教室の研究と業績Research and Achievements



  • Nishio N, Hiramatsu M, Goto Y, Shindo Y, Yamamoto T, Jingushi N, Wakahara K, Sone M: Surgical Strategy and Optimal Timing of Tracheostomy in Patients with COVID-19: Early Experiences in Japan Auris Nasus Larynx 48(3): 518-524, 2021


  • Hiramatsu M, Nishio N, Ozaki M, Shindo Y, Suzuki K, Yamamoto T, Fujimoto Y, Sone M: Anesthetic and surgical management of tracheostomy in a patient with COVID-19 Auris Nasus Larynx 47: 472-476, 2020


  • 石濱未緒、杉浦真、福島昌浩、山本瑤子、吉田忠雄、曾根三千彦:
    耳鼻臨床 110(12): 835-843, 2017



  • Nishio N, Fujimoto Y, Suga K, Iwata Y, Toriyama K, Takanari K, Kamei Y, Yamamoto T, Goto M:
    Autologous fat infection therapy including high concentration of adipose-derived regenerative cells in a vocal fold paralysis model
    J Layrngol Otol 130: 914-922, 2016



  • 曾根三千彦:
    JOHNS 31: 1338-1339, 2015
  • Tanaka Y, Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Kajita Y, Fujimoto Y, Ohdake R, Yoneyama N, Masuda M, Hara K, Senda J, Ito M, Atsuta N, Horiguchi S, Yamamoto M, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G:
    Voice features of Parkinson’s disease patients with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation
    J Neuro l 262: 1173-1181, 2015
  • Tsuboi T, Watanabe H, Tanaka Y, Ohdake R, Yoneyama N, Hara K, Ito M, Hirayama M, Yamamoto M, Fujimoto Y, Kajita Y, Wakabayashi T, Sobue G:
    Characteristic laryngoscopic findings in Parkinson’s disease patients after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation and its correlat ion with voice disorder
    J Neural Transmission 122: 1663-1672, 2015



  • Sone M, Yoshida T, Otake H, Kato K. Teranishi M, Naganawa S, Nakashima T:
    Evaluation of vascular activity in otosclerosis by laser Doppler flowmetry:comparison with computed tomoprahic densitometry
    Otol Neurotol 34: 1559-1563, 2013
  • 曾根三千彦:
    Medicina 50: 807-809, 2013



  • Hirasawa N, Itoh Y, Ishihara S, Kubota S, Itoh J, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T, Naganawa S:
    Radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy forpatients with T1-T2 glottic carcinoma: retrospective analysis
    Head Neck Oncol 2: 20, 2010
  • Ozawa K, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T:
    Changes in laryngeal sensation evaluated with a new method before and after radiotherapy
    Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 267: 811-816, 2010
  • 藤本保志、中島務:
    耳鼻咽喉科領域の新しい診療機器: FICE
    JOHNS 26: 883-886, 2010
  • 藤本保志:
    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会専門医通信 102: 10-11, 2010



  • Ozawa K, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T:
    Changes in laryngeal sensation evaluated with a new method before and after radiotherapy
    Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 267 811-816, 2009



  • 藤本保志、岩田義弘、小澤喜久子、安藤篤、三宅真理子、中島務:
    喉頭 19: 70-74, 2007



  • Sone M, Sato E, Hayashi H, Fujimoto Y, Nakashima T:
    Vascular evaluation in laryngeal diseases: comparison between contact endoscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry
    Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 132: 1371-1374, 2006
  • Sone M, Uchida Y, Tominaga M, Sugiura S, Nagasaka T, Nakashima T:
    Small cell carcinoma of the larynx treated with iriotecan and cisplatin
    Auris Nasus Larynx 33: 223-225, 2006
  • Tominaga M, Yamamoto H, Sone M, Teranishi MA, Nakashima T:
    Response of cochlear blood flow to prostaglandin E1 applied topically to the round window
    Acta Otolarygol 126: 232-236, 2006
  • 杉浦淳子、藤本保志、中島務:
    喉頭半切 亜全摘術施行例における嚥下動態の経時的変化
    耳鼻 52: s53-58, 2006



  • 曾根三千彦:
    喉頭 17: 80-83, 2005



  • Nakashima T, Hattori T, Sone M, Sato E, Tominaga M, Sugiura M:
    Blood flow in the ears of patients receiving cochlear implants
    Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol 113: 426-430, 2004
  • Sone M, Hayashi H, Tominaga M,Nakashima T
    Changes in cochlear blood flow due to endotoxin-induced otitis media
    Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 113: 450-454, 2004



  • Nakashima T, Hattori T, Sone M,Sato E, Tominaga M:
    Blood flow measurements in the ears of patients receiving cochlear implants
    Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111: 998-1001, 2002
  • Nakashima T, Ueda H, Misawa H, Suzuki T, Tominaga M, Ito A, Numata S,Kasai K, Asahi K, Vernon JA, Meikle MB:
    Transmeatal low-power laser irradiation for tinnitus.
    Otol Neurotol 23: 296-300, 2002
  • 中田誠一、杉浦彩子、中島務:
    Facial Nerve Res 22: 96-98, 2002



  • 中田誠一、中島務:
    Facial N Res Jpn 21: 89-91, 2001



  • Misawa H, Iwagaki T, Ohmori Y:
    Low-dose long-term macrolide therapy for foreign body sensation in the throat.in New Considerations for Macrolides, Azalides, Streptogramins, and Ketolides eds;
    S. H. Zinner, L.S. Young, pp635-639 Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000
  • 三澤逸人、中島務:
    耳鼻臨床 93: 599-606, 1999



  • Sone M, Nakashima T, Nagasaka T, Ito A, Yanagita N:
    Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the larynx as sociated with an Epstein-Barr viral infection
    Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 119: 134-137, 1998



  • Ito A, Sone M, Kitamura Y, Fukuta S, Nakashima T, Yanagita N:
    A case of pleomorphic adenoma of the epiglottis Bilateral vocal-cord paralysis after YAG laser surgery
    Auris Nasus Larynx24: 303-307, 1997
  • 内田育恵、久野佳也夫、中島務、柳田則之:
    小児耳鼻咽喉科 18: 17, 1997



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