About Nagoya University Hospital

About Nagoya University Hospital


Status and Statistics

Number of Beds

As of April 1, 2023

Number of Beds
Type Number of Beds Nurse Allocation
General 1,030 7 to1
Psychiatric 50 7 to1
Total 1,080

Statistics in Fiscal Year 2022

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Clinical Indicators

Business management
Category Fiscal year 2022
1 Number of Healthcare Providers 2,352
2 Number of Beds 1,080
3 Bed Utilization Rate 73.78%
4 Average Number of Days of Hospitalization 11.58days
5 Number of Outpatients 512,199
6 Inpatient Medical Fee per Unit 101,766
7 Outpatient Medical Fee per Unit 24,942
8 Percentage of Medical Supplies 15.60%
9 Percentage of Drugs 24.50%
10 Insurance Rejection Rate 0.61%
11 Pharmaceutical Consults (fees coverd by insurance) 25,713
12 Use of Generic Drugs 5.59%
13 Incoming Referral Rate 73.32%
14 Outgoing Referral Rate 79.08%
Medical services (advanced medicine)
Category (FY 2013)
1 Total number of operations 8,521
2 Number of general anesthesia cases 5,724
3 Number of patients of NICU 205
4 Rate of radiologist's CT/MRI reading reports finished before the following working day 91.43%
5 Rate of radiologist's nuclear scan reading reports finished before the following working day 81.59%
6 Number of drug management guidance services billed 28,108
7 Number of outpatients receiving chemotherapy 7,742
8 Number of aseptic processing services of drugs billed 27,272
  • The clinical indexes are selected from the "evaluation indexes of efforts by national university hospitals" compiled by the National University Hospital Council of Japan.
  • The number of healthcare providers is the figure as of May 1, 2013. Part-time staff members are converted to full-time staff members.
  • The number of beds is the figure as of March 31, 2014.
  • The total number of operations is calculated using the medical coding system.

As of April 1, 2014

Numbers of Insurance-Covered Surgical Procedures Performed

Surgery Listed in General Rules for Surgery 5 and 6 of the Medical Fee Points List, Chapter 2, Part 10
Number of procedures performed during the year Jan-Dec 2014 (as of May 12, 2014)

Intracranial tumor resection, etc....183
Submacular surgery, etc. ...763
Tympanoplasty, etc. ...70
Lung cancer surgery, etc. ...264
Percuatenous catheter cardiac ablation ...503
Torn ligament reconstruction surgery, etc. ...41
Hydrocephalus surgery, etc. ...170
Nasal sinus cancer surgery, etc. ...1
Urethroplasty, etc. ...163
Corneal transplantation, etc. ...1
Hepatectomy, etc. ...244
Uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancer surgery, etc. ...51
Maxilloplasty, etc. ...39
Maxillary cancer surgery, etc. ...41
Total (subtotal) thyroidectomy for Graves' disease (bilateral lobes) ...3
Pollicization, etc. ...27
Club foot surgery, etc. ...4
Esophageal bypass surgery, etc. ...75
Allogeneic kidney transplantation, etc. ...19
Surgeries using thoracoscopy or laparoscopy ...661
Artificial joint replacement ...129
Surgery covered by infant surgery facilities standards ...26
Pacemaker implantation and replacement ...76
Coronary artery bypass grafts and surgery requiring extracorporeal circulation ...362
Percutaneous transluminal coronary intervention (PCI) ...187
 Acute myocardial infarction ...41
 Unstable angina ...48
 Others ...98
Percutaneous transluminal coronary artery stent placement ...172
 Acute myocardial infarction ...34
 Unstable angina ...45
 Others ...93