教室の研究と業績Research and Achievements



  • Miyata S, Otake H, Ando M, Okuda M, Fujishiro H, Iwamoto K, Noda A, Sone M, Ozaki N: Patient characteristics affecting accurate detection of sleep apnea using a bed sheet-type portable monitorSleep Breath 24(2): 783-790, 2020 Jun


  • Katayama N, Kondo S, Goto S, Kinoshita W, Nakayama Y, Nakada T, Sugimoto N, Teranishi M, Sone N, Fujimoto Y, Otake H, Suzuki H, Nakata S, Nakashima T:
    Odor and salt taste identification on older adults: evidence from the Yakumo study in August 2014
    J Hum Virol Retrovirology 7: 10-11, 2019
  • Katayama N, Kondo S, Nakayama Y, Nakada T, Nakasa T, Goto S, Sugimoto N, Kinoshita W, Teranishi M, Sone M, Fujimoto Y, Otake H, Suzuki H, Nakata S, Nakashima T, Kondo K, Miwa T:
    The olfactometry results for ten years (2009-2018) in the Yakumo Study by using the odor stick identification test
    Advances in neutrition and food science, 2019
  • Katayama N, Kondo S, Nakayama Y, Nakada T, Sugimoto N, Teranishi M, Sone N, Fujimoto Y, Otake H, Suzuki H, Nakata S, Nakashima T, Kondo K, Miwa T:
    Age and gender differences in the recognition of 12 different odors results for ten years (2009-2018) in the Yakumo Study
    Advances in neutrition and food science, 2019
  • Miyata S, Otake H, Ando M, Okuda M, Fujishiro H, Iwamoto K, Noda A, Sone M, Ozaki N:
    Patient characteristics affecting accurate detection of sleep apnea using a bed sheet-type portable monitor
    Sleep Breath, 2019
  • 曾根三千彦:
    咽喉頭逆流の病態: 咽頭・中耳への影響
    ENTONI, 全日本病院出版会 238: 25-29, 2019



  • Tagaya M, Otake H, Suzuki K, Yasuma F, Yamamoto H, Noda A, Nishimura Y, Sone M, Nakashima T, Nakata S:
    The comparison of nasal surgery and CPAP on daytime sleepiness in patients with OSAS
    Rhinology 55(3): 269-273, 2017



  • 曾根三千彦:
    JOHNS 31: 1338-1339, 2015



  • Hara Y, Noda A, Miyata S, Otake H, Yasuda Y, Okuda M, Koike Y, Nakata S, Nakashima T:
    Comparison of oxygen desaturation patterns in children and adults with sleep-disordered breathing
    Am J Otolaryngol 34: 537-540, 2013
  • 宮田聖子、野田明子、大竹宏直:
    技師のためのPSG Q&A( 第21回)心房細動と睡眠呼吸障害(Q&A)
    睡眠医療 7: 272-275, 2013
  • 曾根三千彦:
    Medicina 50: 807-809, 2013



  • Sone M, Katayama N, Kato T, Izawa K, Wada M, Hamajima N, Nakashima T:
    Prevalence of laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms: comparion between health check yp exmaminees and patients with otitis media
    Otolayrngol Head Neck Surg 146: 562-566, 2012
  • Nakazaki C, Noda A, Yasuda Y, Nakata S, Koide Y, Yasuma F, Murohara T, Nakashima T:
    Continuous positive airway pressure intolerance associated with elevated nasal resistance is possible mechanism of complex sleep apnea syndrome
    Sleep Breath 16: 747-752, 2012
  • Tagaya M, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Mitchell RB, Sasaki F, Miyazaki S, Morinaga M, Otake H, Teranishi M, Nakashima T:
    Children with severe or moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome show a high incidence of persistence after adnotonsillectomy
    Acta Otolaryngol 132: 1208-1214, 2012
  • Tagaya M, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Miyazaki S, Sasaki F, Morinaga M, Suzuki K, Otake H, Nakashima T:
    Relationship between adenoid size and severity of obstructive sleep apnea in preschool children
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 76: 1827-1830, 2012



  • Gotoh K, Ito Y, Maruo S, Takada K, Mizuno T, Teranishi M, Nakata S, Nakashima T, Iwata S, Goshima F, Nakamura S, Kimura H:
    Replication of Epstein-Barr virus primary infection in human tonsil tissue explants
    PLoS One 6: e25490, 2011
  • Kimura Y, Suzuki D, Tokunaga T, Takabayashi T, Yamada T, Wakisaka N, Yoshizaki T, Murata H, Miwa K, Shoujaku H, Watanabe Y, Yamada N, Ito Y, Yuta A, Takeuchi K, Hosokawa S, Mineta H, Hasegawa Y, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T, Fujieda S:
    Epidemiological analysis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the central region of Japan during the period from 1996 to 2005
    Auris Nasus Larynx. 238: 244-9, 2011
  • Otake M, Miyata S, Noda A, Koike Y, Hara Y, Sugiura M, Minoshima M, Kojima J, Nakata S, Nakashima T:
    Monitoring sleep-wake rhythm with actigraphy in patients on continuous positive airway pressure therapy:
    Respiration 82: 136-141, 2011
  • Tagaya M, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Noda A, Hamajima N, Katayama N, Otake H, Teranishi M, Nakshima T:
    Morphological features of elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnoea sydrome: a prespective controlled comparative cohort study
    Clin Otolaryngol 36: 139-146, 2011
  • 大竹宏直、中田誠一、加藤賢史、森永麻美、多賀谷満彦、寺西正明、中島務:
    耳展 54: 369-371, 2011
  • 中田誠一、西村洋一、加藤一郎、中島真幸、藤澤利行、鈴木賢二、八木英仁、森永麻美、多賀谷満彦、中島務:
    睡眠医療 5: 177-182, 2011



  • 藤本保志、中島務:
    耳鼻咽喉科領域の新しい診療機器: FICE
    JOHNS 26: 883-886, 2010
  • Kimura Y, Suzuki D, Tokunaga T, Takabayashi T, Yamada T, Wakisaka N, Yoshizaki T, Murata H, Miwa K, Shoujaku H, Watanabe Y, Yamada N, Ito Y, Yuta A, Takeuchi K, Hosokawa S, Mineta H, Hasegawa Y, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T, Fujieda S:
    Epidemiological analysis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the central region of Japan during the period from 1996 to 2005
    Auris Nasus Larynx 38: 244-249, 2010
  • Tagaya M, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Noda A, Morinaga M, Yagi H, Sugiura M, Teranishi M, Nakashima T:
    Pathogenetic role of increased nasal resistance in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Am J Rhinol Allergy 24: 51-54, 2010



  • Morinaga M, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Noda A, Yagi H, Tagaya M, Sugiura M, Teranishi M, Nakashima T:
    Pharyngeal morphology: a determinant of successful nasal surgery for sleep apnea
    Laryngoscope 119: 1011-1016, 2009
  • Soga T, Nakata S, Yasuma F, Noda A, Sugiura T, Yatsuya H, Koike Y, Ozaki N, Nakashima T:
    Upper airway morphology in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome:dffects of lateral positioning
    Auris Nasus Larynx 36: 305-309, 2009
  • Sukegawa M, Noda A, Yasuda Y, Nakata S, Sugiura T, Miyata S, Honda K, Hasegawa Y, Nakashima T, Koike Y:
    Impact of microarousal associated with increased negative esophageal pressure in slee-disordered breathing
    Sleep Breath 13: 369-373, 2009
  • Yagi H, Nakata S, Tsuge H, Yasuma F, Noda A, Morinaga M, Tagaya M, Nakashima T:
    Morphological examination of upper airway in obstructive sleep apnea
    Auris Nasus Larynx 36: 444-449, 2009
  • Yagi H, Nakata S, Tsuge H, Yasuma F, Noda A, Morinaga M, Tagaya M, Nakashima T:
    Significance of a screening device (Apnomonitor 5) for sleep apnea syndrome
    Auris Nasus Larynx 36: 176-180, 2009



  • Nakata S, Noda A, Yasuma F, Morinaga M, Sugiura M, Katayama N, Sawaki M, Teranishi M, Nakashima T:
    Effects of nasal surgery on sleep quality in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with nasal obstruction
    Am J Rhinol 22(1): 59-63, 2008
  • Noda A, Nakata S, Fukatsu H, Yasuda Y, Miyao E, Miyata S, Yasuma F, Murohara T, Yokota M, Koike Y:
    Aortic prerssure augmentation as amarker of cardiovascular risk in obstructive slelep apnea syndrome
    Hypertens Res 31: 1109-1114, 2008
  • 中田誠一、宮崎総一郎:
    耳喉頭頸 80:161-166, 2008
  • 中田誠一、宮崎総一郎:
    治療 90: 24-25, 2008
  • 中田誠一:
    口咽科 20: 181-184, 2008
  • 中田誠一:
    日本臨床 66: 404-409, 2008
  • 中田誠一:
    検査と技術 36: 1066-1072, 2008
  • 中田誠一:
    ENTONI 88: 43-49, 2008



  • Fujimoto Y, Hasegawa Y, Yamada H, Ando A, Nakashima T:
    Swallowing function following extensive resection of oral or oropharyngeal cancer with laryngeal suspension and cricopharyngeal myotomy
    Laryngoscope 117: 1343-1348, 2007
  • Miyata S, Noda A, Honda K, Nakata S, Suzuki K, Nakashima T, Koide Y:
    Follow-up for patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using a portable recording device
    Nagoya J Med Sci 69: 37-43, 2007
  • Miyata S, Noda A, Nakata S, Yagi H, Yanagi E, Honda K, Sugiura T, Nakai S, Nakashima T, Koike Y:
    Daytime polysomnography for early diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspected sleep disordered breathing
    Sleep Breath 11: 109-115, 2007
  • Nakata S, Miyazaki S, Ohki M, Morinaga M, Noda A, Sugiura T, Sugiura M, Teranishi M, Katayama N, Nakashima T:
    Reduced nasal resistance after simple tonsillectomy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
    Am J Rhinol 21: 192-195, 2007
  • Noda A, Izawa H, Asano H, Nakata S, Hirashiki A, Murase Y, Iino S, Nagata K, Murohara T, Koike Y, Yokota M:
    Beneficial effect of bilevel positive airway pressure on left ventiricular function in ambulatory patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and central sleep apnea-hypopnea: a preliminary study
    Chest 131: 1694-1701, 2007
  • Noda A, Nakata S, Koike Y, Miyata S, Kitaichi K, Nishizawa T, Nagata K, Yasuma F, Murohara T, Yokota M:
    Continuous positive airway pressure improves daytime baroreflex sensitivity and nitric oxide production in patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Hypertens Res 30: 669-676, 2007
  • Sugiura T, Noda A, Nakata S, Yasuda Y, Soga T, Miyata S, Nakai S, Koike Y:
    Influence of nasal resistance on initial acceptance of continuous positive airway pressure in treatment for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Respiration 74: 56-60, 2007
  • 安間文彦、野口雅弘、酒井素子、久留 聡、田中信彦、白石弘樹、柴田 玲、中田誠一、早野順一朗、川村孝:
    日本呼吸ケアリハビリテーション学会誌 17: 171-174, 2007
  • 安間文彦、野田明子、中田誠一、西澤孝夫、柴田玲、室原豊明:
    呼吸と循環 55: 769-776, 2007



  • Nakata S, Noda A, Yanagi E, Suzuki K, Yamamoto H, Nakashima T:
    Tonsil size and body mass index are important factors for efficacy of simple tonsillectomy in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
    Clin Otolaryngol 31: 41-45, 2006
  • 中田誠一、宮崎総一郎:
    JOHNS 22: 775-779, 2006



  • Nakata S, Noda A, Misawa H, Yanagi E, Yagi H, Nakashima T:
    Obstructive sleep apnea associated with congenital choanal atresia
    J Laryngol Otol 119: 209-211, 2005
  • Nakata S, Noda A, Yagi H, Yanagi E, Mimura T, Okada T, Misawa H, Nakashima T:
    Nasal resistance for determinant factor of nasal surgery in CPAP failure patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Rhinology 44: 296-299, 2005
  • Sukegawa M, Noda A, Sugiura T, Nakata S, Yoshizaki S, Soga T, Yasuda Y, Iwayama N, Nakai S, Koike Y:
    Assessment of continuous positive airway pressure treatment in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using 24-urinary catecholamines
    Clin Cardiol 28: 519-522, 2005



  • Nakata S, Noda A, Yagi H, Yanagi E, Suzuki K, Misawa H, Koike Y, Nakashima T:
    Effects of nasal obstruction on continuous positive airway pressure treatments in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Sleep Biol Rhythms 2: 89-91, 2004
  • 中田誠一、川野一弘、大木幹文、宮崎総一郎、岡本牧人、内藤健晴、野中聡、樋上茂、竹内裕美、千葉伸太郎、竹内万彦、間島雄一:
    日鼻誌 43: 391-395, 2004
  • 中田誠一、野田明子、中島務:
    現代医学 51: 365-371, 2004
  • 藤本保志、中島務:
    JOHNS 20: 1368-1370, 2004



  • Kohmura T, Hasegawa Y, Matsuura H, Terada A, Takahashi M, Nakashima T:
    Clinical analysis of multiple primary malignancies of the hypopharynx and esophagus.
    Am J Otolaryngol 22: 107-110, 2001
  • 藤本保志、長谷川泰久:
    JOHNS 17: 591-595, 2001



  • 古田敏章、山本潤、曾根三千彦:
    カルシトニン抗体陽性を示した下咽頭梨状 の一例
    トヨタ医報 10:32-35, 2000
  • Misawa H, Iwagaki T, Ohmori Y:
    Low-dose long-term macrolide therapy for foreign body sensation in the throat.in New Considerations for Macrolides, Azalides, Streptogramins, and Ketolides eds;
    S. H. Zinner, L.S. Young, pp635-639 Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000



  • Kohmura T, Hasegawa Y, Ogawa T, Matsuura H, Takahashi M, Yanagita N, Nakashima T:
    Cyclin D1 and p53 overexpression predicts multiple primary malignant neoplasms of the hypopharynx and esophagus.
    Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 125: 1351-1354, 1999



  • 奥村耕司、藤本保志、長谷川泰久、松浦秀博、中山敏、甲村秀博、小川徹也、寺田聡広、松塚崇:
    日耳鼻 101: 573-577, 1998
  • 三澤逸人、大森ゆかり、岩垣俊憲:
    口腔・咽頭科 11: 393-403, 1998
  • 藤本保志、長谷川泰久、中山敏、松浦秀博:
    JOHNS 14: 1749-1752, 1998



  • 伊藤麻子、荒尾はるみ、別府玲子、内木幹人、中島務、柳田則之:
    耳鼻臨床 90: 657-663, 1997
  • 高橋正克、柘植勇人:
    JOHNS 13: 1329-1333, 1997



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