名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 予防医学

2013年以降  2012年  2011年  2010年  2009年  2008年  2007年  2006年  2005年以前 

  1. Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Ito H, Wakai K, Nagata C, Mizoue T, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Tsugane S, for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Obesity and liver cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012; 42: 212-221.
  2. Sasazuki S, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Ito H, Wakai K, Nagata C, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Inoue M, Tsugane S, for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Green tea consumption and gastric cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012; 42: 335-346.
  3. Pham N M, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Ito H, Wakai K, Nagata C, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Tsugane S, for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Physical activity and colorectal cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012; 42: 2-13.
  4. Oze I, Matsuo K, Ito H, Wakai K, Nagata C, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Tsugane S, for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Cigarette smoking and esophageal cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012; 42: 63-73.
  5. Nagata C, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Wakai K, Matsuo K, Ito H, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Tsugane S, for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Breastfeeding and breast cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012; 42: 124-130.
  6. 若井建志, 小嶋雅代, 川村孝, 後藤雅史. わが国のIgA腎症の疫学的特徴. 腎と透析 2012; 72: 45-48.
  7. 若井建志. 食事改善によるがん予防をめざした介入研究. 医学のあゆみ 2012; 241: 427-432.
  8. 高田雄三, 松村耕治, 松尾洋孝, 井上寛規, 中山昌喜, 四ノ宮成祥, 藤井安宇美, 丹羽和紀, 鈴木康司, 浜島信之, 小林清. High Resolution Melting法によるABCG2遺伝子のSNPタイピング. DNA多型 2012; 20: 286-290.