大学院教育Master & Doctoral Course

Top > 大学院教育 > 院生へのお知らせ(大学院研究発表会など Thesis Defence Meeting..etc ) > EPIGEUM社によるe-learningコース【盗用を回避するためには】の受講について Notification regarding the e-learning course "Avoiding Plagiarism" offered EPIGEUM Ltd.

EPIGEUM社によるe-learningコース【盗用を回避するためには】の受講について Notification regarding the e-learning course "Avoiding Plagiarism" offered EPIGEUM Ltd.

EPIGEUM社によるe-learningコース【盗用を回避するためには】の受講について/ User Guide: How to Avoid Plagiarism



In compliance with the"Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research" established by MEXT in August 2014, Nagoya University is progressing forward education of research ethics for students.
Students who take the e-learning course on their own and obtain a score of 80 or higher on the test will be considered to have completed the course.
Please note that you cannot apply for a degree if you have not completed the course.


1.TACT サイト(https://tact.ac.thers.ac.jp/portal/)にアクセスする。
  Go to the TACT website avobe.


Log in with your THERS account for students (~@s.thers.ac.jp).

「Avoiding Plagiarism」を選択する。
For the Japanese course, click on"盗用を回避するには" displayed on the
tab above, and for the English course, click on "Avoiding Plagiarism".
Please take either the Japanese version or the English version.