教室の研究と業績Research and Achievements


  • Banno H, Katsuno M, Suzuki K, Tanaka S, Suga N, Hashizume A, Mano T, Araki A, Watanabe H, fujimoto Y, Yamamoto M, Sobue G:
    Swallowing markers in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
    Ann Clin Transl Neurol 4(8): 534-543, 2017
  • 藤本保志:
    嚥下手術 私の術式(series11) 舌亜全摘出術後の嚥下機能改善手術・再建手術
    嚥下医学 6(2): 162-173, 2017
  • 藤本保志:
    頭頸部悪性腫瘍の疑問に答える 治療選択 認知機能に問題がある場合の治療選択について教えてください
    JOHNS 33(9): 1251-1253, 2017
  • 藤本保志:
    摂食嚥下障害リハビリテーションABC 頭頸部がん 病態に応じたリハビリテーション
    Medical Rehabilitation 212: 217-22, 2017
  • 平松真理子、藤本保志、西尾直樹、曾根三千彦:
    私の手術修練とキャリアパス 男女ともに働きやすい頭頚部外科を目指して
    頭頸部外科 27(2): 161-163, 2017
  • Iwae S, Fujii M, Hayashi R, Hasegawa Y, Fujii T, Okami K, Homma A, Onitsuka T, Kato T, Ogawa T, Terao K, Monden N, Otsuki N, Nishino H, Ota I, Fujimoto Y, Matsuura K, Matusui H, Yonezawa K, Nibu KI:
    Matched-pair analysis of patients with advanced hypopharyngeal cancer: surgery versus concomitant chemoradiotherapy
    Int J Clin Oncol 22(6): 1001-1008, 2017
  • 石濱未緒、杉浦真、福島昌浩、山本瑤子、吉田忠雄、曾根三千彦:
    耳鼻臨床 110(12): 835-843, 2017
  • Kimura K, Itoh Y, Okada T, Kubota S, kawamura M, Nakahara R, Oie Y, Kozai Y, Takase Y, Tsuzuki H, Nishio N, Hiramatsu M, Fujimoto Y, Mizutani T, Naganawa S:
    Optimized treatment strategy of radiotherapy for early glottic squamous cell carcinomas: An initial analysis
    Nagoya J Med Sci 79(3): 331-338, 2017
  • Kitoh R, Nishio SY, Ogawa K, Kanzaki S, Hato N, Sone M, fukuda S, Hara A, Ikezono T, Ishikawa K, Iwasaki S, kaga K, Kakehata S, Matsubara A, Matsunaga T, Murata T, Naito Y, Nakagawa T, Nishizaki K, Noguchi Y, Sano H, Sato H, Suzuki M, Shojaku H, Takahashi H, Takeda H, Tono T, Yamashita H, Yamasoba T, Usami SI:
    Nationwide epidemiological survey of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Japan
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s8-s16, 2017
  • Morimoto K, Yoshida T, Sugiura S, Kato M, Kato K, Teranishi M, Naganawa S, Nakashima T, Sone M:
    Endolymphatic hydrops in patients with unilateral and bilateral Meniere’s disease
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(3):23-28, 2017
  • Morita S, Fujiwara K, Fukuda A, Fukuda S, Nishio SY, Sone M et al:
    The clinical features and prognosis of mumps-associated hearing loss: a retrospective, multi-institutional investigation in Japan
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s44-s47, 2017
  • Naganawa S, Kawai H, Taoka T, Sone M:
    Improved HYDROPS: Imaging of Endolymphatic Hydrops after Intravenous Administration of Gadolinium
    Magn Reson Med Sci 16(4): 357-361, 2017
  • Naganawa S, Sone M:
    Letter to Editors: Detection of endolymphatic hydrops using traditional MR imaging sequences
    Am J Otolaryngol 38(5): 637-638, 2017
  • Nishio N, Fujimoto Y, Hiramatsu M, MaruoT, Suga K, Tsuzuki H, Mukoyama N, Shimono M, Toriyama K, Takanari K, Kamei Y, Sone M:
    Computed tomographic assessment of autologous fat injection augmentation for vocal fold paralysis
    Laryngoscope Investing Otolaryngol 2(6): 459-465, 2017
  • Okazaki Y,Yoshida T,Sugimoto S, Teranishi M,Kato K,Naganawa S, Sone M: Significance of Endolymphatic Hydrops in Ears With Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
    Otol Neurotol 38(8): 1076-1080, 2017
  • Okada M, Hato N, Nishio SY, Kitoh R, Ogawa K, Kanzaki S, Sone M, et al:
    The effect of initial treatment on hearing prognosis in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a nationwide survey in Japan
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s30-s33, 2017
  • Sato H, Kuwashima S, Nishio SY, Kitoh R, Sone M, et al:
    Epidemiological survey of acute low-tone sensorineural hearing loss
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s34-s37, 2017
  • Sone M, Yoshida T, Sugimoto S, Morimoto K, Okazaki Y, Teranishi M, Naganawa S, Nakashima T:
    Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of endolymphatic hydrops and post-operative findings in cases with otosclerosis
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(3):242-245,2017
  • Sone M:
    Inner ear disturbances related to middle ear inflammation
    Nagoya J Med Sci 79(1):1-7,2017
  • 曾根三千彦:
    耳鼻咽喉科臨床 110(5): 307-312, 2017
  • 曾根三千彦:
    画像診断up to date 耳科領域の画像診断 MRI評価を中心に
    日耳鼻会報 120(10): 1219-1223, 2017
  • 曾根三千彦:
    内リンパ水腫とその病態 -メニエール病とその周辺疾患-, Otology Japan 27(1):57-59, 2017
  • 曾根三千彦:
    めまい診療UP DATE-めまいの画像診断-
    Medical view point 38(5):3-4, 2017
  • 杉本賢文、曾根三千彦:
    耳鼻咽喉科疾患に対する生活指導・予防・セルフケア 急性感音難聴
    JOHNS 33(8): 975-976, 2017
  • Suzuki H, Kato K, Nishio M, Tamaki T, Fujimoto Y, hiramatsu M, Hanai N, Kodaira T, Itoh Y, Naganawa S, Sone M, Hasegawa Y:
    FDG-PET/CT predicts survival and lung metastasis of hypopharyngeal cancer in a multi-institutional retrospective study
    Ann Nucl Med 31(7): 514-520, 2017
  • Tagaya M, Otake H, Suzuki K, Yasuma F, Yamamoto H, Noda A, Nishimura Y, Sone M, Nakashima T, Nakata S:
    The comparison of nasal surgery and CPAP on daytime sleepiness in patients with OSAS
    Rhinology 55(3): 269-273, 2017
  • 寺西正明、曾根三千彦:
    日本甲状腺学会雑誌 8(2): 259-269, 2017
  • 寺西正明、曾根三千彦:
    めまいの画像診断 中枢性めまいと抹消性めまい 内リンパ水腫の画像診断
    Equilibrium Research 76(2): 85-92, 2017
  • Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Tanaka Y, Ohdake R, Hattori M, Kawabata K, Hara K, Ito M, Fujimoto Y, Nakatsubo D, Maesawa S, Kajita Y, Katsuno M, Sobue G:
    Early detection of speech and voice disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: a 1-year follow-up study
    J Neural Transm(Vienna) 124(12): 1547-1556, 2017
  • 内田育恵、杉浦彩子、鈴木宏和、植田広海、曾根三千彦、中島務:
    日耳鼻会報 120(7): 923-931, 2017
  • Umesawa M, Kobashi G, Kitoh R, Nishio SY, Ogawa K, Hato N, Sone M, Fukuda S, Hara A, Ikezono T, et al:
    Relationships among drinking and smoking habits, history of diseases, body mass index and idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Japanese patients
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s17-s23, 2017
  • Yoshida T, Sone M,Kitoh R, Nishio SY, Ogawa K, Kanzaki S, Hato N, Fukuda S, Hara A, Ikezono T, Ishikawa K, Iwasaki S, Kaga K, Kakehata S, Matsubara A, Matsunaga T, Murata T, Naito Y, Nakagawa T, Nishizaki K, Noguchi Y, Sano H, sato H, Suzuki M, Shojaku H, Takahashi H, Takeda H, Tono T, Yamashita H, Yamasoba T, Usami SI:
    Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and acute low-tone sensorineural hearing loss: a comparison of the results of a nationwide epidemiological survey in Japan
    Acta Otolaryngol 137(supple): s38-s43, 2017
  • Yokota T, Ogawa T, Takahashi S, Okami K, Fujii T, Tanaka K, Iwae S, Ota I, Ueda T, Monden N, Matsuura K, Kojima H, Ueda S, Sasaki K, fujimoto Y, Hasegawa Y, Beppu T, Nishimori H, Hirano S, Naka Y, Matsushima Y, Fujii M, Tahara M:
    Efficacy and safety of rebamipide liquid for chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer. A multicenter, radomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group phase II study
    BMC Cancer 17(1):314, 2017



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