大学院教育Master & Doctoral Course
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- Top > 大学院教育 > 院生へのお知らせ(大学院研究発表会など Thesis Defence Meeting..etc ) > 令和元年度台風第 19 号による被災世帯学生への配慮 及び在学生のボランティア活動への参加について/Regarding consideration to the students whose families suffered from the Typhoon Hagibis(Typhoon No.19) in 2019 and a message for volunteers
令和元年度台風第 19 号による被災世帯学生への配慮 及び在学生のボランティア活動への参加について/Regarding consideration to the students whose families suffered from the Typhoon Hagibis(Typhoon No.19) in 2019 and a message for volunteers
令和元年10 月
学 生 各 位
理 事・副総長(教育担当)
令和元年度台風第 19 号による被災世帯学生への配慮
① 所属学部・研究科の教務担当係への届出。
例:TEAM 防災ジャパンホームページ(運営:内閣府防災担当)
https://bosaijapan.jp/ →「被災地でのボランティア活動を希望されている方々へ」
[災害対策室:電話 052-788-6038 / メール dmo@seis.nagoya-u.ac.jp]
October, 2019
Dear students,
Regarding consideration to the students whose families suffered from the
Typhoon Hagibis(Typhoon No.19) in 2019 and a message for volunteers
1.For the title of the matter, all schools, graduate schools and Institute of
Liberal Arts and Sciences have been requested to take extra care in
educational level of the students whose families suffered from natural disaster.
Subject students who have difficulties of attending classes or examinations,
please consult the student affairs division of your own school or graduate
school in advance.
2.Students who would like to be a volunteer, please abide the following rules.
・Please finish the following procedures before you join any volunteer activities.
① Submit application form
【Matters to be notified】Name, period, place (prefecture, city), content of
the activities, cell-phone number, local contact number (e.g. the volunteer
center you have registered), emergency contact number (e.g. a family member)
② Take out volunteer insurance is a must. (such as Social Welfare Council)
③ Prepare yourself well and gain sufficient information before you start your
volunteer activities.
Reference link: https://bosaijapan.jp/
Please contact the receptionist below for inquires.
Disaster Management Office TEL: 052-788-6038 E-mail: dmo@seis.nagoya-u.ac.jp
3.If you would like to have a fundraising activity on behalf of the Nagoya
University, please consult the Education Planning Division in advance.
(TEL: 052-789-2163)
Nagoya University
Trustee (Education), Vice President