Aiming for advanced treatment of congenital heart disease
In the Nagoya University Hospital, we began to provide medical treatment in 2022 with the aim of delivering more advanced and comprehensive pediatric medical care.
Pediatricians and cardiac surgeons who specialize in congenital heart diseases will directly provide medical care. Furthermore, they will work closely with anesthesiologists, intensivists, neonatologists, and obstetricians. By taking advantage of the university hospital, we can provide multidisciplinary treatment.
The launch of the center was delayed due to the COVID-19 disaster, and in 2023, Dr. Hajime Sakurai was appointed as Clinical Professor and Dr. Naoki Ohashi as Associate Professor at the Pediatric Heart Center. In April, we started surgery cases such as ventricular septal defects and adult congenital heart disease . Gradually, we plan to expand the treatment of severe cases and complex cardiac diseases in neonates.
Pediatric cardiologists will perform outpatient diagnosis and medical treatment, if necessary, from the fetal period. If indicated, the pediatricians shall also provide catheterization, while the pediatric cardiac surgeons will provide surgical treatment. During surgery, pediatric anesthesiologists will manage the patients. After surgery, intensivists will manage them. After the acute phase, pediatric cardiologists will continue to follow-up with the patients.