VOLUME 29 NUMBER 2 December 1966
Current Issue
ISSN 2186-3326
(Online ISSN)
ISSN 0027-7622
(Print ISSN--v.72no.3/4)
Electromyographic Analysis in Spinal Progressive Muscular Atrophy, Juvenile Unilateral Muscular Atrophy, Neural Progressive Muscular Atrophy and Myeloradiculoneuritis
pg(s) 105 - 117
Recently, as diagnostic aids of neurological science, not only electromyography but also other techniques such as motor nerve conduction velocity, evoked potentials and strength-duration curve have been performed. In this paper, the first, the standard value of conduction velocities and the critical value of reduced conduction velocities in pathologic condition were discussed, because the problems of the values have not been determined with constancy yet. The second, apply- ing four procedures to spinal progressive muscular atrophy, juvenile unilateral muscular atrophy, neural progressive muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) and myeloradiculoneuritis. mutual interrelation of the measured values was studied and discussed the parallelism to clinical sigh and symptom with the disease. In combination of electromyography with subjective and qualitative ex- press;on and the other techniques with objective or numerical expression, the pathognomy of the cases could be assumed and, too, the course of the diseases in repeating the procedures frequently.
Blood Coagulation Studies of Various Hematological Disorders
pg(s) 119 - 128
Studies on blood coagulation were performed in the patients with hematopoietic disorders. Two hundred and twenty-three patients were investigated, consisting of 100 cases of leukemia, 36 of aplastic anemia, 7 of iron deficiency anemia and 80 of primary hemorrhagic diseases. The last consisted of 15 cases of purpura simplex, 32 of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, 25 of hemophilia A and 8 of hemophilia B.
In each hemorrhagic disease there were found some differences among the characterisitic features of coagulation defects and also between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic states.
In general platelet counts ranging from 30,000/cu. mm to 60,000/cu. mm could be considered to be the critical zone for manifesting hemorrhages in leukemia, aplastic anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Functions of platelets were disturbed in some hemorrhagic diseases, and life span of platelets was shorten in many hematopoietic diseases. In studies on fibrinolysis there were noted increased activity of fibrinolysis in many cases, but no significant relationship was observed between increase of various factors of fibrinolytic activity and hemorrhagic manifestions.
There were performed analysis of the etiological factors that were classified into 5 elements of the blood vessel, platelet, clotting factors, anticoagulants and fibrinolysis. The combined abnormality of more than three elements were frequently seen in the bleeding states, than in the non-bleeding cases.
In each hemorrhagic disease there were found some differences among the characterisitic features of coagulation defects and also between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic states.
In general platelet counts ranging from 30,000/cu. mm to 60,000/cu. mm could be considered to be the critical zone for manifesting hemorrhages in leukemia, aplastic anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Functions of platelets were disturbed in some hemorrhagic diseases, and life span of platelets was shorten in many hematopoietic diseases. In studies on fibrinolysis there were noted increased activity of fibrinolysis in many cases, but no significant relationship was observed between increase of various factors of fibrinolytic activity and hemorrhagic manifestions.
There were performed analysis of the etiological factors that were classified into 5 elements of the blood vessel, platelet, clotting factors, anticoagulants and fibrinolysis. The combined abnormality of more than three elements were frequently seen in the bleeding states, than in the non-bleeding cases.
Studies on Transplantation of Bone Marrow and Spleen Cells
pg(s) 129 - 138
Effects of Insulin, Histamine and Vasopressin on Pituitaryadrenocortical Secretion with or without Dexamethasone Pretreatment
pg(s) 139 - 154
Adrenal venous 17-hydroxycorticosteroid (17-0HCS) output in response to insulin, histamine and synthetic lysine vasopressin (L-8-V) intravenous administration was determined in nembutal-anesthetized and adrenal-vein cannulated dogs. Dexamethasone pretreatment prevented the adrenal cortical activation provoked by insulin. But when the doses of insulin were increased adrenal cortical response appeared, whereas the larger doses of dexamethasone pretreatment suppressed the adrenal cortical response caused by the increased doses of insulin administration. The quantitative correlationship between the intensity of stress which was represented by the amount of insulin administered and the amount 6f corticosteroids needed for blocking the stress-induced adrenal cortical activation was observed. Such correlation was also observed between histamine-induced adrenal cortical activation and dexamethasone pretreatment. In hypophysectomized dogs, neither insulin nor histamine could cause adrenal cortical response. On the other hand, dexamethasone pretraetment did not prevent the adrenal cortical activation caused by L-8·V administration, but only the shortening of re- sponding time was observed. L-8-V infused in hypophysectomized dogs did not cause appreciable adrenal cortical activation except for some minimal rise in 17- 0HCS output. The enormous doses of dexamethasone did seemingly suppress the adrenal cortical activation caused by less doses of L-8-V. This suggests that massive doses of glucocorticoids might affect pituitary itself.
Investigation of the Cardiovascular Action of Sympathetic Amines Using Two Kinds of Strain Gauge Instrument
pg(s) 155 - 165
Effects of Ethyl Linoleate on Chronic Liver Diseases with Special Reference to Lipid Metabolism
pg(s) 167 - 189