名古屋大学大学院 医学系研究科 機能構築医学専攻 機能組織学




  • Natividad MMJ, Hayes C, Motta J-P, Jury J, Galipeau HJ, Philip V, Rodenas CG, Kiyama H, Bercik P, and Verdu EF,
    (2013) Differential induction of antimicrobial REGIII by intestinal microbiota and Bifidobacterium breve NCC2950,
    Appl Environ Microbiol 79(24):7745-7754. (doi:10.1128/AEM.02470-13).
  • Tokizane K, Konishi H, Yasui M, Ogawa T, Sasaki K, Minamino N, Kiyama H,
    (2013) Continuous stress promotes expression of VGF in melanotroph via suppression of dopamine, Mol Cell Endocrinol 372(1-2): 49-56 (doi.org/10.1016/j.mce.2013.03.012)
  • Konishi H, Matsumoto S, Namikawa K, Kiyama H,
    (2013) N-terminal Cleaved Pancreatitis-Associated Protein-III (PAP-III) Serves as a Scaffold for Neurites and Promotes Neurite OutgrowthJ Biol Chem, 288(15):10205-13. (doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.395301)
  • Jung JY, Shin YH, Konishi H, Lee SJ, Kiyama H
    (2013) Possible ATP release through lysosomal exocytosis from primary sensory neurons,
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun430(2):488-493. (doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.12.009.) Taguchi T, Yasui M, Kubo A, Abe M, Kiyama H, Yamanaka A, Mizumura K, (2013) Nociception originating from the crural fascia in rats, Pain 154(7):1103-1114.
    (doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2013.03.017)
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