
Top > Access > Tsurumai Campus Map > Medical Science Research Building 1

Medical Science Research Building 1

Medical Science Research Building 1

Floor Medical Science Research Building 1
13F Dermatology/Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery/Pediatric Surgery
12F Orthopedic Surgery/Rheumatology/Otorhinolaryngology
11F Ophthalmology/Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
10F Psychiatry・Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Neurosurgery
9F Gastroenterology and Hepatology/Nephrology/Neurology
8F Radiology/Infectious Diseases/
Department of Clinical Oncology and Chemotherapy
7F Hematology/Cardiology/
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
6F Respirology/Endocrinology and Diabetes/Geriatrics/
Institute of Innovation for Future Society
5F Obstetrics and Gynecology/Pediatrics
4F Urology/Anesthesiology
3F Gastroenterological Surgery 1/Vascular Surgery/Cardiac Surgery/Perioperative Medicine(*)
2F Gastroenterological Surgery 2/Transplantation Surgery/
Breast and Endocrine Surgery/Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
1F General Medicine/Department of Hospital Pharmacy/Convenience store
B1F Meeting Room/Hand Surgery

* Laboratories marked with an asterisk (*) represent endowed chairs