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【健康診断】2020年度定期健康診断実施のお知らせ 2020 Academic Year Student Periodical Health Checkup

2020年度健康診断のお知らせ  2020 Academic Year Student Periodical Health Checkup for Students


2020年度 定期健康診断のお知らせ 



※予約時に名大ID・パスワードが必要です。 予約はこちらから → 東山・保健管理室 ※予約していない学生は検査を受けられません。希望時間帯については、例年通り先着順で、定員に達し次第その時間帯は受付終了となります。




【検診項目 】 胸部レントゲン、身体計測(身長、体重)、血圧・脈拍、問診 (尿検査と視力検査は、感染リスクがあるため実施しません)

2020年1月~12月までの健診結果を学務課(大学院係)へ診断結果(コピー可)を提出してください。コピーには学生番号を明記するようにしてください。 コピーの提出があっても、自動発行機および大学からの健康診断証明書の発行はできません。


To all students who fill the requirements below

Announcement of 2020 Academic Year Student Periodical Health Checkup for Students

Student need to reserve for the Health Checkup on the website from August 3rd. 
Nagoya University ID and password are required to make a reservation. Reservation for the Health Checkup is here. 東山・保健管理室

Date:2020 August 19th(Wed) to 2020 August 26th(Wed)  
*For students who need to look for jobs and apply to scholarship, Periodical Health Checkup will be arranged in July.

*If you are a School of Medicine student serving as a staff member at the University, please apply for the staff medical examination. *For those who have had their medical examination at another institution: Please submit the copy of results of your health checkup to the student affirs office on Tsurumai Campus. Results of health checkups taken at other institutions are valid only when they are taken in between January to December of this year.  Once we receive a copy of results of your health checkup, we will recognize that you have had your health cheakup for this year.

*Student have taken RI examination who have already submitted Health Checkup Sheet , this Health Checkup is not requried.

*Student have taken or will take RI examination will have their medical examination at another institution, please submit the copy of results of your health checkup. If not, please take this health checkup.  

Venue for Examination:  Higashiyama Campus Health Administration Office    Test Items: Chest X-ray, Automatic height and weight measurement , Automatic blood pressure measurement, Consultion with a doctor(overall diagnosis)  We will not Check Urine and Vision Check to avoid infection.

(問合せ先)東山 保健管理室 052-789-3970 (鶴舞から内線85-3970) (本件の発信元)学務課大学院係 052-744-2422 (内線5723)

(For Details) Higashiyama Campus Health Administration Office 052-789-3970 (ext. 85-3970)  

詳細はこちら→ 東山・保健管理室