大学院教育Master & Doctoral Course

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Zoom開講講義について  About TOKUPURO Online(Zoom) Lectures

Due to preventing the spread of epidemic, some of the lectures at the Graduate School of Medicine are available through the ZOOM online system.

・ズーム使用法についてはこちらをご確認下さい。Please check the PDF below for how to use the application, "Zoom".
ZOOMミーティングへの参加の仕方/How to join ZOOM meeting

・Zoomアカウントは前週金曜日に学務課より機構メールに送られる"【med-all通知(Coming Week's Lectures)】TKR&TPRO 特論/特プロ開講通知"を確認して下さい。
For the zoom accounts on respective Toku-pro/ Toku-aru lectures, they are announced to your THERS email address sent every Friday as "【med-all】TKR&TPRO Lectures Scheduled Coming Week". Please check mails regularly when the lecture date of your choice approaches.

Attendance of Online "TOKUPRO" and "Premium Lecture" will be checked by answering quiz on TACT.


Attendance will not be accepted if you enter the meeting room after the first 30 minutes of class. Please note that we will confirm the attendance period by the time of check-in and check-out on Zoom later and do not accept students who do not attend a class for total 60 minutes or more.

【カードについて/About Attendance card】

For online lectures, write down the date of lectures you took and mark "Online" by yourselves instead of stamp. The "Attendance Card" will not be dated and stamped by a instructor.
In order to check which online lectures you took, go to TACT and click "Tests & Quizzes "tab.