Experience Reports (International Research Students) | 2014

Nagoya University Medical School Research Exchange

Kimberley Evans
University of Adelaide - Australia
Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis
Period of Stay: 2014/6/8 - 2014/6/21

My experience with Nagoya University while short, was fantastic. My fellow student, Sophia, and I were warmly welcomed into the University and Professor Takahashi’s laboratory, and experienced a full schedule for our two week exchange. Coming from a laboratory with a focus on myeloma blood and bone cancer it was a good opportunity to experience a new type of cancer research in Professor Takahashi’s laboratory. We were fortunate to work alongside our mentors Sebastian and Lisa who enabled us to take part in learning many new laboratory techniques and skills. A visit to the ITBM with Dr. Aleksic and having a chance to share our research with fellow students also added to our trip. The experiences I was able to take part in, in Nagoya have made me more confident, knowledgeable and determined toward my future in medical research.

Experience Report

Sophia Moraitis
Myeloma Research Laboratory, Discipline of Physiology, School of Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide - Australia
Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis
Period of Stay: 2014/6/9 - 2014/6/20

I attended Nagoya University whilst an Honours Student in Medical Sciences, along with fellow student Kimberley, as New Colombo Grant Recipients. During out time at Nagoya University, we met a number of wonderful researchers and gained access to many impressive facilities. Our time was divided between laboratory work, attending research seminars and viewing first-hand the impressive facilities that Nagoya University has to offer. The calibre of researchers which have passed through the walls of Nagoya University throughout its history is outstanding, and directly reflects its current status as world class research facility.

Working daily under the supervision of a Sebastian and Lisa, PhD students, and gaining access to the facilities (mass spectrometry machinery, chemical/engineering machinery, biological imaging machinery, ITBM) Nagoya University has to offer, as well as learning new techniques, has proven to be invaluable to our future careers. We had the opportunity to participate in laboratory meetings and reading circles as well as present our own research internationally.

And not to mention; whilst Nagoya University is impressive, Nagoya itself is a beautiful city. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Nagoya University and look forward to returning one day. I sincerely thank Branko Aleksic, Takashi Takahashi, Sebastian and Lisa for making my time enjoyable and for the wonderful memories.