Symposium / Experience

2nd Joint Symposium between Lund and Nagoya

Prof. Westergren-Thorsson


Delegation members from School of Medicine, Nagoya University visited Lund, Sweden and attended the 2nd International Joint Symposium between Lund University and Nagoya University. It was held on November 22-23, 2016 at Biomedical Center (BMC) Lund University. In addition, a joint strategy meeting regarding the Joint Degree Program between the universities was taken place.

Due to the flight cancellation, the symposium got shortened to 2 days instead of 3 days as it was scheduled. The symposium started with opening remarks by Dean Prof. Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. Vice President Prof. Hideyo Kunieda and Dean Prof. Masahide Takahashi, School of Medicine from Nagoya University gave presentation about Nagoya University as well as the School of Medicine. Presentations in Cancer and Bioimaging followed. The next day, Orthopedic and Neuroscience presentations were given. In total, 14 researchers from both universities gave presentations and engaged in active discussion.

After signing the Agreement of Joint Degree Program which promises to provide collaborative education programs and a joint diploma, Nagoya University continued negotiation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) about the program. On November 8, 2016, the Joint Degree Program, “International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science between Nagoya University and Lund University” was officially approved by the MEXT,

Both universities celebrated its approval. The program leader, Vice-Dean Prof. Stefan Hansson from Lund University led the strategy meeting and topics such as specific operation steps were discussed. During the meeting, the study plan including compulsory subjects and how to complete them was discussed. The purpose of this discussion was to deepen the mutual understanding by discussing the “Portfolio “which is unique to Lund University, requirements for PhD degree, a “Half-time review” which is a mid-term evaluation, and the thesis defense. At the same we all felt necessity of recruiting students for April 2017 commencement. This visit assured the strong partnership between the two universities and the success of the new program in the future.

Tuesday, November 22

Opening remarks
Prof. Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, Dean Faculty of Medicine (Lund University)
Prof. Hideyo Kunieda, Trustee/ Vice President (Nagoya University)
Prof. Masahide Takahashi, Dean School of Medicine (Nagoya University)
Session 1:Cancer
  • Prof. Masahide Takahashi (Nagoya University)
    Roles of Akt-girdin signaling in cancer progression and neurogenesis
  • Prof. Mattias Höglund (Lund University)
    Bladder Cancer
Session 2:Continuation Cancer
  • Assoc. Prof. Hideki Kasuya (Nagoya University)
    Effectiveness of HF10 in Clinical Trial against Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
  • Assoc. Prof. Göran Jönsson (Lund University)
  • Assoc. Prof. Ana Caneiro (Lund University)
    Integrated translational melanoma research at Lund University
Session 3 : Bioimaging
  • Assoc. Prof. Toshiaki Taoka (Nagoya University)
    Advanced diffusion images in central nervous system
  • Platform Leader René in´t Zandt (Lund University)
    Preclinical Bioimaging
  • Prof. Freddy Ståhlberg (Lund University)
    Clinical Bioimaging

Wednesday, November 23 Joint Degree Program Strategy Meeting

Session 4 : Orthopedic
  • Assoc Prof. Carl-Johan Tiderius (Lund University)
    Examples of Clinical Orthopedic Research at Lund University
  • Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Kito (Nagoya University)
    Gradual reduction using overhead traction for developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age
  • Assoc. Prof. Patrik Önnerfjord (Lund University)
    Extracellular Matrix Biology in Orthopedics
Session 5 : Neuroscience
  • Prof. Zaal Kokaia (Lund University)
    Lund Stem Cell Center and Stem Therapy- Cutting Edge Stem Cell Research in Neuroscience
  • Prof. Prof. Kenji Kadomatsu (Nagoya University)
    Roles of glycans in neuron plasticity
  • Assoc. Prof. Branko Aleksic (Nagoya University)
    Comparative genetic analysis of autism and schizophrenia: Focus on rare variants
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