

Statistical analysis using SPSS for Windows

A basic training course for post graduate students (both PhD and Master courses) operated by Department of Preventive Medicine.

Faculties in charge: Kenji Wakai, Takashi Tamura, and Mako Nagayoshi
E-mail: wakai@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp (Kenji Wakai)
Phone: 052-744-2132 (ext. 2132)

A basic training course for postgraduate students (Japanese FY 2023)
Statistical analysis using SPSS for Windows

Credit approval(単位認定)

In this course, a credit is approved by doing practice in the text by yourself and submitting a report on designated exercises.

Office hour(オフィスアワー)

If you have questions, please visit Department of Preventive Medicine at the time listed below.
To attend the office hour is not needed for credit approval; only submitting the report is required.

Date and time
November 9, 2023 (Thursday) 18:00-20:00
November 28, 2023 (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00
December 1, 2023 (Friday) 18:00-20:00
December 19, 2023 (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00
January 10, 2024 (Wednesday) 18:00-20:00
January 15, 2024 (Monday) 18:00-20:00
Department of Preventive Medicine
(Medical Research Building 2, 6th floor)
医系研究棟2号館6階 予防医学分野

If the SPSS for Windows is not available in your laboratory...
Please download and install the software by referring to the following address. You can use it in the Tsurumai and Daiko campuses and the RIEM.
https://www.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp/intnl-h/inside/spss/ (This site is only available in Japanese.)

If you cannot install the SPSS, you can use it on PCs in our department. Please contact Kenji Wakai by e-mail at wakai@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp.

Submit a report for credit approval (in English or Japanese)

Please submit a report on the exercises 1 and 2 on page 5 of the text. You should include your name, student number and department, and answers and outputs from the SPSS software in the report. Please send your report to Ms. Sawano by e-mail at yobo-sawa@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp, or by in-house mail.
Something may be wrong if you don't receive a reply e-mail within a week. In such a case, please contact Ms. Sawano by phone (ext. 2132).

(テキスト5ページのExcersicesの回答を、SPSS出力結果とともにレポートにまとめて提出してください。レポートには、学籍番号、所属と氏名を明記し、予防医学分野の澤野 [e-mail: yobo-sawa@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp] あてにメール添付または学内便にてお送り下さい。
提出後、1週間を経過しても受領確認のメールが届かない場合は、レポートが予防医学に届いていない可能性がありますので、 澤野(内線2132)までご連絡下さい。)

Deadline for submission
February 15, 2024

Text, snapshots and data for practice

Please download and save the files by right-clicking them. Snapshots may be helpful for practice.

Note on output 1
(Task 3-1)
Note on output 2
(Task 3-2~3-7)
Note on output 3
(Task 3-8、Appendix)