobue G. [Molecular pathogenesis of motor neuron diseases]. Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi, 2001; 21: 21-25.
    10. Sobue G. [Molecular pathogenesis of motor neuron disease]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2001; 41: 1070-1071.
    11. Niwa J, Ishigaki S, Doyu M, Suzuki T, Tanaka K, Sobue G. A novel centrosomal ring-finger protein, dorfin, mediates ubiquitin ligase activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2001; 281: 706-713.
    12. Nakai Y, Okumura A, Takada H, Negoro T, Watanabe K, Hattori N, Sobue G. Inflammatory pathological changes in a 2-year-old boy with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Brain Dev, 2001; 23: 258-260.
    13. Mori K, Koike H, Misu K, Hattori N, Ichimura M, Sobue G. Spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates sensory neuronal involvement and clinical severity in neuronopathy associated with Sjogren's syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2001; 71: 488-492.
    14. Koike H, Mori K, Misu K, Hattori N, Ito H, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Painful alcoholic polyneuropathy with predominant small-fiber loss and normal thiamine status. Neurology, 2001; 56: 1727-1732.
    15. Koike H, Misu K, Hattori N, Ito S, Ichimura M, Ito H, Hirayama M, Nagamatsu M, Sasaki I, Sobue G. Postgastrectomy polyneuropathy with thiamine deficiency. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2001; 71: 357-362.
    16. Kobayashi Y, Sobue G. Protective effect of chaperones on polyglutamine diseases. Brain Res Bull, 2001; 56: 165-168.
    17. Katsuno M, Ando T, Hakusui S, Yanagi T, Adachi Y, Sobue G. [A case of familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis with hyperuricemia during paralytic attack and genetic analysis of the pedigree]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2001; 41: 397-401.
    18. Ito Y, Yamamoto M, Mitsuma N, Li M, Hattori N, Sobue G. Expression of mRNAs for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and their receptors (CNTFR alpha, LIFR beta, IL-6R alpha, and gp130) in human peripheral neuropathies. Neurochem Res, 2001; 26: 51-58.
    19. Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Widespread occurrence of argyrophilic glial inclusions in Parkinson's disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2001; 27: 362-372.
    20. Hattori N, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. [Inherited peripheral neuropathy]. Nihon Rinsho, 2001; 59 Suppl 8: 597-603.
    21. Hattori N, Misu K, Koike H, Ichimura M, Nagamatsu M, Hirayama M, Sobue G. Age of onset influences clinical features of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci, 2001; 184: 57-63.
    22. Adachi H, Sobue G. [Understanding of polyglutamine diseases through transgenic mouse models]. No To Shinkei, 2001; 53: 839-845.
    23. Adachi H, Kume A, Li M, Nakagomi Y, Niwa H, Do J, Sang C, Kobayashi Y, Doyu M, Sobue G. Transgenic mice with an expanded CAG repeat controlled by the human AR promoter show polyglutamine nuclear inclusions and neuronal dysfunction without neuronal cell death. Hum Mol Genet, 2001; 10: 1039-1048.
  • 2000年
    1. Yoshihara T, Yamamoto M, Doyu M, Mis KI, Hattori N, Hasegawa Y, Mokuno K, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Mutations in the peripheral myelin protein zero and connexin32 genes detected by non-isotopic RNase cleavage assay and their phenotypes in Japanese patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Hum Mutat, 2000; 16: 177-178.
    2. Yasui K, Ito Y, Ando T, Yanagi T, Tsuzuki T, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. [An autopsy case of bilateral carotid artery occlusion with repetitive epilepsy and brain atrophy in a senile patient]. No To Shinkei, 2000; 52: 79-88.
    3. Yasui K, Ishigaki S, Koike H, Ieda T, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Watanabe K, Sobue G. Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging findings and histopathology of lesion distribution of spinal cord sarcoidosis at post-mortem. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2000; 26: 481-487.
    4. Watanabe H, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Riku S, Yoshida M, Hashizume Y, Sobue G. Differential somatic CAG repeat instability in variable brain cell lineage in dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA): a laser-captured microdissection (LCM)-based analysis. Hum Genet, 2000; 107: 452-457.
    5. Watanabe H, Inukai A, Doyu M, Sobue G. [CNS cryptococcosis with idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 249-253.
    6. Watanabe H, Arahata Y, Tadokoro M, Kato T, Sobue G. [Effects of tandospirone citrate on frozen gait in patients with early stage of progressive supranuclear palsy, investigated by walk-induced activation single photon emission computed tomography method]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 1130-1132.
    7. Terao S, Takeda A, Miura N, Izumi M, Ito E, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Clinical and pathophysiological features of amaurosis fugax in Japanese stroke patients. Intern Med, 2000; 39: 118-122.
    8. Terao S, Osano Y, Fukuoka T, Miura N, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Coexisting vertical and horizontal one and a half syndromes. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2000; 69: 401-402.
    9. Terao S, Miura N, Takeda A, Takahashi A, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Course and distribution of facial corticobulbar tract fibres in the lower brain stem. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2000; 69: 262-265.
    10. Takeuchi H, Misu K, Hattori N, Nagamatsu M, Sobue G. Immunoglobulin therapy for idiopathic chronic sensory ataxic neuropathy. Neurology, 2000; 54: 1008-1010.
    11. Takano A, Bonnemann CG, Honda H, Sakai M, Feener CA, Kunkel LM, Sobue G. Intrafamilial phenotypic variation in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C with compound heterozygous mutations. Muscle Nerve, 2000; 23: 807-810.
    12. Sobue G. [Triplet repeat disease, with particular emphasis of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA)]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 1193-1195.
    13. Mizuno K, Wakai M, Takeda A, Sobue G. Medial temporal atrophy and memory impairment in early stage of Alzheimer's disease: an MRI volumetric and memory assessment study. J Neurol Sci, 2000; 173: 18-24.
    14. Misu K, Yoshihara T, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Nagamatu M, Mukai E, Takegami T, Sobue G. [Two families of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with Adie's pupil, axonal neuropahy and the Thr124Met mutation in the peripheral myelin protein zero gene]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 149-154.
    15. Misu K, Yoshihara T, Shikama Y, Awaki E, Yamamoto M, Hattori N, Hirayama M, Takegami T, Nakashima K, Sobue G. An axonal form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease showing distinctive features in association with mutations in the peripheral myelin protein zero gene (Thr124Met or Asp75Val). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2000; 69: 806-811.
    16. Misu K, Hattori N, Ando Y, Ikeda S, Sobue G. Anticipation in early- but not late-onset familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR met 30) in Japan. Neurology, 2000; 55: 451-452.
    17. Liang Y, Inukai A, Kuru S, Kato T, Doyu M, Sobue G. The role of lymphotoxin in pathogenesis of polymyositis. Acta Neuropathol, 2000; 100: 521-527.
    18. Kuru S, Inukai A, Liang Y, Doyu M, Takano A, Sobue G. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression in muscles of polymyositis and dermatomyositis. Acta Neuropathol, 2000; 99: 585-588.
    19. Koike H, Sobue G. Crow-Fukase syndrome. Neuropathology, 2000; 20 Suppl: S69-72.
    20. Koike H, Misu K, Yasui K, Kameyama T, Ando T, Yanagi T, Sobue G. Differential response to corticosteroid therapy of MRI findings and clinical manifestations in spinal cord sarcoidosis. J Neurol, 2000; 247: 544-549.
    21. Kobayashi Y, Kume A, Li M, Doyu M, Hata M, Ohtsuka K, Sobue G. Chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp40 suppress aggregate formation and apoptosis in cultured neuronal cells expressing truncated androgen receptor protein with expanded polyglutamine tract. J Biol Chem, 2000; 275: 8772-8778.
    22. Kobari M, Irie J, Takizawa K, Yoshihara T, Sobue G. [X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with a new mutation (Thr191Ala) in the connexin32]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 896-899.
    23. Kato T, Tanaka F, Yamamoto M, Yosida E, Indo T, Watanabe H, Yoshiwara T, Doyu M, Sobue G. Sisters homozygous for the spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6)/CACNA1A gene associated with different clinical phenotypes. Clin Genet, 2000; 58: 69-73.
    24. Ito Y, Yamamoto M, Li M, Mitsuma N, Tanaka F, Doyu M, Suzumura A, Mitsuma T, Sobue G. Temporal expression of mRNAs for neuropoietic cytokines, interleukin-11 (IL-11), oncostatin M (OSM), cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) and their receptors (IL-11Ralpha and OSMRbeta) in peripheral nerve injury. Neurochem Res, 2000; 25: 1113-1118.
    25. Ishigaki S, Niwa J, Yoshihara T, Mitsuma N, Doyu M, Sobue G. Two novel genes, human neugrin and mouse m-neugrin, are upregulated with neuronal differentiation in neuroblastoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2000; 279: 526-533.
    26. Inukai A, Kuru S, Liang Y, Takano A, Kobayashi Y, Sakai M, Doyu M, Sobue G. Expression of HLA-DR and its enhancing molecules in muscle fibers in polymyositis. Muscle Nerve, 2000; 23: 385-392.
    27. Inukai A, Doyu M, Kato T, Liang Y, Kuru S, Yamamoto M, Kobayashi Y, Sobue G. Reduced expression of DMAHP/SIX5 gene in myotonic dystrophy muscle. Muscle Nerve, 2000; 23: 1421-1426.
    28. Hishikawa N, Hashizume Y, Hirayama M, Imamura K, Washimi Y, Koike Y, Mabuchi C, Yoshida M, Sobue G. Brainstem-type Lewy body disease presenting with progressive autonomic failure and lethargy. Clin Auton Res, 2000; 10: 139-143.
    29. Hirayama M, Koike Y, Ieda T, Takahashi A, Sobue G. [A one-month combined use of selective adrenergic beta 1- and alpha 1-agonists for postprandial hypotension in patients with autonomic failure]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2000; 40: 787-790.



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