Enhancement of the quality of stroke care
The department endeavours to link together with medical institutions in the Tokai region using information technology and establishing stroke association medical care centering on the patients and citizens.
The doctor in charge of stroke medical care plays a central role in establishing new diagnostic and treatment methods for stroke, strengthens coordination with the nursing field, and furthers construction of an integrated home healthcare/welfare (nursing care) network for community benefits.
The center developed the standardization of medical information on an electronic basis (HL7, CDA, DICOM) and the technology of sharing (XDS) technology intended for the stroke medical field to demonstrate the effectiveness of the stroke association medical care system as a first in Japan. In addition, the center is using these technologies to build a comprehensive network of healthcare/welfare (nursing) that seamlessly combines medical care and nursing, and is promoting its implementation in the Aichi Prefecture area.
The ICT infrastructure for regional medical cooperation and comprehensive integrated care established by this center has been introduced in 70 municipalities, mainly in Aichi Prefecture. In FY2022, approximately 19,000 professionals (medical care, nursing care, welfare, administration, etc.) participated and over 32,000 patients are registered.