名古屋大学大学院 医学系研究科 機能構築医学専攻 機能組織学




  • Nakagomi S, Suzuki Y, Namikawa K, Kiryu-Seo S, Kiyama H (2003) Expression of the Activating transcription factor 3 prevents c-Jun N-terminal kinase-induced neuronal death by promoting heat shock protein 27 expression and Akt activation J Neurosci 23 (12): 5187-5196
  • Osaka H, Wang YL, Takada K, Takizawa S, Setsuie R, Li H, Sato Y, Nishikawa K, Sun YJ, Sakurai M, Harada T, Hara Y, Kimura I, Chiba S, Namikawa K, Kiyama H, Noda M, Aoki S, Wada K. (2003) Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 binds to and stabilizes monoubiquitin in neuron. Hum Mol Genet 12(16): 1945-1958
  • Kato R, Kiryu-Seo S, Sato Y, Hisasue S, Tsukamoto T, Kiyama H (2003) Cavernous nerve injury elicits GAP-43 mRNA expression but not regeneration of injured pelvic ganglion neurons. Brain Res 986(1-2): 166-173
  • Suzuki Y, Nakagomi S, Namikawa K, Kiryu-Seo S, Inagaki N, Kaibuchi K, Aizawa H, Kikuchi K, Kiyama H (2003) Collapsin Response Mediator Protein-2 accelerates axon regeneration of nerve-injured motor neurons of rat, J Neurochem 86(4): 1042-1050
  • Ohba N, Maeda M, Nakagomi S, Muraoka M, Kiyama H (2003) Biphasic expression of activating transcription factor-3 in neurons after cerebral infarction, Mol Brain Res 115(2): 147-156
  • Tokuzawa Y, Kaiho E, Maruyama M, Takahashi K, Mitsui K, Maeda M, Niwa H, Yamanaka S (2003) Fbx15 is a novel target of Oct3/4 but is dispensable for embryonic stem cell self-renewal and mouse development. Mol Cell Biol. 23(8): 2699-2708.
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