1868 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu)

Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image1 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image2 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image3 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image4 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image5 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image6 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image7 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image8 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image9 Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu) Image10
Material Name Hokuetsu Jugun Juso Zuroku (Gunshot Wound Record at the Battle of Hokuetsu)
Year(Japanes Era Name) Meiji 1
Year 1868
Description This is a record made by a military surgeon in the loyalist army (AKAGAWA Genreki (1832-1903), director of Great Kashiwazaki Hospital) that pursued the former Shogunate (Hokuetsu) army in the Boshin War. British physician and diplomat William WILLIS (1837-1894) campaigned with the loyalist army at their request, following the former Shogunate (Hokuetsu) army; he dispensed British-style surgical treatment to the wounded, while giving guidance in the treatment of gunshot wounds to the inexperienced Japanese doctors. The author AKAGAWA made illustrations of the gunshot wound treatment of tens of patients being cared for, while treating them himself under WILLIS's guidance. This was the first Japanese record made of surgery done using chloroform anesthetic.
Physical Description manuscript 46P.12.3cm X 16.7cm
Material Type Document

The Dawn of Modern Medical Science Digital Archive